- elif tf[0] == -1:
- return flask.redirect(
- "%s/Notes/moduleimpl_status?moduleimpl_id=%s"
- % (scu.ScoURL(), E["moduleimpl_id"])
- )
- else:
- placement_method = tf[2]["placement_method"]
- teachers = tf[2]["teachers"]
- building = tf[2]["building"]
- room = tf[2]["room"]
- group_ids = tf[2]["group_ids"]
- columns = tf[2]["columns"]
- numbering = tf[2]["numbering"]
- if columns in ("3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"):
- gs = [
- ("group_ids%3Alist=" + six.moves.urllib.parse.quote_plus(x))
- for x in group_ids
- ]
- query = (
- "evaluation_id=%s&placement_method=%s&teachers=%s&building=%s&room=%s&columns=%s&numbering=%s&"
- % (
- evaluation_id,
- placement_method,
- teachers,
- building,
- room,
- columns,
- numbering,
- )
- + "&".join(gs)
- )
- return flask.redirect(scu.NotesURL() + "/do_placement?" + query)
- else:
- raise ValueError(
- "invalid placement_method (%s)" % tf[2]["placement_method"]
- )
+# def do_placement_selectetuds():
+# """
+# Choisi les étudiants et les infos sur la salle pour leur placement.
+# """
+# # M = sco_moduleimpl.do_moduleimpl_list( moduleimpl_id=E["moduleimpl_id"])[0]
+# # description de l'evaluation
+# H = [
+# sco_evaluations.evaluation_describe(evaluation_id=evaluation_id),
+# "
+# ]
+# #
+# descr = [
+# ("evaluation_id", {"default": evaluation_id, "input_type": "hidden"}),
+# (
+# "placement_method",
+# {
+# "input_type": "radio",
+# "default": "xls",
+# "allow_null": False,
+# "allowed_values": ["pdf", "xls"],
+# "labels": ["fichier pdf", "fichier xls"],
+# "title": "Format de fichier :",
+# },
+# ),
+# ("teachers", {"size": 25, "title": "Surveillants :"}),
+# ("building", {"size": 25, "title": "Batiment :"}),
+# ("room", {"size": 10, "title": "Salle :"}),
+# (
+# "columns",
+# {
+# "input_type": "radio",
+# "default": "5",
+# "allow_null": False,
+# "allowed_values": ["3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"],
+# "labels": [
+# "3 colonnes",
+# "4 colonnes",
+# "5 colonnes",
+# "6 colonnes",
+# "7 colonnes",
+# "8 colonnes",
+# ],
+# "title": "Nombre de colonnes :",
+# },
+# ),
+# (
+# "numbering",
+# {
+# "input_type": "radio",
+# "default": "coordinate",
+# "allow_null": False,
+# "allowed_values": ["continuous", "coordinate"],
+# "labels": ["continue", "coordonnées"],
+# "title": "Numérotation :",
+# },
+# ),
+# ]
+# if no_groups:
+# submitbuttonattributes = []
+# descr += [
+# (
+# "group_ids",
+# {
+# "default": [
+# g["group_id"] # pylint: disable=invalid-sequence-index
+# for g in groups
+# ],
+# "input_type": "hidden",
+# "type": "list",
+# },
+# )
+# ]
+# else:
+# descr += [
+# (
+# "group_ids",
+# {
+# "input_type": "checkbox",
+# "title": "Choix groupe(s) d'étudiants :",
+# "allowed_values": grnams,
+# "labels": grlabs,
+# "attributes": ['onchange="gr_change(this);"'],
+# },
+# )
+# ]
+# if not ("group_ids" in REQUEST.form and REQUEST.form["group_ids"]):
+# submitbuttonattributes = ['disabled="1"']
+# else:
+# submitbuttonattributes = [] # groupe(s) preselectionnés
+# H.append(
+# # JS pour desactiver le bouton OK si aucun groupe selectionné
+# """
+# """
+# )
+# tf = TrivialFormulator(
