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2022-03-26 23:33:12 +01:00
/*! Buttons for DataTables 2.2.2
* ©2016-2022 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function( factory ){
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define( ['jquery', ''], function ( $ ) {
return factory( $, window, document );
} );
else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
// CommonJS
module.exports = function (root, $) {
if ( ! root ) {
root = window;
if ( ! $ || ! $.fn.dataTable ) {
$ = require('')(root, $).$;
return factory( $, root, root.document );
else {
// Browser
factory( jQuery, window, document );
}(function( $, window, document, undefined ) {
'use strict';
var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable;
// Used for namespacing events added to the document by each instance, so they
// can be removed on destroy
var _instCounter = 0;
// Button namespacing counter for namespacing events on individual buttons
var _buttonCounter = 0;
var _dtButtons = DataTable.ext.buttons;
// Allow for jQuery slim
function _fadeIn(el, duration, fn) {
if ($.fn.animate) {
.fadeIn( duration, fn );
else {
el.css('display', 'block');
if (fn) {;
function _fadeOut(el, duration, fn) {
if ($.fn.animate) {
.fadeOut( duration, fn );
else {
el.css('display', 'none');
if (fn) {;
* [Buttons description]
* @param {[type]}
* @param {[type]}
var Buttons = function( dt, config )
// If not created with a `new` keyword then we return a wrapper function that
// will take the settings object for a DT. This allows easy use of new instances
// with the `layout` option - e.g. `topLeft: $.fn.dataTable.Buttons( ... )`.
if ( !(this instanceof Buttons) ) {
return function (settings) {
return new Buttons( settings, dt ).container();
// If there is no config set it to an empty object
if ( typeof( config ) === 'undefined' ) {
config = {};
// Allow a boolean true for defaults
if ( config === true ) {
config = {};
// For easy configuration of buttons an array can be given
if ( Array.isArray( config ) ) {
config = { buttons: config };
this.c = $.extend( true, {}, Buttons.defaults, config );
// Don't want a deep copy for the buttons
if ( config.buttons ) {
this.c.buttons = config.buttons;
this.s = {
dt: new DataTable.Api( dt ),
buttons: [],
listenKeys: '',
namespace: 'dtb'+(_instCounter++)
this.dom = {
container: $('<'+this.c.dom.container.tag+'/>')
.addClass( this.c.dom.container.className )
$.extend( Buttons.prototype, {
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Public methods
* Get the action of a button
* @param {int|string} Button index
* @return {function}
* Set the action of a button
* @param {node} node Button element
* @param {function} action Function to set
* @return {Buttons} Self for chaining
action: function ( node, action )
var button = this._nodeToButton( node );
if ( action === undefined ) {
return button.conf.action;
button.conf.action = action;
return this;
* Add an active class to the button to make to look active or get current
* active state.
* @param {node} node Button element
* @param {boolean} [flag] Enable / disable flag
* @return {Buttons} Self for chaining or boolean for getter
active: function ( node, flag ) {
var button = this._nodeToButton( node );
var klass =;
var jqNode = $(button.node);
if ( flag === undefined ) {
return jqNode.hasClass( klass );
jqNode.toggleClass( klass, flag === undefined ? true : flag );
return this;
* Add a new button
* @param {object} config Button configuration object, base string name or function
* @param {int|string} [idx] Button index for where to insert the button
* @param {boolean} [draw=true] Trigger a draw. Set a false when adding
* lots of buttons, until the last button.
* @return {Buttons} Self for chaining
add: function ( config, idx, draw )
var buttons = this.s.buttons;
if ( typeof idx === 'string' ) {
var split = idx.split('-');
var base = this.s;
for ( var i=0, ien=split.length-1 ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
base = base.buttons[ split[i]*1 ];
buttons = base.buttons;
idx = split[ split.length-1 ]*1;
config !== undefined ? config.split : undefined,
(config === undefined || config.split === undefined || config.split.length === 0) && base !== undefined,
if (draw === undefined || draw === true) {
return this;
* Clear buttons from a collection and then insert new buttons
collectionRebuild: function ( node, newButtons )
var button = this._nodeToButton( node );
if(newButtons !== undefined) {
var i;
// Need to reverse the array
for (i=button.buttons.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
for (i=0; i<newButtons.length; i++) {
var newBtn = newButtons[i];
newBtn !== undefined && newBtn.config !== undefined && newBtn.config.split !== undefined,
newBtn.parentConf !== undefined && newBtn.parentConf.split !== undefined,
this._draw(button.collection, button.buttons);
* Get the container node for the buttons
* @return {jQuery} Buttons node
container: function ()
return this.dom.container;
* Disable a button
* @param {node} node Button node
* @return {Buttons} Self for chaining
disable: function ( node ) {
var button = this._nodeToButton( node );
.addClass( this.c.dom.button.disabled )
.attr('disabled', true);
return this;
* Destroy the instance, cleaning up event handlers and removing DOM
* elements
* @return {Buttons} Self for chaining
destroy: function ()
// Key event listener
$('body').off( 'keyup.'+this.s.namespace );
// Individual button destroy (so they can remove their own events if
// needed). Take a copy as the array is modified by `remove`
var buttons = this.s.buttons.slice();
var i, ien;
for ( i=0, ien=buttons.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
this.remove( buttons[i].node );
// Container
// Remove from the settings object collection
var buttonInsts = this.s.dt.settings()[0];
for ( i=0, ien=buttonInsts.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
if ( buttonInsts.inst === this ) {
buttonInsts.splice( i, 1 );
return this;
* Enable / disable a button
* @param {node} node Button node
* @param {boolean} [flag=true] Enable / disable flag
* @return {Buttons} Self for chaining
enable: function ( node, flag )
if ( flag === false ) {
return this.disable( node );
var button = this._nodeToButton( node );
.removeClass( this.c.dom.button.disabled )
return this;
* Get a button's index
* This is internally recursive
* @param {element} node Button to get the index of
* @return {string} Button index
index: function ( node, nested, buttons )
if ( ! nested ) {
nested = '';
buttons = this.s.buttons;
for ( var i=0, ien=buttons.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
var inner = buttons[i].buttons;
if (buttons[i].node === node) {
return nested + i;
if ( inner && inner.length ) {
var match = this.index(node, i + '-', inner);
if (match !== null) {
return match;
return null;
* Get the instance name for the button set selector
* @return {string} Instance name
name: function ()
* Get a button's node of the buttons container if no button is given
* @param {node} [node] Button node
* @return {jQuery} Button element, or container
node: function ( node )
if ( ! node ) {
return this.dom.container;
var button = this._nodeToButton( node );
return $(button.node);
* Set / get a processing class on the selected button
* @param {element} node Triggering button node
* @param {boolean} flag true to add, false to remove, undefined to get
* @return {boolean|Buttons} Getter value or this if a setter.
processing: function ( node, flag )
var dt = this.s.dt;
var button = this._nodeToButton( node );
if ( flag === undefined ) {
return $(button.node).hasClass( 'processing' );
$(button.node).toggleClass( 'processing', flag );
$(dt.table().node()).triggerHandler( 'buttons-processing.dt', [
flag, dt.button( node ), dt, $(node), button.conf
] );
return this;
* Remove a button.
