forked from ScoDoc/DocScoDoc
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
import six
_reptable = {}
@ -202,5 +203,5 @@ def suppression_diacritics(s):
@rtype: unicode
if isinstance(s, str):
s = unicode(s, "utf8", "replace")
s = six.text_type(s, "utf8", "replace")
return s.translate(_reptable)
@ -196,12 +196,12 @@ class TF:
for (field, descr) in self.formdescription:
# special case for boolcheckbox
if descr.get("input_type", None) == "boolcheckbox" and self.submitted():
if not self.values.has_key(field):
if field not in self.values:
self.values[field] = 0
self.values[field] = 1
if not self.values.has_key(field):
if descr.has_key("default"): # first: default in form description
if field not in self.values:
if "default" in descr: # first: default in form description
self.values[field] = descr["default"]
else: # then: use initvalues dict
self.values[field] = self.initvalues.get(field, "")
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ class TF:
self.values[field] = str(self.values[field])
if not self.values.has_key("tf-checked"):
if "tf-checked" not in self.values:
if self.submitted():
# si rien n'est coché, tf-checked n'existe plus dans la reponse
self.values["tf-checked"] = []
@ -264,14 +264,14 @@ class TF:
ok = 0
if typ[:3] == "int" or typ == "float" or typ == "real":
if descr.has_key("min_value") and val < descr["min_value"]:
if "min_value" in descr and val < descr["min_value"]:
"La valeur (%d) du champ '%s' est trop petite (min=%s)"
% (val, field, descr["min_value"])
ok = 0
if descr.has_key("max_value") and val > descr["max_value"]:
if "max_value" in descr and val > descr["max_value"]:
"La valeur (%s) du champ '%s' est trop grande (max=%s)"
% (val, field, descr["max_value"])
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ class TF:
ok = 0
# allowed values
if descr.has_key("allowed_values"):
if "allowed_values" in descr:
if descr.get("input_type", None) == "checkbox":
# for checkboxes, val is a list
for v in val:
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ class TF:
elif not val in descr["allowed_values"]:
msg.append("valeur invalide (%s) pour le champ '%s'" % (val, field))
ok = 0
if descr.has_key("validator"):
if "validator" in descr:
if not descr["validator"](val, field):
msg.append("valeur invalide (%s) pour le champ '%s'" % (val, field))
ok = 0
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# -*- mode: python -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
import pdb, os, sys, string
import string
import traceback
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.pool
@ -224,9 +224,9 @@ def get_code_latex_avis_etudiant(
# Gestion des pb d'encodage XXX debug
assert isinstance(tag_latex, unicode)
assert isinstance(valeur, unicode)
# Vérification des pb d'encodage (debug)
# assert isinstance(tag_latex, unicode)
# assert isinstance(valeur, unicode)
# Substitution
code = code.replace("**" + tag_latex + "**", valeur)
@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ import os
from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from io import StringIO
from zipfile import ZipFile, BadZipfile
import pprint
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ class JuryPE:
c'est à dire ceux pour lesquels il faudra prendre en compte ses notes dans les calculs de moyenne (type 1A=S1+S2/2)
if not self.PARCOURSINFO_DICT.has_key(etudid):
if etudid not in self.PARCOURSINFO_DICT:
etud = self.get_cache_etudInfo_d_un_etudiant(
self.context, etudid
) # On charge les données de l'étudiant
@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ class JuryPE:
reponse = True
if pe_tools.PE_DEBUG and pe_tools.PE_DEBUG >= 2:
pe_tools.pe_print(" -> à éliminer car réorienté (NAR)")
if "DEM" in parcours.values(): # Eliminé car DEM
if "DEM" in list(parcours.values()): # Eliminé car DEM
reponse = True
if pe_tools.PE_DEBUG and pe_tools.PE_DEBUG >= 2:
pe_tools.pe_print(" -> à éliminer car DEM")
@ -567,8 +567,8 @@ class JuryPE:
dec = nt.get_etud_decision_sem(
) # quelle est la décision du jury ?
if (
dec and dec["code"] in sco_codes_parcours.CODES_SEM_VALIDES.keys()
if dec and dec["code"] in list(
): # isinstance( sesMoyennes[i+1], float) and
# mT = sesMoyennes[i+1] # substitue la moyenne si le semestre suivant est "valide"
leFid = sem["formsemestre_id"]
@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ class JuryPE:
charge également les données des nouveaux étudiants qui en font partis.
# Semestre taggué avec classement dans le groupe
if not self.semTagDict.has_key(fid):
if fid not in self.semTagDict:
nt = self.get_cache_notes_d_un_semestre(self.context, fid)
# Création du semestres
@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ class JuryPE:
* '3S', '4S' => fusion des semestres
* [ 'Si', 'iA' , ... ] => une liste combinant les formats précédents
champs_possibles = JuryPE.PARCOURS.keys()
champs_possibles = list(JuryPE.PARCOURS.keys())
if (
not isinstance(liste_semestres, list)
and not isinstance(liste_semestres, str)
@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ class JuryPE:
allTags = allTags.union(set(self.get_allTagForAggregat(nom)))
return sorted(list(allTags)) if len(allTags) > 0 else []
def table_syntheseJury(self, mode="singlesheet"): # XXX was str_syntheseJury
def table_syntheseJury(self, mode="singlesheet"): # was str_syntheseJury
"""Table(s) du jury
mode: singlesheet ou multiplesheet pour export excel
@ -1011,7 +1011,7 @@ class JuryPE:
# Les aggrégats à afficher par ordre tel que indiqué dans le dictionnaire parcours
aggregats = JuryPE.PARCOURS.keys() # ['S1', 'S2', ..., '1A', '4S']
aggregats = list(JuryPE.PARCOURS.keys()) # ['S1', 'S2', ..., '1A', '4S']
aggregats = sorted(
aggregats, key=lambda t: JuryPE.PARCOURS[t]["ordre"]
) # Tri des aggrégats
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ class SemestreTag(pe_tagtable.TableTag):
self.add_moyennesTag(tag, self.comp_MoyennesTag(tag, force=True))
self.add_moyennesTag("dut", self.get_moyennes_DUT())
self.taglist = sorted(
self.tagdict.keys() + ["dut"]
list(self.tagdict.keys()) + ["dut"]
) # actualise la liste des tags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ class SemestreTag(pe_tagtable.TableTag):
) # extrait un tagname et un éventuel coefficient de pondération (par defaut: 1)
# tagname = tagname
if not tagdict.has_key(tagname): # Ajout d'une clé pour le tag
if tagname not in tagdict: # Ajout d'une clé pour le tag
tagdict[tagname] = {}
# Ajout du modimpl au tagname considéré
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ class SetTag(pe_tagtable.TableTag):
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_etudids(self):
return self.identdict.keys()
return list(self.identdict.keys())
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def do_taglist(self):
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ class SetTagInterClasse(pe_tagtable.TableTag):
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_etudids(self):
return self.identdict.keys()
return list(self.identdict.keys())
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def do_taglist(self):
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import unicodedata
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
from app.scodoc.notes_log import log
import six
@ -141,8 +142,8 @@ def escape_for_latex(s):
exp = re.compile(
for key in sorted(conv.keys(), key=lambda item: -len(item))
for key in sorted(list(conv.keys()), key=lambda item: -len(item))
return exp.sub(lambda match: conv[], s)
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ def pe_view_sem_recap(
jury = pe_jurype.JuryPE(context, semBase)
# Ajout avis LaTeX au même zip:
etudids = jury.syntheseJury.keys()
etudids = list(jury.syntheseJury.keys())
# Récupération du template latex, du footer latex et du tag identifiant les annotations relatives aux PE
# (chaines unicodes, html non quoté)
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ def DateRangeISO(context, date_beg, date_end, workable=1):
cur = cur.next_day()
return map(lambda x: x.ISO(), r)
return [x.ISO() for x in r]
def day_names(context):
@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ def ListeAbsDate(context, etudid, beg_date, end_date):
A[(jour, matin)]["begin"] = dat + " 12:00:00"
A[(jour, matin)]["end"] = dat + " 17:59:59"
# sort
R = A.values()
R = list(A.values())
R.sort(key=lambda x: (x["begin"]))
return R
@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ def _TablesAbsEtud(
return "après-midi"
def descr_exams(a):
if not a.has_key("evals"):
if "evals" not in a:
return ""
ex = []
for ev in a["evals"]:
@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ import os
from cStringIO import StringIO
from zipfile import ZipFile
import pprint
from functools import reduce
# Pour la détection auto de l'encodage des fichiers Apogée:
@ -832,7 +833,7 @@ class ApoData:
Si les id Apogée ne sont pas uniques (ce n'est pas garanti), garde le premier
elts = collections.OrderedDict()
for col_id in sorted(cols.keys(), reverse=True):
for col_id in sorted(list(cols.keys()), reverse=True):