+# REQUEST.form,
+# descr,
+# cancelbutton="Annuler",
+# submitbuttonattributes=submitbuttonattributes,
+# submitlabel="OK",
+# formid="gr",
+# )
+# if tf[0] == 0:
+# # H.append( """
+# #
Choix du groupe et de la localisation
+# # """)
+# H.append("""
+# return "\n".join(H) + "\n" + tf[1] + "\n
+# elif tf[0] == -1:
+# return flask.redirect(
+# "%s/Notes/moduleimpl_status?moduleimpl_id=%s"
+# % (scu.ScoURL(), E["moduleimpl_id"])
+# )
+# else:
+# placement_method = tf[2]["placement_method"]
+# teachers = tf[2]["teachers"]
+# building = tf[2]["building"]
+# room = tf[2]["room"]
+# group_ids = tf[2]["group_ids"]
+# columns = tf[2]["columns"]
+# numbering = tf[2]["numbering"]
+# if columns in ("3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"):
+# gs = [
+# ("group_ids%3Alist=" + six.moves.urllib.parse.quote_plus(x))
+# for x in group_ids
+# ]
+# query = (
+# "evaluation_id=%s&placement_method=%s&teachers=%s&building=%s&room=%s&columns=%s&numbering=%s&"
+# % (
+# evaluation_id,
+# placement_method,
+# teachers,
+# building,
+# room,
+# columns,
+# numbering,
+# )
+# + "&".join(gs)
+# )
+# return flask.redirect(scu.NotesURL() + "/do_placement?" + query)
+# else:
+# raise ValueError(
+# "invalid placement_method (%s)" % tf[2]["placement_method"]
+# )
def exec_placement(form):
- try:
- evaluation_id = int(form["evaluation_id"].data)
- except:
- raise ScoValueError(
- "Formulaire incomplet ! Vous avez sans doute attendu trop longtemps, veuillez vous reconnecter. Si le problème persiste, contacter l'administrateur. Merci."
- )
- eval_data = sco_evaluations.do_evaluation_list({"evaluation_id": evaluation_id})[0]
- # Check access
- # (admin, respformation, and responsable_id)
- if not sco_permissions_check.can_edit_notes(
- current_user, eval_data["moduleimpl_id"]
- ):
- return (
- "
Génération du placement impossible pour %s
" % authusername
- + """
(vérifiez que le semestre n'est pas verrouillé et que vous
- avez l'autorisation d'effectuer cette opération)
- """
- % E["moduleimpl_id"]
- )
- plan = repartition(form, eval_data)
+ """Calcul et génération du fichier sur la base des données du formulaire"""
- sem_preferences = sco_preferences.SemPreferences()
- space = sem_preferences.get("feuille_placement_emargement")
- maxlines = sem_preferences.get("feuille_placement_positions")
+ d = {
+ "evaluation_id": form["evaluation_id"].data,
+ "etiquetage": form["etiquetage"].data,
+ "surveillants": form["surveillants"].data,
+ "batiment": form["batiment"].data,
+ "salle": form["salle"].data,
+ "nb_rangs": form["nb_rangs"].data,
+ "groups": form["groups"].data,
+ }
+ d["eval_data"] = sco_evaluations.do_evaluation_list(d)[0]
+ # Check access (admin, respformation, and responsable_id)
+ d["current_user"] = current_user
+ d["moduleimpl_id"] = d["eval_data"]["moduleimpl_id"]
+ if not sco_permissions_check.can_edit_notes(d["current_user"], d["moduleimpl_id"]):
+ return (
+ """
Génération du placement impossible pour %(current_user)s
(vérifiez que le semestre n'est pas verrouillé et que vous
+avez l'autorisation d'effectuer cette opération)
+ % d
+ )
