# -*- mode: python -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Gestion scolarite IUT # # Copyright (c) 1999 - 2021 Emmanuel Viennet. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Emmanuel Viennet emmanuel.viennet@viennet.net # ############################################################################## """ Common definitions """ import base64 import bisect import copy import datetime import json from hashlib import md5 import numbers import os import re import sys import six.moves._thread import time import types import six.moves.urllib.request, six.moves.urllib.parse, six.moves.urllib.error import six.moves.urllib.request, six.moves.urllib.error, six.moves.urllib.parse import xml.sax.saxutils # XML generation package (apt-get install jaxml) import jaxml try: import six STRING_TYPES = six.string_types except ImportError: # fallback for very old ScoDoc instances STRING_TYPES = bytes from PIL import Image as PILImage from flask import g, url_for from scodoc_manager import sco_mgr from config import Config from app.scodoc.SuppressAccents import suppression_diacritics from app.scodoc.notes_log import log from app.scodoc.sco_codes_parcours import NOTES_TOLERANCE, CODES_EXPL from app.scodoc import sco_exceptions from app.scodoc import VERSION # ----- TEMPORAIRE POUR MIGRATION SCODOC7 -> SCODOC8 avant python3 def sco8_join(L, sep="\n"): # sco8 return sep.join([x if not isinstance(x, str) else x.encode("utf-8") for x in L]) # ----- CALCUL ET PRESENTATION DES NOTES NOTES_PRECISION = 1e-4 # evite eventuelles erreurs d'arrondis NOTES_MIN = 0.0 # valeur minimale admise pour une note (sauf malus, dans [-20, 20]) NOTES_MAX = 1000.0 NOTES_NEUTRALISE = -1000.0 # notes non prises en comptes dans moyennes NOTES_SUPPRESS = -1001.0 # note a supprimer NOTES_ATTENTE = -1002.0 # note "en attente" (se calcule comme une note neutralisee) # Types de modules MODULE_STANDARD = 0 MODULE_MALUS = 1 MALUS_MAX = 20.0 MALUS_MIN = -20.0 APO_MISSING_CODE_STR = "----" # shown in HTML pages in place of missing code Apogée EDIT_NB_ETAPES = 6 # Nombre max de codes étapes / semestre presentés dans l'UI IT_SITUATION_MISSING_STR = ( "____" # shown on ficheEtud (devenir) in place of empty situation ) RANG_ATTENTE_STR = "(attente)" # rang affiché sur bulletins quand notes en attente # borne supérieure de chaque mention NOTES_MENTIONS_TH = ( NOTES_TOLERANCE, 7.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0 + NOTES_TOLERANCE, ) NOTES_MENTIONS_LABS = ( "Nul", "Faible", "Insuffisant", "Passable", "Assez bien", "Bien", "Très bien", "Excellent", ) EVALUATION_NORMALE = 0 EVALUATION_RATTRAPAGE = 1 EVALUATION_SESSION2 = 2 def fmt_note(val, note_max=None, keep_numeric=False): """conversion note en str pour affichage dans tables HTML ou PDF. Si keep_numeric, laisse les valeur numeriques telles quelles (pour export Excel) """ if val is None: return "ABS" if val == NOTES_NEUTRALISE: return "EXC" # excuse, note neutralise if val == NOTES_ATTENTE: return "ATT" # attente, note neutralisee if type(val) == float or type(val) == int: if note_max != None and note_max > 0: val = val * 20.0 / note_max if keep_numeric: return val else: s = "%2.2f" % round(float(val), 2) # 2 chiffres apres la virgule s = "0" * (5 - len(s)) + s # padding: 0 à gauche pour longueur 5: "12.34" return s else: return val.replace("NA0", "-") # notes sans le NA0 def fmt_coef(val): """Conversion valeur coefficient (float) en chaine""" if val < 0.01: return "%g" % val # unusually small value return "%g" % round(val, 2) def fmt_abs(val): """Conversion absences en chaine. val est une list [nb_abs_total, nb_abs_justifiees => NbAbs / Nb_justifiees """ return "%s / %s" % (val[0], val[1]) def isnumber(x): "True if x is a number (int, float, etc.)" return