diff --git a/ZAbsences.py b/ZAbsences.py
index afdcb396..33e09b6b 100644
--- a/ZAbsences.py
+++ b/ZAbsences.py
@@ -697,6 +697,7 @@ class ZAbsences(
return int(self.get_preference("work_saturday"))
security.declareProtected(ScoView, "day_names")
def day_names(self):
"""Returns week day names.
If work_saturday property is set, include saturday
@@ -1993,22 +1994,3 @@ ou entrez une date pour visualiser les absents un jour donné :
log("XMLgetAbsEtud (%gs)" % (time.time() - t0))
return repr(doc)
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Zope Product Administration
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-def manage_addZAbsences(
- self, id="id_ZAbsences", title="The Title for ZAbsences Object", REQUEST=None
- "Add a ZAbsences instance to a folder."
- self._setObject(id, ZAbsences(id, title))
- if REQUEST is not None:
- return self.manage_main(self, REQUEST)
- # return self.manage_editForm(self, REQUEST)
-# The form used to get the instance id from the user.
-# manage_addZAbsencesForm = DTMLFile('dtml/manage_addZAbsencesForm', globals())
diff --git a/ZEntreprises.py b/ZEntreprises.py
index 3f138977..53d287a0 100644
--- a/ZEntreprises.py
+++ b/ZEntreprises.py
@@ -26,23 +26,33 @@
""" Gestion des relations avec les entreprises
+Note: Code très ancien, porté de Zope/DTML, peu utilisable
+=> Voir si des départements utilisent encore ce module et envisager de le supprimer.
import urllib
+import string
+import re
+import time
+import calendar
from sco_zope import *
+from sco_permissions import ScoEntrepriseView, ScoEntrepriseChange
# ---------------
from notesdb import *
from notes_log import log
from scolog import logdb
-from sco_utils import *
+from sco_utils import SCO_ENCODING
+import sco_utils as scu
import html_sidebar
+import VERSION
+from gen_tables import GenTable
from TrivialFormulator import TrivialFormulator, TF
import scolars
-import string, re
-import time, calendar
def _format_nom(nom):
@@ -78,10 +88,19 @@ class EntreprisesEditor(EditableTable):
+ limit="",
+ offset="",
# list, then sort on date of last contact
R = EditableTable.list(
- self, cnx, args=args, operator=operator, test=test, sortkey=sortkey
+ self,
+ cnx,
+ args=args,
+ operator=operator,
+ test=test,
+ sortkey=sortkey,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
if sort_on_contact:
for r in R:
@@ -232,20 +251,6 @@ class ZEntreprises(
self.id = id
self.title = title
- # The form used to edit this object
- # def manage_editZEntreprises(self, title, RESPONSE=None):
- # "Changes the instance values"
- # self.title = title
- # self._p_changed = 1
- # RESPONSE.redirect("manage_editForm")
- # Ajout (dans l'instance) d'un dtml modifiable par Zope
- def defaultDocFile(self, id, title, file):
- f = open(file_path + "/dtml-editable/" + file + ".dtml")
- file = f.read()
- f.close()
- self.manage_addDTMLMethod(id, title, file)
security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "entreprise_header")
def entreprise_header(self, REQUEST=None, page_title=""):
@@ -323,7 +328,7 @@ class ZEntreprises(
- H.append("""
%s""" % icontag("entreprise_side_img"))
+ H.append("""
%s""" % scu.icontag("entreprise_side_img"))
if REQUEST["_read_only"]:
(Lecture seule)""")
H.append(""" """)
@@ -331,55 +336,835 @@ class ZEntreprises(
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Entreprises : Methodes en DTML
+ # Entreprises : Vues
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
- # used to view content of the object
security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "index_html")
- index_html = DTMLFile("dtml/entreprises/index_html", globals())
+ def index_html(
+ self, REQUEST=None, etud_nom=None, limit=50, offset="", format="html"
+ ):
+ """Accueil module entreprises"""
+ # Traduit du DTML - utilise table standard
+ if limit:
+ limit = int(limit)
+ if offset:
+ offset = int(offset or 0)
+ if etud_nom:
+ entreprises = self.do_entreprise_list_by_etud(
+ args=REQUEST.form, sort_on_contact=True
+ )
+ table_navigation = ""
+ else:
+ entreprises = self.do_entreprise_list(
+ args=REQUEST.form,
+ test="~*",
+ sort_on_contact=True,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ )
+ # Liens navigation précédent/suivant
+ webparams = {"limit": limit}
+ if offset:
+ webparams["offset"] = max((offset or 0) - limit, 0)
+ prev_lnk = 'précédentes' % (
+ REQUEST.URL0 + "?" + urllib.urlencode(webparams)
+ )
+ else:
+ prev_lnk = ""
+ if len(entreprises) >= limit:
