"""api.__init__ """ from flask import Blueprint from flask import request from app.scodoc import sco_utils as scu from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoException api_bp = Blueprint("api", __name__) api_web_bp = Blueprint("apiweb", __name__) # HTTP ERROR STATUS API_CLIENT_ERROR = 400 # erreur dans les paramètres fournis par le client @api_bp.errorhandler(ScoException) @api_bp.errorhandler(404) def api_error_handler(e): "erreurs API => json" return scu.json_error(404, message=str(e)) def requested_format(default_format="json", allowed_formats=None): """Extract required format from query string. * default value is json. A list of allowed formats may be provided (['json'] considered if not provided). * if the required format is not in allowed list, returns None. NB: if json in not in allowed_formats, format specification is mandatory. """ format_type = request.args.get("format", default_format) if format_type in (allowed_formats or ["json"]): return format_type return None from app.api import tokens from app.api import ( absences, billets_absences, departements, etudiants, evaluations, formations, formsemestres, jury, logos, partitions, semset, users, )