+ d["cnx"] = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
+ d["plan"] = repartition(d)
+ d["gr_title_filename"] = sco_groups.listgroups_filename(d['groups'])
+ # gr_title = sco_groups.listgroups_abbrev(d['groups'])
+ d["moduleimpl_data"] = sco_moduleimpl.do_moduleimpl_list(moduleimpl_id=d["moduleimpl_id"])
+ d["Mod"] = sco_edit_module.do_module_list(args={"module_id": d["moduleimpl_id"]})[0]
+ d["sem"] = sco_formsemestre.get_formsemestre(d["moduleimpl_data"]["formsemestre_id"])
+ d["evalname"] = "%s-%s" % (d["Mod"]["code"], ndb.DateDMYtoISO(eval_data["jour"]))
+ if d["eval_data"]["description"]:
+ d["evaltitre"] = d["eval_data"]["description"]
+ else:
+ d["evaltitre"] = "évaluation du %s" % eval_data["jour"]
+ d["desceval"] = [
+ ["%s" % d["sem"]["titreannee"]],
+ ["Module : %s - %s" % (d["Mod"]["code"], d["Mod"]["abbrev"])],
+ ["Surveillants : %(surveillant)s" % d],
+ ["Batiment : %(batiment)s - Salle : %(salle)s" % d],
+ ["Controle : %s (coef. %g)" % (d["evaltitre"], d["eval_data"]["coefficient"])],
+ ] # une liste de liste de chaines: description de l'evaluation
+ if form["file_format"].data == "xls":
+ production_xls(d)
+ else:
+ production_pdf(d)
-def repartition(form, eval_data):
+def repartition(d):
Calcule le placement. retourne une liste de couples ((nom, prenom), position)
- cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
- # Infos transmises
- evaluation_id = form["evaluation_id"].data
- etiquetage = form["etiquetage"].data
- teachers = form["surveillants"].data
- building = form["batiment"].data
- room = form["salle"].data
- nb_rangs = form["nb_rangs"].data
- group_ids = form["groups"].data
# Construit liste des etudiants
- groups = sco_groups.listgroups(group_ids)
- gr_title_filename = sco_groups.listgroups_filename(groups)
- # gr_title = sco_groups.listgroups_abbrev(groups)
- moduleimpl_data = sco_moduleimpl.do_moduleimpl_list(
- moduleimpl_id=eval_data["moduleimpl_id"]
- )[0]
- Mod = sco_edit_module.do_module_list(
- args={"module_id": moduleimpl_data["module_id"]}
- )[0]
- sem = sco_formsemestre.get_formsemestre(moduleimpl_data["formsemestre_id"])
- evalname = "%s-%s" % (Mod["code"], ndb.DateDMYtoISO(eval_data["jour"]))
- if eval_data["description"]:
- evaltitre = eval_data["description"]
- else:
- evaltitre = "évaluation du %s" % eval_data["jour"]
- desceval = [
- ["%s" % sem["titreannee"]],
- ["Module : %s - %s" % (Mod["code"], Mod["abbrev"])],
- ["Surveillants : %s" % teachers],
- ["Batiment : %s - Salle : %s" % (building, room)],
- ["Controle : %s (coef. %g)" % (evaltitre, eval_data["coefficient"])]
- ] # une liste de liste de chaines: description de l'evaluation
- listetud = build_listetud(cnx, groups, evaluation_id, moduleimpl_data)
- return affectation_places(listetud, etiquetage, nb_rangs)
+ groups = sco_groups.listgroups(d["groups"])
+ d["listetud"] = build_listetud(d)
+ return affectation_places(d)
def build_listetud(cnx, groups, evaluation_id, moduleimpl_data):
@@ -446,99 +436,96 @@ class Distributeur2D:
return retour
-def affectation_places(listetud, etiquetage, nb_rangs=1):
- affectation = []
- if etiquetage == "continu":
+def affectation_places(d):