+ webparams["offset"] = (offset or 0) + limit
+ next_lnk = 'suivantes' % (
+ REQUEST.URL0 + "?" + urllib.urlencode(webparams)
+ )
+ else:
+ next_lnk = ""
+ table_navigation = (
+ '
+ + prev_lnk
+ + ''
+ + next_lnk
+ + "
+ )
+ # Ajout des liens sur la table:
+ for e in entreprises:
+ e["_nom_target"] = "entreprise_edit?entreprise_id=%(entreprise_id)s" % e
+ e["correspondants"] = self.do_entreprise_correspondant_list(
+ args={"entreprise_id": e["entreprise_id"]}
+ )
+ e["nbcorr"] = "%d corr." % len(e["correspondants"])
+ e["_nbcorr_target"] = (
+ "entreprise_correspondant_list?entreprise_id=%(entreprise_id)s" % e
+ )
+ e["contacts"] = self.do_entreprise_contact_list(
+ args={"entreprise_id": e["entreprise_id"]}
+ )
+ e["nbcontact"] = "%d contacts." % len(e["contacts"])
+ e["_nbcontact_target"] = (
+ "entreprise_contact_list?entreprise_id=%(entreprise_id)s" % e
+ )
+ tab = GenTable(
+ rows=entreprises,
+ columns_ids=("nom", "ville", "secteur", "nbcorr", "nbcontact"),
+ titles={
+ "nom": "Entreprise",
+ "ville": "Ville",
+ "secteur": "Secteur",
+ "nbcorr": "Corresp.",
+ "contacts": "Contacts",
+ },
+ origin="Généré par %s le " % VERSION.SCONAME + scu.timedate_human_repr(),
+ filename=scu.make_filename(
+ "entreprises_%s" % self.get_preference("DeptName")
+ ),
+ caption="Entreprises du département %s" % self.get_preference("DeptName"),
+ html_sortable=True,
+ html_class="entreprise_list table_leftalign",
+ html_with_td_classes=True,
+ html_next_section=table_navigation,
+ base_url=REQUEST.URL0 + "?",
+ preferences=self.get_preferences(),
+ )
+ if format != "html":
+ return tab.make_page(self, format=format, REQUEST=REQUEST)
+ else:
+ H = [
+ self.entreprise_header(REQUEST=REQUEST, page_title="Suivi entreprises"),
+ """Suivi relations entreprises
+ """""",
+ tab.html(),
+ """
+ self.entreprise_footer(REQUEST),
+ ]
+ return "\n".join(H)
security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "entreprise_contact_list")
- entreprise_contact_list = DTMLFile(
- "dtml/entreprises/entreprise_contact_list", globals()
- )
- security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "entreprise_correspondant_list")
- entreprise_correspondant_list = DTMLFile(
- "dtml/entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_list", globals()
- )
- # les methodes "edit" sont aussi en ScoEntrepriseView car elles permettent
- # la visualisation (via variable _read_only positionnee dans entreprise_header)
- security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "entreprise_contact_edit")
- entreprise_contact_edit = DTMLFile(
- "dtml/entreprises/entreprise_contact_edit", globals()
- )
- security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "entreprise_correspondant_edit")
- entreprise_correspondant_edit = DTMLFile(
- "dtml/entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_edit", globals()
- )
- # Acces en modification:
+ def entreprise_contact_list(self, entreprise_id=None, format="html", REQUEST=None):
+ """Liste des contacts de l'entreprise"""
+ H = [self.entreprise_header(REQUEST=REQUEST, page_title="Suivi entreprises")]
+ if entreprise_id:
+ E = self.do_entreprise_list(args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id})[0]
+ C = self.do_entreprise_contact_list(args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id})
+ H.append(
+ """
+ """
+ % E
+ )
+ else:
+ C = self.do_entreprise_contact_list(args={})
+ H.append(
+ """
+ """
+ )
+ for c in C:
+ c[
+ "_date_target"
+ ] = "%s/entreprise_contact_edit?entreprise_contact_id=%s" % (
+ c["entreprise_contact_id"],
+ )
+ c["entreprise"] = self.do_entreprise_list(
+ args={"entreprise_id": c["entreprise_id"]}
+ )[0]
+ if c["etudid"]:
+ c["etud"] = self.getEtudInfo(etudid=c["etudid"], filled=1)[0]
+ c["etudnom"] = c["etud"]["nomprenom"]
+ c["_etudnom_target"] = "%s/ficheEtud?etudid=%s" % (
+ c["etudid"],
+ )
+ else:
+ c["etud"] = None
+ c["etudnom"] = ""
+ tab = GenTable(
+ rows=C,
+ columns_ids=("date", "type_contact", "etudnom", "description"),
+ titles={
+ "date": "Date",
+ "type_contact": "Object",
+ "etudnom": "Étudiant",
+ "description": "Description",
+ },
+ origin="Généré par %s le " % VERSION.SCONAME + scu.timedate_human_repr(),
+ filename=scu.make_filename("contacts_%s" % self.get_preference("DeptName")),
+ caption="",
+ html_sortable=True,
+ html_class="contact_list table_leftalign",
+ html_with_td_classes=True,
+ base_url=REQUEST.URL0 + "?",
+ preferences=self.get_preferences(),
+ )
