forked from ScoDoc/DocScoDoc
Styles table recap
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,7 +37,11 @@ from app.tables.recap import RowRecap, TableRecap
class TableJury(TableRecap):
"""Cette table recap reprend les colonnes du tableau recap, sauf les évaluations,
et ajoute:
- les RCUEs
- le lien de saisie ou modif de la décision de jury
class RowJury(RowRecap):
@ -17,196 +17,349 @@ table.dataTable {
* Body styles
*/ }
table.dataTable thead th,
table.dataTable tfoot th {
font-weight: bold; }
table.dataTable thead th,
table.dataTable thead td {
padding: 10px 18px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #111111; }
table.dataTable thead th:active,
table.dataTable thead td:active {
outline: none; }
table.dataTable tfoot th,
table.dataTable tfoot td {
padding: 10px 18px 6px 18px;
border-top: 1px solid #111111; }
table.dataTable thead .sorting,
table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc,
table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc,
table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc_disabled,
table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc_disabled {
cursor: pointer;
*cursor: hand;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center right; }
table.dataTable thead .sorting {
background-image: url("../images/sort_both.png"); }
table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc {
background-image: url("../images/sort_asc.png"); }
table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc {
background-image: url("../images/sort_desc.png"); }
table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc_disabled {
background-image: url("../images/sort_asc_disabled.png"); }
table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc_disabled {
background-image: url("../images/sort_desc_disabled.png"); }
table.dataTable tbody tr {
background-color: white; }
table.dataTable tbody tr.selected {
background-color: #b0bed9; }
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table.dataTable tbody td {
padding: 8px 10px; }
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table.dataTable.row-border tbody tr:first-child th,
table.dataTable.row-border tbody tr:first-child td, table.dataTable.display tbody tr:first-child th,
table.dataTable.display tbody tr:first-child td {
border-top: none; }
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border-right: 1px solid #dddddd; }
table.dataTable.cell-border tbody tr th:first-child,
table.dataTable.cell-border tbody tr td:first-child {
border-left: 1px solid #dddddd; }
table.dataTable.cell-border tbody tr:first-child th,
table.dataTable.cell-border tbody tr:first-child td {
border-top: none; }
table.dataTable.stripe tbody tr.odd, table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd {
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table.dataTable.stripe tbody tr.odd.selected, table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd.selected {
background-color: #abb9d3; }
table.dataTable.hover tbody tr:hover, table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover {
background-color: whitesmoke; }
table.dataTable.hover tbody tr:hover.selected, table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover.selected {
background-color: #a9b7d1; }
table.dataTable.order-column tbody tr > .sorting_1,
table.dataTable.order-column tbody tr > .sorting_2,
table.dataTable.order-column tbody tr > .sorting_3, table.dataTable.display tbody tr > .sorting_1,
table.dataTable.display tbody tr > .sorting_2,
table.dataTable.display tbody tr > .sorting_3 {
background-color: #f9f9f9;
table.dataTable.order-column tbody tr.selected > .sorting_1,
table.dataTable.order-column tbody tr.selected > .sorting_2,
table.dataTable.order-column tbody tr.selected > .sorting_3, table.dataTable.display tbody tr.selected > .sorting_1,
table.dataTable.display tbody tr.selected > .sorting_2,
table.dataTable.display tbody tr.selected > .sorting_3 {
background-color: #acbad4; }
table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd > .sorting_1, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.odd > .sorting_1 {
background-color: #f1f1f1; }
table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd > .sorting_2, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.odd > .sorting_2 {
background-color: #f3f3f3; }
table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd > .sorting_3, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.odd > .sorting_3 {
background-color: whitesmoke; }
table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd.selected > .sorting_1, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.odd.selected > .sorting_1 {
background-color: #a6b3cd; }
table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd.selected > .sorting_2, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.odd.selected > .sorting_2 {
background-color: #a7b5ce; }
table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd.selected > .sorting_3, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.odd.selected > .sorting_3 {
background-color: #a9b6d0; }
table.dataTable.display tbody tr.even > .sorting_1, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.even > .sorting_1 {
background-color: #f9f9f9;
table.dataTable.display tbody tr.even > .sorting_2, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.even > .sorting_2 {
background-color: #fbfbfb; }