col = cols[col_id]
if col["Code"] in elts:
@ -967,7 +968,7 @@ class ApoData:
% (declared, present)
# l'ensemble de tous les codes des elements apo des semestres:
sem_elems = reduce(set.union, self.get_codes_by_sem().values(), set())
sem_elems = reduce(set.union, list(self.get_codes_by_sem().values()), set())
return maq_elems, sem_elems
@ -1081,7 +1082,7 @@ def _apo_read_cols(f):
if int( != i:
raise FormatError("invalid column id: %s for index %s" % (col_id, i))
cols[col_id] = DictCol(zip(col_keys, fs))
cols[col_id] = DictCol(list(zip(col_keys, fs)))
cols[col_id].lineno = f.lineno # for debuging purpose
return cols
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
import time
from types import StringType
import pprint
import urllib
import six.moves.urllib.request, six.moves.urllib.parse, six.moves.urllib.error
from app.scodoc import htmlutils
import email
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@ def _formsemestre_bulletinetud_header_html(
# Menu
endpoint = "notes.formsemestre_bulletinetud"
qurl = urllib.quote_plus(url + "?" + REQUEST.QUERY_STRING)
qurl = six.moves.urllib.parse.quote_plus(url + "?" + REQUEST.QUERY_STRING)
menuBul = [
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def bulletin_class_descriptions():
def bulletin_class_names():
return BULLETIN_CLASSES.keys()
return list(BULLETIN_CLASSES.keys())
def bulletin_default_class_name():
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
from types import ListType, TupleType, FloatType
import collections
from six.moves import range
NOTES_TOLERANCE = 0.00499999999999 # si note >= (BARRE-TOLERANCE), considere ok
# (permet d'eviter d'afficher 10.00 sous barre alors que la moyenne vaut 9.999)
@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ class TypeParcours:
UNUSED_CODES = set() # Ensemble des codes jury non autorisés dans ce parcours
UE_IS_MODULE = False # 1 seul module par UE (si plusieurs modules, etudiants censéments inscrits à un seul d'entre eux)
ECTS_ONLY = False # Parcours avec progression basée uniquement sur les ECTS
ALLOWED_UE_TYPES = UE_TYPE_NAME.keys() # par defaut, autorise tous les types d'UE
ALLOWED_UE_TYPES = list(UE_TYPE_NAME.keys()) # par defaut, autorise tous les types d'UE
def check(self, formation=None):
return True, "" # status, diagnostic_message
@ -664,7 +665,7 @@ register_parcours(ParcoursMasterIG())
# -------------------------
_tp = TYPES_PARCOURS.items()
_tp = list(TYPES_PARCOURS.items())
_tp.sort(key=lambda x: x[1].__doc__) # sort by intitulé
FORMATION_PARCOURS_DESCRS = [p[1].__doc__ for p in _tp] # intitulés (eg pour menu)
FORMATION_PARCOURS_TYPES = [p[0] for p in _tp] # codes numeriques (TYPE_PARCOURS)
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ def do_moduleimpl_moyennes(context, nt, mod):
for e in valid_evals:
if e["evaluation_type"] != EVALUATION_NORMALE:
if e["notes"].has_key(etudid):
if etudid in e["notes"]:
note = e["notes"][etudid]["value"]
if note is None: # ABSENT
note = 0
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ def do_moduleimpl_moyennes(context, nt, mod):
for e in evals:
if (
(e["etat"]["evalcomplete"] or e["etat"]["evalattente"])
and e["notes"].has_key(etudid)
and etudid in e["notes"]
) and (e["note_max"] > 0):
note = e["notes"][etudid]["value"]
if note is None:
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ def do_moduleimpl_moyennes(context, nt, mod):
R[etudid] = user_moy
# Note de rattrapage ou deuxième session ?
if eval_rattr:
if eval_rattr["notes"].has_key(etudid):
if etudid in eval_rattr["notes"]:
note = eval_rattr["notes"][etudid]["value"]
if note != None and note != NOTES_NEUTRALISE and note != NOTES_ATTENTE:
if type(R[etudid]) != FloatType:
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ def do_formsemestre_moyennes(context, nt, formsemestre_id):
modimpl["module"] = mod # add module dict to moduleimpl (used by nt)
moduleimpl_id = modimpl["moduleimpl_id"]
assert not D.has_key(moduleimpl_id)
assert moduleimpl_id not in D
D[moduleimpl_id], valid_evals_mod, attente, expr_diag = do_moduleimpl_moyennes(
context, nt, modimpl
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
import time
import thread
import six.moves._thread
from scodoc_manager import sco_mgr
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ CACHE_evaluations = {}
def get_evaluations_cache(context):
"""returns cache for evaluations"""
u = sco_mgr.get_db_uri()
if CACHE_evaluations.has_key(u):
if u in CACHE_evaluations:
return CACHE_evaluations[u]
log("get_evaluations_cache: new simpleCache")
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class CacheNotesTable:
def __init__(self):
log("new CacheTable (id=%s)" % id(self))
self.lock = thread.allocate_lock()
self.lock = six.moves._thread.allocate_lock()
self.owner_thread = None # thread owning this cache
self.nref = 0
# Cache des NotesTables
@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ class CacheNotesTable:
def acquire(self):
"If this thread does not own the cache, acquire the lock"
if thread.get_ident() != self.owner_thread:
if six.moves._thread.get_ident() != self.owner_thread:
if self.lock.locked():
"acquire: ident=%s waiting for lock" % thread.get_ident()
"acquire: ident=%s waiting for lock" % six.moves._thread.get_ident()
) # XXX debug
self.owner_thread = thread.get_ident()
self.owner_thread = six.moves._thread.get_ident()
if self.owner_thread is None: # bug catching
log("WARNING: None thread id !")
self.nref += 1
@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ class CacheNotesTable:
self.owner_thread = None
# Debug:
if thread.get_ident() != cur_owner_thread:
if six.moves._thread.get_ident() != cur_owner_thread:
"WARNING: release: ident=%s != owner=%s nref=%d"
% (thread.get_ident(), cur_owner_thread, self.nref)
% (six.moves._thread.get_ident(), cur_owner_thread, self.nref)
raise NoteProcessError("problem with notes cache")
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class CacheNotesTable:
if self.cache.has_key(formsemestre_id):
if formsemestre_id in self.cache:
# log('cache hit %s (id=%s, thread=%s)'
# % (formsemestre_id, id(self), thread.get_ident()))
return self.cache[formsemestre_id]
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class CacheNotesTable:
def get_cached_formsemestre_ids(self):
"List of currently cached formsemestre_id"
return self.cache.keys()
return list(self.cache.keys())
def inval_cache(self, context, formsemestre_id=None, pdfonly=False): # >
"expire cache pour un semestre (ou tous si pas d'argument)"
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ class CacheNotesTable:
if not pdfonly:
for formsemestre_id in to_trash:
if self.cache.has_key(formsemestre_id):
if formsemestre_id in self.cache:
"delete %s from cache (id=%s)"
% (formsemestre_id, id(self))
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ class CacheNotesTable:
if r:
"get_bulletins_pdf(%s): cache hit %s (id=%s, thread=%s)"
% (version, formsemestre_id, id(self), thread.get_ident())
% (version, formsemestre_id, id(self), six.moves._thread.get_ident())
return r
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ class CacheNotesTable:
def get_notes_cache(context):
"returns CacheNotesTable instance for us"
u = sco_mgr.get_db_uri() # identifie le dept de facon unique
if not NOTES_CACHE_INST.has_key(u):
if u not in NOTES_CACHE_INST:
log("getNotesCache: creating cache for %s" % u)
NOTES_CACHE_INST[u] = CacheNotesTable()
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ def inval_cache(
# Cache inscriptions semestres
def get_formsemestre_inscription_cache(context, format=None):
u = sco_mgr.get_db_uri()
if CACHE_formsemestre_inscription.has_key(u):
if u in CACHE_formsemestre_inscription:
return CACHE_formsemestre_inscription[u]
log("get_formsemestre_inscription_cache: new simpleCache")
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ def table_debouche_etudids(context, etudids, keep_numeric=True):
etud = sco_etud.get_etud_info(filled=1, etudid=etudid)[0]
# retrouve le "dernier" semestre (au sens de la date de fin)
sems = etud["sems"]
es = [(sems[i]["date_fin_iso"], i) for i in range(len(sems))]
es = [(s["date_fin-iso"], i) for i, s in enumerate(sems)]
imax = max(es)[1]
last_sem = sems[imax]
nt = sco_core.get_notes_cache(
@ -265,14 +265,14 @@ def do_formation_create(context, args, REQUEST):
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
# check unique acronyme/titre/version
a = args.copy()
if a.has_key("formation_id"):
if "formation_id" in a:
del a["formation_id"]
F = sco_formations.formation_list(context, args=a)
if len(F) > 0:
log("do_formation_create: error: %d formations matching args=%s" % (len(F), a))
raise ScoValueError("Formation non unique (%s) !" % str(a))
# Si pas de formation_code, l'enleve (default SQL)
if args.has_key("formation_code") and not args["formation_code"]:
if "formation_code" in args and not args["formation_code"]:
del args["formation_code"]
r = sco_formations._formationEditor.create(cnx, args)
@ -294,10 +294,10 @@ def do_formation_edit(context, args):