+ if format != "html":
+ return tab.make_page(self, format=format, REQUEST=REQUEST)
+ H.append(tab.html())
+ if not REQUEST["_read_only"]: # portage DTML, à modifier
+ if entreprise_id:
+ H.append(
+ """nouveau "contact"
+ """
+ % E
+ )
+ H.append(self.entreprise_footer(REQUEST))
+ return "\n".join(H)
+ security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "entreprise_correspondant_list")
+ def entreprise_correspondant_list(
+ self,
+ entreprise_id=None,
+ format="html",
+ ):
+ """Liste des correspondants de l'entreprise"""
+ E = self.do_entreprise_list(args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id})[0]
+ H = [
+ self.entreprise_header(REQUEST=REQUEST, page_title="Suivi entreprises"),
+ """
+ Listes des correspondants dans l'entreprise %(nom)s
+ """
+ % E,
+ ]
+ correspondants = self.do_entreprise_correspondant_list(
+ args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id}
+ )
+ for c in correspondants:
+ c["nomprenom"] = c["nom"].upper() + " " + c["nom"].capitalize()
+ c["_nomprenom_target"] = (
+ "%s/entreprise_correspondant_edit?entreprise_corresp_id=%s"
+ % (REQUEST.URL1, c["entreprise_corresp_id"]),
+ )
+ c["nom_entreprise"] = E["nom"]
+ l = []
+ if c["phone1"]:
+ l.append(c["phone1"])
+ if c["phone2"]:
+ l.append(c["phone2"])
+ if c["mobile"]:
+ l.append(c["mobile"])
+ c["telephones"] = " / ".join(l)
+ c["mails"] = " ".join(
+ [
+ '%s' % (c["mail1"], c["mail1"])
+ if c["mail1"]
+ else "",
+ '%s' % (c["mail2"], c["mail2"])
+ if c["mail2"]
+ else "",
+ ]
+ )
+ c["modifier"] = (
+ 'modifier'
+ % c["entreprise_corresp_id"]
+ )
+ c["supprimer"] = (
+ 'supprimer'
+ % c["entreprise_corresp_id"]
+ )
+ tab = GenTable(
+ rows=correspondants,
+ columns_ids=(
+ "nomprenom",
+ "nom_entreprise",
+ "fonction",
+ "telephones",
+ "mails",
+ "note",
+ "modifier",
+ "supprimer",
+ ),
+ titles={
+ "nomprenom": "Nom",
+ "nom_entreprise": "Entreprise",
+ "fonction": "Fonction",
+ "telephones": "Téléphone",
+ "mails": "Mail",
+ "note": "Note",
+ "modifier": "",
+ "supprimer": "",
+ },
+ origin="Généré par %s le " % VERSION.SCONAME + scu.timedate_human_repr(),
+ filename=scu.make_filename(
+ "correspondants_%s_%s" % (E["nom"], self.get_preference("DeptName"))
+ ),
+ caption="",
+ html_sortable=True,
+ html_class="contact_list table_leftalign",
+ html_with_td_classes=True,
+ base_url=REQUEST.URL0 + "?",
+ preferences=self.get_preferences(),
+ )
+ if format != "html":
+ return tab.make_page(self, format=format, REQUEST=REQUEST)
+ H.append(tab.html())
+ if not REQUEST["_read_only"]: # portage DTML, à modifier
+ H.append(
+ """Ajouter un correspondant dans l'entreprise %(nom)s
+ """
+ % E
+ )
+ H.append(self.entreprise_footer(REQUEST))
+ return "\n".join(H)
+ security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "entreprise_contact_edit")
+ def entreprise_contact_edit(self, entreprise_contact_id, REQUEST=None):
+ """Form edit contact"""
+ c = self.do_entreprise_contact_list(
+ args={"entreprise_contact_id": entreprise_contact_id}
+ )[0]
+ link_create_corr = (
+ 'créer un nouveau correspondant'
+ % (REQUEST.URL1, c["entreprise_id"])
+ )
+ E = self.do_entreprise_list(args={"entreprise_id": c["entreprise_id"]})[0]
+ correspondants = self.do_entreprise_correspondant_listnames(
+ args={"entreprise_id": c["entreprise_id"]}
+ ) + [("inconnu", "")]
+ H = [
+ self.entreprise_header(REQUEST=REQUEST, page_title="Suivi entreprises"),
+ """
+ Contact avec entreprise %(nom)s
+ % E,
+ ]
+ tf = TrivialFormulator(
+ REQUEST.form,
+ (
+ (
+ "entreprise_contact_id",
+ {"default": entreprise_contact_id, "input_type": "hidden"},
+ ),
+ (
+ "entreprise_id",
+ {"input_type": "hidden", "default": c["entreprise_id"]},
+ ),
+ (
+ "type_contact",
+ {
+ "input_type": "menu",
+ "title": "Objet",
+ "allowed_values": (
+ "Prospection",
+ "Stage étudiant",
+ "Contrat Apprentissage",
+ "Projet",
+ "Autre",
+ ),
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "date",
+ {
+ "size": 12,
+ "title": "Date du contact (j/m/a)",
+ "allow_null": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "entreprise_corresp_id",
+ {
+ "input_type": "menu",
+ "title": "Correspondant entreprise",
+ "explanation": link_create_corr,
+ "allow_null": True,
+ "labels": [x[0] for x in correspondants],
+ "allowed_values": [x[1] for x in correspondants],
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "etudiant",
+ {
+ "size": 16,
+ "title": "Etudiant concerné",
+ "allow_null": True,
+ "default": c["etudid"],
