
1394 lines
42 KiB
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2020-09-26 16:19:37 +02:00
$red = array(255,0,0);
$green = array(0,255,0);
$blue = array(0,0,255);
$black = array(0,0,0);
$formatA4 = array(595.28,841.89);
function isInteger($val)
if ($val - round($val) == 0) return true;
else return false;
function plus10pourcentArrondi($valeur)
if ($valeur > 10000) $ratio=1000;
else if ($valeur > 1000) $ratio=100;
else if ($valeur > 100) $ratio=10;
else $ratio=1;
$res = $valeur + (0.1*$valeur);
$res = round($res/$ratio) * $ratio;
return $res;
function moins10pourcentArrondi($valeur)
if ($valeur > 10000) $ratio=1000;
else if ($valeur > 1000) $ratio=100;
else if ($valeur > 100) $ratio=10;
else $ratio=1;
if ($valeur >0)
$res = $valeur - (0.1*$valeur);
else $res = $valeur + (0.1*$valeur);
$res = round($res/$ratio) * $ratio;
return $res;
class phpToPDF extends FPDF
var $legends;
var $wLegend;
var $sum;
var $NbVal;
var $_toc=array();
var $_numbering=false;
var $_numberingFooter=false;
var $_numPageNum=1;
var $tb_columns; //number of columns of the table
var $tb_header_type; //array which contains the header characteristics and texts
var $tb_header_draw; //TRUE or FALSE, the header is drawed or not
var $tb_border_draw; //TRUE or FALSE, the table border is drawed or not
var $tb_data_type; //array which contains the data characteristics (only the characteristics)
var $tb_table_type; //array which contains the table charactersitics
var $table_startx, $table_starty; //the X and Y position where the table starts
var $Draw_Header_Command; //command which determines in the DrawData first the header draw
var $New_Page_Commit; // = true/false if a new page has been comited
var $Data_On_Current_Page; // = true/false ... if on current page was some data written
function AddPage($orientation='') {
function startPageNums() {
function stopPageNums() {
function numPageNo() {
return $this->_numPageNum;
function TOC_Entry($txt,$level=0) {
function insertTOC( $location=1,
$label='Table des mati<74>res'
) {
//make toc at end
foreach($this->_toc as $t) {
//Filling dots
//Page number
//grab it and move to selected location
$n_toc = $n - $tocstart + 1;
$last = array();
//store toc pages
for($i = $tocstart;$i <= $n;$i++)
//move pages
for($i=$tocstart - 1;$i>=$location-1;$i--)
//Put toc pages at insert point
for($i = 0;$i < $n_toc;$i++)
$this->pages[$location + $i]=$last[$i];
function Footer() {
//Go to 1.5 cm from bottom
//Select Arial italic 8
function SetDash($black=false,$white=false)
if($black and $white)
$s=sprintf('[%.3f %.3f] 0 d',$black*$this->k,$white*$this->k);
$s='[] 0 d';
function SetLegends($data, $format)
foreach($data as $l=>$val)
function DiagCirculaire($largeur, $hauteur, $data, $format, $couleurs=null, $legend=1)
$this->SetFont('Courier', '', 10);
$XPage = $this->GetX();
$YPage = $this->GetY();
$marge = 2;
$hLegende = 5;
$rayon = min($largeur - $marge * 4 - $hLegende - $this->wLegend, $hauteur - $marge * 2);
$rayon = floor($rayon / 2);
$XDiag = $XPage + $marge + $rayon;
$YDiag = $YPage + $marge + $rayon;
if($couleurs == null) {
for($i = 0;$i < $this->NbVal; $i++) {
$gray = $i * intval(255 / $this->NbVal);
$couleurs[$i] = array($gray,$gray,$gray);
$angleDebut = 0;
$angleFin = 0;
$i = 0;
foreach($data as $val) {
$angle = floor(($val * 360) / doubleval($this->sum));
if ($angle != 0) {
$angleFin = $angleDebut + $angle;
$this->Sector($XDiag, $YDiag, $rayon, $angleDebut, $angleFin);
$angleDebut += $angle;
if ($angleFin != 360) {
$this->Sector($XDiag, $YDiag, $rayon, $angleDebut - $angle, 360);
if ($legend == 1)
$this->SetFont('Courier', '', 10);
