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2020-09-26 16:19:37 +02:00
%% Original : Cléo BARAS
%% Version 1.0
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% define global counters
% env parcourstimeline (d'après copyright (c) 2016 Jan Küster)
% param 1: année de début
% param 2: année de fin
% param 3: nombre de semestre
% param 4: largeur totale
% param 1: no
% param 2: Nom
\newcommand{\parcoursevent}[3] {
\pgfmathparse{\largeur*(##1-1)+\largeur/2+ \marge}\let\startexp\pgfmathresult
\node[draw,color=white,] (Ev##1) at (\startexp,0.7){
\node[draw,color=white,] (Ev##1) at (\startexp,-0.6){
%calc pas = number of years
\draw[draw=ugagray,line width=2pt] (0,0) -- (#4,0) ; %the timeline
%for each year put a horizontal line in place
\whiledo{\value{yearcount} < #3}{ % \fullrange}{
\draw[fill=white,draw=ugagray, line width=2pt] (\largeur*\value{yearcount}+\marge+0.,0) circle (0.1);
%start year
\node[draw,color=ugagray,rectangle,line width=2pt,fill=ugagray!20,rounded corners=3pt] (Yd) at(0,0){\textcolor{black}{\textbf{\small#1}}};
%end year
\node[draw,color=ugagray,rectangle,line width=2pt,fill=ugagray!20,rounded corners=3pt] (Yd) at(#4,0){\textcolor{black}{\textbf{\small#2}}};
}%end begin part of newenv