isinstance(x, numbers.Number) def join_words(*words): words = [str(w).strip() for w in words if w is not None] return " ".join([w for w in words if w]) def get_mention(moy): """Texte "mention" en fonction de la moyenne générale""" try: moy = float(moy) except: return "" return NOTES_MENTIONS_LABS[bisect.bisect_right(NOTES_MENTIONS_TH, moy)] class DictDefault(dict): # obsolete, use collections.defaultdict """A dictionnary with default value for all keys Each time a non existent key is requested, it is added to the dict. (used in python 2.4, can't use new __missing__ method) """ defaultvalue = 0 def __init__(self, defaultvalue=0, kv_dict={}): dict.__init__(self) self.defaultvalue = defaultvalue self.update(kv_dict) def __getitem__(self, k): if k in self: return self.get(k) value = copy.copy(self.defaultvalue) self[k] = value return value class WrapDict: """Wrap a dict so that getitem returns '' when values are None""" def __init__(self, adict, NoneValue=""): self.dict = adict self.NoneValue = NoneValue def __getitem__(self, key): value = self.dict[key] if value is None: return self.NoneValue else: return value def group_by_key(d, key): gr = DictDefault(defaultvalue=[]) for e in d: gr[e[key]].append(e) return gr # ----- Global lock for critical sections (except notes_tables caches) GSL = six.moves._thread.allocate_lock() # Global ScoDoc Lock # ----- Repertoire "var" (local) SCODOC_VAR_DIR = os.path.join(Config.INSTANCE_HOME, "var", "scodoc") # ----- Repertoire "config" modifiable # /opt/scodoc/var/scodoc/config SCODOC_CFG_DIR = os.path.join(SCODOC_VAR_DIR, "config") # ----- Version information SCODOC_VERSION_DIR = os.path.join(SCODOC_CFG_DIR, "version") # ----- Repertoire tmp SCO_TMP_DIR = os.path.join(SCODOC_VAR_DIR, "tmp") if not os.path.exists(SCO_TMP_DIR): os.mkdir(SCO_TMP_DIR, 0o755) # ----- Les logos: /opt/scodoc/var/scodoc/config/logos SCODOC_LOGOS_DIR = os.path.join(SCODOC_CFG_DIR, "logos") # Racine projet: /.../ScoDoc/ SCO_SRC_DIR = os.path.join(Config.INSTANCE_HOME, "Products", "ScoDoc") # - Les outils distribués SCO_TOOLS_DIR = os.path.join(SCO_SRC_DIR, "config") # ----- Lecture du fichier de configuration from app.scodoc import sco_config from app.scodoc import sco_config_load sco_config_load.load_local_configuration(SCODOC_CFG_DIR) CONFIG = sco_config.CONFIG if hasattr(CONFIG, "CODES_EXPL"): CODES_EXPL.update( CONFIG.CODES_EXPL ) # permet de customiser les explications de codes if CONFIG.CUSTOM_HTML_HEADER: CUSTOM_HTML_HEADER = open(CONFIG.CUSTOM_HTML_HEADER).read() else: CUSTOM_HTML_HEADER = "" if CONFIG.CUSTOM_HTML_HEADER_CNX: CUSTOM_HTML_HEADER_CNX = open(CONFIG.CUSTOM_HTML_HEADER_CNX).read() else: CUSTOM_HTML_HEADER_CNX = "" if CONFIG.CUSTOM_HTML_FOOTER: CUSTOM_HTML_FOOTER = open(CONFIG.CUSTOM_HTML_FOOTER).read() else: CUSTOM_HTML_FOOTER = "" if CONFIG.CUSTOM_HTML_FOOTER_CNX: CUSTOM_HTML_FOOTER_CNX = open(CONFIG.CUSTOM_HTML_FOOTER_CNX).read() else: CUSTOM_HTML_FOOTER_CNX = "" SCO_ENCODING = "utf-8" # used by Excel, XML, PDF, ... # Attention: encodage lié au codage Zope et aussi à celui de postgresql # et aussi a celui des fichiers sources Python (comme celui-ci). # def to_utf8(s): # return unicode(s, SCO_ENCODING).encode('utf-8') SCO_DEFAULT_SQL_USER = "www-data" # should match Zope process UID SCO_DEFAULT_SQL_PORT = ( "5432" # warning: 5433 for postgresql-8.1 on Debian if 7.4 also installed ! ) SCO_DEFAULT_SQL_USERS_CNX = "dbname=SCOUSERS port=%s" % SCO_DEFAULT_SQL_PORT # Valeurs utilisées pour affichage seulement, pas de requetes ni de mails envoyés: SCO_WEBSITE = "https://scodoc.org" SCO_USER_MANUAL = "https://scodoc.org/GuideUtilisateur" SCO_ANNONCES_WEBSITE = "https://listes.univ-paris13.fr/mailman/listinfo/scodoc-annonces" SCO_DEVEL_LIST = "scodoc-devel@listes.univ-paris13.fr" SCO_USERS_LIST = "notes@listes.univ-paris13.fr" # Mails avec exceptions (erreurs) anormales envoyés à cette adresse: # mettre '' pour désactiver completement l'envois de mails d'erreurs. # (ces mails sont précieux pour corriger les erreurs, ne les désactiver que si # vous avez de bonnes raisons de le faire: vous pouvez me contacter avant) SCO_EXC_MAIL = "scodoc-exception@viennet.net" # L'adresse du mainteneur (non utilisée automatiquement par ScoDoc: ne pas changer) SCO_DEV_MAIL = "emmanuel.viennet@gmail.com" # SVP ne pas changer # Adresse pour l'envoi des dumps (pour assistance technnique): # ne pas changer (ou vous perdez le support) SCO_DUMP_UP_URL = "https://scodoc.iutv.univ-paris13.fr/scodoc-installmgr/upload-dump" CSV_FIELDSEP = ";" CSV_LINESEP = "\n" CSV_MIMETYPE = "text/comma-separated-values" XLS_MIMETYPE = "application/vnd.ms-excel" PDF_MIMETYPE = "application/pdf" XML_MIMETYPE = "text/xml" JSON_MIMETYPE = "application/json" LOGOS_IMAGES_ALLOWED_TYPES = ("jpg", "png") # remind that PIL does not read pdf # Admissions des étudiants # Différents types de voies d'admission: # (stocké en texte libre dans la base, mais saisie par menus pour harmoniser) TYPE_ADMISSION_DEFAULT = "Inconnue" TYPES_ADMISSION = (TYPE_ADMISSION_DEFAULT, "APB", "APB-PC", "CEF", "Direct") # Support for ScoDoc7 compatibility def get_dept_id(): if g.scodoc_dept in sco_mgr.get_dept_ids(): return g.scodoc_dept raise sco_exceptions.ScoInvalidDept("département invalide: %s" % g.scodoc_dept) def get_db_cnx_string(): return "dbname=SCO" + g.scodoc_dept def ScoURL(): """base URL for this sco instance. e.g. https://scodoc.xxx.fr/ScoDoc/DEPT/Scolarite = page accueil département """ return url_for("scolar.index_html", scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept)[ : -len("/index_html") ].encode(SCO_ENCODING) def NotesURL(): """URL of Notes e.g. https://scodoc.xxx.fr/ScoDoc/DEPT/Scolarite/Notes = url de base des méthodes de notes (page accueil programmes). """ return url_for("notes.index_html", scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept)[ : -len("/index_html") ].encode(SCO_ENCODING) def EntreprisesURL(): """URL of Enterprises e.g. https://scodoc.xxx.fr/ScoDoc/DEPT/Scolarite/Entreprises = url de base des requêtes de ZEntreprises et page accueil Entreprises """ return "NotImplemented".encode(SCO_ENCODING) # url_for("entreprises.index_html", scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept)[ # : -len("/index_html") # ] def AbsencesURL(): """URL of Absences""" return url_for("absences.index_html", scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept)[ : -len("/index_html") ].encode(SCO_ENCODING) def UsersURL(): """URL of Users e.g. https://scodoc.xxx.fr/ScoDoc/DEPT/Scolarite/Users = url de base des requêtes ZScoUsers et page accueil users """ return url_for("users.index_html", scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept)[ : -len("/index_html") ].encode( SCO_ENCODING ) # sco8 def get_current_user_name(REQUEST): """return a displayable string identifying the current user. XXX For now, the login, but will be the name. #sco8 """ authuser = REQUEST.AUTHENTICATED_USER uid = str(authuser) return uid # ---- Simple python utilities def simplesqlquote(s, maxlen=50): """simple SQL quoting to avoid most SQL injection attacks. Note: we use this function in the (rare) cases where we have to construct SQL code manually""" s = s[:maxlen] s.replace("'", r"\'") s.replace(";", r"\;") for bad in ("select", "drop", ";", "--", "insert", "delete", "xp_"): s = s.replace(bad, "") return s def unescape_html(s): """un-escape html entities""" s = s.strip().replace("&", "&") s = s.replace("<", "<") s = s.replace(">", ">") return s # test