* @param {node} node Button node
* @return {Buttons} Self for chaining
remove: function ( node )
var button = this._nodeToButton( node );
var host = this._nodeToHost( node );
var dt = this.s.dt;
// Remove any child buttons first
if ( button.buttons.length ) {
for ( var i=button.buttons.length-1 ; i>=0 ; i-- ) {
this.remove( button.buttons[i].node );
button.conf.destroying = true;
// Allow the button to remove event handlers, etc
if ( button.conf.destroy ) { dt.button(node), dt, $(node), button.conf );
this._removeKey( button.conf );
var idx = $.inArray( button, host );
host.splice( idx, 1 );
return this;
* Get the text for a button
* @param {int|string} node Button index
* @return {string} Button text
* Set the text for a button
* @param {int|string|function} node Button index
* @param {string} label Text
* @return {Buttons} Self for chaining
text: function ( node, label )
var button = this._nodeToButton( node );
var buttonLiner = this.c.dom.collection.buttonLiner;
var linerTag = button.inCollection && buttonLiner && buttonLiner.tag ?
buttonLiner.tag :
var dt = this.s.dt;
var jqNode = $(button.node);
var text = function ( opt ) {
return typeof opt === 'function' ?
opt( dt, jqNode, button.conf ) :
if ( label === undefined ) {
return text( button.conf.text );
button.conf.text = label;
if ( linerTag ) {
.children( linerTag )
.html( text(label) );
else {
jqNode.html( text(label) );
return this;
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Constructor
* Buttons constructor
* @private
_constructor: function ()
var that = this;
var dt = this.s.dt;
var dtSettings = dt.settings()[0];
var buttons = this.c.buttons;
if ( ! dtSettings._buttons ) {
dtSettings._buttons = [];
dtSettings._buttons.push( {
inst: this,
} );
for ( var i=0, ien=buttons.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
this.add( buttons[i] );
dt.on( 'destroy', function ( e, settings ) {
if ( settings === dtSettings ) {
} );
// Global key event binding to listen for button keys
$('body').on( 'keyup.'+this.s.namespace, function ( e ) {
if ( ! document.activeElement || document.activeElement === document.body ) {
// SUse a string of characters for fast lookup of if we need to
// handle this
var character = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode).toLowerCase();
if ( that.s.listenKeys.toLowerCase().indexOf( character ) !== -1 ) {
that._keypress( character, e );
} );
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Private methods
* Add a new button to the key press listener
* @param {object} conf Resolved button configuration object
* @private
_addKey: function ( conf )
if ( conf.key ) {
this.s.listenKeys += $.isPlainObject( conf.key ) ?
conf.key.key :
* Insert the buttons into the container. Call without parameters!
* @param {node} [container] Recursive only - Insert point
* @param {array} [buttons] Recursive only - Buttons array
* @private
_draw: function ( container, buttons )
if ( ! container ) {
container = this.dom.container;
buttons = this.s.buttons;
for ( var i=0, ien=buttons.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
container.append( buttons[i].inserter );
container.append( ' ' );
if ( buttons[i].buttons && buttons[i].buttons.length ) {
this._draw( buttons[i].collection, buttons[i].buttons );
* Create buttons from an array of buttons
* @param {array} attachTo Buttons array to attach to
* @param {object} button Button definition
* @param {boolean} inCollection true if the button is in a collection
* @private
_expandButton: function ( attachTo, button, split, inCollection, inSplit, attachPoint, parentConf )
var dt = this.s.dt;
var buttonCounter = 0;
var isSplit = false;
var buttons = ! Array.isArray( button ) ?
[ button ] :
if(button === undefined ) {
buttons = !Array.isArray(split) ?
[ split ] :
if (button !== undefined && button.split !== undefined) {
isSplit = true;
for ( var i=0, ien=buttons.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
var conf = this._resolveExtends( buttons[i] );
if ( ! conf ) {
if( conf.config !== undefined && conf.config.split) {
isSplit = true;
else {
isSplit = false;
// If the configuration is an array, then expand the buttons at this
// point
if ( Array.isArray( conf ) ) {
this._expandButton( attachTo, conf, built !== undefined && built.conf !== undefined ? built.conf.split : undefined, inCollection, parentConf !== undefined && parentConf.split !== undefined, attachPoint, parentConf );
var built = this._buildButton( conf, inCollection, conf.split !== undefined || (conf.config !== undefined && conf.config.split !== undefined), inSplit );
if ( ! built ) {
if ( attachPoint !== undefined && attachPoint !== null ) {
attachTo.splice( attachPoint, 0, built );
else {
attachTo.push( built );
if ( built.conf.buttons || built.conf.split ) {
built.collection = $('<'+(isSplit ? this.c.dom.splitCollection.tag : this.c.dom.collection.tag)+'/>');
built.conf._collection = built.collection;
if(built.conf.split) {
for(var j = 0; j < built.conf.split.length; j++) {
if(typeof built.conf.split[j] === "object") {
built.conf.split[j].parent = parentConf;
if(built.conf.split[j].collectionLayout === undefined) {
built.conf.split[j].collectionLayout = built.conf.collectionLayout;
if(built.conf.split[j].dropup === undefined) {
built.conf.split[j].dropup = built.conf.dropup;
if(built.conf.split[j].fade === undefined) {
built.conf.split[j].fade = built.conf.fade;
else {
$(built.node).append($('<span class="dt-down-arrow">'+this.c.dom.splitDropdown.text+'</span>'))
this._expandButton( built.buttons, built.conf.buttons, built.conf.split, !isSplit, isSplit, attachPoint, built.conf );
built.conf.parent = parentConf;
// init call is made here, rather than buildButton as it needs to
// be selectable, and for that it needs to be in the buttons array
if ( conf.init ) { dt.button( built.node ), dt, $(built.node), conf );
* Create an individual button
* @param {object} config Resolved button configuration
* @param {boolean} inCollection `true` if a collection button
* @return {jQuery} Created button node (jQuery)
* @private
_buildButton: function ( config, inCollection, isSplit, inSplit )
var buttonDom = this.c.dom.button;
var linerDom = this.c.dom.buttonLiner;
var collectionDom = this.c.dom.collection;
var splitDom = this.c.dom.split;
var splitCollectionDom = this.c.dom.splitCollection;
var splitDropdownButton = this.c.dom.splitDropdownButton;
var dt = this.s.dt;
var text = function ( opt ) {
return typeof opt === 'function' ?