+ plan = []
+ if d["etiquetage"] == "continu":
distributeur = DistributeurContinu()
- distributeur = Distributeur2D(nb_rangs)
- for etud in listetud:
- affectation.append((etud, distributeur.suivant()))
- return affectation
+ distributeur = Distributeur2D(d["nb_rangs"])
+ for etud in d["listetud"]:
+ plan.append((etud, distributeur.suivant()))
+ return plan
-def production_xls(file_format, eval_dat, plan):
+def production_xls(d):
+ filename = f"placement_{evalname}_{gr_title_filename}{scu.XLSX_SUFFIX}"
+ xls = _excel_feuille_placement(
+ d["eval_data"],
+ d["desceval"],
+ d["listetud"],
+ d["nb_rangs"],
+ d["batiment"],
+ d["salle"],
+ d["etiquetage"],
+ )
+ return sco_excel.send_excel_file(REQUEST, xls, filename)
-def production(file_format, eval_dat, plan):
- if file_format == "xls":
- filename = f"placement_{evalname}_{gr_title_filename}{scu.XLSX_SUFFIX}"
- xls = _excel_feuille_placement(
- eval_data, desceval, listetud, columns, space, maxlines, building, room, numbering
- )
- return sco_excel.send_excel_file(REQUEST, xls, filename)
+def production_pdf(d):
+ pdf_title = d["desceval"]
+ pdf_title += (
+ "Date : %(jour)s - Horaire : %(heure_debut)s à %(heure_fin)s" % d["eval_data"]
+ )
+ filename = "placement_%(evalname)s_%(gr_title_filename)s.pdf" % d
+ titles = {
+ "nom": "Nom",
+ "prenom": "Prenom",
+ "colonne": "Colonne",
+ "ligne": "Ligne",
+ "place": "Place",
+ }
+ nbcolumns = int(columns)
+ if numbering == "coordinate":
+ columns_ids = ["nom", "prenom", "colonne", "ligne"]
- nbcolumns = int(columns)
+ columns_ids = ["nom", "prenom", "place"]
- pdf_title = "%s
" % sem["titreannee"]
- pdf_title += "Module : %s - %s
" % (Mod["code"], Mod["abbrev"])
- pdf_title += "Surveillants : %s
" % teachers
- pdf_title += "Batiment : %s - Salle : %s
" % (building, room)
- pdf_title += "Controle : %s (coef. %g)
" % (evaltitre, E["coefficient"])
- pdf_title += "Date : %s - Horaire : %s à %s" % (
- E["jour"],
- E["heure_debut"],
- E["heure_fin"],
- )
- filename = "placement_%s_%s.pdf" % (evalname, gr_title_filename)
- titles = {
- "nom": "Nom",
- "prenom": "Prenom",
- "colonne": "Colonne",
- "ligne": "Ligne",
- "place": "Place",
- }
+ # etudiants
+ line = 1
+ col = 1
+ orderetud = []
+ for etudid in listetud:
if numbering == "coordinate":
- columns_ids = ["nom", "prenom", "colonne", "ligne"]
+ orderetud.append((etudid[0], etudid[1], col, line))
- columns_ids = ["nom", "prenom", "place"]
+ orderetud.append((etudid[0], etudid[1], col + (line - 1) * nbcolumns))
- # etudiants
- line = 1
- col = 1
- orderetud = []
- for etudid in listetud:
- if numbering == "coordinate":
- orderetud.append((etudid[0], etudid[1], col, line))
- else:
- orderetud.append((etudid[0], etudid[1], col + (line - 1) * nbcolumns))
+ if col == nbcolumns:
+ col = 0
+ line += 1
+ col += 1
- if col == nbcolumns:
- col = 0
- line += 1
- col += 1
+ rows = []
+ orderetud.sort()
+ for etudid in orderetud:
+ if numbering == "coordinate":
+ rows.append(
+ {
+ "nom": etudid[0],
+ "prenom": etudid[1],
+ "colonne": etudid[2],
+ "ligne": etudid[3],
+ }
+ )
+ else:
+ rows.append({"nom": etudid[0], "prenom": etudid[1], "place": etudid[2]})