# car cela ne change que du cosmetique, (sauf eventuellement le code formation ?)
# mais si verrouillée on ne peut changer le type de parcours
if sco_formations.formation_has_locked_sems(context, args["formation_id"]):
if args.has_key("type_parcours"):
if "type_parcours" in args:
del args["type_parcours"]
# On ne peut jamais supprimer le code formation:
if args.has_key("formation_code") and not args["formation_code"]:
if "formation_code" in args and not args["formation_code"]:
del args["formation_code"]
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ def module_create(context, matiere_id=None, REQUEST=None):
context, args={"formation_id": UE["formation_id"]}
parcours = sco_codes_parcours.get_parcours_from_code(Fo["type_parcours"])
semestres_indices = range(1, parcours.NB_SEM + 1)
semestres_indices = list(range(1, parcours.NB_SEM + 1))
H = [
html_sco_header.sco_header(context, REQUEST, page_title="Création d'un module"),
"""<h2>Création d'un module dans la matière %(titre)s""" % M,
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ def module_edit(context, module_id=None, REQUEST=None):
Mids = ["%s!%s" % (x["ue_id"], x["matiere_id"]) for x in M]
Mod["ue_matiere_id"] = "%s!%s" % (Mod["ue_id"], Mod["matiere_id"])
semestres_indices = range(1, parcours.NB_SEM + 1)
semestres_indices = list(range(1, parcours.NB_SEM + 1))
dest_url = scu.NotesURL() + "/ue_list?formation_id=" + Mod["formation_id"]
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ def ue_edit(context, ue_id=None, create=False, formation_id=None, REQUEST=None):
if parcours.UE_IS_MODULE:
# demande le semestre pour creer le module immediatement:
semestres_indices = range(1, parcours.NB_SEM + 1)
semestres_indices = list(range(1, parcours.NB_SEM + 1))
@ -901,7 +901,7 @@ def do_ue_edit(context, args, bypass_lock=False, dont_invalidate_cache=False):
if (not bypass_lock) and ue_is_locked(context, ue["ue_id"]):
raise ScoLockedFormError()
# check: acronyme unique dans cette formation
if args.has_key("acronyme"):
if "acronyme" in args:
new_acro = args["acronyme"]
ues = do_ue_list(
context, {"formation_id": ue["formation_id"], "acronyme": new_acro}
@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ def do_ue_edit(context, args, bypass_lock=False, dont_invalidate_cache=False):
raise ScoValueError('Acronyme d\'UE "%s" déjà utilisé !' % args["acronyme"])
# On ne peut pas supprimer le code UE:
if args.has_key("ue_code") and not args["ue_code"]:
if "ue_code" in args and not args["ue_code"]:
del args["ue_code"]
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ XXX incompatible avec les ics HyperPlanning Paris 13 (était pour GPU).
import urllib2
import six.moves.urllib.request, six.moves.urllib.error, six.moves.urllib.parse
import traceback
import icalendar
import pprint
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ def formsemestre_load_ics(context, sem):
ics_data = ""
log("Loading edt from %s" % ics_url)
f = urllib2.urlopen(
f = six.moves.urllib.request.urlopen(
ics_url, timeout=5
) # 5s TODO: add config parameter, eg for slow networks
ics_data =
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class EntreprisesEditor(EditableTable):
for key in r:
v = r[key]
# format value
if not disable_formatting and self.output_formators.has_key(key):
if not disable_formatting and key in self.output_formators:
v = self.output_formators[key](v)
d[key] = v
@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ def view_apo_etuds(context, semset_id, title="", nips=[], format="html", REQUEST
keys=("nip", "etape_apo", "nom", "prenom", "inscriptions_scodoc"),
@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ class EtapeBilan:
rows = []
for data_etu in sorted(
self.etudiants.values(), key=lambda etu: etu.get_identity()
list(self.etudiants.values()), key=lambda etu: etu.get_identity()
nip = data_etu.nip
etudid = data_etu.etudid
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ def _check_duplicate_code(cnx, args, code_name, context, edit=True, REQUEST=None
dest_url = "ficheEtud"
parameters = {"etudid": etudid}
if args.has_key("tf-submitted"):
if "tf-submitted" in args:
del args["tf-submitted"]
OK = "Continuer"
dest_url = "etudident_create_form"
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ def identite_create(cnx, args, context=None, REQUEST=None):
_check_duplicate_code(cnx, args, "code_nip", context, edit=False, REQUEST=REQUEST)
_check_duplicate_code(cnx, args, "code_ine", context, edit=False, REQUEST=REQUEST)
if args.has_key("etudid"):
if "etudid" in args:
etudid = args["etudid"]
r = identite_list(cnx, {"etudid": etudid})
if r:
@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ class EtudIdentEditor:
res = []
for i in R:
if A.has_key(i["etudid"]):
if i["etudid"] in A:
# merge
else: # pas d'etudiant trouve
@ -632,11 +632,11 @@ def make_etud_args(etudid=None, code_nip=None, REQUEST=None, raise_exc=True):
elif code_nip:
args = {"code_nip": code_nip}
if REQUEST.form.has_key("etudid"):
if "etudid" in REQUEST.form:
args = {"etudid": REQUEST.form["etudid"]}
elif REQUEST.form.has_key("code_nip"):
elif "code_nip" in REQUEST.form:
args = {"code_nip": REQUEST.form["code_nip"]}
elif REQUEST.form.has_key("code_ine"):
elif "code_ine" in REQUEST.form:
args = {"code_ine": REQUEST.form["code_ine"]}
if not args and raise_exc:
raise ValueError("getEtudInfo: no parameter !")
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import datetime
import operator
import pprint
import time
import urllib
import six.moves.urllib.request, six.moves.urllib.parse, six.moves.urllib.error
from app.scodoc.notes_log import log, logCallStack
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ def do_evaluation_etat(
groups[group["group_id"]] = group
isMissing = False
if NotesDB.has_key(i["etudid"]):
if i["etudid"] in NotesDB:
val = NotesDB[i["etudid"]]["value"]
if val == scu.NOTES_ATTENTE:
isMissing = True
@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ def formsemestre_evaluations_cal(context, formsemestre_id, REQUEST=None):
e[2] = color_futur
CalHTML = sco_abs.YearTable(
context, year, events=events.values(), halfday=False, pad_width=None
context, year, events=list(events.values()), halfday=False, pad_width=None
H = [
@ -840,12 +840,16 @@ def evaluation_date_first_completion(context, evaluation_id):
# retire de insem ceux qui ne sont pas inscrits au module
# ins = [i for i in insem if i["etudid"] in insmodset]
notes = do_evaluation_get_all_notes(
context, evaluation_id, filter_suppressed=False
notes_log = do_evaluation_get_all_notes(
context, evaluation_id, filter_suppressed=False, table="notes_notes_log"
notes = list(
context, evaluation_id, filter_suppressed=False
notes_log = list(
context, evaluation_id, filter_suppressed=False, table="notes_notes_log"
date_premiere_note = {} # etudid : date
for note in notes + notes_log:
etudid = note["etudid"]
@ -1102,7 +1106,11 @@ def evaluation_describe(context, evaluation_id="", edit_in_place=True, REQUEST=N
group_id = sco_groups.get_default_group(context, formsemestre_id)
'<span class="noprint"><a href="%s/Absences/EtatAbsencesDate?group_ids=%s&date=%s">(absences ce jour)</a></span>'
% (scu.ScoURL(), group_id, urllib.quote(E["jour"], safe=""))
% (
six.moves.urllib.parse.quote(E["jour"], safe=""),
'</p><p>Coefficient dans le module: <b>%s</b>, notes sur <span id="eval_note_max">%g</span> '
@ -1249,8 +1257,9 @@ def evaluation_create_form(
initvalues["visibulletinlist"] = ["X"]
initvalues["visibulletinlist"] = []
if REQUEST.form.get("tf-submitted", False) and not REQUEST.form.has_key(
if (
REQUEST.form.get("tf-submitted", False)
and "visibulletinlist" not in REQUEST.form
REQUEST.form["visibulletinlist"] = []
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ from app.scodoc.notes_log import log
from app.scodoc.scolog import logdb
from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoValueError
from app.scodoc import sco_preferences
import six
# colors, voir exemple
@ -454,7 +455,7 @@ def Excel_to_list(data, convert_to_string=str): # we may need 'encoding' argume
if not values:
diag.append("Aucune valeur trouvée dans le classeur !")