opt( dt, button, config ) :
// Spacers don't do much other than insert an element into the DOM
if (config.spacer) {
var spacer = $('<span></span>')
.addClass('dt-button-spacer ' + + ' ' + buttonDom.spacerClass)
return {
conf: config,
node: spacer,
inserter: spacer,
buttons: [],
inCollection: inCollection,
isSplit: isSplit,
inSplit: inSplit,
collection: null
if ( !isSplit && inSplit && splitCollectionDom ) {
buttonDom = splitDropdownButton;
else if ( !isSplit && inCollection && collectionDom.button ) {
buttonDom = collectionDom.button;
if ( !isSplit && inSplit && splitCollectionDom.buttonLiner ) {
linerDom = splitCollectionDom.buttonLiner
else if ( !isSplit && inCollection && collectionDom.buttonLiner ) {
linerDom = collectionDom.buttonLiner;
// Make sure that the button is available based on whatever requirements
// it has. For example, PDF button require pdfmake
if ( config.available && ! config.available( dt, config ) && !config.hasOwnProperty('html') ) {
return false;
var button;
if(!config.hasOwnProperty('html')) {
var action = function ( e, dt, button, config ) { dt.button( button ), e, dt, button, config );
$(dt.table().node()).triggerHandler( 'buttons-action.dt', [
dt.button( button ), dt, button, config
] );
var tag = config.tag || buttonDom.tag;
var clickBlurs = config.clickBlurs === undefined
? true :
button = $('<'+tag+'/>')
.addClass( buttonDom.className )
.addClass( inSplit ? this.c.dom.splitDropdownButton.className : '')
.attr( 'tabindex', this.s.dt.settings()[0].iTabIndex )
.attr( 'aria-controls', this.s.dt.table().node().id )
.on( 'click.dtb', function (e) {
if ( ! button.hasClass( buttonDom.disabled ) && config.action ) {
action( e, dt, button, config );
if( clickBlurs ) {
} )
.on( 'keypress.dtb', function (e) {
if ( e.keyCode === 13 ) {
if ( ! button.hasClass( buttonDom.disabled ) && config.action ) {
action( e, dt, button, config );
} );
// Make `a` tags act like a link
if ( tag.toLowerCase() === 'a' ) {
button.attr( 'href', '#' );
// Button tags should have `type=button` so they don't have any default behaviour
if ( tag.toLowerCase() === 'button' ) {
button.attr( 'type', 'button' );
if ( linerDom.tag ) {
var liner = $('<'+linerDom.tag+'/>')
.html( text( config.text ) )
.addClass( linerDom.className );
if ( linerDom.tag.toLowerCase() === 'a' ) {
liner.attr( 'href', '#' );
button.append( liner );
else {
button.html( text( config.text ) );
if ( config.enabled === false ) {
button.addClass( buttonDom.disabled );
if ( config.className ) {
button.addClass( config.className );
if ( config.titleAttr ) {
button.attr( 'title', text( config.titleAttr ) );
if ( config.attr ) {
button.attr( config.attr );
if ( ! config.namespace ) {
config.namespace = '.dt-button-'+(_buttonCounter++);
if ( config.config !== undefined && config.config.split ) {
config.split = config.config.split;
else {
button = $(config.html)
var buttonContainer = this.c.dom.buttonContainer;
var inserter;
if ( buttonContainer && buttonContainer.tag ) {
inserter = $('<'+buttonContainer.tag+'/>')
.addClass( buttonContainer.className )
.append( button );
else {
inserter = button;
this._addKey( config );
// Style integration callback for DOM manipulation
// Note that this is _not_ documented. It is currently
// for style integration only
if( this.c.buttonCreated ) {
inserter = this.c.buttonCreated( config, inserter );
var splitDiv;
if(isSplit) {
splitDiv = $('<div/>').addClass(this.c.dom.splitWrapper.className)
var dropButtonConfig = $.extend(config, {
text: this.c.dom.splitDropdown.text,
className: this.c.dom.splitDropdown.className,
closeButton: false,
attr: {
'aria-haspopup': true,
'aria-expanded': false
align: this.c.dom.splitDropdown.align,
splitAlignClass: this.c.dom.splitDropdown.splitAlignClass
var splitAction = function ( e, dt, button, config ) { dt.button($('div.dt-btn-split-wrapper')[0] ), e, dt, button, config );
$(dt.table().node()).triggerHandler( 'buttons-action.dt', [
dt.button( button ), dt, button, config
] );
button.attr('aria-expanded', true)
var dropButton = $('<button class="' + this.c.dom.splitDropdown.className + ' dt-button"><span class="dt-btn-split-drop-arrow">'+this.c.dom.splitDropdown.text+'</span></button>')
.on( 'click.dtb', function (e) {
if ( ! dropButton.hasClass( buttonDom.disabled )) {
splitAction( e, dt, dropButton, dropButtonConfig );
if ( clickBlurs ) {
} )
.on( 'keypress.dtb', function (e) {
if ( e.keyCode === 13 ) {
if ( ! dropButton.hasClass( buttonDom.disabled ) ) {
splitAction( e, dt, dropButton, dropButtonConfig );
} );
if(config.split.length === 0) {
return {
conf: config,
node: isSplit ? splitDiv.get(0) : button.get(0),
inserter: isSplit ? splitDiv : inserter,
buttons: [],
inCollection: inCollection,
isSplit: isSplit,
inSplit: inSplit,
collection: null
* Get the button object from a node (recursive)
* @param {node} node Button node
* @param {array} [buttons] Button array, uses base if not defined
* @return {object} Button object
* @private
_nodeToButton: function ( node, buttons )
if ( ! buttons ) {
buttons = this.s.buttons;
for ( var i=0, ien=buttons.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
if ( buttons[i].node === node ) {
return buttons[i];
if ( buttons[i].buttons.length ) {
var ret = this._nodeToButton( node, buttons[i].buttons );
if ( ret ) {
return ret;
* Get container array for a button from a button node (recursive)
* @param {node} node Button node
* @param {array} [buttons] Button array, uses base if not defined
* @return {array} Button's host array
* @private
_nodeToHost: function ( node, buttons )
if ( ! buttons ) {
buttons = this.s.buttons;
for ( var i=0, ien=buttons.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
if ( buttons[i].node === node ) {
return buttons;
if ( buttons[i].buttons.length ) {
var ret = this._nodeToHost( node, buttons[i].buttons );
if ( ret ) {
return ret;
* Handle a key press - determine if any button's key configured matches
* what was typed and trigger the action if so.