table.dataTable.display tbody tr.even > .sorting_3, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.even > .sorting_3 {
background-color: #fdfdfd; }
table.dataTable.display tbody tr.even.selected > .sorting_1, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.even.selected > .sorting_1 {
background-color: #acbad4; }
table.dataTable.display tbody tr.even.selected > .sorting_2, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.even.selected > .sorting_2 {
background-color: #adbbd6; }
table.dataTable.display tbody tr.even.selected > .sorting_3, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.even.selected > .sorting_3 {
background-color: #afbdd8; }
table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover > .sorting_1, table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover > .sorting_1 {
background-color: #eaeaea; }
table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover > .sorting_2, table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover > .sorting_2 {
background-color: #ebebeb; }
table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover > .sorting_3, table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover > .sorting_3 {
background-color: #eeeeee; }
table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover.selected > .sorting_1, table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover.selected > .sorting_1 {
background-color: #a1aec7; }
table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover.selected > .sorting_2, table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover.selected > .sorting_2 {
background-color: #a2afc8; }
table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover.selected > .sorting_3, table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover.selected > .sorting_3 {
background-color: #a4b2cb; }
|||| {
border-bottom: 1px solid #111111; }
table.dataTable.nowrap th, table.dataTable.nowrap td {
white-space: nowrap; }
table.dataTable.compact thead th,
table.dataTable.compact thead td {
padding: 4px 17px 4px 4px; }
table.dataTable.compact tfoot th,
table.dataTable.compact tfoot td {
padding: 4px; }
table.dataTable.compact tbody th,
table.dataTable.compact tbody td {
padding: 4px; }
table.dataTable th.dt-left,
table.dataTable td.dt-left {
text-align: left; }
table.dataTable th.dt-center,
table.dataTable td.dt-center,
table.dataTable td.dataTables_empty {
text-align: center; }
table.dataTable th.dt-right,
table.dataTable td.dt-right {
text-align: right; }
table.dataTable th.dt-justify,
table.dataTable td.dt-justify {
text-align: justify; }
table.dataTable th.dt-nowrap,
table.dataTable td.dt-nowrap {
white-space: nowrap; }
table.dataTable thead th.dt-head-left,
table.dataTable thead td.dt-head-left,
table.dataTable tfoot th.dt-head-left,
table.dataTable tfoot td.dt-head-left {
text-align: left; }
table.dataTable thead th.dt-head-center,
table.dataTable thead td.dt-head-center,
table.dataTable tfoot th.dt-head-center,
table.dataTable tfoot td.dt-head-center {
text-align: center; }
table.dataTable thead th.dt-head-right,
table.dataTable thead td.dt-head-right,
table.dataTable tfoot th.dt-head-right,
table.dataTable tfoot td.dt-head-right {
text-align: right; }
table.dataTable thead th.dt-head-justify,
table.dataTable thead td.dt-head-justify,
table.dataTable tfoot th.dt-head-justify,
table.dataTable tfoot td.dt-head-justify {
text-align: justify; }
table.dataTable thead th.dt-head-nowrap,
table.dataTable thead td.dt-head-nowrap,
table.dataTable tfoot th.dt-head-nowrap,
table.dataTable tfoot td.dt-head-nowrap {
white-space: nowrap; }
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table.dataTable tbody td.dt-body-center {
text-align: center; }
table.dataTable tbody th.dt-body-right,
table.dataTable tbody td.dt-body-right {
text-align: right; }
table.dataTable tbody th.dt-body-justify,
table.dataTable tbody td.dt-body-justify {
text-align: justify; }
table.dataTable tbody th.dt-body-nowrap,
table.dataTable tbody td.dt-body-nowrap {
white-space: nowrap; }
table.dataTable thead th,
table.dataTable tfoot th {
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table.dataTable thead th,
table.dataTable thead td {
padding: 10px 18px;
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table.dataTable thead th:active,
table.dataTable thead td:active {
outline: none;
table.dataTable tfoot th,
table.dataTable tfoot td {
padding: 10px 18px 6px 18px;
border-top: 1px solid #111111;
table.dataTable thead .sorting,
table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc,
table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc,
table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc_disabled,
table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc_disabled {
cursor: pointer;
*cursor: hand;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center right;
table.dataTable thead .sorting {
background-image: url("../images/sort_both.png");
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background-image: url("../images/sort_asc.png");
table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc {
background-image: url("../images/sort_desc.png");
table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc_disabled {
background-image: url("../images/sort_asc_disabled.png");
table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc_disabled {
background-image: url("../images/sort_desc_disabled.png");