return diag, None
indexes = values.keys()
indexes = list(values.keys())
# search numbers of rows and cols
rows = [x[0] for x in indexes]
cols = [x[1] for x in indexes]
@ -466,7 +467,7 @@ def Excel_to_list(data, convert_to_string=str): # we may need 'encoding' argume
for row_idx, col_idx in indexes:
v = values[(row_idx, col_idx)]
if isinstance(v, unicode):
if isinstance(v, six.text_type):
v = v.encode(scu.SCO_ENCODING, "backslashreplace")
elif convert_to_string:
v = convert_to_string(v)
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ def do_formsemestre_create(context, args, REQUEST, silent=False):
# news
if not args.has_key("titre"):
if "titre" not in args:
args["titre"] = "sans titre"
args["formsemestre_id"] = formsemestre_id
args["url"] = "Notes/formsemestre_status?formsemestre_id=%(formsemestre_id)s" % args
@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ def list_formsemestre_by_etape(
context, sem, year=int(annee_scolaire), REQUEST=REQUEST
ds[sem["formsemestre_id"]] = sem
sems = ds.values()
sems = list(ds.values())
sems = do_formsemestre_list(context)
if annee_scolaire:
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ from app.scodoc import sco_permissions_check
from app.scodoc import sco_portal_apogee
from app.scodoc import sco_preferences
from app.scodoc import sco_users
import six
def _default_sem_title(F):
@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ def formsemestre_createwithmodules(context, REQUEST=None):
"""<h2>Mise en place d'un semestre de formation</h2>""",
r = do_formsemestre_createwithmodules(context, REQUEST=REQUEST)
if isinstance(r, basestring):
if isinstance(r, six.string_types):
return r # response redirect
@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ def formsemestre_editwithmodules(context, REQUEST, formsemestre_id):
r = do_formsemestre_createwithmodules(context, REQUEST=REQUEST, edit=1)
if isinstance(r, basestring):
if isinstance(r, six.string_types):
return r # response redirect
@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ def do_formsemestre_createwithmodules(context, REQUEST=None, edit=False):
login2display = {} # user_name : forme pour affichage = "NOM Prenom (login)"
for u in userlist:
login2display[u.user_name] = u.get_nomplogin()
allowed_user_names = login2display.values() + [""]
allowed_user_names = list(login2display.values()) + [""]
formation_id = REQUEST.form["formation_id"]
F = sco_formations.formation_list(context, args={"formation_id": formation_id})
@ -239,7 +240,7 @@ def do_formsemestre_createwithmodules(context, REQUEST=None, edit=False):
semestre_ids = {}
for mod in mods:
semestre_ids[mod["semestre_id"]] = 1
semestre_ids = semestre_ids.keys()
semestre_ids = list(semestre_ids.keys())
modalites = sco_modalites.do_modalite_list(context)
@ -632,8 +633,9 @@ def do_formsemestre_createwithmodules(context, REQUEST=None, edit=False):
initvalues["gestion_compensation_lst"] = ["X"]
initvalues["gestion_compensation_lst"] = []
if REQUEST.form.get("tf-submitted", False) and not REQUEST.form.has_key(
if (
REQUEST.form.get("tf-submitted", False)
and "gestion_compensation_lst" not in REQUEST.form
REQUEST.form["gestion_compensation_lst"] = []
@ -642,8 +644,9 @@ def do_formsemestre_createwithmodules(context, REQUEST=None, edit=False):
initvalues["gestion_semestrielle_lst"] = ["X"]
initvalues["gestion_semestrielle_lst"] = []
if REQUEST.form.get("tf-submitted", False) and not REQUEST.form.has_key(
if (
REQUEST.form.get("tf-submitted", False)
and "gestion_semestrielle_lst" not in REQUEST.form
REQUEST.form["gestion_semestrielle_lst"] = []
@ -652,8 +655,9 @@ def do_formsemestre_createwithmodules(context, REQUEST=None, edit=False):
initvalues["bul_publish_xml_lst"] = ["X"]
initvalues["bul_publish_xml_lst"] = []
if REQUEST.form.get("tf-submitted", False) and not REQUEST.form.has_key(
if (
REQUEST.form.get("tf-submitted", False)
and "bul_publish_xml_lst" not in REQUEST.form
REQUEST.form["bul_publish_xml_lst"] = []
@ -897,7 +901,7 @@ def formsemestre_clone(context, formsemestre_id, REQUEST=None):
login2display = {} # user_name : forme pour affichage = "NOM Prenom (login)"
for u in userlist:
login2display[u.user_name] = u.get_nomplogin()
allowed_user_names = login2display.values() + [""]
allowed_user_names = list(login2display.values()) + [""]
initvalues = {
"formsemestre_id": sem["formsemestre_id"],
@ -568,11 +568,11 @@ function chkbx_select(field_id, state) {
for ue in ues:
ue_id = ue["ue_id"]
for moduleimpl_id in tf[2]["moduleimpls_%s" % ue_id]:
if a_desinscrire.has_key(moduleimpl_id):
if moduleimpl_id in a_desinscrire:
del a_desinscrire[moduleimpl_id]
# supprime ceux auxquel pas inscrit
for moduleimpl_id in a_desinscrire.keys():
if not insdict.has_key(moduleimpl_id):
if moduleimpl_id not in insdict:
del a_desinscrire[moduleimpl_id]
a_inscrire = set()
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"""Tableau de bord semestre
import urllib
import six.moves.urllib.request, six.moves.urllib.parse, six.moves.urllib.error
import cgi
from flask import current_app
@ -482,9 +482,9 @@ def retreive_formsemestre_from_request(context, REQUEST):
# Search formsemestre
group_ids = REQUEST.form.get("group_ids", [])
if REQUEST.form.has_key("formsemestre_id"):
if "formsemestre_id" in REQUEST.form:
formsemestre_id = REQUEST.form["formsemestre_id"]
elif REQUEST.form.has_key("moduleimpl_id"):
elif "moduleimpl_id" in REQUEST.form:
modimpl = sco_moduleimpl.do_moduleimpl_list(
context, moduleimpl_id=REQUEST.form["moduleimpl_id"]
@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ def retreive_formsemestre_from_request(context, REQUEST):
return None # suppressed ?
modimpl = modimpl[0]
formsemestre_id = modimpl["formsemestre_id"]
elif REQUEST.form.has_key("evaluation_id"):
elif "evaluation_id" in REQUEST.form:
E = sco_evaluations.do_evaluation_list(
context, {"evaluation_id": REQUEST.form["evaluation_id"]}
@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ def retreive_formsemestre_from_request(context, REQUEST):
context, moduleimpl_id=E["moduleimpl_id"]
formsemestre_id = modimpl["formsemestre_id"]
elif REQUEST.form.has_key("group_id"):
elif "group_id" in REQUEST.form:
group = sco_groups.get_group(context, REQUEST.form["group_id"])
formsemestre_id = group["formsemestre_id"]
elif group_ids:
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ def retreive_formsemestre_from_request(context, REQUEST):
group_id = group_ids[0]
group = sco_groups.get_group(context, group_id)
formsemestre_id = group["formsemestre_id"]
elif REQUEST.form.has_key("partition_id"):
elif "partition_id" in REQUEST.form:
partition = sco_groups.get_partition(context, REQUEST.form["partition_id"])
formsemestre_id = partition["formsemestre_id"]
@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ def _make_listes_sem(context, sem, REQUEST=None, with_absences=True):
query_args = cgi.parse_qs(REQUEST.QUERY_STRING)
if "head_message" in query_args:
del query_args["head_message"]
destination = "%s?%s" % (REQUEST.URL, urllib.urlencode(query_args, True))
destination = "%s?%s" % (REQUEST.URL, six.moves.urllib.parse.urlencode(query_args, True))
destination = destination.replace(
"%", "%%"
) # car ici utilisee dans un format string !
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"""Semestres: validation semestre et UE dans parcours
import urllib, time, datetime
import six.moves.urllib.request, six.moves.urllib.parse, six.moves.urllib.error, time, datetime
import app.scodoc.notesdb as ndb
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ def formsemestre_recap_parcours_table(
# UEs
for ue in ues:
if decisions_ue and decisions_ue.has_key(ue["ue_id"]):
if decisions_ue and ue["ue_id"] in decisions_ue:
code = decisions_ue[ue["ue_id"]]["code"]
code = ""
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ def form_decision_manuelle(
# Choix code semestre:
codes = sco_codes_parcours.CODES_EXPL.keys()
codes = list(sco_codes_parcours.CODES_EXPL.keys())
codes.sort() # fortuitement, cet ordre convient bien !
@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ def form_decision_manuelle(
# Choix code devenir
codes = sco_codes_parcours.DEVENIR_EXPL.keys()
codes = list(sco_codes_parcours.DEVENIR_EXPL.keys())
codes.sort() # fortuitement, cet ordre convient aussi bien !
if Se.sem["semestre_id"] == -1:
@ -1146,7 +1146,7 @@ def formsemestre_validate_previous_ue(context, formsemestre_id, etudid, REQUEST=
"explanation": "Facultatif: indice du semestre dans la formation",
"allow_null": True,
"allowed_values": [""] + [str(x) for x in range(11)],
"labels": ["-"] + range(11),
"labels": ["-"] + list(range(11)),
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
import operator
from types import FloatType, IntType, LongType, StringType
from functools import reduce
class NoteVector(object):
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ class NoteVector(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if args:
self.v = map(float, args) # cast to list of float
self.v = list(map(float, args)) # cast to list of float
elif "v" in kwargs:
v = kwargs["v"]
if not isinstance(v, NoteVector):
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ class NoteVector(object):
for i in range(len(v)):
v[i] = float(v[i])
except ValueError:
v[i] = 0.0
self.v = v
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ from app.scodoc import sco_permissions_check
from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoException, AccessDenied, ScoValueError
from app.scodoc.sco_permissions import Permission
from app.scodoc.TrivialFormulator import TrivialFormulator
import six
def checkGroupName(
@ -684,7 +685,9 @@ def setGroups(
if not group_name:
# ajax arguments are encoded in utf-8:
group_name = unicode(group_name, "utf-8").encode(scu.SCO_ENCODING)
group_name = six.text_type(group_name, "utf-8").encode(
) # #py3 #sco8
group_id = createGroup(context, partition_id, group_name, REQUEST=REQUEST)
# Place dans ce groupe les etudiants indiqués:
for etudid in fs[1:-1]:
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
# Re-ecriture en 2014 (re-organisation de l'interface, modernisation du code)
import datetime
import cgi
import urllib
import six.moves.urllib.request, six.moves.urllib.parse, six.moves.urllib.error
import time
import collections
import operator
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ from app.scodoc import sco_etud
from app.scodoc.gen_tables import GenTable
from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoValueError
from app.scodoc.sco_permissions import Permission
from six.moves import range
@ -936,7 +937,7 @@ def form_choix_saisie_semaine(context, groups_infos, REQUEST=None):
moduleimpl_id = query_args.get("moduleimpl_id", [""])[0]
if "head_message" in query_args:
del query_args["head_message"]
destination = "%s?%s" % (REQUEST.URL, urllib.urlencode(query_args, True))
destination = "%s?%s" % (REQUEST.URL, six.moves.urllib.parse.urlencode(query_args, True))
destination = destination.replace(
"%", "%%"
) # car ici utilisee dans un format string !