* @param {string} character The character pressed
* @param {object} e Key event that triggered this call
* @private
_keypress: function ( character, e )
// Check if this button press already activated on another instance of Buttons
if ( e._buttonsHandled ) {
var run = function ( conf, node ) {
if ( ! conf.key ) {
if ( conf.key === character ) {
e._buttonsHandled = true;
else if ( $.isPlainObject( conf.key ) ) {
if ( conf.key.key !== character ) {
if ( conf.key.shiftKey && ! e.shiftKey ) {
if ( conf.key.altKey && ! e.altKey ) {
if ( conf.key.ctrlKey && ! e.ctrlKey ) {
if ( conf.key.metaKey && ! e.metaKey ) {
// Made it this far - it is good
e._buttonsHandled = true;
var recurse = function ( a ) {
for ( var i=0, ien=a.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
run( a[i].conf, a[i].node );
if ( a[i].buttons.length ) {
recurse( a[i].buttons );
recurse( this.s.buttons );
* Remove a key from the key listener for this instance (to be used when a
* button is removed)
* @param {object} conf Button configuration
* @private
_removeKey: function ( conf )
if ( conf.key ) {
var character = $.isPlainObject( conf.key ) ?
conf.key.key :
// Remove only one character, as multiple buttons could have the
// same listening key
var a = this.s.listenKeys.split('');
var idx = $.inArray( character, a );
a.splice( idx, 1 );
this.s.listenKeys = a.join('');
* Resolve a button configuration
* @param {string|function|object} conf Button config to resolve
* @return {object} Button configuration
* @private
_resolveExtends: function ( conf )
var that = this;
var dt = this.s.dt;
var i, ien;
var toConfObject = function ( base ) {
var loop = 0;
// Loop until we have resolved to a button configuration, or an
// array of button configurations (which will be iterated
// separately)
while ( ! $.isPlainObject(base) && ! Array.isArray(base) ) {
if ( base === undefined ) {
if ( typeof base === 'function' ) {
base = that, dt, conf );
if ( ! base ) {
return false;
else if ( typeof base === 'string' ) {
if ( ! _dtButtons[ base ] ) {
return {html: base}
base = _dtButtons[ base ];
if ( loop > 30 ) {
// Protect against misconfiguration killing the browser
throw 'Buttons: Too many iterations';
return Array.isArray( base ) ?
base :
$.extend( {}, base );
conf = toConfObject( conf );
while ( conf && conf.extend ) {
// Use `toConfObject` in case the button definition being extended
// is itself a string or a function
if ( ! _dtButtons[ conf.extend ] ) {
throw 'Cannot extend unknown button type: '+conf.extend;
var objArray = toConfObject( _dtButtons[ conf.extend ] );
if ( Array.isArray( objArray ) ) {
return objArray;
else if ( ! objArray ) {
// This is a little brutal as it might be possible to have a
// valid button without the extend, but if there is no extend
// then the host button would be acting in an undefined state
return false;
// Stash the current class name
var originalClassName = objArray.className;
if (conf.config !== undefined && objArray.config !== undefined) {
conf.config = $.extend({}, objArray.config, conf.config)
conf = $.extend( {}, objArray, conf );
// The extend will have overwritten the original class name if the
// `conf` object also assigned a class, but we want to concatenate
// them so they are list that is combined from all extended buttons
if ( originalClassName && conf.className !== originalClassName ) {
conf.className = originalClassName+' '+conf.className;
// Buttons to be added to a collection -gives the ability to define
// if buttons should be added to the start or end of a collection
var postfixButtons = conf.postfixButtons;
if ( postfixButtons ) {
if ( ! conf.buttons ) {
conf.buttons = [];
for ( i=0, ien=postfixButtons.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
conf.buttons.push( postfixButtons[i] );
conf.postfixButtons = null;
var prefixButtons = conf.prefixButtons;
if ( prefixButtons ) {
if ( ! conf.buttons ) {
conf.buttons = [];
for ( i=0, ien=prefixButtons.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
conf.buttons.splice( i, 0, prefixButtons[i] );
conf.prefixButtons = null;
// Although we want the `conf` object to overwrite almost all of
// the properties of the object being extended, the `extend`
// property should come from the object being extended
conf.extend = objArray.extend;
return conf;
* Display (and replace if there is an existing one) a popover attached to a button
* @param {string|node} content Content to show
* @param {DataTable.Api} hostButton DT API instance of the button
* @param {object} inOpts Options (see object below for all options)
_popover: function ( content, hostButton, inOpts, e ) {
var dt = hostButton;
var buttonsSettings = this.c;
var closed = false;
var options = $.extend( {
align: 'button-left', // button-right, dt-container, split-left, split-right
autoClose: false,
background: true,
backgroundClassName: 'dt-button-background',
closeButton: true,
contentClassName: buttonsSettings.dom.collection.className,
collectionLayout: '',
collectionTitle: '',
dropup: false,
fade: 400,
popoverTitle: '',
rightAlignClassName: 'dt-button-right',
tag: buttonsSettings.dom.collection.tag
}, inOpts );
var hostNode = hostButton.node();
var close = function () {
closed = true;
function () {
$(dt.buttons( '[aria-haspopup="true"][aria-expanded="true"]' ).nodes())
.attr('aria-expanded', 'false');
$('div.dt-button-background').off( 'click.dtb-collection' );
Buttons.background( false, options.backgroundClassName, options.fade, hostNode );
$('body').off( '.dtb-collection' ); 'buttons-action.b-internal' ); 'destroy' );
if (content === false) {
var existingExpanded = $(dt.buttons( '[aria-haspopup="true"][aria-expanded="true"]' ).nodes());
if ( existingExpanded.length ) {
// Reuse the current position if the button that was triggered is inside an existing collection
if (hostNode.closest('div.dt-button-collection').length) {
hostNode = existingExpanded.eq(0);
// Try to be smart about the layout
var cnt = $('.dt-button', content).length;
var mod = '';
if (cnt === 3) {
mod = 'dtb-b3';
else if (cnt === 2) {
mod = 'dtb-b2';
else if (cnt === 1) {
mod = 'dtb-b1';
var display = $('<div/>')
.css('display', 'none');
content = $(content)
.attr('role', 'menu')
hostNode.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );
if ( hostNode.parents('body')[0] !== document.body ) {
hostNode = document.body.lastChild;
if ( options.popoverTitle ) {
display.prepend('<div class="dt-button-collection-title">'+options.popoverTitle+'</div>');
else if ( options.collectionTitle ) {