+ "explanation": "nom (si pas ambigu) ou code",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "enseignant",
+ {"size": 16, "title": "Enseignant (tuteur)", "allow_null": True},
+ ),
+ (
+ "description",
+ {
+ "input_type": "textarea",
+ "rows": 3,
+ "cols": 40,
+ "title": "Description",
+ },
+ ),
+ ),
+ cancelbutton="Annuler",
+ initvalues=c,
+ submitlabel="Modifier les valeurs",
+ readonly=REQUEST["_read_only"],
+ )
+ if tf[0] == 0:
+ H.append(tf[1])
+ if not REQUEST["_read_only"]: # portage DTML, à modifier
+ H.append(
+ """Supprimer ce contact
+ % entreprise_contact_id
+ )
+ elif tf[0] == -1:
+ else:
+ etudok = self.do_entreprise_check_etudiant(tf[2]["etudiant"])
+ if etudok[0] == 0:
+ H.append("""%s
""" % etudok[1])
+ else:
+ tf[2].update({"etudid": etudok[1]})
+ self.do_entreprise_contact_edit(tf[2])
+ + "/entreprise_contact_list?entreprise_id="
+ + str(c["entreprise_id"])
+ )
+ H.append(self.entreprise_footer(REQUEST))
+ return "\n".join(H)
+ security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "entreprise_correspondant_edit")
+ def entreprise_correspondant_edit(self, entreprise_corresp_id, REQUEST=None):
+ """Form édition d'un correspondant"""
+ # F -> c
+ c = self.do_entreprise_correspondant_list(
+ args={"entreprise_corresp_id": entreprise_corresp_id}
+ )[0]
+ H = [
+ self.entreprise_header(REQUEST=REQUEST, page_title="Suivi entreprises"),
+ """Édition contact entreprise
+ ]
+ tf = TrivialFormulator(
+ REQUEST.form,
+ (
+ (
+ "entreprise_corresp_id",
+ {"default": entreprise_corresp_id, "input_type": "hidden"},
+ ),
+ (
+ "civilite",
+ {
+ "input_type": "menu",
+ "labels": ["M.", "Mme"],
+ "allowed_values": ["M.", "Mme"],
+ },
+ ),
+ ("nom", {"size": 25, "title": "Nom", "allow_null": False}),
+ ("prenom", {"size": 25, "title": "Prénom"}),
+ (
+ "fonction",
+ {
+ "input_type": "menu",
+ "allowed_values": (
+ "Directeur",
+ "RH",
+ "Resp. Administratif",
+ "Tuteur",
+ "Autre",
+ ),
+ "explanation": "fonction via à vis de l'IUT",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "phone1",
+ {
+ "size": 14,
+ "title": "Téléphone 1",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "phone2",
+ {
+ "size": 14,
+ "title": "Téléphone 2",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "mobile",
+ {
+ "size": 14,
+ "title": "Tél. mobile",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "fax",
+ {
+ "size": 14,
+ "title": "Fax",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "mail1",
+ {
+ "size": 25,
+ "title": "e-mail",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "mail2",
+ {
+ "size": 25,
+ "title": "e-mail 2",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "note",
+ {"input_type": "textarea", "rows": 3, "cols": 40, "title": "Note"},
+ ),
+ ),
+ cancelbutton="Annuler",
+ initvalues=c,
+ submitlabel="Modifier les valeurs",
+ readonly=REQUEST["_read_only"],
+ )
+ if tf[0] == 0:
+ H.append(tf[1])
+ elif tf[0] == -1:
+ "%s/entreprise_correspondant_list?entreprise_id=%s"
+ % (REQUEST.URL1, c["entreprise_id"])
+ )
+ else:
+ self.do_entreprise_correspondant_edit(tf[2])
+ "%s/entreprise_correspondant_list?entreprise_id=%s"
+ % (REQUEST.URL1, c["entreprise_id"])
+ )
+ H.append(self.entreprise_footer(REQUEST))
+ return "\n".join(H)
security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "entreprise_contact_create")
- entreprise_contact_create = DTMLFile(
- "dtml/entreprises/entreprise_contact_create", globals()
- )
+ def entreprise_contact_create(self, entreprise_id, REQUEST=None):
+ """Form création contact"""
+ E = self.do_entreprise_list(args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id})[0]
+ correspondants = self.do_entreprise_correspondant_listnames(
+ args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id}
+ )
+ if not correspondants:
+ correspondants = [("inconnu", "")]
+ curtime = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
+ link_create_corr = (
+ 'créer un nouveau correspondant'
+ % (REQUEST.URL1, entreprise_id)
+ )
+ H = [
+ self.entreprise_header(REQUEST=REQUEST, page_title="Suivi entreprises"),
+ """"""
+ % E,
+ ]
+ tf = TrivialFormulator(
+ REQUEST.form,
+ (
+ ("entreprise_id", {"input_type": "hidden", "default": entreprise_id}),
+ (
+ "type_contact",
+ {
+ "input_type": "menu",
+ "title": "Objet",
+ "allowed_values": (
+ "Prospection",
+ "Stage étudiant",
+ "Contrat Apprentissage DUT GTR1",
+ "Contrat Apprentissage DUT GTR2",
+ "Contrat Apprentissage Licence SQRT",