@ -302,20 +302,20 @@ def scolars_import_excel_file(
# check columns titles
if len(fs) != len(titles):
missing = {}.fromkeys(titles.keys())
missing = {}.fromkeys(list(titles.keys()))
unknown = []
for f in fs:
if missing.has_key(f):
if f in missing:
del missing[f]
raise ScoValueError(
"Nombre de colonnes incorrect (devrait être %d, et non %d) <br/> (colonnes manquantes: %s, colonnes invalides: %s)"
% (len(titles), len(fs), missing.keys(), unknown)
% (len(titles), len(fs), list(missing.keys()), unknown)
titleslist = []
for t in fs:
if not titles.has_key(t):
if t not in titles:
raise ScoValueError('Colonne invalide: "%s"' % t)
titleslist.append(t) #
# ok, same titles
@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ def _import_one_student(
groupes = []
group_ids = [gi[group_name] for group_name in groupes]
group_ids = {}.fromkeys(group_ids).keys() # uniq
group_ids = list({}.fromkeys(group_ids).keys()) # uniq
if None in group_ids:
raise ScoValueError(
"groupe invalide sur la ligne %d (groupe %s)" % (linenum, groupes)
@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ def scolars_import_admission(
gi = sco_groups.GroupIdInferer(context, formsemestre_id)
groupes = args["groupes"].split(";")
group_ids = [gi[group_name] for group_name in groupes]
group_ids = {}.fromkeys(group_ids).keys() # uniq
group_ids = list({}.fromkeys(group_ids).keys()) # uniq
if None in group_ids:
raise ScoValueError(
"groupe invalide sur la ligne %d (groupe %s)"
@ -779,19 +779,19 @@ def adm_get_fields(titles, formsemestre_id):
def adm_convert_text(v):
if type(v) == types.FloatType:
if type(v) == float:
return "{:g}".format(v) # evite "1.0"
return v
def adm_convert_int(v):
if type(v) != types.IntType and not v:
if type(v) != int and not v:
return None
return int(float(v)) # accept "10.0"
def adm_convert_real(v):
if type(v) != types.FloatType and not v:
if type(v) != float and not v:
return None
return float(v)
@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ def adm_table_description_format(context):
tab = GenTable(
@ -80,14 +80,14 @@ def import_excel_file(datafile, REQUEST=None, context=None):
cols = {}.fromkeys(TITLES)
unknown = []
for tit in fs:
if not cols.has_key(tit):
if tit not in cols:
del cols[tit]
if cols or unknown:
raise ScoValueError(
"colonnes incorrectes (on attend %d, et non %d) <br/> (colonnes manquantes: %s, colonnes invalides: %s)"
% (len(TITLES), len(fs), cols.keys(), unknown)
% (len(TITLES), len(fs), list(cols.keys()), unknown)
# ok, same titles...
U = []
@ -82,13 +82,13 @@ def list_authorized_etuds_by_sem(context, sem, delai=274):
# ajoute attribut inscrit qui indique si l'étudiant est déjà inscrit dans le semestre dest.
for e in r[src["formsemestre_id"]]["etuds"]:
e["inscrit"] = inscrits.has_key(e["etudid"])
e["inscrit"] = e["etudid"] in inscrits
# Ajoute liste des etudiants actuellement inscrits
for e in inscrits.values():
e["inscrit"] = True
r[sem["formsemestre_id"]] = {
"etuds": inscrits.values(),
"etuds": list(inscrits.values()),
"infos": {
"id": sem["formsemestre_id"],
"title": "Semestre cible: " + sem["titreannee"],
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"""Liste des notes d'une évaluation
import urllib
import six.moves.urllib.request, six.moves.urllib.parse, six.moves.urllib.error
from types import StringType
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ def do_evaluation_listenotes(context, REQUEST):
args: evaluation_id
mode = None
if REQUEST.form.has_key("evaluation_id"):
if "evaluation_id" in REQUEST.form:
evaluation_id = REQUEST.form["evaluation_id"]
mode = "eval"
evals = sco_evaluations.do_evaluation_list(
context, {"evaluation_id": evaluation_id}
if REQUEST.form.has_key("moduleimpl_id"):
if "moduleimpl_id" in REQUEST.form:
moduleimpl_id = REQUEST.form["moduleimpl_id"]
mode = "module"
evals = sco_evaluations.do_evaluation_list(
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ def _make_table_notes(
+ "</div></td>\n",
'<td style="padding-left: 50px; vertical-align: top;"><p>',
commentkeys = K.items() # [ (comment, key), ... ]
commentkeys = list(K.items()) # [ (comment, key), ... ]
commentkeys.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(int(x[1]), int(y[1])))
for (comment, key) in commentkeys:
@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ def _add_eval_columns(
NotesDB = sco_evaluations.do_evaluation_get_all_notes(context, evaluation_id)
for row in rows:
etudid = row["etudid"]
if NotesDB.has_key(etudid):
if etudid in NotesDB:
val = NotesDB[etudid]["value"]
if val is None:
nb_abs += 1
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ def _add_eval_columns(
row["_css_row_class"] = "etudabs"
# regroupe les commentaires
if explanation:
if K.has_key(explanation):
if explanation in K:
expl_key = "(%s)" % K[explanation]
K[explanation] = K.nextkey()
@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ def evaluation_check_absences(context, evaluation_id):
ExcNonJust = [] # note EXC mais absent non justifie
AbsButExc = [] # note ABS mais justifié
for etudid in etudids:
if NotesDB.has_key(etudid):
if etudid in NotesDB:
val = NotesDB[etudid]["value"]
if (
val != None and val != scu.NOTES_NEUTRALISE and val != scu.NOTES_ATTENTE
@ -824,8 +824,8 @@ def evaluation_check_absences_html(
'<a class="stdlink" href="Absences/doSignaleAbsence?etudid=%s&datedebut=%s&datefin=%s&demijournee=%s&moduleimpl_id=%s">signaler cette absence</a>'
% (
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def list_formsemestres_modalites(context, sems):
if sem["modalite"] not in modalites:
m = do_modalite_list(context, args={"modalite": sem["modalite"]})[0]
modalites[m["modalite"]] = m
modalites = modalites.values()
modalites = list(modalites.values())
modalites.sort(key=lambda x: x["numero"])
return modalites
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"""Tableau de bord module
import time
import urllib
import six.moves.urllib.request, six.moves.urllib.parse, six.moves.urllib.error
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
from app.scodoc.sco_permissions import Permission
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ def moduleimpl_evaluation_menu(context, evaluation_id, nbnotes=0, REQUEST=None):
"title": "Absences ce jour",
"endpoint": "absences.EtatAbsencesDate",
"args": {
"date": urllib.quote(E["jour"], safe=""),
"date": six.moves.urllib.parse.quote(E["jour"], safe=""),
"group_ids": group_id,
"enabled": E["jour"],
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ from app.scodoc import sco_formsemestre
from app.scodoc import sco_moduleimpl
from app.scodoc import sco_preferences
from app.scodoc import sco_users
import six
_scolar_news_editor = ndb.EditableTable(
@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ NEWS_MAP = {
NEWS_SEM: "création semestre",
NEWS_MISC: "opération", # unused
NEWS_TYPES = list(NEWS_MAP.keys())
scolar_news_create = _scolar_news_editor.create
scolar_news_list = _scolar_news_editor.list
@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ def scolar_news_summary(context, n=5):
key = (r["type"], r["object"], dmy)
selected_news[key] = r
news = selected_news.values()
news = list(selected_news.values())
# sort by date, descending
news.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(y["date"], x["date"]))
news = news[:n]
@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ def scolar_news_summary(context, n=5):
for k in n.keys():
if n[k] is None:
n[k] = ""
if _scolar_news_editor.output_formators.has_key(k):
if k in _scolar_news_editor.output_formators:
n[k] = _scolar_news_editor.output_formators[k](n[k])
# date resumee
j, m = n["date"].split("/")[:2]
@ -233,15 +234,15 @@ def scolar_news_summary_rss(context, title, sco_url, n=5):
text = html2text(n["text"])
title=unicode("%s %s" % (n["rssdate"], text), SCO_ENCODING),
title=six.text_type("%s %s" % (n["rssdate"], text), SCO_ENCODING),
link=sco_url + "/" + n["url"],
rss = PyRSS2Gen.RSS2(
title=unicode(title, SCO_ENCODING),
title=six.text_type(title, SCO_ENCODING),
description=unicode(title, SCO_ENCODING),
description=six.text_type(title, SCO_ENCODING),
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ def ficheEtud(context, etudid=None, REQUEST=None):
def menus_etud(context, REQUEST=None):
"""Menu etudiant (operations sur l'etudiant)"""
if not REQUEST.form.has_key("etudid"):
if "etudid" not in REQUEST.form:
return ""
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ class SituationEtudParcoursGeneric:
self.etudid, self.sem, self.nt, sem, nt
self.ue_acros = ue_acros.keys()
self.ue_acros = list(ue_acros.keys())
self.nb_max_ue = nb_max_ue
self.sems = sems
@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ class SituationEtudParcoursGeneric:
if self.sem["semestre_id"] == NO_SEMESTRE_ID:
indices = [NO_SEMESTRE_ID]
indices = range(1, self.parcours.NB_SEM + 1)
indices = list(range(1, self.parcours.NB_SEM + 1))
for i in indices:
# cherche dans les semestres de l'étudiant, en partant du plus récent
sem = None
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoGenError
from SuppressAccents import suppression_diacritics
from app.scodoc import VERSION
import six
PAGE_HEIGHT = defaultPageSize[1]
PAGE_WIDTH = defaultPageSize[0]
@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ def SU(s):
# car les "combining accents" ne sont pas traités par ReportLab mais peuvent
# nous être envoyés par certains navigateurs ou imports
u = unicodedata.normalize("NFC", unicode(s, SCO_ENCODING, "replace"))
u = unicodedata.normalize("NFC", six.text_type(s, SCO_ENCODING, "replace"))
return u.encode("utf8")
@ -330,19 +331,19 @@ def pdf_basic_page(
# Gestion du lock pdf
import threading, time, Queue, thread
import threading, time, six.moves.queue, six.moves._thread
class PDFLock:
def __init__(self, timeout=15):
self.Q = Queue.Queue(1)
self.Q = six.moves.queue.Queue(1)
self.timeout = timeout
self.current_thread = None
self.nref = 0
def release(self):
"Release lock. Raise Empty if not acquired first"
if self.current_thread == thread.get_ident():
if self.current_thread == six.moves._thread.get_ident():
self.nref -= 1
if self.nref == 0:
log("PDFLock: release from %s" % self.current_thread)
@ -354,14 +355,14 @@ class PDFLock:
def acquire(self):
"Acquire lock. Raise ScoGenError if can't lock after timeout."