display.prepend('<div class="dt-button-collection-title">'+options.collectionTitle+'</div>');
if (options.closeButton) {
display.prepend('<div class="dtb-popover-close">x</div>').addClass('dtb-collection-closeable')
_fadeIn( display.insertAfter( hostNode ), options.fade );
var tableContainer = $( hostButton.table().container() );
var position = display.css( 'position' );
if ( options.span === 'container' || options.align === 'dt-container' ) {
hostNode = hostNode.parent();
display.css('width', tableContainer.width());
// Align the popover relative to the DataTables container
// Useful for wide popovers such as SearchPanes
if (position === 'absolute') {
// Align relative to the host button
var offsetParent = $(hostNode[0].offsetParent);
var buttonPosition = hostNode.position();
var buttonOffset = hostNode.offset();
var tableSizes = offsetParent.offset();
var containerPosition = offsetParent.position();
var computed = window.getComputedStyle(offsetParent[0]);
tableSizes.height = offsetParent.outerHeight();
tableSizes.width = offsetParent.width() + parseFloat(computed.paddingLeft);
tableSizes.right = tableSizes.left + tableSizes.width;
tableSizes.bottom = + tableSizes.height;
// Set the initial position so we can read height / width
var top = + hostNode.outerHeight();
var left = buttonPosition.left;
display.css( {
top: top,
left: left
} );
// Get the popover position
computed = window.getComputedStyle(display[0]);
var popoverSizes = display.offset();
popoverSizes.height = display.outerHeight();
popoverSizes.width = display.outerWidth();
popoverSizes.right = popoverSizes.left + popoverSizes.width;
popoverSizes.bottom = + popoverSizes.height;
popoverSizes.marginTop = parseFloat(computed.marginTop);
popoverSizes.marginBottom = parseFloat(computed.marginBottom);
// First position per the class requirements - pop up and right align
if (options.dropup) {
top = - popoverSizes.height - popoverSizes.marginTop - popoverSizes.marginBottom;
if (options.align === 'button-right' || display.hasClass( options.rightAlignClassName )) {
left = buttonPosition.left - popoverSizes.width + hostNode.outerWidth();
// Container alignment - make sure it doesn't overflow the table container
if (options.align === 'dt-container' || options.align === 'container') {
if (left < buttonPosition.left) {
left = -buttonPosition.left;
if (left + popoverSizes.width > tableSizes.width) {
left = tableSizes.width - popoverSizes.width;
// Window adjustment
if (containerPosition.left + left + popoverSizes.width > $(window).width()) {
// Overflowing the document to the right
left = $(window).width() - popoverSizes.width - containerPosition.left;
if (buttonOffset.left + left < 0) {
// Off to the left of the document
left = -buttonOffset.left;
if ( + top + popoverSizes.height > $(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop()) {
// Pop up if otherwise we'd need the user to scroll down
top = - popoverSizes.height - popoverSizes.marginTop - popoverSizes.marginBottom;
if ( + top < $(window).scrollTop()) {
// Correction for when the top is beyond the top of the page
top = + hostNode.outerHeight();
// Calculations all done - now set it
display.css( {
top: top,
left: left
} );
else {
// Fix position - centre on screen
var position = function () {
var half = $(window).height() / 2;
var top = display.height() / 2;
if ( top > half ) {
top = half;
display.css( 'marginTop', top*-1 );
$(window).on('resize.dtb-collection', function () {
if ( options.background ) {
options.backgroundHost || hostNode
// This is bonkers, but if we don't have a click listener on the
// background element, iOS Safari will ignore the body click
// listener below. An empty function here is all that is
// required to make it work...
$('div.dt-button-background').on( 'click.dtb-collection', function () {} );
if ( options.autoClose ) {
setTimeout( function () {
dt.on( 'buttons-action.b-internal', function (e, btn, dt, node) {
if ( node[0] === hostNode[0] ) {
} );
}, 0);
dt.on('destroy', close);
setTimeout(function() {
closed = false;
.on( 'click.dtb-collection', function (e) {
if (closed) {
// andSelf is deprecated in jQ1.8, but we want 1.7 compat
var back = $.fn.addBack ? 'addBack' : 'andSelf';
var parent = $([0];
if (( ! $([back]().filter( content ).length && !$(parent).hasClass('dt-buttons')) || $('dt-button-background')) {
} )
.on( 'keyup.dtb-collection', function (e) {
if ( e.keyCode === 27 ) {
} );
}, 0);
} );
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Statics
* Show / hide a background layer behind a collection
* @param {boolean} Flag to indicate if the background should be shown or
* hidden
* @param {string} Class to assign to the background
* @static
Buttons.background = function ( show, className, fade, insertPoint ) {
if ( fade === undefined ) {
fade = 400;
if ( ! insertPoint ) {
insertPoint = document.body;
if ( show ) {
.addClass( className )
.css( 'display', 'none' )
.insertAfter( insertPoint ),
else {
function () {
.removeClass( className )
* Instance selector - select Buttons instances based on an instance selector
* value from the buttons assigned to a DataTable. This is only useful if
* multiple instances are attached to a DataTable.
* @param {string|int|array} Instance selector - see `instance-selector`
* documentation on the DataTables site
* @param {array} Button instance array that was attached to the DataTables
* settings object
* @return {array} Buttons instances
* @static
Buttons.instanceSelector = function ( group, buttons )
if ( group === undefined || group === null ) {
return $.map( buttons, function ( v ) {
return v.inst;
} );
var ret = [];
var names = $.map( buttons, function ( v ) {
} );
// Flatten the group selector into an array of single options
var process = function ( input ) {
if ( Array.isArray( input ) ) {
for ( var i=0, ien=input.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
process( input[i] );
if ( typeof input === 'string' ) {
if ( input.indexOf( ',' ) !== -1 ) {
// String selector, list of names
process( input.split(',') );
else {
// String selector individual name
var idx = $.inArray( input.trim(), names );
if ( idx !== -1 ) {
ret.push( buttons[ idx ].inst );
else if ( typeof input === 'number' ) {
// Index selector
ret.push( buttons[ input ].inst );
else if ( typeof input === 'object' ) {
// Actual instance selector
ret.push( input );
process( group );
return ret;
* Button selector - select one or more buttons from a selector input so some
* operation can be performed on them.
