#!/bin/bash # # ScoDoc: restore data (saved by save_scodoc_data) into current install # # Utile pour migrer ScoDoc d'un serveur a un autre # A executer en tant que root sur le nouveau serveur # # E. Viennet, Sept 2011, Nov 2013, Mar 2017, Aug 2020, Jul 2021 # # Le répertoire de ce script: SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )" source "$SCRIPT_DIR/config.sh" source "$SCRIPT_DIR/utils.sh" check_uid_root "$0" # Safety check echo "Ce script va remplacer les donnees de votre installation ScoDoc par celles" echo "enregistrees dans le fichier fourni." echo "Ce fichier doit avoir ete cree par le script save_scodoc_data.sh, sur une autre machine." echo echo "Attention: TOUTES LES DONNEES DE CE SERVEUR SERONT REMPLACEES !" echo "Notamment, tous les utilisateurs et departements existants seront effaces !" echo echo "TOUTES LES BASES POSTGRESQL SERONT EFFACEES !!!" echo echo -n "Voulez vous poursuivre cette operation ? (y/n) [n]" read -r ans if [ ! "$(norm_ans "$ans")" = 'Y' ] then echo "Annulation" exit 1 fi # Usage if [ ! $# -eq 1 ] then echo "Usage: $0 directory_or_archive" exit 1 fi SRC=$1 if [ "${SRC:0:1}" != "/" ] then echo "Usage: $0 directory_or_archive" echo "Erreur: utiliser un chemin absolu (commencant par /)" exit 1 fi # Source directory if [ "${SRC##*.}" = 'tgz' ] then echo "Opening tgz archive..." tmp=$(mktemp -d) chmod a+rx "$tmp" cd "$tmp" || terminate "directory error" tar xfz "$SRC" SRC=$(ls -1d "$tmp"/*) IS_TMP=1 # If source is a tgz, can use mv COPY="mv" else IS_TMP=0 # If source is a directory, does not modify its content COPY="cp -rp" fi echo "Source is $SRC" echo "Stopping ScoDoc..." scodocctl stop # Erase all postgres databases and load data chmod a+rx "$SRC" chmod a+r "$SRC"/scodoc.dump.txt PG_DUMPFILE="$SRC/scodoc.dump.txt" su -c "$SCODOC_DIR/tools/psql_restore_databases.sh $PG_DUMPFILE" postgres # echo Copying data files... rm -rf "${SCODOC_DIR:?}/var" $COPY "$SRC/var" "$SCODOC_DIR" if [ ! -e "${SCODOC_VAR_DIR:?}/config/" ] then mkdir "${SCODOC_VAR_DIR:?}/config/" chown "$SCODOC_USER"."$SCODOC_GROUP" "${SCODOC_VAR_DIR:?}/config/" chmod 755 "${SCODOC_VAR_DIR:?}/config/" fi rm -rf "${SCODOC_DIR:?}/config/depts" if [ -e "${SRC:?}/depts" ] then # legacy depts => move them to var $COPY "$SRC/depts" "${SCODOC_VAR_DIR}/config/" fi rm -rf "$SCODOC_DIR/static/photos" if [ -e "$SRC/photos" ] then # legacy photos (in <src>/static/photos) => move them to var $COPY "$SRC/photos" "${SCODOC_VAR_DIR}/" fi rm -rf "${SCODOC_DIR:?}/logos" $COPY "$SRC/logos" "$SCODOC_DIR/" mv "$SCODOC_DIR/config/scodoc_config.py" "$SCODOC_DIR/config/scodoc_config.py.$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)" $COPY "$SRC/scodoc_config.py" "$SCODOC_DIR/config/" # Verifie le codage de ce fichier: if [ -z "$(file $SCODOC_DIR/config/scodoc_config.py | grep -i UTF-8)" ] then mv "$SCODOC_DIR/config/scodoc_config.py" "$SCODOC_DIR/config/scodoc_config.py.orig" iconv -f iso8859-15 -t utf-8 "$SCODOC_DIR/config/scodoc_config.py.orig" > "$SCODOC_DIR/config/scodoc_config.py" fi rm -rf "${SCODOC_DIR:?}/log" $COPY "$SRC/log" "$SCODOC_DIR/" # Fix file ownership and access rights chown -R "$SCODOC_USER"."$SCODOC_GROUP" "${SCODOC_DIR}" chmod -R 755 "$SCODOC_DIR" # Remove tmp directory if [ "$IS_TMP" = "1" ] then rm -rf "${tmp}" fi # Mise a jour BD ScoDoc cd ${SCODOC_DIR:?}/config || terminate "no config directory" ./upgrade.sh # echo scodocctl start