$x1 = $XPage + 2 * $rayon + 4 * $marge;
$x2 = $x1 + $hLegende + $marge;
$y1 = $YDiag - $rayon + (2 * $rayon - $this->NbVal*($hLegende + $marge)) / 2;
for($i=0; $i<$this->NbVal; $i++) {
$this->Rect($x1, $y1, $hLegende, $hLegende, 'DF');
$y1+=$hLegende + $marge;
function DiagBatons($largeur, $hauteur, $data, $format, $couleur=null, $maxValRepere=0, $nbIndRepere=4)
$this->SetFont('Courier', '', 10);
$XPage = $this->GetX();
$YPage = $this->GetY();
$marge = 2;
$YDiag = $YPage + $marge;
$hDiag = floor($hauteur - $marge * 2);
$XDiag = $XPage + $marge * 2 + $this->wLegend;
$lDiag = floor($largeur - $marge * 3 - $this->wLegend);
if($couleur == null)
if ($maxValRepere == 0) {
$maxValRepere = max($data);
$valIndRepere = ceil($maxValRepere / $nbIndRepere);
$maxValRepere = $valIndRepere * $nbIndRepere;
$lRepere = floor($lDiag / $nbIndRepere);
$lDiag = $lRepere * $nbIndRepere;
$unite = $lDiag / $maxValRepere;
$hBaton = floor($hDiag / ($this->NbVal + 1));
$hDiag = $hBaton * ($this->NbVal + 1);
$eBaton = floor($hBaton * 80 / 100);
$this->Rect($XDiag, $YDiag, $lDiag, $hDiag);
$this->SetFont('Courier', '', 10);
foreach($data as $val) {
$xval = $XDiag;
$lval = (int)($val * $unite);
$yval = $YDiag + ($i + 1) * $hBaton - $eBaton / 2;
$hval = $eBaton;
$this->Rect($xval, $yval, $lval, $hval, 'DF');
$this->SetXY(0, $yval);
$this->Cell($xval - $marge, $hval, $this->legends[$i],0,0,'R');
for ($i = 0; $i <= $nbIndRepere; $i++) {
$xpos = $XDiag + $lRepere * $i;
$this->Line($xpos, $YDiag, $xpos, $YDiag + $hDiag);
$val = $i * $valIndRepere;
$xpos = $XDiag + $lRepere * $i - $this->GetStringWidth($val) / 2;
$ypos = $YDiag + $hDiag - $marge;
$this->Text($xpos, $ypos, $val);
function Sector($xc, $yc, $r, $a, $b, $style='FD', $cw=true, $o=90)
$d = $b;
$b = $o - $a;
$a = $o - $d;
$b += $o;
$a += $o;
$a = ($a%360)+360;
$b = ($b%360)+360;
if ($a > $b)
$b +=360;
$b = $b/360*2*M_PI;
$a = $a/360*2*M_PI;
$d = $b-$a;
if ($d == 0 )
$d =2*M_PI;
$k = $this->k;
$hp = $this->h;
elseif($style=='FD' or $style=='DF')
if (sin($d/2))
$MyArc = 4/3*(1-cos($d/2))/sin($d/2)*$r;
//first put the center
$this->_out(sprintf('%.2f %.2f m',($xc)*$k,($hp-$yc)*$k));
//put the first point
$this->_out(sprintf('%.2f %.2f l',($xc+$r*cos($a))*$k,(($hp-($yc-$r*sin($a)))*$k)));
//draw the arc
if ($d < M_PI/2){
$b = $a + $d/4;
$MyArc = 4/3*(1-cos($d/8))/sin($d/8)*$r;
$a = $b;
$b = $a + $d/4;
$a = $b;
$b = $a + $d/4;
$a = $b;
$b = $a + $d/4;
//terminate drawing
function _Arc($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3 )
$h = $this->h;
$this->_out(sprintf('%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f c',
//returns the width of the page in user units
function PageWidth(){
return (int) $this->w-$this->rMargin-$this->lMargin;
//constructor(not a real one, but have to call it first)
//we initialize all the variables that we use
function Table_Init($col_no = 0, $header_draw = true, $border_draw = true){
$this->tb_columns = $col_no;
$this->tb_header_type = Array();
$this->tb_header_draw = $header_draw;
$this->tb_border_draw = $border_draw;
$this->tb_data_type = Array();
$this->tb_type = Array();
$this->table_startx = $this->GetX();
$this->table_starty = $this->GetY();
$this->Draw_Header_Command = false; //by default we don't draw the header
$this->New_Page_Commit = false; //NO we do not consider first time a new page
$this->Data_On_Current_Page = false;
//Sets the number of columns of the table
function Set_Table_Columns($nr){
$this->tb_columns = $nr;
Characteristics constants for Header Type:
WIDTH - this is the cell width. This value must be sent only to the HEADER!!!!!!!!