* @param {array} Button instances array that the selector should operate on
* @param {string|int|node|jQuery|array} Button selector - see
* `button-selector` documentation on the DataTables site
* @return {array} Array of objects containing `inst` and `idx` properties of
* the selected buttons so you know which instance each button belongs to.
* @static
Buttons.buttonSelector = function ( insts, selector )
var ret = [];
var nodeBuilder = function ( a, buttons, baseIdx ) {
var button;
var idx;
for ( var i=0, ien=buttons.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
button = buttons[i];
if ( button ) {
idx = baseIdx !== undefined ?
baseIdx+i :
a.push( {
node: button.node,
idx: idx
} );
if ( button.buttons ) {
nodeBuilder( a, button.buttons, idx+'-' );
var run = function ( selector, inst ) {
var i, ien;
var buttons = [];
nodeBuilder( buttons, inst.s.buttons );
var nodes = $.map( buttons, function (v) {
return v.node;
} );
if ( Array.isArray( selector ) || selector instanceof $ ) {
for ( i=0, ien=selector.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
run( selector[i], inst );
if ( selector === null || selector === undefined || selector === '*' ) {
// Select all
for ( i=0, ien=buttons.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
ret.push( {
inst: inst,
node: buttons[i].node
} );
else if ( typeof selector === 'number' ) {
// Main button index selector
if (inst.s.buttons[ selector ]) {
ret.push( {
inst: inst,
node: inst.s.buttons[ selector ].node
} );
else if ( typeof selector === 'string' ) {
if ( selector.indexOf( ',' ) !== -1 ) {
// Split
var a = selector.split(',');
for ( i=0, ien=a.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
run( a[i].trim(), inst );
else if ( selector.match( /^\d+(\-\d+)*$/ ) ) {
// Sub-button index selector
var indexes = $.map( buttons, function (v) {
return v.idx;
} );
ret.push( {
inst: inst,
node: buttons[ $.inArray( selector, indexes ) ].node
} );
else if ( selector.indexOf( ':name' ) !== -1 ) {
// Button name selector
var name = selector.replace( ':name', '' );
for ( i=0, ien=buttons.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
if ( buttons[i].name === name ) {
ret.push( {
inst: inst,
node: buttons[i].node
} );
else {
// jQuery selector on the nodes
$( nodes ).filter( selector ).each( function () {
ret.push( {
inst: inst,
node: this
} );
} );
else if ( typeof selector === 'object' && selector.nodeName ) {
// Node selector
var idx = $.inArray( selector, nodes );
if ( idx !== -1 ) {
ret.push( {
inst: inst,
node: nodes[ idx ]
} );
for ( var i=0, ien=insts.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
var inst = insts[i];
run( selector, inst );
return ret;
* Default function used for formatting output data.
* @param {*} str Data to strip
Buttons.stripData = function ( str, config ) {
if ( typeof str !== 'string' ) {
return str;
// Always remove script tags
str = str.replace( /<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi, '' );
// Always remove comments
str = str.replace( /<!\-\-.*?\-\->/g, '' );
if ( ! config || config.stripHtml ) {
str = str.replace( /<[^>]*>/g, '' );
if ( ! config || config.trim ) {
str = str.replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, '' );
if ( ! config || config.stripNewlines ) {
str = str.replace( /\n/g, ' ' );
if ( ! config || config.decodeEntities ) {
_exportTextarea.innerHTML = str;
str = _exportTextarea.value;
return str;
* Buttons defaults. For full documentation, please refer to the docs/option
* directory or the DataTables site.
* @type {Object}
* @static
Buttons.defaults = {
buttons: [ 'copy', 'excel', 'csv', 'pdf', 'print' ],
name: 'main',
tabIndex: 0,
dom: {
container: {
tag: 'div',
className: 'dt-buttons'
collection: {
tag: 'div',
className: ''
button: {
tag: 'button',
className: 'dt-button',
active: 'active',
disabled: 'disabled',
spacerClass: ''
buttonLiner: {
tag: 'span',
className: ''
split: {
tag: 'div',
className: 'dt-button-split',
splitWrapper: {
tag: 'div',
className: 'dt-btn-split-wrapper',
splitDropdown: {
tag: 'button',
text: '&#x25BC;',
className: 'dt-btn-split-drop',
align: 'split-right',
splitAlignClass: 'dt-button-split-left'
splitDropdownButton: {
tag: 'button',
className: 'dt-btn-split-drop-button dt-button',
splitCollection: {
tag: 'div',
className: 'dt-button-split-collection',
* Version information
* @type {string}
* @static
Buttons.version = '2.2.2';
$.extend( _dtButtons, {
collection: {
text: function ( dt ) {
return dt.i18n( 'buttons.collection', 'Collection' );
className: 'buttons-collection',
closeButton: false,
init: function ( dt, button, config ) {
button.attr( 'aria-expanded', false );
action: function ( e, dt, button, config ) {
if ( config._collection.parents('body').length ) {
this.popover(false, config);
else {
this.popover(config._collection, config);
attr: {
'aria-haspopup': true
// Also the popover options, defined in Buttons.popover
split: {
text: function ( dt ) {
return dt.i18n( 'buttons.split', 'Split' );
className: 'buttons-split',
closeButton: false,
init: function ( dt, button, config ) {
return button.attr( 'aria-expanded', false );
action: function ( e, dt, button, config ) {
this.popover(config._collection, config);
attr: {
'aria-haspopup': true
// Also the popover options, defined in Buttons.popover
copy: function ( dt, conf ) {
if ( _dtButtons.copyHtml5 ) {
return 'copyHtml5';
csv: function ( dt, conf ) {
if ( _dtButtons.csvHtml5 && _dtButtons.csvHtml5.available( dt, conf ) ) {
return 'csvHtml5';
excel: function ( dt, conf ) {
if ( _dtButtons.excelHtml5 && _dtButtons.excelHtml5.available( dt, conf ) ) {
return 'excelHtml5';
pdf: function ( dt, conf ) {
if ( _dtButtons.pdfHtml5 && _dtButtons.pdfHtml5.available( dt, conf ) ) {
return 'pdfHtml5';
pageLength: function ( dt ) {
var lengthMenu = dt.settings()[0].aLengthMenu;
var vals = [];
var lang = [];
var text = function ( dt ) {
return dt.i18n( 'buttons.pageLength', {
"-1": 'Show all rows',
_: 'Show %d rows'
}, );
// Support for DataTables 1.x 2D array
if (Array.isArray( lengthMenu[0] )) {
vals = lengthMenu[0];
lang = lengthMenu[1];
else {
for (var i=0 ; i<lengthMenu.length ; i++) {
var option = lengthMenu[i];
// Support for DataTables 2 object in the array
if ($.isPlainObject(option)) {
else {
return {
extend: 'collection',
text: text,
className: 'buttons-page-length',
autoClose: true,
buttons: $.map( vals, function ( val, i ) {
return {
text: lang[i],
className: 'button-page-length',
action: function ( e, dt ) { val ).draw();
init: function ( dt, node, conf ) {
var that = this;
var fn = function () { === val );
dt.on( 'length.dt'+conf.namespace, fn );
destroy: function ( dt, node, conf ) { 'length.dt'+conf.namespace );
} ),
init: function ( dt, node, conf ) {
var that = this;
dt.on( 'length.dt'+conf.namespace, function () {
that.text( conf.text );
} );
destroy: function ( dt, node, conf ) { 'length.dt'+conf.namespace );