+ "Projet",
+ "Autre",
+ ),
+ "default": "Stage étudiant",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "date",
+ {
+ "size": 12,
+ "title": "Date du contact (j/m/a)",
+ "allow_null": False,
+ "default": curtime,
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "entreprise_corresp_id",
+ {
+ "input_type": "menu",
+ "title": "Correspondant entreprise",
+ "explanation": link_create_corr,
+ "allow_null": True,
+ "labels": [x[0] for x in correspondants],
+ "allowed_values": [x[1] for x in correspondants],
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "etudiant",
+ {
+ "size": 16,
+ "title": "Etudiant concerné",
+ "allow_null": True,
+ "explanation": "nom (si pas ambigu) ou code",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "enseignant",
+ {"size": 16, "title": "Enseignant (tuteur)", "allow_null": True},
+ ),
+ (
+ "description",
+ {
+ "input_type": "textarea",
+ "rows": 3,
+ "cols": 40,
+ "title": "Description",
+ },
+ ),
+ ),
+ cancelbutton="Annuler",
+ submitlabel="Ajouter ce contact",
+ readonly=REQUEST["_read_only"],
+ )
+ if tf[0] == 0:
+ H.append(tf[1])
+ elif tf[0] == -1:
+ else:
+ etudok = self.do_entreprise_check_etudiant(tf[2]["etudiant"])
+ if etudok[0] == 0:
+ H.append("""%s
""" % etudok[1])
+ else:
+ tf[2].update({"etudid": etudok[1]})
+ self.do_entreprise_contact_create(tf[2])
+ H.append(self.entreprise_footer(REQUEST))
+ return "\n".join(H)
security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "entreprise_contact_delete")
- entreprise_contact_delete = DTMLFile(
- "dtml/entreprises/entreprise_contact_delete", globals()
- )
+ def entreprise_contact_delete(self, entreprise_contact_id, REQUEST=None):
+ """Form delete contact"""
+ c = self.do_entreprise_contact_list(
+ args={"entreprise_contact_id": entreprise_contact_id}
+ )[0]
+ H = [
+ self.entreprise_header(REQUEST=REQUEST, page_title="Suivi entreprises"),
+ """Suppression du contact
+ ]
+ tf = TrivialFormulator(
+ REQUEST.form,
+ (("entreprise_contact_id", {"input_type": "hidden"}),),
+ initvalues=c,
+ submitlabel="Confirmer la suppression",
+ cancelbutton="Annuler",
+ readonly=REQUEST["_read_only"],
+ )
+ if tf[0] == 0:
+ H.append(tf[1])
+ elif tf[0] == -1:
+ else:
+ self.do_entreprise_contact_delete(c["entreprise_contact_id"])
+ H.append(self.entreprise_footer(REQUEST))
+ return "\n".join(H)
security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "entreprise_correspondant_create")
- entreprise_correspondant_create = DTMLFile(
- "dtml/entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_create", globals()
- )
+ def entreprise_correspondant_create(self, entreprise_id, REQUEST=None):
+ """Form création correspondant"""
+ E = self.do_entreprise_list(args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id})[0]
+ H = [
+ self.entreprise_header(REQUEST=REQUEST, page_title="Suivi entreprises"),
+ """"""
+ % E,
+ ]
+ tf = TrivialFormulator(
+ REQUEST.form,
+ (
+ ("entreprise_id", {"input_type": "hidden", "default": entreprise_id}),
+ (
+ "civilite",
+ {
+ "input_type": "menu",
+ "labels": ["M.", "Mme"],
+ "allowed_values": ["M.", "Mme"],
+ },
+ ),
+ ("nom", {"size": 25, "title": "Nom", "allow_null": False}),
+ ("prenom", {"size": 25, "title": "Prénom"}),
+ (
+ "fonction",
+ {
+ "input_type": "menu",
+ "allowed_values": (
+ "Directeur",
+ "RH",
+ "Resp. Administratif",
+ "Tuteur",
+ "Autre",
+ ),
+ "default": "Tuteur",
+ "explanation": "fonction via à vis de l'IUT",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "phone1",
+ {
+ "size": 14,
+ "title": "Téléphone 1",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "phone2",
+ {
+ "size": 14,
+ "title": "Téléphone 2",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "mobile",
+ {
+ "size": 14,
+ "title": "Tél. mobile",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "fax",
+ {
+ "size": 14,
+ "title": "Fax",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "mail1",
+ {
+ "size": 25,
+ "title": "e-mail",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "mail2",
+ {
+ "size": 25,
+ "title": "e-mail 2",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "note",
+ {"input_type": "textarea", "rows": 3, "cols": 40, "title": "Note"},
+ ),
+ ),
+ cancelbutton="Annuler",
+ submitlabel="Ajouter ce correspondant",
+ readonly=REQUEST["_read_only"],
+ )
+ if tf[0] == 0:
+ H.append(tf[1])
+ elif tf[0] == -1:
+ else:
+ self.do_entreprise_correspondant_create(tf[2])
+ H.append(self.entreprise_footer(REQUEST))
