############################################################################## # # ScoDoc # # Copyright (c) 1999 - 2024 Emmanuel Viennet. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Emmanuel Viennet emmanuel.viennet@viennet.net # ############################################################################## """Édition formation APC (BUT) """ from flask.templating import render_template from app import db from app.models import UniteEns, Matiere, Module, FormSemestre, ModuleImpl from app.models.validations import ScolarFormSemestreValidation from app.scodoc import codes_cursus import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu from app.scodoc import sco_groups from app.scodoc.sco_utils import ModuleType def html_edit_formation_apc( formation, semestre_idx=None, editable=True, tag_editable=True, ): """Formulaire html pour visualisation ou édition d'une formation APC. - Les UEs - Les ressources - Les SAÉs """ from app.but import cursus_but cursus = formation.get_cursus() assert cursus.APC_SAE ressources = formation.modules.filter_by(module_type=ModuleType.RESSOURCE).order_by( Module.semestre_id, Module.numero, Module.code ) saes = formation.modules.filter_by(module_type=ModuleType.SAE).order_by( Module.semestre_id, Module.numero, Module.code ) if semestre_idx is None: semestre_ids = range(1, cursus.NB_SEM + 1) else: semestre_ids = [semestre_idx] other_modules = formation.modules.filter( Module.module_type.is_distinct_from(ModuleType.SAE), Module.module_type.is_distinct_from(ModuleType.RESSOURCE), ).order_by( Module.semestre_id, Module.module_type.desc(), Module.numero, Module.code ) ues_by_sem = {} ects_by_sem = {} for semestre_idx in semestre_ids: ues_by_sem[semestre_idx] = formation.ues.filter_by( semestre_idx=semestre_idx ).order_by(UniteEns.semestre_idx, UniteEns.numero, UniteEns.acronyme) ects = [ ue.ects for ue in ues_by_sem[semestre_idx] if ue.type != codes_cursus.UE_SPORT ] if None in ects: ects_by_sem[semestre_idx] = '<span class="missing_ue_ects">manquant</span>' else: ects_by_sem[semestre_idx] = f"{sum(ects):g}" arrow_up, arrow_down, arrow_none = sco_groups.get_arrow_icons_tags() icons = { "arrow_up": arrow_up, "arrow_down": arrow_down, "arrow_none": arrow_none, "delete": scu.icontag( "delete_small_img", title="Supprimer (module inutilisé)", alt="supprimer", ), "delete_disabled": scu.icontag( "delete_small_dis_img", title="Suppression impossible (utilisé dans des semestres)", ), } html_ue_warning = { semestre_idx: cursus_but.formation_semestre_niveaux_warning( formation, semestre_idx ) for semestre_idx in semestre_ids } H = [ render_template( "pn/form_ues.j2", codes_cursus=codes_cursus, ects_by_sem=ects_by_sem, editable=editable, formation=formation, html_ue_warning=html_ue_warning, icons=icons, scu=scu, semestre_ids=semestre_ids, tag_editable=tag_editable, ues_by_sem=ues_by_sem, ), ] for semestre_idx in semestre_ids: ressources_in_sem = ressources.filter_by(semestre_id=semestre_idx) saes_in_sem = saes.filter_by(semestre_id=semestre_idx) other_modules_in_sem = other_modules.filter_by(semestre_id=semestre_idx) matiere_parent = Matiere.query.filter( Matiere.ue_id == UniteEns.id, UniteEns.formation_id == formation.id, UniteEns.semestre_idx == semestre_idx, UniteEns.type != codes_cursus.UE_SPORT, ).first() H += [ ( render_template( "pn/form_mods.j2", formation=formation, titre=f"Ressources du S{semestre_idx}", create_element_msg="créer une nouvelle ressource", # matiere_parent=matiere_parent, modules=ressources_in_sem, module_type=ModuleType.RESSOURCE, editable=editable, tag_editable=tag_editable, icons=icons, scu=scu, semestre_id=semestre_idx, ) if ues_by_sem[semestre_idx].count() > 0 else "" ), ( render_template( "pn/form_mods.j2", formation=formation, titre=f"Situations d'Apprentissage et d'Évaluation (SAÉs) S{semestre_idx}", create_element_msg="créer une nouvelle SAÉ", # matiere_parent=matiere_parent, modules=saes_in_sem, module_type=ModuleType.SAE, editable=editable, tag_editable=tag_editable, icons=icons, scu=scu, semestre_id=semestre_idx, ) if ues_by_sem[semestre_idx].count() > 0 else "" ), ( render_template( "pn/form_mods.j2", formation=formation, titre=f"Autres modules (non BUT) du S{semestre_idx}", create_element_msg="créer un nouveau module", modules=other_modules_in_sem, module_type=ModuleType.STANDARD, editable=editable, tag_editable=tag_editable, icons=icons, scu=scu, semestre_id=semestre_idx, ) if ues_by_sem[semestre_idx].count() > 0 else """<span class="fontred">créer une UE pour pouvoir ajouter des modules</span>""" ), ] return "\n".join(H) def html_ue_infos(ue): """Page d'information sur une UE""" from app.views import ScoData formsemestres = ( db.session.query(FormSemestre) .filter( ue.id == Module.ue_id, Module.id == ModuleImpl.module_id, FormSemestre.id == ModuleImpl.formsemestre_id, ) .all() ) nb_etuds_valid_ue = ScolarFormSemestreValidation.query.filter_by( ue_id=ue.id ).count() can_safely_be_suppressed = ( (nb_etuds_valid_ue == 0) and (len(formsemestres) == 0) and ue.modules.count() == 0 and ue.matieres.count() == 0 ) return render_template( "pn/ue_infos.j2", titre=f"UE {ue.acronyme} {ue.titre or ''}", ue=ue, formsemestres=formsemestres, nb_etuds_valid_ue=nb_etuds_valid_ue, can_safely_be_suppressed=can_safely_be_suppressed, sco=ScoData(), )