{% if editable and not loop.first %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if editable and not loop.last %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if editable and not ue.modules.count() %}{{icons.delete|safe}}{% else %}{{icons.delete_disabled|safe}}{% endif %}{{ue.acronyme}}{{ue.titre}}
{% set virg = joiner(", ") %}
{%- if ue.ue_code -%}{{ virg() }}code {{ue.ue_code}} {%- endif -%}
{{ virg() }}{{ue.ects if ue.ects is not none
else 'aucun'|safe}} ECTS)
{% if (ue.niveau_competence is none) and ue.type == 0 %}
pas de compétence associée
{% endif %}
{% if editable and not ue.is_locked() %}
{% endif %}
{% if ue.type == 1 and ue.modules.count() == 0 %}
aucun module rattaché !
{% endif %}