table.dataTable tbody tr {
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table.dataTable tbody tr.selected {
background-color: #b0bed9;
table.dataTable tbody th,
table.dataTable tbody td {
padding: 8px 10px;
table.dataTable.row-border tbody th,
table.dataTable.row-border tbody td,
table.dataTable.display tbody th,
table.dataTable.display tbody td {
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table.dataTable.cell-border tbody tr td:first-child {
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table.dataTable.cell-border tbody tr:first-child th,
table.dataTable.cell-border tbody tr:first-child td {
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table.dataTable.stripe tbody tr.odd,
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table.dataTable.stripe tbody tr.odd.selected,
table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd.selected {
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table.dataTable.hover tbody tr:hover,
table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover {
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table.dataTable.hover tbody tr:hover.selected,
table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover.selected {
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table.dataTable.order-column tbody tr>.sorting_1,
table.dataTable.order-column tbody tr>.sorting_2,
table.dataTable.order-column tbody tr>.sorting_3,
table.dataTable.display tbody tr>.sorting_1,
table.dataTable.display tbody tr>.sorting_2,
table.dataTable.display tbody tr>.sorting_3 {
background-color: #f9f9f9;
table.dataTable.order-column tbody tr.selected>.sorting_1,
table.dataTable.order-column tbody tr.selected>.sorting_2,
table.dataTable.order-column tbody tr.selected>.sorting_3,
table.dataTable.display tbody tr.selected>.sorting_1,
table.dataTable.display tbody tr.selected>.sorting_2,
table.dataTable.display tbody tr.selected>.sorting_3 {
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table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd>.sorting_1,
table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.odd>.sorting_1 {
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table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd>.sorting_2,
table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.odd>.sorting_2 {
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table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd>.sorting_3,
table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.odd>.sorting_3 {
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table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd.selected>.sorting_1,
table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.odd.selected>.sorting_1 {
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table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd.selected>.sorting_2,
table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.odd.selected>.sorting_2 {
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table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd.selected>.sorting_3,
table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.odd.selected>.sorting_3 {
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table.dataTable.display tbody tr.even>.sorting_1,
table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.even>.sorting_1 {
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table.dataTable.display tbody tr.even>.sorting_2,
table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.even>.sorting_2 {
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table.dataTable.display tbody tr.even>.sorting_3,
table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.even>.sorting_3 {
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table.dataTable.display tbody tr.even.selected>.sorting_1,
table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.even.selected>.sorting_1 {
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table.dataTable.display tbody tr.even.selected>.sorting_2,
table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.even.selected>.sorting_2 {
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table.dataTable.display tbody tr.even.selected>.sorting_3,
table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.even.selected>.sorting_3 {
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table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover>.sorting_1,
table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover>.sorting_1 {
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table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover>.sorting_2,
table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover>.sorting_2 {
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table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover>.sorting_3,
table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover>.sorting_3 {
background-color: #eeeeee;
table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover.selected>.sorting_1,
table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover.selected>.sorting_1 {
background-color: #a1aec7;
table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover.selected>.sorting_2,
table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover.selected>.sorting_2 {
background-color: #a2afc8;
