""" Routes for CAS authentication Modified for ScoDoc """ import re import ssl from urllib.error import URLError from urllib.request import urlopen from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError import flask from flask import current_app, request from xmltodict import parse from .cas_urls import create_cas_login_url from .cas_urls import create_cas_logout_url from .cas_urls import create_cas_validate_url blueprint = flask.Blueprint("cas", __name__) @blueprint.route("/login/") def login(): """ This route has two purposes. First, it is used by the user to login. Second, it is used by the CAS to respond with the `ticket` after the user logs in successfully. When the user accesses this url, they are redirected to the CAS to login. If the login was successful, the CAS will respond to this route with the ticket in the url. The ticket is then validated. If validation was successful the logged in username is saved in the user's session under the key `CAS_USERNAME_SESSION_KEY` and the user's attributes are saved under the key 'CAS_USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE_KEY' """ conf_func = current_app.config.get("CAS_CONFIGURATION_FUNCTION") if conf_func: # call function setting app configuration conf_func(current_app) if not "CAS_SERVER" in current_app.config: current_app.logger.info("cas_login: no configuration") return "CAS configuration missing" cas_token_session_key = current_app.config["CAS_TOKEN_SESSION_KEY"] redirect_url = create_cas_login_url( current_app.config["CAS_SERVER"], current_app.config["CAS_LOGIN_ROUTE"], flask.url_for( ".login", origin=flask.session.get("CAS_AFTER_LOGIN_SESSION_URL"), _external=True, ), ) if "ticket" in flask.request.args: flask.session[cas_token_session_key] = flask.request.args["ticket"] if cas_token_session_key in flask.session: if validate(flask.session[cas_token_session_key]): if "CAS_AFTER_LOGIN_SESSION_URL" in flask.session: redirect_url = flask.session.pop("CAS_AFTER_LOGIN_SESSION_URL") elif flask.request.args.get("origin"): redirect_url = flask.request.args["origin"] else: redirect_url = flask.url_for(current_app.config["CAS_AFTER_LOGIN"]) else: flask.session.pop(cas_token_session_key, None) current_app.logger.debug(f"cas.login: redirecting to {redirect_url}") return flask.redirect(redirect_url) @blueprint.route("/logout/") def logout(): """ When the user accesses this route they are logged out. """ conf_func = current_app.config.get("CAS_CONFIGURATION_FUNCTION") if conf_func: # call function setting app configuration conf_func(current_app) cas_username_session_key = current_app.config["CAS_USERNAME_SESSION_KEY"] cas_attributes_session_key = current_app.config["CAS_ATTRIBUTES_SESSION_KEY"] cas_token_session_key = current_app.config["CAS_TOKEN_SESSION_KEY"] flask.session.pop(cas_username_session_key, None) flask.session.pop(cas_attributes_session_key, None) flask.session.pop(cas_token_session_key, None) # added by EV flask.session.pop("CAS_EDT_ID", None) # added by EV cas_after_logout = current_app.config.get("CAS_AFTER_LOGOUT") cas_logout_route = current_app.config.get("CAS_LOGOUT_ROUTE") cas_server = current_app.config.get("CAS_SERVER") if cas_server: if cas_after_logout and cas_logout_route: # If config starts with http, use it as dest URL. # Else, build Flask URL dest_url = ( cas_after_logout if cas_after_logout.startswith("http") else flask.url_for(cas_after_logout, _external=True) ) redirect_url = create_cas_logout_url( cas_server, cas_logout_route, dest_url, ) else: redirect_url = create_cas_logout_url(cas_server, None) else: redirect_url = request.root_url current_app.logger.debug(f"cas.logout: redirecting to {redirect_url}") return flask.redirect(redirect_url) def validate(ticket) -> bool: """ Will attempt to validate the ticket. If validation fails, then False is returned. If validation is successful, then True is returned and the validated username is saved in the session under the key `CAS_USERNAME_SESSION_KEY` while the validated attributes dictionary is saved under the key 'CAS_ATTRIBUTES_SESSION_KEY'. """ from app.models.config import ScoDocSiteConfig cas_username_session_key = current_app.config["CAS_USERNAME_SESSION_KEY"] cas_attributes_session_key = current_app.config["CAS_ATTRIBUTES_SESSION_KEY"] cas_error_callback = current_app.config.get("CAS_ERROR_CALLBACK") current_app.logger.debug(f"validating token {ticket}") cas_validate_url = create_cas_validate_url( current_app.config["CAS_SERVER"], current_app.config["CAS_VALIDATE_ROUTE"], flask.url_for( ".login", origin=flask.session.get("CAS_AFTER_LOGIN_SESSION_URL"), _external=True, ), ticket, ) current_app.logger.debug(f"Making GET request to {cas_validate_url}") xml_from_dict = {} is_valid = False if current_app.config.get("CAS_SSL_VERIFY"): ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext() ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED ca_data = current_app.config.get("CAS_SSL_CERTIFICATE", "") try: ssl_context.load_verify_locations(cadata=ca_data) except (ssl.SSLError, ValueError): current_app.logger.error("CAS : error loading SSL cert.") if cas_error_callback: cas_error_callback("erreur chargement certificat SSL CAS (PEM)") return False else: ssl_context = None try: xmldump = ( urlopen(cas_validate_url, context=ssl_context) .read() .strip() .decode("utf8", "ignore") ) xml_from_dict = parse(xmldump) is_valid = ( True if "cas:authenticationSuccess" in xml_from_dict["cas:serviceResponse"] else False ) except (ValueError, ExpatError, KeyError) as exc: current_app.logger.error(f"CAS returned unexpected result: {exc}") current_app.logger.error(f"Received data from CAS server:\n{xmldump}\n\n") if cas_error_callback: cas_error_callback("réponse invalide du serveur CAS") return False # unreachable (cas_error_callback should raise exception) except URLError: current_app.logger.error("CAS : error validating token: check SSL certificate") cas_error_callback( "erreur connexion au serveur CAS: vérifiez le certificat SSL" ) return False # unreachable except Exception as exc: current_app.logger.error(f"CAS : unkown error validating token: {exc}") cas_error_callback("erreur décodage réponse CAS") return False # unreachable if is_valid: current_app.logger.debug("valid") xml_from_dict = xml_from_dict["cas:serviceResponse"][ "cas:authenticationSuccess" ] username = xml_from_dict["cas:user"] attributes = xml_from_dict.get("cas:attributes", {}) if attributes and "cas:memberOf" in attributes: if isinstance(attributes["cas:memberOf"], str): attributes["cas:memberOf"] = ( attributes["cas:memberOf"].lstrip("[").rstrip("]").split(",") ) for group_number in range(0, len(attributes["cas:memberOf"])): attributes["cas:memberOf"][group_number] = ( attributes["cas:memberOf"][group_number].lstrip(" ").rstrip(" ") ) # Extract auxiliary informations (utilisé pour edt_id) exp = ScoDocSiteConfig.get("cas_edt_id_from_xml_regexp") if exp: m = re.search(exp, xmldump) if m and len(m.groups()) > 0: cas_edt_id = m.group(1) if cas_edt_id: flask.session["CAS_EDT_ID"] = cas_edt_id flask.session[cas_username_session_key] = username flask.session[cas_attributes_session_key] = attributes else: current_app.logger.debug("invalid") return is_valid