T_COLOR - text color = array(r,g,b);
T_SIZE - text size
T_FONT - text font - font type = "Arial", "Times"
T_ALIGN - text align - "RLCJ"
V_ALIGN - text vertical alignment - "TMB"
T_TYPE - text type (Bold Italic etc)
LN_SPACE - space between lines
BG_COLOR - background color = array(r,g,b);
BRD_COLOR - border color = array(r,g,b);
BRD_SIZE - border size --
BRD_TYPE - border size -- up down, with border without!!! etc
BRD_TYPE_NEW_PAGE - border type on new page - this is user only if specified(<>'')
all these setting conform to the settings from the multicell functions!!!!
Function: Set_Header_Type($type_arr) -- sets the array for the header type
type array =
"WIDTH" => 10,
"T_COLOR" => array(120,120,120),
"T_SIZE" => 5,
"TEXT" => "Header text 1"
where 0,1... are the column number
function Set_Header_Type($type_arr){
$this->tb_header_type = $type_arr;
Characteristics constants for Data Type:
T_COLOR - text color = array(r,g,b);
T_SIZE - text size
T_FONT - text font - font type = "Arial", "Times"
T_ALIGN - text align - "RLCJ"
V_ALIGN - text vertical alignment - "TMB"
T_TYPE - text type (Bold Italic etc)
LN_SPACE - space between lines
BG_COLOR - background color = array(r,g,b);
BRD_COLOR - border color = array(r,g,b);
BRD_SIZE - border size --
BRD_TYPE - border size -- up down, with border without!!! etc
BRD_TYPE_NEW_PAGE - border type on new page - this is user only if specified(<>'')
all these settings conform to the settings from the multicell functions!!!!
Function: Set_data_Type($type_arr) -- sets the array for the header type
type array =
"T_COLOR" => array(120,120,120),
"T_SIZE" => 5,
"BRD_TYPE" => 1
where 0,1... are the column number
function Set_Data_Type($type_arr){
$this->tb_data_type = $type_arr;
Function Set_Table_Type
$type_arr = array(
"BRD_COLOR"=> array (120,120,120), //border color
"BRD_SIZE"=>5), //border line width
"TB_COLUMNS"=>5), //the number of columns
"TB_ALIGN"=>"L"), //the align of the table, possible values = L, R, C equivalent to Left, Right, Center
'L_MARGIN' => 0// left margin... reference from this->lmargin values
function Set_Table_Type($type_arr){
if (isset($type_arr['TB_COLUMNS'])) $this->tb_columns = $type_arr['TB_COLUMNS'];
if (!isset($type_arr['L_MARGIN'])) $type_arr['L_MARGIN']=0;//default values
$this->tb_table_type = $type_arr;
//this functiondraws the exterior table border!!!!