spacer: {
style: 'empty',
spacer: true,
text: function ( dt ) {
return dt.i18n( 'buttons.spacer', '' );
} );
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* DataTables API
* For complete documentation, please refer to the docs/api directory or the
* DataTables site
// Buttons group and individual button selector
DataTable.Api.register( 'buttons()', function ( group, selector ) {
// Argument shifting
if ( selector === undefined ) {
selector = group;
group = undefined;
this.selector.buttonGroup = group;
var res = this.iterator( true, 'table', function ( ctx ) {
if ( ctx._buttons ) {
return Buttons.buttonSelector(
Buttons.instanceSelector( group, ctx._buttons ),
}, true );
res._groupSelector = group;
return res;
} );
// Individual button selector
DataTable.Api.register( 'button()', function ( group, selector ) {
// just run buttons() and truncate
var buttons = this.buttons( group, selector );
if ( buttons.length > 1 ) {
buttons.splice( 1, buttons.length );
return buttons;
} );
// Active buttons
DataTable.Api.registerPlural( 'buttons().active()', 'button().active()', function ( flag ) {
if ( flag === undefined ) {
return function ( set ) {
return set.node );
} );
return this.each( function ( set ) { set.node, flag );
} );
} );
// Get / set button action
DataTable.Api.registerPlural( 'buttons().action()', 'button().action()', function ( action ) {
if ( action === undefined ) {
return function ( set ) {
return set.inst.action( set.node );
} );
return this.each( function ( set ) {
set.inst.action( set.node, action );
} );
} );
// Collection control
DataTable.Api.registerPlural( 'buttons().collectionRebuild()', 'button().collectionRebuild()', function ( buttons ) {
return this.each( function ( set ) {
for(var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
if(typeof buttons[i] === 'object') {
buttons[i].parentConf = set;
set.inst.collectionRebuild( set.node, buttons );
} );
} );
// Enable / disable buttons
DataTable.Api.register( ['buttons().enable()', 'button().enable()'], function ( flag ) {
return this.each( function ( set ) {
set.inst.enable( set.node, flag );
} );
} );
// Disable buttons
DataTable.Api.register( ['buttons().disable()', 'button().disable()'], function () {
return this.each( function ( set ) {
set.inst.disable( set.node );
} );
} );
// Button index
DataTable.Api.register( 'button().index()', function () {
var idx = null;
this.each( function ( set ) {
var res = set.inst.index( set.node );
if (res !== null) {
idx = res;
} );
return idx;
} );
// Get button nodes
DataTable.Api.registerPlural( 'buttons().nodes()', 'button().node()', function () {
var jq = $();
// jQuery will automatically reduce duplicates to a single entry
$( this.each( function ( set ) {
jq = jq.add( set.inst.node( set.node ) );
} ) );
return jq;
} );
// Get / set button processing state
DataTable.Api.registerPlural( 'buttons().processing()', 'button().processing()', function ( flag ) {
if ( flag === undefined ) {
return function ( set ) {
return set.inst.processing( set.node );
} );
return this.each( function ( set ) {
set.inst.processing( set.node, flag );
} );
} );
// Get / set button text (i.e. the button labels)
DataTable.Api.registerPlural( 'buttons().text()', 'button().text()', function ( label ) {
if ( label === undefined ) {
return function ( set ) {
return set.inst.text( set.node );
} );
return this.each( function ( set ) {
set.inst.text( set.node, label );
} );
} );
// Trigger a button's action
DataTable.Api.registerPlural( 'buttons().trigger()', 'button().trigger()', function () {
return this.each( function ( set ) {
set.inst.node( set.node ).trigger( 'click' );
} );
} );
// Button resolver to the popover
DataTable.Api.register( 'button().popover()', function (content, options) {
return function ( set ) {
return set.inst._popover( content, this.button(this[0].node), options );
} );
} );
// Get the container elements
DataTable.Api.register( 'buttons().containers()', function () {
var jq = $();
var groupSelector = this._groupSelector;
// We need to use the group selector directly, since if there are no buttons
// the result set will be empty
this.iterator( true, 'table', function ( ctx ) {
if ( ctx._buttons ) {
var insts = Buttons.instanceSelector( groupSelector, ctx._buttons );
for ( var i=0, ien=insts.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
jq = jq.add( insts[i].container() );
} );
return jq;
} );
DataTable.Api.register( 'buttons().container()', function () {
// API level of nesting is `buttons()` so we can zip into the containers method
return this.containers().eq(0);
} );
// Add a new button
DataTable.Api.register( 'button().add()', function ( idx, conf, draw ) {
var ctx = this.context;
// Don't use `this` as it could be empty - select the instances directly
if ( ctx.length ) {
var inst = Buttons.instanceSelector( this._groupSelector, ctx[0]._buttons );
if ( inst.length ) {
inst[0].add( conf, idx , draw);
return this.button( this._groupSelector, idx );
} );
// Destroy the button sets selected
DataTable.Api.register( 'buttons().destroy()', function () {
this.pluck( 'inst' ).unique().each( function ( inst ) {
} );
return this;
} );
// Remove a button
DataTable.Api.registerPlural( 'buttons().remove()', 'buttons().remove()', function () {
this.each( function ( set ) {
set.inst.remove( set.node );
} );
return this;
} );
// Information box that can be used by buttons
var _infoTimer;
DataTable.Api.register( '', function ( title, message, time ) {
var that = this;
if ( title === false ) {'destroy.btn-info');
function () {
clearTimeout( _infoTimer );
_infoTimer = null;
return this;
if ( _infoTimer ) {
clearTimeout( _infoTimer );
if ( $('#datatables_buttons_info').length ) {
title = title ? '<h2>'+title+'</h2>' : '';
$('<div id="datatables_buttons_info" class="dt-button-info"/>')
.html( title )
.append( $('<div/>')[ typeof message === 'string' ? 'html' : 'append' ]( message ) )
.css( 'display', 'none' )
.appendTo( 'body' )
if ( time !== undefined && time !== 0 ) {
_infoTimer = setTimeout( function () { false );
}, time );
this.on('destroy.btn-info', function () {;
return this;
} );
// Get data from the table for export - this is common to a number of plug-in
// buttons so it is included in the Buttons core library
DataTable.Api.register( 'buttons.exportData()', function ( options ) {
if ( this.context.length ) {
return _exportData( new DataTable.Api( this.context[0] ), options );
} );
// Get information about the export that is common to many of the export data
// types (DRY)
DataTable.Api.register( 'buttons.exportInfo()', function ( conf ) {
if ( ! conf ) {
conf = {};
return {
filename: _filename( conf ),
title: _title( conf ),
messageTop: _message(this, conf.message || conf.messageTop, 'top'),
messageBottom: _message(this, conf.messageBottom, 'bottom')
} );
* Get the file name for an exported file.