if self.current_thread == thread.get_ident():
if self.current_thread == six.moves._thread.get_ident():
self.nref += 1
return # deja lock pour ce thread
self.Q.put(1, True, self.timeout)
except Queue.Full:
except six.moves.queue.Full:
raise ScoGenError(msg="Traitement PDF occupé: ré-essayez")
self.current_thread = thread.get_ident()
self.current_thread = six.moves._thread.get_ident()
self.nref = 1
log("PDFLock: granted to %s" % self.current_thread)
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ import os
import time
import datetime
import random
import urllib2
import six.moves.urllib.request, six.moves.urllib.error, six.moves.urllib.parse
import traceback
from PIL import Image as PILImage
from cStringIO import StringIO
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ def copy_portal_photo_to_fs(context, etud, REQUEST=None):
f = None
log("copy_portal_photo_to_fs: getting %s" % url)
f = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=portal_timeout) # python >= 2.7
f = six.moves.urllib.request.urlopen(url, timeout=portal_timeout) # python >= 2.7
log("download failed: exception:\n%s" % traceback.format_exc())
log("called from:\n" + "".join(traceback.format_stack()))
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
Contribution M. Salomon, UFC / IUT DE BELFORT-MONTBÉLIARD, 2016
import urllib
import six.moves.urllib.request, six.moves.urllib.parse, six.moves.urllib.error
import random
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ def do_placement_selectetuds(context, REQUEST):
if not (REQUEST.form.has_key("group_ids") and REQUEST.form["group_ids"]):
if not ("group_ids" in REQUEST.form and REQUEST.form["group_ids"]):
submitbuttonattributes = ['disabled="1"']
submitbuttonattributes = [] # groupe(s) preselectionnés
@ -208,7 +208,10 @@ def do_placement_selectetuds(context, REQUEST):
columns = tf[2]["columns"]
numbering = tf[2]["numbering"]
if columns in ("3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"):
gs = [("group_ids%3Alist=" + urllib.quote_plus(x)) for x in group_ids]
gs = [
("group_ids%3Alist=" + six.moves.urllib.parse.quote_plus(x))
for x in group_ids
query = (
% (
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
import os, time
import urllib
import six.moves.urllib.request, six.moves.urllib.parse, six.moves.urllib.error
import xml
import xml.sax.saxutils
import xml.dom.minidom
@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
from app.scodoc.notes_log import log
from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoValueError
from app.scodoc import sco_preferences
import six
from six.moves import range
SCO_CACHE_ETAPE_FILENAME = os.path.join(scu.SCO_TMP_DIR, "last_etapes.xml")
@ -155,10 +157,10 @@ def get_inscrits_etape(context, code_etape, anneeapogee=None, ntrials=2):
req = (
+ "?"
+ urllib.urlencode((("etape", code_etape), ("annee", anneeapogee)))
+ six.moves.urllib.parse.urlencode((("etape", code_etape), ("annee", anneeapogee)))
req = etud_url + "?" + urllib.urlencode((("etape", code_etape),))
req = etud_url + "?" + six.moves.urllib.parse.urlencode((("etape", code_etape),))
actual_timeout = float(portal_timeout) / ntrials
if portal_timeout > 0:
actual_timeout = max(1, actual_timeout)
@ -172,7 +174,7 @@ def get_inscrits_etape(context, code_etape, anneeapogee=None, ntrials=2):
# Filtre sur annee inscription Apogee:
def check_inscription(e):
if e.has_key("inscription"):
if "inscription" in e:
if e["inscription"] == anneeapogee:
return True
@ -203,7 +205,7 @@ def query_apogee_portal(context, **args):
# XXX TODO : va poser problème pour la page modif données étudiants : A VOIR
return []
portal_timeout = sco_preferences.get_preference(context, "portal_timeout")
req = etud_url + "?" + urllib.urlencode(args.items())
req = etud_url + "?" + six.moves.urllib.parse.urlencode(list(args.items()))
doc = scu.query_portal(req, timeout=portal_timeout) # sco_utils
return xml_to_list_of_dicts(doc, req=req)
@ -261,7 +263,7 @@ def xml_to_list_of_dicts(doc, req=None):
def get_infos_apogee_allaccents(context, nom, prenom):
"essai recup infos avec differents codages des accents"
if nom:
unom = unicode(nom, scu.SCO_ENCODING)
unom = six.text_type(nom, scu.SCO_ENCODING)
nom_noaccents = str(scu.suppression_diacritics(unom))
nom_utf8 = unom.encode("utf-8")
@ -269,7 +271,7 @@ def get_infos_apogee_allaccents(context, nom, prenom):
nom_utf8 = nom
if prenom:
uprenom = unicode(prenom, scu.SCO_ENCODING)
uprenom = six.text_type(prenom, scu.SCO_ENCODING)
prenom_noaccents = str(scu.suppression_diacritics(uprenom))
prenom_utf8 = uprenom.encode("utf-8")
@ -325,7 +327,7 @@ def get_etud_apogee(context, code_nip):
if not etud_url:
return {}
portal_timeout = sco_preferences.get_preference(context, "portal_timeout")
req = etud_url + "?" + urllib.urlencode((("nip", code_nip),))
req = etud_url + "?" + six.moves.urllib.parse.urlencode((("nip", code_nip),))
doc = scu.query_portal(req, timeout=portal_timeout)
d = _normalize_apo_fields(xml_to_list_of_dicts(doc, req=req))
if not d:
@ -346,7 +348,7 @@ def get_default_etapes(context):
if line and line[0] != "#":
dept, code, intitule = [x.strip() for x in line.split(":")]
if dept and code:
if etapes.has_key(dept):
if dept in etapes:
etapes[dept][code] = intitule
etapes[dept] = {code: intitule}
@ -418,7 +420,7 @@ def _xml_list_codes(target_dict, dept, nodes):
if e.nodeType == e.ELEMENT_NODE:
intitule = e.childNodes[0].nodeValue.encode(scu.SCO_ENCODING)
code = e.attributes["code"].value.encode(scu.SCO_ENCODING)
if target_dict.has_key(dept):
if dept in target_dict:
target_dict[dept][code] = intitule
target_dict[dept] = {code: intitule}
@ -442,19 +444,19 @@ def get_etapes_apogee_dept(context):
log("get_etapes_apogee_dept: pas de sections par departement")
infos = get_etapes_apogee(context)
if portal_dept_name and not infos.has_key(portal_dept_name):
if portal_dept_name and portal_dept_name not in infos:
"get_etapes_apogee_dept: pas de section '%s' dans la reponse portail"
% portal_dept_name
return []
if portal_dept_name:
etapes = infos[portal_dept_name].items()
etapes = list(infos[portal_dept_name].items())
# prend toutes les etapes
etapes = []
for k in infos.keys():
etapes += infos[k].items()
etapes += list(infos[k].items())
etapes.sort() # tri sur le code etape
return etapes
@ -483,7 +485,7 @@ def _normalize_apo_fields(infolist):
ajoute les champs 'etape' (= None) et 'prenom' ('') s'ils ne sont pas présents.
for infos in infolist:
if infos.has_key("paiementinscription"):
if "paiementinscription" in infos:
infos["paiementinscription"] = (
scu.strlower(infos["paiementinscription"]) == "true"
@ -495,7 +497,7 @@ def _normalize_apo_fields(infolist):
infos["paiementinscription"] = None
infos["paiementinscription_str"] = "?"
if infos.has_key("datefinalisationinscription"):
if "datefinalisationinscription" in infos:
infos["datefinalisationinscription"] = _portal_date_dmy2date(
@ -506,10 +508,10 @@ def _normalize_apo_fields(infolist):
infos["datefinalisationinscription"] = None
infos["datefinalisationinscription_str"] = ""
if not infos.has_key("etape"):
if "etape" not in infos:
infos["etape"] = None
if not infos.has_key("prenom"):
if "prenom" not in infos:
infos["prenom"] = ""
return infolist
@ -529,7 +531,7 @@ def check_paiement_etuds(context, etuds):
# interrogation séquentielle longue...
for etud in etuds:
if not etud.has_key("code_nip"):
if "code_nip" not in etud:
etud["paiementinscription"] = None
etud["paiementinscription_str"] = "(pas de code)"
etud["datefinalisationinscription"] = None
@ -563,7 +565,7 @@ def get_maquette_apogee(context, etape="", annee_scolaire=""):
req = (
+ "?"