- rows = []
- orderetud.sort()
- for etudid in orderetud:
- if numbering == "coordinate":
- rows.append(
- {
- "nom": etudid[0],
- "prenom": etudid[1],
- "colonne": etudid[2],
- "ligne": etudid[3],
- }
- )
- else:
- rows.append({"nom": etudid[0], "prenom": etudid[1], "place": etudid[2]})
- tab = GenTable(
- titles=titles,
- columns_ids=columns_ids,
- rows=rows,
- filename=filename,
- origin="Généré par %s le " % sco_version.SCONAME
- + scu.timedate_human_repr()
- + "",
- pdf_title=pdf_title,
- # pdf_shorttitle = '',
- preferences=sco_preferences.SemPreferences(M["formsemestre_id"]),
- # html_generate_cells=False # la derniere ligne (moyennes) est incomplete
- )
- t = tab.make_page(format="pdf", with_html_headers=False, REQUEST=REQUEST)
- return t
+ tab = GenTable(
+ titles=titles,
+ columns_ids=columns_ids,
+ rows=rows,
+ filename=filename,
+ origin="Généré par %s le " % sco_version.SCONAME
+ + scu.timedate_human_repr()
+ + "",
+ pdf_title=pdf_title,
+ # pdf_shorttitle = '',
+ preferences=sco_preferences.SemPreferences(M["formsemestre_id"]),
+ # html_generate_cells=False # la derniere ligne (moyennes) est incomplete
+ )
+ t = tab.make_page(format="pdf", with_html_headers=False, REQUEST=REQUEST)
+ return t
def placement_eval_selectetuds_old(evaluation_id, REQUEST=None):
@@ -704,16 +691,16 @@ def _titres(ws, description, evaluation, building, room, styles):
def _feuille0(
- ws0,
- description,
- evaluation,
- styles,
- numbering,
- listetud,
- nbcolumns,
- building,
- room,
- space,
+ ws0,
+ description,
+ evaluation,
+ styles,
+ numbering,
+ listetud,
+ nbcolumns,
+ building,
+ room,
+ space,
_titres(ws0, description, evaluation, building, room, styles)
# entetes colonnes - feuille0
@@ -801,16 +788,16 @@ def _next_page(ws):
def _feuille1(
- ws,
- description,
- evaluation,
- styles,
- numbering,
- maxlines,
- nbcolumns,
- building,
- room,
- listetud,
+ ws,
+ description,
+ evaluation,
+ styles,
+ numbering,
+ maxlines,
+ nbcolumns,
+ building,
+ room,
+ listetud,
# etudiants - feuille1
# structuration:
@@ -867,21 +854,24 @@ def _feuille1(
def _excel_feuille_placement(
- evaluation,
- description,
- listetud,
- columns,
- space,
- maxlines,
- building,
- room,
- numbering,
+ evaluation,
+ description,
+ listetud,
+ columns,
+ space,
+ maxlines,
+ building,
+ room,
+ numbering,
"""Genere feuille excel pour placement des etudiants.
E: evaluation (dict)
lines: liste de tuples
(etudid, nom, prenom, etat, groupe, val, explanation)
+ sem_preferences = sco_preferences.SemPreferences()
+ space = sem_preferences.get("feuille_placement_emargement")
+ maxlines = sem_preferences.get("feuille_placement_positions")
nbcolumns = int(columns)
column_width_ratio = 1 / 250 # changement d unités entre pyExcelerator et openpyxl
@@ -897,7 +887,7 @@ def _excel_feuille_placement(
ws0.set_column_dimension_width("A", 750 * column_width_ratio)
for col in range(nbcolumns):
- "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[col + 1: col + 2], width
+ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[col + 1 : col + 2], width
SheetName1 = "Positions"