function Draw_Table_Border(){
/* "BRD_COLOR"=> array (120,120,120), //border color
"BRD_SIZE"=>5), //border line width
"TB_COLUMNS"=>5), //the number of columns
"TB_ALIGN"=>"L"), //the align of the table, possible values = L, R, C equivalent to Left, Right, Center
if ( ! $this->tb_border_draw ) return;
if ( ! $this->Data_On_Current_Page) return; //there was no data on the current page
//set the colors
list($r, $g, $b) = $this->tb_table_type['BRD_COLOR'];
$this->SetDrawColor($r, $g, $b);
//set the line width
//draw the border
function End_Page_Border(){
if (isset($this->tb_table_type['BRD_TYPE_END_PAGE'])){
if (strpos($this->tb_table_type['BRD_TYPE_END_PAGE'], 'B') >= 0){
//set the colors
list($r, $g, $b) = $this->tb_table_type['BRD_COLOR'];
$this->SetDrawColor($r, $g, $b);
//set the line width
//draw the line
$this->Line($this->table_startx, $this->GetY(), $this->table_startx + $this->Get_Table_Width(), $this->GetY());
//returns the table width in user units
function Get_Table_Width()
//calculate the table width
$tb_width = 0;
for ($i=0; $i < $this->tb_columns; $i++){
$tb_width += $this->tb_header_type[$i]['WIDTH'];
return $tb_width;
//alignes the table to C, L or R(default is L)
function Table_Align(){
//check if the table is aligned
if (isset($this->tb_table_type['TB_ALIGN'])) $tb_align = $this->tb_table_type['TB_ALIGN']; else $tb_align='';
//set the table align
case 'C':
$this->SetX($this->lMargin + $this->tb_table_type['L_MARGIN'] + ($this->PageWidth() - $this->Get_Table_Width())/2);
case 'R':
$this->SetX($this->lMargin + $this->tb_table_type['L_MARGIN'] + ($this->PageWidth() - $this->Get_Table_Width()));
$this->SetX($this->lMargin + $this->tb_table_type['L_MARGIN']);
}//if (isset($this->tb_table_type['TB_ALIGN'])){
//Draws the Header
function Draw_Header(){
$this->Draw_Header_Command = true;
//Draws the Header
function Draw_Header_( $next_line_height = 0 ){
$this->table_startx = $this->GetX();
$this->table_starty = $this->GetY();
//if the header will be showed
if ( ! $this->tb_header_draw ) return;
$h = 0;
//calculate the maximum height of the cells
$this->SetFont( $this->tb_header_type[$i]['T_FONT'],
$this->tb_header_type[$i]['CELL_WIDTH'] = $this->tb_header_type[$i]['WIDTH'];
if (isset($this->tb_header_type[$i]['COLSPAN'])){
$colspan = (int) $this->tb_header_type[$i]['COLSPAN'];//convert to integer
for ($j = 1; $j < $colspan; $j++){
//if there is a colspan, then calculate the number of lines also with the with of the next cell
if (($i + $j) < $this->tb_columns)
$this->tb_header_type[$i]['CELL_WIDTH'] += $this->tb_header_type[$i + $j]['WIDTH'];
$this->tb_header_type[$i]['CELL_LINES'] =
//this is the maximum cell height
$h = max($h, $this->tb_header_type[$i]['LN_SIZE'] * $this->tb_header_type[$i]['CELL_LINES']);
// if (isset($data[$i]['COLSPAN'])){
//just skip the other cells
// $i = $i + $colspan - 1;
// }
//Issue a page break first if needed
//calculate the header hight and the next data line hight
$this->CheckPageBreak($h + $next_line_height, false);
//Draw the cells of the row
for($i=0; $i<$this->tb_columns; $i++)
//border size BRD_SIZE
//fill color = BG_COLOR
list($r, $g, $b) = $this->tb_header_type[$i]['BG_COLOR'];
$this->SetFillColor($r, $g, $b);
//Draw Color = BRD_COLOR
list($r, $g, $b) = $this->tb_header_type[$i]['BRD_COLOR'];
$this->SetDrawColor($r, $g, $b);
//Text Color = T_COLOR
list($r, $g, $b) = $this->tb_header_type[$i]['T_COLOR'];
$this->SetTextColor($r, $g, $b);
//Set the font, font type and size
$this->SetFont( $this->tb_header_type[$i]['T_FONT'],
//Save the current position
if ($this->New_Page_Commit){
if (isset($this->tb_header_type[$i]['BRD_TYPE_NEW_PAGE'])){
$this->tb_header_type[$i]['BRD_TYPE'] .= $this->tb_header_type[$i]['BRD_TYPE_NEW_PAGE'];
//Print the text
$h - $this->tb_header_type[$i]['LN_SIZE'] * $this->tb_header_type[$i]['CELL_LINES']
//Put the position to the right of the cell
if (isset($this->tb_header_type[$i]['COLSPAN'])){
$i = $i + (int)$this->tb_header_type[$i]['COLSPAN'] - 1;
//Go to the next line
$this->Draw_Header_Command = false;