if obj is iterable (but not a string) isiterable = lambda obj: getattr(obj, "__iter__", False) def unescape_html_dict(d): """un-escape all dict values, recursively""" try: indices = list(d.keys()) except: indices = list(range(len(d))) for k in indices: v = d[k] if type(v) == bytes: d[k] = unescape_html(v) elif isiterable(v): unescape_html_dict(v) def quote_xml_attr(data): """Escape &, <, >, quotes and double quotes""" return xml.sax.saxutils.escape(str(data), {"'": "'", '"': """}) def dict_quote_xml_attr(d, fromhtml=False): """Quote XML entities in dict values. Non recursive (but probbaly should be...). Returns a new dict. """ if fromhtml: # passe d'un code HTML a un code XML return dict([(k, quote_xml_attr(unescape_html(v))) for (k, v) in d.items()]) else: # passe d'une chaine non quotée a du XML return dict([(k, quote_xml_attr(v)) for (k, v) in d.items()]) def simple_dictlist2xml(dictlist, doc=None, tagname=None, quote=False): """Represent a dict as XML data. All keys with string or numeric values are attributes (numbers converted to strings). All list values converted to list of childs (recursively). *** all other values are ignored ! *** Values (xml entities) are not quoted, except if requested by quote argument. Exemple: simple_dictlist2xml([ { 'id' : 1, 'ues' : [{'note':10},{}] } ], tagname='infos') """ if not tagname: raise ValueError("invalid empty tagname !") if not doc: doc = jaxml.XML_document(encoding=SCO_ENCODING) scalar_types = [bytes, str, int, float] for d in dictlist: doc._push() if ( type(d) == types.InstanceType or type(d) in scalar_types ): # pour ApoEtapeVDI et listes de chaines getattr(doc, tagname)(code=str(d)) else: if quote: d_scalar = dict( [ (k, quote_xml_attr(v)) for (k, v) in d.items() if type(v) in scalar_types ] ) else: d_scalar = dict( [(k, v) for (k, v) in d.items() if type(v) in scalar_types] ) getattr(doc, tagname)(**d_scalar) d_list = dict([(k, v) for (k, v) in d.items() if type(v) == list]) if d_list: for (k, v) in d_list.items(): simple_dictlist2xml(v, doc=doc, tagname=k, quote=quote) doc._pop() return doc # Expressions used to check noms/prenoms FORBIDDEN_CHARS_EXP = re.compile(r"[*\|~\(\)\\]") ALPHANUM_EXP = re.compile(r"^[\w-]+$", re.UNICODE) def is_valid_code_nip(s): """True si s peut être un code NIP: au moins 6 chiffres décimaux""" if not s: return False return re.match(r"^[0-9]{6,32}$", s) def strnone(s): "convert s to string, '' if s is false" if s: return str(s) else: return "" def stripquotes(s): "strip s from spaces and quotes" s = s.strip() if s and ((s[0] == '"' and s[-1] == '"') or (s[0] == "'" and s[-1] == "'")): s = s[1:-1] return s def suppress_accents(s): "s is an ordinary string, encoding given by SCO_ENCODING" return str(suppression_diacritics(six.text_type(s, SCO_ENCODING))) def sanitize_string(s): """s is an ordinary string, encoding given by SCO_ENCODING" suppress accents and chars interpreted in XML Irreversible (not a quote) For ids and some filenames """ return ( suppress_accents(s.translate(None, "'`\"<>!&\\ ")) .replace(" ", "_") .replace("\t", "_") ) def make_filename(name): """Try to convert name to a reasonnable filename""" return suppress_accents(name).replace(" ", "_") VALID_CARS = ( "-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_.!" # no / ! ) VALID_CARS_SET = set(VALID_CARS) VALID_EXP = re.compile("^[" + VALID_CARS + "]+$") def sanitize_filename(filename): """Keep only valid chars used for archives filenames """ sane = "".join([c for c in filename if c in VALID_CARS_SET]) if len(sane) < 2: sane = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S") + "-" + sane return sane def is_valid_filename(filename): """True if filename is safe""" return VALID_EXP.match(filename) def