# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*

"""Unit tests for... tests

Ensure test DB is in the expected initial state.

Usage: pytest tests/unit/test_test.py

import pytest

from tests.api.setup_test_api import (

def test_test_db(api_headers):
    """Check that we indeed have: 2 users, 1 dept, 3 formsemestres.
    Juste après init, les ensembles seront ceux donnés ci-dessous.
    Les autres tests peuvent ajouter des éléments, c'edt pourquoi on utilise issubset().
    headers = api_headers
    assert {
    }.issubset({u["user_name"] for u in GET("/users/query", headers=headers)})
    assert {
    }.issubset({d["acronym"] for d in GET("/departements", headers=headers)})
    assert 1 in (
        for formsemestre in GET("/formsemestres/query", headers=headers)