$this->New_Page_Commit = false;
$this->Data_On_Current_Page = true;
//this function Draws the data's from the table
//have to call this function after the table initialization, after the table, header and data types are set
//and after the header is drawed
$header = true -> on new page draws the header
= false - > the header is not drawed
function Draw_Data($data, $header = true){
$h = 0;
//calculate the maximum height of the cells
for($i=0; $i < $this->tb_columns; $i++)
if (!isset($data[$i]['T_FONT'])) $data[$i]['T_FONT'] = $this->tb_data_type[$i]['T_FONT'];
if (!isset($data[$i]['T_TYPE'])) $data[$i]['T_TYPE'] = $this->tb_data_type[$i]['T_TYPE'];
if (!isset($data[$i]['T_SIZE'])) $data[$i]['T_SIZE'] = $this->tb_data_type[$i]['T_SIZE'];
if (!isset($data[$i]['T_COLOR'])) $data[$i]['T_COLOR'] = $this->tb_data_type[$i]['T_COLOR'];
if (!isset($data[$i]['T_ALIGN'])) $data[$i]['T_ALIGN'] = $this->tb_data_type[$i]['T_ALIGN'];
if (!isset($data[$i]['V_ALIGN'])) $data[$i]['V_ALIGN'] = $this->tb_data_type[$i]['V_ALIGN'];
if (!isset($data[$i]['LN_SIZE'])) $data[$i]['LN_SIZE'] = $this->tb_data_type[$i]['LN_SIZE'];
if (!isset($data[$i]['BRD_SIZE'])) $data[$i]['BRD_SIZE'] = $this->tb_data_type[$i]['BRD_SIZE'];
if (!isset($data[$i]['BRD_COLOR'])) $data[$i]['BRD_COLOR'] = $this->tb_data_type[$i]['BRD_COLOR'];
if (!isset($data[$i]['BRD_TYPE'])) $data[$i]['BRD_TYPE'] = $this->tb_data_type[$i]['BRD_TYPE'];
if (!isset($data[$i]['BG_COLOR'])) $data[$i]['BG_COLOR'] = $this->tb_data_type[$i]['BG_COLOR'];
$this->SetFont( $data[$i]['T_FONT'],
$data[$i]['CELL_WIDTH'] = $this->tb_header_type[$i]['WIDTH'];
if (isset($data[$i]['COLSPAN'])){
$colspan = (int) $data[$i]['COLSPAN'];//convert to integer
for ($j = 1; $j < $colspan; $j++){
//if there is a colspan, then calculate the number of lines also with the with of the next cell
if (($i + $j) < $this->tb_columns)
$data[$i]['CELL_WIDTH'] += $this->tb_header_type[$i + $j]['WIDTH'];
$data[$i]['CELL_LINES'] = $this->NbLines($data[$i]['CELL_WIDTH'], $data[$i]['TEXT']);
//this is the maximum cell height
$h = max($h, $data[$i]['LN_SIZE'] * $data[$i]['CELL_LINES']);
if (isset($data[$i]['COLSPAN'])){
//just skip the other cells
$i = $i + $colspan - 1;
$this->CheckPageBreak($h, $header);
if ($this->Draw_Header_Command){//draw the header
//Draw the cells of the row
//border size BRD_SIZE
//fill color = BG_COLOR
list($r, $g, $b) = $data[$i]['BG_COLOR'];
$this->SetFillColor($r, $g, $b);
//Draw Color = BRD_COLOR
list($r, $g, $b) = $data[$i]['BRD_COLOR'];
$this->SetDrawColor($r, $g, $b);
//Text Color = T_COLOR
list($r, $g, $b) = $data[$i]['T_COLOR'];
$this->SetTextColor($r, $g, $b);
//Set the font, font type and size
$this->SetFont( $data[$i]['T_FONT'],
//Save the current position
//print the text
$h - $data[$i]['LN_SIZE'] * $data[$i]['CELL_LINES']
//Put the position to the right of the cell
$this->SetXY($x + $data[$i]['CELL_WIDTH'],$y);
//if we have colspan, just ignore the next cells
if (isset($data[$i]['COLSPAN'])){
$i = $i + (int)$data[$i]['COLSPAN'] - 1;
$this->Data_On_Current_Page = true;
//Go to the next line
//if the table is bigger than a page then it jumps to next page and draws the header
$h = is the height that if is overriden than the document jumps to a new page
$header = true/false = this specifies at a new page we write again the header or not. This variable
is used at the moment when the header draw makes the new page jump
function CheckPageBreak($h, $header = true)
//If the height h would cause an overflow, add a new page immediately
if($this->GetY()+$h > $this->PageBreakTrigger){
$this->Draw_Table_Border();//draw the table border
$this->End_Page_Border();//if there is a special handling for end page??? this is specific for me
$this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation);//add a new page
$this->Data_On_Current_Page = false;
$this->New_Page_Commit = true;//new page commit
$this->table_startx = $this->GetX();
$this->table_starty = $this->GetY();
if ($header) $this ->Draw_Header();//if we have to draw the header!!!