table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover.selected>.sorting_3,
table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover.selected>.sorting_3 {
background-color: #a4b2cb;
|||| {
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table.dataTable.nowrap th,
table.dataTable.nowrap td {
white-space: nowrap;
table.dataTable.compact thead th,
table.dataTable.compact thead td {
padding: 4px 17px 4px 4px;
table.dataTable.compact tfoot th,
table.dataTable.compact tfoot td {
padding: 4px;
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table.dataTable.compact tbody td {
padding: 4px;
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table.dataTable th.dt-justify,
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table.dataTable th.dt-nowrap,
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table.dataTable thead th.dt-head-left,
table.dataTable thead td.dt-head-left,
table.dataTable tfoot th.dt-head-left,
table.dataTable tfoot td.dt-head-left {
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table.dataTable thead td.dt-head-center,
table.dataTable tfoot th.dt-head-center,
table.dataTable tfoot td.dt-head-center {
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table.dataTable thead th.dt-head-right,
table.dataTable thead td.dt-head-right,
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table.dataTable thead th.dt-head-justify,
table.dataTable thead td.dt-head-justify,
table.dataTable tfoot th.dt-head-justify,
table.dataTable tfoot td.dt-head-justify {
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table.dataTable thead th.dt-head-nowrap,
table.dataTable thead td.dt-head-nowrap,
table.dataTable tfoot th.dt-head-nowrap,
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table.dataTable tbody th.dt-body-justify,
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table.dataTable th,
table.dataTable td {
box-sizing: content-box; }
box-sizing: content-box;
* Control feature layout
@ -214,204 +367,278 @@ table.dataTable td {
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zoom: 1; }
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/* ------ Ajouts spécifiques pour ScoDoc:
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/* Reglage largeur de la table */
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width: auto;
padding-right: 5px;
@ -4133,6 +4133,17 @@ table.table_recap td.col_ues_validables {
font-style: normal !important;
table.table_recap td.col_res,
table.table_recap th.col_res {
border-right: 1px dashed green;
border-left: 1px dashed green;
table.table_recap td.partition,
table.table_recap th.partition {
border-right: 1px solid rgb(221, 221, 221);
border-left: 1px solid rgb(221, 221, 221);
.green-arrow-up {
display: inline-block;
@ -4228,18 +4239,17 @@ table.table_recap tr.descr_evaluation {
vertical-align: top;
table.table_recap tr.apo {
table.table_recap tr.apo td:not(.identite_court) {
font-size: 75%;
font-family: monospace;
table.table_recap tr.apo td {
border: 1px solid gray;
background-color: #d8f5fe;
background-color: #f5fdf6;
table.table_recap tr.type_col {
font-size: 50%;
font-size: 40%;
font-family: monospace;
@ -110,18 +110,18 @@ class TableRecap(tb.Table):
for col_id in self.column_ids:
cell: tb.Cell = row_moy.cells.get(col_id)
if cell and "col_empty" in cell.classes:
def add_type_row(self):
"""Ligne avec la classe de chaque colonne recap."""
# récupère le type à partir des classes css (hack...)
# récupère le type à partir du groupe (enlève le préfixe "col_" si présent)
row_type = tb.BottomRow(
left_title="Type col.",
left_title_col_ids=["prenom", "nom_short"],
classes=["bottom_info", "type_col"],
for col_id in self.column_ids:
group_name = self.column_group.get(col_id, "")
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ class TableRecap(tb.Table):
left_title="Code Apogée",
left_title_col_ids=["prenom", "nom_short"],
classes=["bottom_info", "apo"],
# --- ECTS
@ -188,25 +188,58 @@ class TableRecap(tb.Table):
for ue in ues:
col_id = f"moy_ue_{}"
row_ects.add_cell(col_id, None, ue.ects)
# ajoute cell UE vides sur ligne coef pour borders verticales
# XXX TODO classes dans table sur colonne ajoutées à tous les TD
row_coef.add_cell(col_id, None, "")
sum([ue.ects or 0 for ue in ues if ue.type != UE_SPORT]),
# --- MIN, MAX, MOY, APO
row_min.add_cell("moy_gen", None, self.fmt_note(res.etud_moy_gen.min()))
row_max.add_cell("moy_gen", None, self.fmt_note(res.etud_moy_gen.max()))
row_moy.add_cell("moy_gen", None, self.fmt_note(res.etud_moy_gen.mean()))
# classes=["col_moy_gen"],
# classes=["col_moy_gen"],
for ue in ues:
col_id = f"moy_ue_{}"
row_min.add_cell(col_id, None, self.fmt_note(res.etud_moy_ue[].min()))
row_max.add_cell(col_id, None, self.fmt_note(res.etud_moy_ue[].max()))
row_moy.add_cell(col_id, None, self.fmt_note(res.etud_moy_ue[].mean()))
row_apo.add_cell(col_id, None, ue.code_apogee or "")
classes=["col_ue", "col_moy_ue"],
classes=["col_ue", "col_moy_ue"],
classes=["col_ue", "col_moy_ue"],
ue.code_apogee or "",
classes=["col_ue", "col_moy_ue"],
for modimpl in res.formsemestre.modimpls_sorted:
if (, in self.modimpl_ue_ids:
@ -260,13 +293,12 @@ class TableRecap(tb.Table):
group = None # group (dict) de l'étudiant dans cette partition
# dans NotesTableCompat, à revoir
etud_etat = self.res.get_etud_etat( # == etudid
tr_classes = []
if etud_etat == scu.DEMISSION:
gr_name = "Dém."
