forked from ScoDoc/ScoDoc

215 lines
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{# was wtf.html in Flask-Bootstrap #}
{% macro form_errors(form, hiddens=True) %}
{%- if form.errors %}
{%- for fieldname, errors in form.errors.items() %}
{%- if bootstrap_is_hidden_field(form[fieldname]) and hiddens or
not bootstrap_is_hidden_field(form[fieldname]) and hiddens != 'only' %}
{%- for error in errors %}
<p class="error">{{error}}</p>
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endmacro %}
{% macro _hz_form_wrap(horizontal_columns, form_type, add_group=False, required=False) %}
{% if form_type == "horizontal" %}
{% if add_group %}<div class="form-group{% if required %} required{% endif %}">{% endif %}
<div class="col-{{horizontal_columns[0]}}-offset-{{horizontal_columns[1]}}
{% endif %}
{% if form_type == "horizontal" %}
{% if add_group %}</div>{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro form_field(field,
horizontal_columns=('lg', 2, 10),
button_map={}) %}
{# this is a workaround hack for the more straightforward-code of just passing required=required parameter. older versions of wtforms do not have
the necessary fix for required=False attributes, but will also not set the required flag in the first place. we skirt the issue using the code below #}
{% if field.flags.required and not required in kwargs %}
{% set kwargs = dict(required=True, **kwargs) %}
{% endif %}
{% if field.widget.input_type == 'checkbox' %}
{% call _hz_form_wrap(horizontal_columns, form_type, True, required=required) %}
<div class="checkbox">
{{field()|safe}} {{field.label.text|safe}}
{% endcall %}
{%- elif field.type == 'RadioField' -%}
{# note: A cleaner solution would be rendering depending on the widget,
this is just a hack for now, until I can think of something better #}
{% call _hz_form_wrap(horizontal_columns, form_type, True, required=required) %}
{% for item in field -%}
<div class="radio">
{{item|safe}} {{item.label.text|safe}}
{% endfor %}
{% endcall %}
{%- elif field.type == 'SubmitField' -%}
{# deal with jinja scoping issues? #}
{% set field_kwargs = kwargs %}
{# note: same issue as above - should check widget, not field type #}
{% call _hz_form_wrap(horizontal_columns, form_type, True, required=required) %}
{{field(class='btn btn-%s' % button_map.get(field.name, 'default'),
{% endcall %}
{%- elif field.type == 'FormField' -%}
{# note: FormFields are tricky to get right and complex setups requiring
these are probably beyond the scope of what this macro tries to do.
the code below ensures that things don't break horribly if we run into
one, but does not try too hard to get things pretty. #}
{%- for subfield in field %}
{% if not bootstrap_is_hidden_field(subfield) -%}
{{ form_field(subfield,
button_map=button_map) }}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{% else -%}
<div class="form-group {% if field.errors %} has-error{% endif -%}
{%- if field.flags.required %} required{% endif -%}
{%- if form_type == "inline" %}
{% if field.type == 'FileField' %}
{% else %}
{{field(class="form-control", **kwargs)|safe}}
{% endif %}
{% elif form_type == "horizontal" %}
{{field.label(class="control-label " + (
" col-%s-%s" % horizontal_columns[0:2]
<div class=" col-{{horizontal_columns[0]}}-{{horizontal_columns[2]}}">
{% if field.type == 'FileField' %}
{% else %}
{{field(class="form-control", **kwargs)|safe}}
{% endif %}
{%- if field.errors %}
{%- for error in field.errors %}
{% call _hz_form_wrap(horizontal_columns, form_type, required=required) %}
<p class="help-block">{{error}}</p>
{% endcall %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- elif field.description -%}
{% call _hz_form_wrap(horizontal_columns, form_type, required=required) %}
<p class="help-block">{{field.description|safe}}</p>
{% endcall %}
{%- endif %}
{%- else -%}
{% if field.type == 'FileField' %}
{% else %}
{{field(class="form-control", **kwargs)|safe}}
{% endif %}
{%- if field.errors %}
{%- for error in field.errors %}
<p class="help-block">{{error}}</p>
{%- endfor %}
{%- elif field.description -%}
<p class="help-block">{{field.description|safe}}</p>
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{# valid form types are "basic", "inline" and "horizontal" #}
{% macro quick_form(form,
horizontal_columns=('lg', 2, 10),
novalidate=False) %}
action="" is what we want, from http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt:
4.2. Same-document References
A URI reference that does not contain a URI is a reference to the
current document. In other words, an empty URI reference within a
document is interpreted as a reference to the start of that document,
and a reference containing only a fragment identifier is a reference
to the identified fragment of that document. Traversal of such a
reference should not result in an additional retrieval action.
However, if the URI reference occurs in a context that is always
intended to result in a new request, as in the case of HTML's FORM
element, then an empty URI reference represents the base URI of the
current document and should be replaced by that URI when transformed
into a request.
{#- if any file fields are inside the form and enctype is automatic, adjust
if file fields are found. could really use the equalto test of jinja2
here, but latter is not available until 2.8
warning: the code below is guaranteed to make you cry =(
{%- set _enctype = [] %}
{%- if enctype is none -%}
{%- for field in form %}
{%- if field.type == 'FileField' %}
{#- for loops come with a fairly watertight scope, so this list-hack is
used to be able to set values outside of it #}
{%- set _ = _enctype.append('multipart/form-data') -%}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- else %}
{% set _ = _enctype.append(enctype) %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if action != None %} action="{{action}}"{% endif -%}
{%- if id %} id="{{id}}"{% endif -%}
{%- if method %} method="{{method}}"{% endif %}
{%- if extra_classes %} {{extra_classes}}{% endif -%}
{%- if form_type == "horizontal" %} form-horizontal
{%- elif form_type == "inline" %} form-inline
{%- endif -%}
{%- if _enctype[0] %} enctype="{{_enctype[0]}}"{% endif -%}
{%- if role %} role="{{role}}"{% endif -%}
{%- if novalidate %} novalidate{% endif -%}
{{ form.hidden_tag() }}
{{ form_errors(form, hiddens='only') }}
{%- for field in form %}
{% if not bootstrap_is_hidden_field(field) -%}
{{ form_field(field,
button_map=button_map) }}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endmacro %}