//align the table
/** This method returns the number of lines that will a text ocupy on the specified width
$w - width
$txt - text
@return number
function NbLines($w,$txt)
//Computes the number of lines a MultiCell of width w will take
if($nb>0 and $s[$nb-1]=="\n")
if($c==' ')
return $nl;
/** This method allows printing text with line breaks.
It works like a modified MultiCell
$w - width
$h - line height
$txt - the outputed text
$border - border(LRTB 0 or 1)
$align - horizontal align 'JLR'
$fill - fill (1/0)
$vh - vertical adjustment - the Multicell Height will be with this VH Higher!!!!
$valign - Vertical Alignment - Top, Middle, Bottom
@return nothing
function MultiCellTable($w, $h, $txt, $border=0, $align='J', $valign='T', $fill=0, $vh=0)
$b1 = '';//border for top cell
$b2 = '';//border for middle cell
$b3 = '';//border for bottom cell
$border = 'LTRB';
$b1 = 'LRT';//without the bottom
$b2 = 'LR';//without the top and bottom
$b3 = 'LRB';//without the top
$b1=is_int(strpos($border,'T')) ? $b2.'T' : $b2;
$b3=is_int(strpos($border,'B')) ? $b2.'B' : $b2;
switch ($valign){
case 'T':
$wh_T = 0;//Top width
$wh_B = $vh - $wh_T;//Bottom width
case 'M':
$wh_T = $vh/2;
$wh_B = $vh/2;
case 'B':
$wh_T = $vh;
$wh_B = 0;
default://default is TOP ALIGN
$wh_T = 0;//Top width
$wh_B = $vh - $wh_T;//Bottom width
//save the X position
$x = $this->x;
if $wh_T == 0 that means that we have no vertical adjustments so I will skip the cells that
draws the top and bottom borders
if ($wh_T != 0)//only when there is a difference
//draw the top borders!!!