+ return "\n".join(H)
security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "entreprise_correspondant_delete")
- entreprise_correspondant_delete = DTMLFile(
- "dtml/entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_delete", globals()
- )
+ def entreprise_correspondant_delete(self, entreprise_corresp_id, REQUEST=None):
+ """Form delete correspondant"""
+ c = self.do_entreprise_correspondant_list(
+ args={"entreprise_corresp_id": entreprise_corresp_id}
+ )[0]
+ H = [
+ self.entreprise_header(REQUEST=REQUEST, page_title="Suivi entreprises"),
+ """Suppression du correspondant %(nom)s %(prenom)s
""" % c,
+ ]
+ tf = TrivialFormulator(
+ REQUEST.form,
+ (("entreprise_corresp_id", {"input_type": "hidden"}),),
+ initvalues=c,
+ submitlabel="Confirmer la suppression",
+ cancelbutton="Annuler",
+ readonly=REQUEST["_read_only"],
+ )
+ if tf[0] == 0:
+ H.append(tf[1])
+ elif tf[0] == -1:
+ else:
+ self.do_entreprise_correspondant_delete(c["entreprise_corresp_id"])
+ H.append(self.entreprise_footer(REQUEST))
+ return "\n".join(H)
security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "entreprise_delete")
- entreprise_delete = DTMLFile("dtml/entreprises/entreprise_delete", globals())
+ def entreprise_delete(self, entreprise_id, REQUEST=None):
+ """Form delete entreprise"""
+ E = self.do_entreprise_list(args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id})[0]
+ H = [
+ self.entreprise_header(REQUEST=REQUEST, page_title="Suivi entreprises"),
+ """Suppression de l'entreprise %(nom)s
+ Attention: supression définitive de l'entreprise, de ses correspondants et contacts.
+ % E,
+ ]
+ Cl = self.do_entreprise_correspondant_list(
+ args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id}
+ )
+ if Cl:
+ H.append(
+ """Correspondants dans l'entreprise qui seront supprimés:
+ )
+ for c in Cl:
+ H.append("""- %(nom)s %(prenom)s (%(fonction)s)
""" % c)
+ H.append("""
+ Cts = self.do_entreprise_contact_list(args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id})
+ if Cts:
+ H.append(
+ """Contacts avec l'entreprise qui seront supprimés:
+ )
+ for c in Cts:
+ H.append("""- %(date)s %(description)s
""" % c)
+ H.append("""
+ tf = self.TrivialFormulator(
+ REQUEST.form,
+ (("entreprise_id", {"input_type": "hidden"}),),
+ initvalues=E,
+ submitlabel="Confirmer la suppression",
+ cancelbutton="Annuler",
+ readonly=REQUEST["_read_only"],
+ )
+ if tf[0] == 0:
+ H.append(tf[1])
+ elif tf[0] == -1:
+ else:
+ self.do_entreprise_delete(E["entreprise_id"])
+ H.append(self.entreprise_footer(REQUEST))
+ return "\n".join(H)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Entreprises : Methodes en Python
+ # Entreprises : Actions
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "do_entreprise_create")
@@ -521,7 +1306,7 @@ class ZEntreprises(
for x in r:
"%s %s (code %s)"
- % (strupper(x[1]), x[2] or "", x[0].strip())
+ % (scu.strupper(x[1]), x[2] or "", x[0].strip())
return (
@@ -780,7 +1565,7 @@ class ZEntreprises(
"""%s Supprimer cette entreprise
% (
- icontag("delete_img", title="delete", border="0"),
+ scu.icontag("delete_img", title="delete", border="0"),
@@ -849,54 +1634,3 @@ class ZEntreprises(
return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(REQUEST.URL1 + "?start=" + start)
- # --- Misc tools.... ------------------
- security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "str_abbrev")
- def str_abbrev(self, s, maxlen):
- "abreviation"
- if s == None:
- return "?"
- if len(s) < maxlen:
- return s
- return s[: maxlen - 3] + "..."
- security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "setPageSizeCookie")
- def setPageSizeCookie(self, REQUEST=None):
- "set page size cookie"
- #
- if REQUEST.form.has_key("entreprise_page_size"):
- RESPONSE.setCookie(
- "entreprise_page_size",
- REQUEST.form["entreprise_page_size"],
- path="/",
- expires="Wed, 31-Dec-2025 23:55:00 GMT",
- )
- RESPONSE.redirect(REQUEST.form["target_url"])
- security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "make_link_create_corr")
- def make_link_create_corr(self, entreprise_id):
- "yet another stupid code snippet"
- return (
- 'créer un nouveau correspondant'
- )
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Zope Product Administration
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-def manage_addZEntreprises(
- self, id="id_ZEntreprises", title="The Title for ZEntreprises Object", REQUEST=None
- "Add a ZEntreprises instance to a folder."