+ urllib.urlencode((("etape", etape), ("annee", annee_scolaire)))
+ six.moves.urllib.parse.urlencode((("etape", etape), ("annee", annee_scolaire)))
doc = scu.query_portal(req, timeout=portal_timeout)
return doc
@ -1797,9 +1797,7 @@ class BasePreferences(object):
self.prefs[p["formsemestre_id"]] = {}
# Convert types:
if p["name"] in self.prefs_dict and self.prefs_dict[p["name"]].has_key(
if p["name"] in self.prefs_dict and "type" in self.prefs_dict[p["name"]]:
typ = self.prefs_dict[p["name"]]["type"]
if typ == "float":
# special case for float values (where NULL means 0)
@ -1879,7 +1877,7 @@ class BasePreferences(object):
modif = False
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
if name is None:
names = self.prefs[formsemestre_id].keys()
names = list(self.prefs[formsemestre_id].keys())
names = [name]
for name in names:
@ -135,14 +135,14 @@ def feuille_preparation_jury(context, formsemestre_id, REQUEST):
nbabsjust[etudid] = AbsEtudSem.CountAbs() - AbsEtudSem.CountAbsJust()
# Codes des UE "semestre précédent":
ue_prev_codes = prev_moy_ue.keys()
ue_prev_codes = list(prev_moy_ue.keys())
lambda x, y, prev_ue_acro=prev_ue_acro: cmp( # pylint: disable=undefined-variable
prev_ue_acro[x], prev_ue_acro[y]
# Codes des UE "semestre courant":
ue_codes = moy_ue.keys()
ue_codes = list(moy_ue.keys())
lambda x, y, ue_acro=ue_acro: cmp( # pylint: disable=undefined-variable
ue_acro[x], ue_acro[y]
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ def feuille_preparation_jury(context, formsemestre_id, REQUEST):
# Explications des codes
codes = sco_codes_parcours.CODES_EXPL.keys()
codes = list(sco_codes_parcours.CODES_EXPL.keys())
L.append(["Explication des codes"])
for code in codes:
@ -572,10 +572,10 @@ def formsemestre_pvjury(
for row in rows:
counts[row["decision"]] += 1
# add codes for previous (for explanation, without count)
if row.has_key("prev_decision") and row["prev_decision"]:
if "prev_decision" in row and row["prev_decision"]:
counts[row["prev_decision"]] += 0
# Légende des codes
codes = counts.keys() # sco_codes_parcours.CODES_EXPL.keys()
codes = list(counts.keys()) # sco_codes_parcours.CODES_EXPL.keys()
H.append("<h3>Explication des codes</h3>")
lines = []
@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ def _pvjury_pdf_type(
def _format_pv_cell(x):
"""convert string to paragraph"""
if type(x) == types.StringType:
if type(x) == bytes:
return Paragraph(SU(x), cell_style)
return x
@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ def _pvjury_pdf_type(
# Légende des codes
codes = sco_codes_parcours.CODES_EXPL.keys()
codes = list(sco_codes_parcours.CODES_EXPL.keys())
objects += sco_pdf.makeParas(
"""<para spaceBefore="15mm" fontSize="14">
@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ def make_formsemestre_recapcomplet(
i == 0 or F[0][i] == "classement"
): # Rang: force tri numerique pour sortable
cls = cls + " sortnumeric"
if cod2mod.has_key(F[0][i]): # lien vers etat module
if F[0][i] in cod2mod: # lien vers etat module
mod = cod2mod[F[0][i]]
cells += '<td class="%s"><a href="moduleimpl_status?moduleimpl_id=%s" title="%s (%s)">%s</a></td>' % (
@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ def make_formsemestre_recapcomplet(
# recap des decisions jury (nombre dans chaque code):
if codes_nb:
H.append("<h4>Décisions du jury</h4><table>")
cods = codes_nb.keys()
cods = list(codes_nb.keys())
for cod in cods:
H.append("<tr><td>%s</td><td>%d</td></tr>" % (cod, codes_nb[cod]))
@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ def _list_notes_evals(context, evals, etudid):
NotesDB = sco_evaluations.do_evaluation_get_all_notes(
context, e["evaluation_id"]
if NotesDB.has_key(etudid):
if etudid in NotesDB:
val = NotesDB[etudid]["value"]
# Note manquante mais prise en compte immédiate: affiche ATT
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
import os
import tempfile
import urllib
import six.moves.urllib.request, six.moves.urllib.parse, six.moves.urllib.error
import re
import time
import datetime
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ def formsemestre_etuds_stats(context, sem, only_primo=False):
etud["etat"] = nt.get_etud_etat(etudid)
if etud["etat"] == "D":
etud["codedecision"] = "DEM"
if not etud.has_key("codedecision"):
if "codedecision" not in etud:
etud["codedecision"] = "(nd)" # pas de decision jury
# Ajout devenir (autorisations inscriptions), utile pour stats passage
aut_list = sco_parcours_dut.formsemestre_get_autorisation_inscription(
@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ def _categories_and_results(etuds, category, result):
for etud in etuds:
categories[etud[category]] = True
results[etud[result]] = True
categories = categories.keys()
categories = list(categories.keys())
results = results.keys()
results = list(results.keys())
return categories, results
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ def _results_by_category(
results = {} # { result_value : True }
for etud in etuds:
results[etud[result]] = True
if Count.has_key(etud[category]):
if etud[category] in Count:
Count[etud[category]][etud[result]] += 1
Count[etud[category]] = scu.DictDefault(kv_dict={etud[result]: 1})
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ def _results_by_category(
for l in C:
l["sumpercent"] = "%2.1f%%" % ((100.0 * l["sum"]) / tot)
codes = results.keys()
codes = list(results.keys())
bottom_titles = []
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ def formsemestre_report_counts(
F = ["""<p><em>Aucun étudiant</em></p>"""]
if allkeys:
keys = etuds[0].keys()
keys = list(etuds[0].keys())
# clés présentées à l'utilisateur:
keys = [
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ def table_suivi_cohorte(
if etud["statut"]: # ne montre pas les statuts non renseignés
sems = S.values()
sems = list(S.values())
# tri les semestres par date de debut
for s in sems:
d, m, y = [int(x) for x in s["date_debut"].split("/")]
@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ def tsp_etud_list(
def tsp_grouped_list(context, codes_etuds):
"""Liste pour table regroupant le nombre d'étudiants (+ bulle avec les noms) de chaque parcours"""
L = []
parcours = codes_etuds.keys()
parcours = list(codes_etuds.keys())
for p in parcours:
nb = len(codes_etuds[p])
@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@ def table_suivi_parcours(
# Calcule intitulés de colonnes
S = set()
sems_ids = list(apply(S.union, [e["decisions_jury"].keys() for e in etuds]))
sems_ids = list(S.union(*[list(e["decisions_jury"].keys()) for e in etuds]))
sem_tits = ["S%s" % s for s in sems_ids]
titles.update([(s, s) for s in sem_tits])
@ -1338,7 +1338,7 @@ def graph_parcours(
edges[(s["formsemestre_id"], nid)].add(etudid)
g = scu.pydot.graph_from_edges(edges.keys())
g = scu.pydot.graph_from_edges(list(edges.keys()))
for fid in isolated_nodes:
if not fid in connected_nodes:
n = scu.pydot.Node(name=fid)
@ -1528,7 +1528,7 @@ def formsemestre_graph_parcours(
op = "only_primo=on&"
op = ""
url = urllib.quote(
url = six.moves.urllib.parse.quote(
% (formsemestre_id, op, bac, bacspecialite, civilite, statut)
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ def do_evaluation_set_missing(
notes = []
for etudid in etudids: # pour tous les inscrits
if not NotesDB.has_key(etudid): # pas de note
if etudid not in NotesDB: # pas de note
notes.append((etudid, value))
# Check value
L, invalids, _, _, _ = _check_notes(notes, E, M["module"])
@ -455,9 +455,7 @@ def _notes_add(context, uid, evaluation_id, notes, comment=None, do_it=True):
Return number of changed notes
uid = str(uid)
now = apply(
psycopg2.Timestamp, time.localtime()[:6]
) #
now = psycopg2.Timestamp(*time.localtime()[:6]) #
# Verifie inscription et valeur note
_ = {}.fromkeys(
@ -484,7 +482,7 @@ def _notes_add(context, uid, evaluation_id, notes, comment=None, do_it=True):
for (etudid, value) in notes:
changed = False
if not NotesDB.has_key(etudid):
if etudid not in NotesDB:
# nouvelle note
if value != scu.NOTES_SUPPRESS:
if do_it:
@ -1024,7 +1022,7 @@ def _get_sorted_etuds(context, E, etudids, formsemestre_id):
e["absinfo"] = '<span class="sn_abs">' + " ".join(warn_abs_lst) + "</span> "
# Note actuelle de l'étudiant:
if NotesDB.has_key(etudid):
if etudid in NotesDB:
e["val"] = _displayNote(NotesDB[etudid]["value"])
comment = NotesDB[etudid]["comment"]
if comment is None:
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ class SemSet(dict):
nt = sco_core.get_notes_cache(
).get_NotesTable(context, sem["formsemestre_id"])
sem["etuds"] = nt.identdict.values()
sem["etuds"] = list(nt.identdict.values())
sem["nips"] = {e["code_nip"] for e in sem["etuds"] if e["code_nip"]}
sem["etuds_without_nip"] = {
e["etudid"] for e in sem["etuds"] if not e["code_nip"]
@ -281,11 +281,11 @@ def build_page(
year = time.localtime()[0]
if anneeapogee and abs(year - int(anneeapogee)) < 50:
years = range(
min(year - 1, int(anneeapogee) - 1), max(year, int(anneeapogee)) + 1
years = list(
range(min(year - 1, int(anneeapogee) - 1), max(year, int(anneeapogee)) + 1)
years = range(year - 1, year + 1)
years = list(range(year - 1, year + 1))
anneeapogee = ""
options = []
for y in years:
@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ def list_synch(context, sem, anneeapogee=None):
"inscrits_without_key": {
"etuds": inscrits_without_key.values(),
"etuds": list(inscrits_without_key.values()),
"infos": {
"id": "inscrits_without_key",
"title": "Etudiants ScoDoc sans clé Apogée (NIP)",
@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ def do_import_etud_admission(
e = al[0]
if get_opt_str(etud, "inscription"):
e["annee"] = args["annee"]
keys = args.keys()
keys = list(args.keys())
for k in keys:
if not args[k]:
del args[k]
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ def module_tag_set(context, module_id="", taglist=[], REQUEST=None):
if not taglist:
taglist = []
elif type(taglist) == types.StringType:
elif type(taglist) == bytes:
taglist = taglist.split(",")
taglist = [t.strip() for t in taglist]
log("module_tag_set: module_id=%s taglist=%s" % (module_id, taglist))
@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ def zip_excel_import_files(
log("zip: ignoring %s" % name)
if Filename2Etud:
# lignes excel non traitées
unmatched_files = Filename2Etud.keys()
unmatched_files = list(Filename2Etud.keys())
unmatched_files = []
# 3- Result page
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ def external_ue_inscrit_et_note(
# Inscription des étudiants
context, moduleimpl_id, formsemestre_id, notes_etuds.keys(), REQUEST=REQUEST
context, moduleimpl_id, formsemestre_id, list(notes_etuds.keys()), REQUEST=REQUEST
# Création d'une évaluation si il n'y en a pas déjà:
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ def external_ue_inscrit_et_note(
@ -102,17 +102,17 @@ class NotesOperation(dict):
def list_operations(context, evaluation_id):
"""returns list of NotesOperation for this evaluation"""
notes = sco_evaluations.do_evaluation_get_all_notes(
notes = list(sco_evaluations.do_evaluation_get_all_notes(
context, evaluation_id, filter_suppressed=False
notes_log = sco_evaluations.do_evaluation_get_all_notes(
notes_log = list(sco_evaluations.do_evaluation_get_all_notes(
context, evaluation_id, filter_suppressed=False, table="notes_notes_log"
NotesDates = {} # { uid : intervalmap }
for note in notes + notes_log:
if not NotesDates.has_key(note["uid"]):
if note["uid"] not in NotesDates:
NotesDates[note["uid"]] = intervalmap()
nd = NotesDates[note["uid"]]
if nd[note["date"]] is None:
@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ import numbers
import os
import re
import sys
import thread
import six.moves._thread
import time
import types
import urllib
import urllib2
import six.moves.urllib.request, six.moves.urllib.parse, six.moves.urllib.error
import six.moves.urllib.request, six.moves.urllib.error, six.moves.urllib.parse
import xml.sax.saxutils
# XML generation package (apt-get install jaxml)
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ try:
STRING_TYPES = six.string_types
except ImportError:
# fallback for very old ScoDoc instances
STRING_TYPES = types.StringType
from PIL import Image as PILImage
@ -72,9 +72,7 @@ from app.scodoc import VERSION
def sco8_join(L, sep="\n"): # sco8
return sep.join(
[x if not isinstance(x, types.UnicodeType) else x.encode("utf-8") for x in L]
return sep.join([x if not isinstance(x, str) else x.encode("utf-8") for x in L])
@ -139,7 +137,7 @@ def fmt_note(val, note_max=None, keep_numeric=False):
return "EXC" # excuse, note neutralise
if val == NOTES_ATTENTE:
return "ATT" # attente, note neutralisee
if type(val) == types.FloatType or type(val) == types.IntType:
if type(val) == float or type(val) == int:
if note_max != None and note_max > 0:
val = val * 20.0 / note_max
if keep_numeric:
@ -199,7 +197,7 @@ class DictDefault(dict): # obsolete, use collections.defaultdict
def __getitem__(self, k):
if self.has_key(k):
if k in self:
return self.get(k)
value = copy.copy(self.defaultvalue)
self[k] = value
@ -229,7 +227,7 @@ def group_by_key(d, key):
# ----- Global lock for critical sections (except notes_tables caches)
GSL = thread.allocate_lock() # Global ScoDoc Lock
GSL = six.moves._thread.allocate_lock() # Global ScoDoc Lock
# ----- Repertoire "var" (local)
SCODOC_VAR_DIR = os.path.join(Config.INSTANCE_HOME, "var", "scodoc")
@ -436,12 +434,12 @@ isiterable = lambda obj: getattr(obj, "__iter__", False)
def unescape_html_dict(d):
"""un-escape all dict values, recursively"""
indices = d.keys()
indices = list(d.keys())
indices = range(len(d))
indices = list(range(len(d)))
for k in indices:
v = d[k]
if type(v) == types.StringType:
if type(v) == bytes:
d[k] = unescape_html(v)
elif isiterable(v):
@ -486,7 +484,7 @@ def simple_dictlist2xml(dictlist, doc=None, tagname=None, quote=False):
raise ValueError("invalid empty tagname !")
if not doc:
doc = jaxml.XML_document(encoding=SCO_ENCODING)
scalar_types = [types.StringType, types.UnicodeType, types.IntType, types.FloatType]
scalar_types = [bytes, str, int, float]
for d in dictlist:
if (
@ -507,7 +505,7 @@ def simple_dictlist2xml(dictlist, doc=None, tagname=None, quote=False):
[(k, v) for (k, v) in d.items() if type(v) in scalar_types]
getattr(doc, tagname)(**d_scalar)
d_list = dict([(k, v) for (k, v) in d.items() if type(v) == types.ListType])
d_list = dict([(k, v) for (k, v) in d.items() if type(v) == list])
if d_list:
for (k, v) in d_list.items():
simple_dictlist2xml(v, doc=doc, tagname=k, quote=quote)
@ -545,7 +543,7 @@ def stripquotes(s):
def suppress_accents(s):
"s is an ordinary string, encoding given by SCO_ENCODING"
return str(suppression_diacritics(unicode(s, SCO_ENCODING)))
return str(suppression_diacritics(six.text_type(s, SCO_ENCODING)))
def sanitize_string(s):
@ -639,7 +637,7 @@ def sendJSON(REQUEST, data):
def sendXML(REQUEST, data, tagname=None, force_outer_xml_tag=True):
if type(data) != types.ListType:
if type(data) != list:
data = [data] # always list-of-dicts
if force_outer_xml_tag:
root_tagname = tagname + "_list"
@ -898,7 +896,7 @@ def query_portal(req, msg="Portail Apogee", timeout=3):
log("query_portal: %s" % req)
f = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=timeout) # seconds / request
f = six.moves.urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=timeout) # seconds / request
log("query_portal: can't connect to %s" % msg)
return ""
@ -913,7 +911,7 @@ def query_portal(req, msg="Portail Apogee", timeout=3):
def AnneeScolaire(REQUEST=None): # TODO remplacer REQUEST #sco8
"annee de debut de l'annee scolaire courante"
if REQUEST and REQUEST.form.has_key("sco_year"):
if REQUEST and "sco_year" in REQUEST.form:
year = REQUEST.form["sco_year"]
year = int(year)
@ -992,7 +990,7 @@ def confirm_dialog(
if not dest_url:
dest_url = REQUEST.URL
# strip remaining parameters from destination url:
dest_url = urllib.splitquery(dest_url)[0]
dest_url = six.moves.urllib.parse.splitquery(dest_url)[0]
H = [
"""<form action="%s" method="post">""" % dest_url,
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