sendCSVFile(REQUEST, data, filename): """publication fichier. (on ne doit rien avoir émis avant, car ici sont générés les entetes) """ filename = ( unescape_html(suppress_accents(filename)).replace("&", "").replace(" ", "_") ) REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader("content-type", CSV_MIMETYPE) REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader( "content-disposition", 'attachment; filename="%s"' % filename ) return data def sendPDFFile(REQUEST, data, filename): filename = ( unescape_html(suppress_accents(filename)).replace("&", "").replace(" ", "_") ) if REQUEST: REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader("content-type", PDF_MIMETYPE) REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader( "content-disposition", 'attachment; filename="%s"' % filename ) return data class ScoDocJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, o): # pylint: disable=E0202 from app.scodoc import sco_formsemestre # ScoDoc 7.22 n'utilise plus mx: if str(type(o)) == "": log("Warning: mx.DateTime object detected !") return o.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") if isinstance(o, (datetime.date, datetime.datetime)): return o.isoformat() elif isinstance(o, sco_formsemestre.ApoEtapeVDI): return str(o) else: return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o) def sendJSON(REQUEST, data): js = json.dumps(data, encoding=SCO_ENCODING, indent=1, cls=ScoDocJSONEncoder) if REQUEST: REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader("content-type", JSON_MIMETYPE) return js def sendXML(REQUEST, data, tagname=None, force_outer_xml_tag=True): if type(data) != list: data = [data] # always list-of-dicts if force_outer_xml_tag: root_tagname = tagname + "_list" doc = jaxml.XML_document(encoding=SCO_ENCODING) getattr(doc, root_tagname)() doc._push() else: doc = None doc = simple_dictlist2xml(data, doc=doc, tagname=tagname) if force_outer_xml_tag: doc._pop() if REQUEST: REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader("content-type", XML_MIMETYPE) return repr(doc) def sendResult(REQUEST, data, name=None, format=None, force_outer_xml_tag=True): if (format is None) or (format == "html"): return data elif format == "xml": # name is outer tagname return sendXML( REQUEST, data, tagname=name, force_outer_xml_tag=force_outer_xml_tag ) elif format == "json": return sendJSON(REQUEST, data) else: raise ValueError("invalid format: %s" % format) def get_scodoc_version(): "return a string identifying ScoDoc version" return os.popen("cd %s; ./get_scodoc_version.sh -s" % SCO_TOOLS_DIR).read().strip() def check_scodoc7_password(scodoc7_hash, password): """Check a password vs scodoc7 hash used only during old databases migrations""" m = md5() m.update(password.encode("utf-8")) # encodestring à remplacer par encodebytes #py3 h = base64.encodestring(m.digest()).decode("utf-8").strip() return h == scodoc7_hash # Simple string manipulations # on utf-8 encoded python strings # (yes, we should only use unicode strings, but... we use only strings) def strupper(s): return s.decode(SCO_ENCODING).upper().encode(SCO_ENCODING) def strlower(s): return s.decode(SCO_ENCODING).lower().encode(SCO_ENCODING) def strcapitalize(s): return s.decode(SCO_ENCODING).capitalize().encode(SCO_ENCODING) def abbrev_prenom(prenom): "Donne l'abreviation d'un prenom" # un peu lent, mais espère traiter tous les cas # Jean -> J. # Charles -> Ch. # Jean-Christophe -> J.