$b2 = is_int(strpos($border,'T')) && ($wh_T == 0) ? $b2.'T' : $b2;
$b2 = is_int(strpos($border,'B')) && ($wh_B == 0) ? $b2.'B' : $b2;
if ($wh_B != 0){//only when there is a difference
//go to the saved X position
//a multicell always runs to the begin of line
$this->x = $x;
$this->Cell($w, $wh_B, '', $b3, 2, $align,$fill);
function setRepere($titre, $posX, $posY, $sizeX, $sizeY, $datasX, $datasY, $droites)
// Si le min=max alors on change le nombre de d&eacute;coupage d'ordonn&eacute;e
if ($datasY[0] == $datasY[1])
if ($datasY[0] == 0) $datasY[2] = 0;
else $datasY[2] = 1;
// Le titre
$this->SetXY($posX+$espaceX, $posY - 10);
$this->Cell($sizeX , 10, $titre, 0, 2, "C");
if (($datasY[1]-$datasY[0]) != 0)
$ratioY = $sizeY/($datasY[1]-$datasY[0]);
else $ratioY = abs($sizeY/(2*$datasY[0]));
if ($datasY[0] < 0)
$decalageYNeg = $datasY[0]*$ratioY;
else $decalageYNeg = 0;
$this->SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0);
$this->Line($posX+$espaceX, $posY+$sizeY+$decalageYNeg, $posX+$espaceX+$sizeX, $posY+$sizeY+$decalageYNeg); // X
$this->Line($posX+$espaceX, $posY+$sizeY, $posX+$espaceX, $posY); // Y
// Pour l'axe des X
switch (count($datasX))
case 1:
// Mettre la valeur au milieu de l'axe
$this->SetXY($posX+$espaceX, $posY + $sizeY);
$this->Cell($sizeX, 10, $datasX[0], 0, 1, "C");
case 2:
// Mettre les deux valeurs en d&eacute;but et fin d'axe
$this->Text($posX+$espaceX, $posY + $sizeY + 10, $datasX[0]);
$this->Text($posX+$espaceX + $sizeX, $posY + $sizeY + 10, $datasX[1]);
// Pour l'axe des Y
$yPos = $posY + $sizeY;
$xPos = $posX+$espaceX - 12;
$value = $datasY[0];
$yInter = $sizeY / $datasY[2];
$valueInter = ($datasY[1] - $datasY[0]) / $datasY[2];
if ($datasY[2] == 5) //**** minY et maxY diff&eacute;rents ****//
for ($i=0 ; $i <= $datasY[2] ; $i++)
// Mettre les $i valeurs entre le d&eacute;but et la fin de l'axe
$this->Text($xPos, $yPos, $value);
// Mettre les petites barres correspondantes...
$this->Line($posX+$espaceX-2, $yPos, $posX+$espaceX+2, $yPos);
$yPos -= $yInter;
if ($i==4) $value=$datasY[1];
else $value += $valueInter;
else //**** minY et maxY &eacute;gaux --> 1 ou 2 intervalles au lieu de 5
//**** Droite horizontale y=0
if ($datasY[0] == 0)
$this->Text($xPos, $yPos, $value);
$this->Line($posX-2, $yPos, $posX+2, $yPos);
else //**** Droite horizontale y=$datasY[0]
if ($datasY[0] <0)
//**** Y=$datasY[0] < 0
$this->Text($xPos, $yPos, $value);
$this->Line($posX-2, $yPos, $posX+2, $yPos);
$yPos -= $yInter/2;
$value = 0;
//**** Y=0
$this->Text($xPos, $yPos, $value);
$this->Line($posX-2, $yPos, $posX+2, $yPos);
//**** Y=0
$this->Text($xPos, $yPos, $value);
$this->Line($posX-2, $yPos, $posX+2, $yPos);
//**** Y=$datasY[0] > 0
$this->Text($xPos, $yPos, $value);
$this->Line($posX-2, $yPos, $posX+2, $yPos);
// Et on y met les droites...
$legendX = $posX+$espaceX + $sizeX/2;
$legendY = $posY + $sizeY + 20;
for ($i=0 ; $i<count($droites) ; $i++)
// $j=4*$i+1;
// $k=4*$i+2;
// $col=4*$i+3;
// $l=4*$i+4;
if ($datasY[0] != $datasY[1])
$y1 = $posY+$sizeY - ( ($droites[$i][0]-$datasY[0])*$sizeY/($datasY[1]-$datasY[0]));
$y2 = $posY+$sizeY - ( ($droites[$i][1]-$datasY[0])*$sizeY/($datasY[1]-$datasY[0]));
$y1 = $posY+$sizeY;
$y2 = $posY+$sizeY;
$this->SetDrawColor($droites[$i][2][0], $droites[$i][2][1], $droites[$i][2][2]);
$this->Line($posX+$espaceX, $y1, $posX+$sizeX, $y2);
// ajouter la l&eacute;gende si elle doit <20>tre
if ($droites[$i][3] != "")
$this->Line($legendX - 20, $legendY, $legendX - 3, $legendY);
$this->SetTextColor($droites[$i][2][0], $droites[$i][2][1], $droites[$i][2][2]);
$this->Text($legendX, $legendY, $droites[$i][3]);
$legendY += 5;
// Et on encadre le repere...