elif etud_etat == DEF:
gr_name = "Déf."
group = partition_etud_groups.get(etudid)
gr_name = group["group_name"] if group else ""
@ -519,7 +551,7 @@ class RowRecap(tb.Row):
# Ajoute bulle sur titre du pied de table:
@ -553,7 +585,7 @@ class RowRecap(tb.Row):
# Les moyennes des modules (ou ressources et SAÉs) dans cette UE
self.add_ue_modimpls_cols(ue, ue_status["is_capitalized"])
@ -566,17 +598,18 @@ class RowRecap(tb.Row):
ue_valid_txt_html += " " + scu.EMO_WARNING
# place juste avant moy. gen.
table.insert_group("col_ues_validables", before="col_moy_gen")
classes = ["col_ue"]
cell_class = ""
if self.nb_ues_warning:
cell_class = "moy_ue_warning"
elif self.nb_ues_validables < len(ues_sans_bonus):
cell_class = "moy_inf"
data={"order": self.nb_ues_validables}, # tri
@ -627,7 +660,8 @@ class RowRecap(tb.Row):
classes=["col_ue", "col_moy_ue", note_class],
column_classes={"col_ue", "col_moy_ue"},
@ -678,10 +712,10 @@ class RowRecap(tb.Row):
if modimpl.module.module_type == scu.ModuleType.MALUS:
# positionne la colonne à droite de l'UE
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ class Element:
|||| = data or {}
def html(self, extra_classes: list[str] = None) -> str:
def html(self, extra_classes: set[str] = None) -> str:
"html for element"
classes = [cls for cls in (self.classes + (extra_classes or [])) if cls]
classes = [cls for cls in (self.classes + (list(extra_classes or []))) if cls]
attrs_str = f"""class="{' '.join(classes)}" """ if classes else ""
# Autres attributs:
attrs_str += " " + " ".join([f'{k}="{v}"' for (k, v) in self.attrs.items()])
@ -40,6 +40,11 @@ class Element:
"Le contenu de l'élément, en html."
return str(self.content or "")
def add_class(self, klass: str):
"Add a class, do nothing if already there"
if klass not in self.classes:
class Table(Element):
"""Construction d'une table de résultats
@ -81,7 +86,7 @@ class Table(Element):
self.foot = []
self.column_group = {}
"the group of the column: { col_id : group }"
self.column_classes: defaultdict[str, list[str]] = defaultdict(lambda: [])
self.column_classes: defaultdict[str, set[str]] = defaultdict(set)
"classe ajoutée à toutes les cellules de la colonne: { col_id : class }"
self.selected_row_id = selected_row_id
"l'id de la ligne sélectionnée"
@ -275,6 +280,7 @@ class Row(Element):
target_attrs: dict = None,
target: str = None,
column_classes: set[str] = None,
) -> "Cell":
"""Create cell and add it to the row.
group: groupe de colonnes
@ -285,6 +291,10 @@ class Row(Element):
classes = [group or ""] + (classes or [])
classes = classes.copy()
if group:
if column_classes:
cell = Cell(
Reference in New Issue
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