* @param {object} config Button configuration
* @param {boolean} incExtension Include the file name extension
var _filename = function ( config )
// Backwards compatibility
var filename = config.filename === '*' && config.title !== '*' && config.title !== undefined && config.title !== null && config.title !== '' ?
config.title :
if ( typeof filename === 'function' ) {
filename = filename();
if ( filename === undefined || filename === null ) {
return null;
if ( filename.indexOf( '*' ) !== -1 ) {
filename = filename.replace( '*', $('head > title').text() ).trim();
// Strip characters which the OS will object to
filename = filename.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\u00A1-\uFFFF\.,\-_ !\(\)]/g, "");
var extension = _stringOrFunction( config.extension );
if ( ! extension ) {
extension = '';
return filename + extension;
* Simply utility method to allow parameters to be given as a function
* @param {undefined|string|function} option Option
* @return {null|string} Resolved value
var _stringOrFunction = function ( option )
if ( option === null || option === undefined ) {
return null;
else if ( typeof option === 'function' ) {
return option();
return option;
* Get the title for an exported file.
* @param {object} config Button configuration
var _title = function ( config )
var title = _stringOrFunction( config.title );
return title === null ?
null : title.indexOf( '*' ) !== -1 ?
title.replace( '*', $('head > title').text() || 'Exported data' ) :
var _message = function ( dt, option, position )
var message = _stringOrFunction( option );
if ( message === null ) {
return null;
var caption = $('caption', dt.table().container()).eq(0);
if ( message === '*' ) {
var side = caption.css( 'caption-side' );
if ( side !== position ) {
return null;
return caption.length ?
caption.text() :
return message;
var _exportTextarea = $('<textarea/>')[0];
var _exportData = function ( dt, inOpts )
var config = $.extend( true, {}, {
rows: null,
columns: '',
modifier: {
search: 'applied',
order: 'applied'
orthogonal: 'display',
stripHtml: true,
stripNewlines: true,
decodeEntities: true,
trim: true,
format: {
header: function ( d ) {
return Buttons.stripData( d, config );
footer: function ( d ) {
return Buttons.stripData( d, config );
body: function ( d ) {
return Buttons.stripData( d, config );
customizeData: null
}, inOpts );
var header = dt.columns( config.columns ).indexes().map( function (idx) {
var el = dt.column( idx ).header();
return config.format.header( el.innerHTML, idx, el );
} ).toArray();
var footer = dt.table().footer() ?
dt.columns( config.columns ).indexes().map( function (idx) {
var el = dt.column( idx ).footer();
return config.format.footer( el ? el.innerHTML : '', idx, el );
} ).toArray() :
// If Select is available on this table, and any rows are selected, limit the export
// to the selected rows. If no rows are selected, all rows will be exported. Specify
// a `selected` modifier to control directly.
var modifier = $.extend( {}, config.modifier );
if ( && typeof === 'function' && modifier.selected === undefined ) {
if ( dt.rows( config.rows, $.extend( { selected: true }, modifier ) ).any() ) {
$.extend( modifier, { selected: true } )
var rowIndexes = dt.rows( config.rows, modifier ).indexes().toArray();
var selectedCells = dt.cells( rowIndexes, config.columns );
var cells = selectedCells
.render( config.orthogonal )
var cellNodes = selectedCells
var columns = header.length;
var rows = columns > 0 ? cells.length / columns : 0;
var body = [];
var cellCounter = 0;
for ( var i=0, ien=rows ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
var row = [ columns ];
for ( var j=0 ; j<columns ; j++ ) {
row[j] = config.format.body( cells[ cellCounter ], i, j, cellNodes[ cellCounter ] );
body[i] = row;
var data = {
header: header,
footer: footer,
body: body
if ( config.customizeData ) {
config.customizeData( data );
return data;
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* DataTables interface
// Attach to DataTables objects for global access
$.fn.dataTable.Buttons = Buttons;
$.fn.DataTable.Buttons = Buttons;
// DataTables creation - check if the buttons have been defined for this table,
// they will have been if the `B` option was used in `dom`, otherwise we should
// create the buttons instance here so they can be inserted into the document
// using the API. Listen for `init` for compatibility with pre 1.10.10, but to
// be removed in future.
$(document).on( 'init.dt plugin-init.dt', function (e, settings) {
if ( e.namespace !== 'dt' ) {
var opts = settings.oInit.buttons || DataTable.defaults.buttons;
if ( opts && ! settings._buttons ) {
new Buttons( settings, opts ).container();
} );
function _init ( settings, options ) {
var api = new DataTable.Api( settings );
var opts = options
? options
: api.init().buttons || DataTable.defaults.buttons;
return new Buttons( api, opts ).container();
// DataTables `dom` feature option
DataTable.ext.feature.push( {
fnInit: _init,
cFeature: "B"
} );
// DataTables 2 layout feature
if ( DataTable.ext.features ) {
DataTable.ext.features.register( 'buttons', _init );
return Buttons;