-C. # Marie Odile -> M. O. prenom = prenom.decode(SCO_ENCODING).replace(".", " ").strip() if not prenom: return "" d = prenom[:3].upper() if d == "CHA": abrv = "Ch." # 'Charles' donne 'Ch.' i = 3 else: abrv = prenom[0].upper() + "." i = 1 n = len(prenom) while i < n: c = prenom[i] if c == " " or c == "-" and i < n - 1: sep = c i += 1 # gobbe tous les separateurs while i < n and (prenom[i] == " " or prenom[i] == "-"): if prenom[i] == "-": sep = "-" i += 1 if i < n: abrv += sep + prenom[i].upper() + "." i += 1 return abrv.encode(SCO_ENCODING) # def timedate_human_repr(): "representation du temps courant pour utilisateur: a localiser" return time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y à %Hh%M") def annee_scolaire_repr(year, month): """representation de l'annee scolaire : '2009 - 2010' à partir d'une date. """ if month > 7: # apres le 1er aout return "%s - %s" % (year, year + 1) else: return "%s - %s" % (year - 1, year) def annee_scolaire_debut(year, month): """Annee scolaire de debut (septembre): heuristique pour l'hémisphère nord...""" if int(month) > 7: return int(year) else: return int(year) - 1 def sem_decale_str(sem): """'D' si semestre decalé, ou ''""" # considère "décalé" les semestre impairs commençant entre janvier et juin # et les pairs entre juillet et decembre if sem["semestre_id"] <= 0: return "" if (sem["semestre_id"] % 2 and sem["mois_debut_ord"] <= 6) or ( not sem["semestre_id"] % 2 and sem["mois_debut_ord"] > 6 ): return "D" else: return "" # Graphes (optionnel pour ne pas accroitre les dependances de ScoDoc) try: import pydot WITH_PYDOT = True except: WITH_PYDOT = False if WITH_PYDOT: # check API (incompatible change after pydot version 0.9.10: scodoc install may use old or new version) junk_graph = pydot.Dot("junk") junk_graph.add_node(pydot.Node("a")) n = junk_graph.get_node("a") if type(n) == type([]): # "modern" pydot def pydot_get_node(g, name): r = g.get_node(name) if not r: return r else: return r[0] else: # very old pydot def pydot_get_node(g, name): return g.get_node(name) from sgmllib import SGMLParser class html2txt_parser(SGMLParser): """html2txt()""" def reset(self): """reset() --> initialize the parser""" SGMLParser.reset(self) self.pieces = [] def handle_data(self, text): """handle_data(text) --> appends the pieces to self.pieces handles all normal data not between brackets "<>" """ self.pieces.append(text) def handle_entityref(self, ref): """called for each entity reference, e.g. for "©", ref will be "copy" Reconstruct the original entity reference. """ if ref == "amp": self.pieces.append("&") def output(self): """Return processed HTML as a single string""" return " ".join(self.pieces) def scodoc_html2txt(html): parser = html2txt_parser() parser.reset() parser.feed(html) parser.close() return parser.output() def is_valid_mail(email): """True if well-formed email address""" return re.match(r"^.+@.+\..{2,3}$", email) ICONSIZES = {} # name : (width, height) cache image sizes def icontag(name, file_format="png", **attrs): """tag HTML pour un icone. (dans les versions anterieures on utilisait Zope) Les icones sont des fichiers PNG dans .../static/icons Si la taille (width et height) n'est pas spécifiée, lit l'image pour la mesurer (et cache le résultat). """ if ("width" not in attrs) or ("height" not in attrs): if name not in ICONSIZES: img_file = SCO_SRC_DIR + "/app/static/icons/%s.%s" % (name, file_format) im = PILImage.open(img_file) width, height = im.size[0], im.size[1] ICONSIZES[name] = (width, height) # cache else: width, height = ICONSIZES[name] attrs["width"] = width attrs["height"] = height if "border" not in attrs: attrs["border"] = 0 if "alt" not in attrs: attrs["alt"] = "logo %s" % name s = " ".join(['%s="%s"' % (k, attrs[k]) for k in attrs]) return '' % ( name, s, name, file_format, ) ICON_PDF = icontag("pdficon16x20_img", title="Version PDF") ICON_XLS = icontag("xlsicon_img", title="Version tableur") def sort_dates(L, reverse=False): """Return sorted list of dates, allowing None items (they are put at the beginning)""" mindate = datetime.datetime(datetime.MINYEAR, 1, 1) try: return sorted(L, key=lambda x: x or mindate, reverse=reverse) except: # Helps debugging log("sort_dates( %s )" % L) raise def query_portal(req, msg="Portail Apogee", timeout=3): """Retreives external data using HTTP request (used to connect to Apogee portal, or ScoDoc server) returns a string, "" on error """ log("query_portal: %s" % req) try: f = six.moves.urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=timeout) # seconds / request except: log("query_portal: can't connect to %s" % msg) return "" try: data = f.read() except: log("query_portal: error reading from %s" % msg) data = "" return data def AnneeScolaire(REQUEST=None): # TODO remplacer REQUEST #sco8 "annee de debut de l'annee scolaire courante" if REQUEST and "sco_year" in REQUEST.form: year = REQUEST.form["sco_year"] try: year = int(year) if year > 1900 and year < 2999: return year except: pass t = time.localtime() year, month = t[0], t[1] if month < 8: # le "pivot" est le 1er aout year = year - 1 return year def log_unknown_etud(context, REQUEST=None, format="html"): """Log request: cas ou getEtudInfo n'a pas ramene de resultat""" etudid = REQUEST.form.get("etudid", "?") code_nip = REQUEST.form.get("code_nip", "?") code_ine = REQUEST.form.get("code_ine", "?") log( "unknown student: etudid=%s code_nip=%s code_ine=%s" % (etudid, code_nip, code_ine) ) return _sco_error_response( context, "unknown student", format=format, REQUEST=REQUEST ) # XXX #sco8 à tester ou ré-écrire def _sco_error_response(context, msg, format="html", REQUEST=None): """Send an error message to the client, in html or xml format.""" REQUEST.RESPONSE.setStatus(404, reason=msg) if format == "html" or format == "pdf": raise sco_exceptions.ScoValueError(msg) elif format == "xml": REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader("content-type", XML_MIMETYPE) doc = jaxml.XML_document(encoding=SCO_ENCODING) doc.error(msg=msg) return repr(doc) elif format == "json": REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader("content-type", JSON_MIMETYPE) return "undefined" # XXX voir quoi faire en cas d'erreur json else: raise ValueError("ScoErrorResponse: invalid format") def return_text_if_published(val, REQUEST): """Pour les méthodes publiées qui ramènent soit du texte (HTML) soit du JSON sauf quand elles sont appellées depuis python. La présence de l'argument REQUEST indique la publication. """ if REQUEST and not isinstance(val, STRING_TYPES): return sendJSON(REQUEST, val) return val def confirm_dialog( context, message="

Confirmer ?

", OK="OK", Cancel="Annuler", dest_url="", cancel_url="", target_variable="dialog_confirmed", parameters={}, add_headers=True, # complete page REQUEST=None, # required helpmsg=None, ): from app.scodoc import html_sco_header # dialog de confirmation simple parameters[target_variable] = 1 # Attention: la page a pu etre servie en GET avec des parametres # si on laisse l'url "action" vide, les parametres restent alors que l'on passe en POST... if not dest_url: dest_url = REQUEST.URL # strip remaining parameters from destination url: dest_url = six.moves.urllib.parse.splitquery(dest_url)[0] H = [ """
""" % dest_url, message, """""" % OK, ] if cancel_url: H.append( """""" % (Cancel, cancel_url) ) for param in parameters.keys(): if parameters[param] is None: parameters[param] = "" if type(parameters[param]) == type([]): for e in parameters[param]: H.append('' % (param, e)) else: H.append( '' % (param, parameters[param]) ) H.append("
") if helpmsg: H.append('

' + helpmsg + "

") if add_headers and REQUEST: return ( html_sco_header.sco_header(context, REQUEST) + "\n".join(H) + html_sco_header.sco_footer(context, REQUEST) ) else: return "\n".join(H)