- self._setObject(id, ZEntreprises(id, title))
- if REQUEST is not None:
- return self.manage_main(self, REQUEST)
- # return self.manage_editForm(self, REQUEST)
diff --git a/ZNotes.py b/ZNotes.py
index be5d991c..c75a2155 100644
--- a/ZNotes.py
+++ b/ZNotes.py
@@ -3640,22 +3640,3 @@ class ZNotes(ObjectManager, PropertyManager, RoleManager, Item, Persistent, Impl
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Zope Product Administration
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-def manage_addZNotes(
- self, id="id_ZNotes", title="The Title for ZNotes Object", REQUEST=None
- "Add a ZNotes instance to a folder."
- self._setObject(id, ZNotes(id, title))
- if REQUEST is not None:
- return self.manage_main(self, REQUEST)
- # return self.manage_editForm(self, REQUEST)
-# The form used to get the instance id from the user.
-manage_addZNotesForm = DTMLFile("dtml/manage_addZNotesForm", globals())
diff --git a/ZScoDoc.py b/ZScoDoc.py
index 0d39b23f..6be78364 100644
--- a/ZScoDoc.py
+++ b/ZScoDoc.py
@@ -101,13 +101,7 @@ class ZScoDoc(ObjectManager, PropertyManager, RoleManager, Item, Persistent, Imp
manage_options = (
({"label": "Contents", "action": "manage_main"},)
+ PropertyManager.manage_options # add the 'Properties' tab
- + (
- # this line is kept as an example with the files :
- # dtml/manage_editZScolarForm.dtml
- # html/ZScolar-edit.stx
- # {'label': 'Properties', 'action': 'manage_editForm',},
- {"label": "View", "action": "index_html"},
- )
+ + ({"label": "View", "action": "index_html"},)
+ Item.manage_options # add the 'Undo' & 'Owner' tab
+ RoleManager.manage_options # add the 'Security' tab
diff --git a/ZScoUsers.py b/ZScoUsers.py
index c62d74f2..0e03a39e 100644
--- a/ZScoUsers.py
+++ b/ZScoUsers.py
@@ -105,20 +105,6 @@ class ZScoUsers(
self.id = id
self.title = title
- # The form used to edit this object
- # def manage_editZScousers(self, title, RESPONSE=None):
- # "Changes the instance values"
- # self.title = title
- # self._p_changed = 1
- # RESPONSE.redirect("manage_editForm")
- # Ajout (dans l'instance) d'un dtml modifiable par Zope
- def defaultDocFile(self, id, title, file):
- f = open(file_path + "/dtml-editable/" + file + ".dtml")
- file = f.read()
- f.close()
- self.manage_addDTMLMethod(id, title, file)
# Connexion to SQL database of users:
# Ugly but necessary during transition out of Zope:
diff --git a/ZScolar.py b/ZScolar.py
index d18db06e..ef2857e8 100644
--- a/ZScolar.py
+++ b/ZScolar.py
@@ -133,13 +133,7 @@ class ZScolar(ObjectManager, PropertyManager, RoleManager, Item, Persistent, Imp
manage_options = (
({"label": "Contents", "action": "manage_main"},)
+ PropertyManager.manage_options # add the 'Properties' tab
- + (
- # this line is kept as an example with the files :
- # dtml/manage_editZScolarForm.dtml
- # html/ZScolar-edit.stx
- # {'label': 'Properties', 'action': 'manage_editForm',},
- {"label": "View", "action": "index_html"},
- )
+ + ({"label": "View", "action": "index_html"},)
+ Item.manage_options # add the 'Undo' & 'Owner' tab
+ RoleManager.manage_options # add the 'Security' tab
@@ -152,17 +146,7 @@ class ZScolar(ObjectManager, PropertyManager, RoleManager, Item, Persistent, Imp
self.title = title
self._db_cnx_string = db_cnx_string
self._cnx = None
- # --- add editable DTML documents:
- # self.defaultDocFile('sidebar_dept',
- # 'barre gauche (partie haute)',
- # 'sidebar_dept')
- # --- add DB connector
- # id = 'DB'
- # da = ZopeDA.Connection(
- # id, 'DB connector', db_cnx_string, False,
- # check=1, tilevel=2, encoding='utf-8')
- # self._setObject(id, da)
# --- add Scousers instance
id = "Users"
obj = ZScoUsers.ZScoUsers(id, "Gestion utilisateurs zope")
diff --git a/__init__.py b/__init__.py
index a7ebcf4b..98fd4023 100644
--- a/__init__.py
+++ b/__init__.py
@@ -27,8 +27,6 @@
from ZScolar import ZScolar, manage_addZScolarForm, manage_addZScolar
-# from ZNotes import ZNotes, manage_addZNotesForm, manage_addZNotes
from ZScoDoc import ZScoDoc, manage_addZScoDoc
# from sco_zope import *
@@ -53,23 +51,7 @@ def initialize(context):
- # context.registerHelp()
- # context.registerHelpTitle("ZScolar")
# --- ZScoDoc
ZScoDoc, constructors=(manage_addZScoDoc,), icon="static/icons/sco_icon.png"
- # --- ZNotes
- # context.registerClass(
- # ZNotes,
- # constructors = (
- # manage_addZNotesForm,
- # manage_addZNotes
- # ),
- # icon = 'static/icons/notes_icon.png'
- # )
- # context.registerHelp()
- # context.registerHelpTitle("ZNotes")
diff --git a/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_contact_create.dtml b/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_contact_create.dtml
deleted file mode 100644
index e0c3ab05..00000000
--- a/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_contact_create.dtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_contact_delete.dtml b/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_contact_delete.dtml
deleted file mode 100644
index df73659b..00000000
--- a/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_contact_delete.dtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-Suppression du contact
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_contact_edit.dtml b/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_contact_edit.dtml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fe437f1..00000000
