
167 lines
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/*! DataTables jQuery UI integration
* ©2011-2014 SpryMedia Ltd -
* DataTables integration for jQuery UI. This requires jQuery UI and
* DataTables 1.10 or newer.
* This file sets the defaults and adds options to DataTables to style its
* controls using jQuery UI. See
* for further information.
(function( factory ){
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define( ['jquery', ''], function ( $ ) {
return factory( $, window, document );
} );
else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
// CommonJS
module.exports = function (root, $) {
if ( ! root ) {
root = window;
if ( ! $ || ! $.fn.dataTable ) {
$ = require('')(root, $).$;
return factory( $, root, root.document );
else {
// Browser
factory( jQuery, window, document );
}(function( $, window, document, undefined ) {
'use strict';
var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable;
var sort_prefix = 'css_right ui-icon ui-icon-';
var toolbar_prefix = 'fg-toolbar ui-toolbar ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-';
/* Set the defaults for DataTables initialisation */
$.extend( true, DataTable.defaults, {
'<"'+toolbar_prefix+'tl ui-corner-tr"lfr>'+
'<"'+toolbar_prefix+'bl ui-corner-br"ip>',
renderer: 'jqueryui'
} );
$.extend( DataTable.ext.classes, {
"sWrapper": "dataTables_wrapper dt-jqueryui",
/* Full numbers paging buttons */
"sPageButton": "fg-button ui-button ui-state-default",
"sPageButtonActive": "ui-state-disabled",
"sPageButtonDisabled": "ui-state-disabled",
/* Features */
"sPaging": "dataTables_paginate fg-buttonset ui-buttonset fg-buttonset-multi "+
"ui-buttonset-multi paging_", /* Note that the type is postfixed */
/* Sorting */
"sSortAsc": "ui-state-default sorting_asc",
"sSortDesc": "ui-state-default sorting_desc",
"sSortable": "ui-state-default sorting",
"sSortableAsc": "ui-state-default sorting_asc_disabled",
"sSortableDesc": "ui-state-default sorting_desc_disabled",
"sSortableNone": "ui-state-default sorting_disabled",
"sSortIcon": "DataTables_sort_icon",
/* Scrolling */
"sScrollHead": "dataTables_scrollHead "+"ui-state-default",
"sScrollFoot": "dataTables_scrollFoot "+"ui-state-default",
/* Misc */
"sHeaderTH": "ui-state-default",
"sFooterTH": "ui-state-default"
} );
DataTable.ext.renderer.header.jqueryui = function ( settings, cell, column, classes ) {
// Calculate what the unsorted class should be
var noSortAppliedClass = sort_prefix+'caret-2-n-s';
var asc = $.inArray('asc', column.asSorting) !== -1;
var desc = $.inArray('desc', column.asSorting) !== -1;
if ( !column.bSortable || (!asc && !desc) ) {
noSortAppliedClass = '';
else if ( asc && !desc ) {
noSortAppliedClass = sort_prefix+'caret-1-n';
else if ( !asc && desc ) {
noSortAppliedClass = sort_prefix+'caret-1-s';
// Setup the DOM structure
.addClass( 'DataTables_sort_wrapper' )
.append( cell.contents() )
.append( $('<span/>')
.addClass( classes.sSortIcon+' '+noSortAppliedClass )
.appendTo( cell );
// Attach a sort listener to update on sort
$(settings.nTable).on( 'order.dt', function ( e, ctx, sorting, columns ) {
if ( settings !== ctx ) {
var colIdx = column.idx;
.removeClass( classes.sSortAsc +" "+classes.sSortDesc )
.addClass( columns[ colIdx ] == 'asc' ?
classes.sSortAsc : columns[ colIdx ] == 'desc' ?
classes.sSortDesc :
.find( 'span.'+classes.sSortIcon )
sort_prefix+'triangle-1-n' +" "+
sort_prefix+'triangle-1-s' +" "+
sort_prefix+'caret-2-n-s' +" "+
sort_prefix+'caret-1-n' +" "+
.addClass( columns[ colIdx ] == 'asc' ?
sort_prefix+'triangle-1-n' : columns[ colIdx ] == 'desc' ?
sort_prefix+'triangle-1-s' :
} );
* TableTools jQuery UI compatibility
* Required TableTools 2.1+
if ( DataTable.TableTools ) {
$.extend( true, DataTable.TableTools.classes, {
"container": "DTTT_container ui-buttonset ui-buttonset-multi",
"buttons": {
"normal": "DTTT_button ui-button ui-state-default"
"collection": {
"container": "DTTT_collection ui-buttonset ui-buttonset-multi"
} );
return DataTable;