--- a/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_contact_edit.dtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-Contact avec entreprise
- Supprimer ce contact
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_contact_list.dtml b/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_contact_list.dtml
deleted file mode 100644
index cffeb351..00000000
--- a/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_contact_list.dtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-">nouveau "contact"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_create.dtml b/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_create.dtml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ffdbba4..00000000
--- a/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_create.dtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- dans l'entreprise
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_delete.dtml b/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_delete.dtml
deleted file mode 100644
index ac50550e..00000000
--- a/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_delete.dtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-Suppression du correspondant
diff --git a/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_edit.dtml b/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_edit.dtml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b254568..00000000
--- a/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_edit.dtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_list.dtml b/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_list.dtml
deleted file mode 100644
index 085d4375..00000000
--- a/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_list.dtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-Listes des correspondants dans l'entreprise
-Nom | Entreprise | Fonction | Téléphone | Mail | Note |
- ">
- |
- |
- |
- /
- /
- |
- ">
- ">
- |
- |
- ">modifier |
- ">supprimer |
-Aucun correspondant dans cette entreprise ! |
-Ajouter un correspondant dans l'entreprise
diff --git a/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_delete.dtml b/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_delete.dtml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f7db5f8..00000000
--- a/dtml/entreprises/entreprise_delete.dtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-Suppression de l'entreprise
-Attention: supression définitive de l'entreprise, de ses correspondants et contacts.
-Correspondants dans l'entreprise (seront supprimés):
-Contacts avec l'entreprise (seront supprimés):
diff --git a/dtml/entreprises/index_html.dtml b/dtml/entreprises/index_html.dtml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e2fbc25..00000000
--- a/dtml/entreprises/index_html.dtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-Attention: version test préliminaire. Signaler les problèmes à Emmanuel
-valeur invalide pour 'sort_type' !
-Entreprises |
-Résultats - sur
- |
-Aucune entreprise !
diff --git a/notesdb.py b/notesdb.py
index 5bdbcf40..09e51a3b 100644
--- a/notesdb.py
+++ b/notesdb.py
@@ -141,6 +141,8 @@ def DBSelectArgs(
+ limit="",
+ offset="",
"""Select * from table where values match dict vals.
Returns cnx, columns_names, list of tuples
@@ -155,6 +157,12 @@ def DBSelectArgs(
distinct = " distinct "
distinct = ""
+ if limit != "":
+ limit = " LIMIT %d" % limit
+ if not offset:
+ offset = ""
+ if offset != "":
+ offset = " OFFSET %d" % offset
operator = " " + operator + " "
# liste des tables (apres "from")
tables = [table] + [x[0] for x in aux_tables]
@@ -195,7 +203,17 @@ def DBSelectArgs(
if cond:
cond = " where " + cond
- req = "select " + distinct + ", ".join(what) + " from " + tables + cond + orderby
+ req = (
+ "select "
+ + distinct
+ + ", ".join(what)
+ + " from "
+ + tables
+ + cond
+ + orderby
+ + limit
+ + offset
+ )
# open('/tmp/select.log','a').write( req % vals + '\n' )
cursor.execute(req, vals)
@@ -329,6 +347,8 @@ class EditableTable:
+ limit="",
+ offset="",
"returns list of dicts"
# REQLOG.write('%s: %s by %s (%s) %d\n'%(self.table_name,args,sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name, sys._getframe(2).f_code.co_name, REQN))
@@ -347,6 +367,8 @@ class EditableTable:
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
for r in res:
self.format_output(r, disable_formatting=disable_formatting)
diff --git a/static/css/scodoc.css b/static/css/scodoc.css
index 7eebc65f..48dd4df8 100644
--- a/static/css/scodoc.css
+++ b/static/css/scodoc.css
@@ -2039,7 +2039,14 @@ table.entreprise_list, table.corr_list, table.contact_list {
/* border-style: solid; */
border-spacing: 0px 0px;
padding: 0px;
+ margin-left: 0px;
+table.entreprise_list td.nbcorr a, table.entreprise_list td.nbcontact a, table.contact_list td.etudnom a, table.contact_list td a {
+ color: navy;
+ text-decoration: underline;
tr.entreprise_list_even, tr.corr_list_even, tr.contact_list_even {
background-color: rgb(85%,85%,95%);
@@ -2047,6 +2054,19 @@ tr.entreprise_list_odd, tr.corr_list_odd, tr.contact_list_odd {
background-color: rgb(90%,90%, 90%);
+span.table_nav_mid {
+ flex-grow: 1; /* Set the middle element to grow and stretch */
+span.table_nav_prev, span.table_nav_next {
+ width: 11em; /* A fixed width as the default */
+div.table_nav {
+ width: 100%;
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: space-between;
td.entreprise_descr, td.corr_descr, td.contact_descr {
padding-left: 2em;