$espace_Y = 15;
$this->Line($posX, $posY - $espace_Y, $posX+$espaceX + $sizeX + $espaceX, $posY - $espace_Y); // -Y
$this->Line($posX+$espaceX + $sizeX + $espaceX, $posY - $espace_Y, $posX+$espaceX + $sizeX + $espaceX, $posY + $sizeY + $espaceY); // +X
$this->Line($posX+$espaceX + $sizeX + $espaceX, $posY + $sizeY + $espaceY, $posX, $posY + $sizeY + $espaceY); // +Y
$this->Line($posX, $posY + $sizeY + $espaceY, $posX, $posY - $espace_Y); // -X
// Pour &eacute;crire un texte dans ue case... [BUI] pour le style de la police et [[LCR]] pour le centrage &eacute;ventuel
// Par d&eacute;fault, le texte sera normal et <20> gauche...
// Fonction destin&eacute;e <20> dessiner un tableau dans un file.pdf
function drawTableau(&$pdf, $tableType, $headerType, $headerDatas, $datasType, $datas)
$nbCol = count($headerDatas)/2;
//we initialize the table class
$pdf->Table_Init($nbCol, true, true);
$table_subtype = $tableType;
for($i=0; $i<$nbCol; $i++)
$header_type[$i] = $headerType;
$header_type[$i]['WIDTH'] = $headerDatas[$i];
// Les contenus
$j = $nbCol+$i;
$header_type[$i]['TEXT'] = $headerDatas[$j];
// Si une donn&eacute;e == 0 alors on affiche rien...
if ($header_type[$i]['TEXT'] != "0") ;
else $header_type[$i]['TEXT'] = "";
// par d&eacute;faut, le texte est centr&eacute; <20> gauche, non italic, non soulign&eacute; et non gras.
// par d&eacute;faut, les cellules ne sont pas fusionn&eacute;es.
$header_type[$i]['T_TYPE'] = '';
$header_type[$i]['T_ALIGN'] = '';
$header_type[$i]['COLSPAN'] = "1";
// Si l'utilisateur veut un alignement sp&eacute;cifique pour la premi<6D>re colonne. Sinon, T_ALIGN prend le dessus...
if (isset($headerType['T_ALIGN_COL0']))
$header_type[0]['T_ALIGN'] = $headerType['T_ALIGN_COL0'];
// Si l'utilisateur veut un fond color&eacute; sp&eacute;cifique pour la premi<6D>re colonne. Sinon, BG_COLOR prend le dessus...
if (isset($headerType['BG_COLOR_COL0']))
$header_type[0]['BG_COLOR'] = $headerType['BG_COLOR_COL0'];
// Si l'utilisateur pr&eacute;cise un type ou un alignement pour une cellule pr&eacute;cise du tableau, on l'applique ici
// Il faut utiliser les balises [I], [B], [U] pour Italic, Bold et Underline
// Il faut utiliser les balises [L], [C], [R] pour left, centered et rigth
for($i=0; $i<$nbCol; $i++)
if (sscanf($header_type[$i]['TEXT'], "[%[a-zA-Z]]%s", $balise, $reste) != 0)
//echo "balise = " . $balise;
if ( (strpos($balise, "I")===FALSE) && (strpos($balise, "B")===FALSE) && (strpos($balise, "U")===FALSE)
&& (strpos($balise, "L")===FALSE) && (strpos($balise, "C")===FALSE) && (strpos($balise, "R")===FALSE) )
; // Mauvaise balise ou l'utilisateur veut mettre des crochets dans son tableau, c'est son droit...
//echo "balise = " . $balise . "<br>";
// On teste les diff&eacute;rentes balises pour ajuster la cellule.
if (strpos($balise, "I") === FALSE) ;
else $header_type[$i]['T_TYPE'] .= 'I';
if (strpos($balise, "B") === FALSE) ;
else $header_type[$i]['T_TYPE'] .= 'B';
if (strpos($balise, "U") === FALSE) ;
else $header_type[$i]['T_TYPE'] .= 'U';
if (strpos($balise, "L") === FALSE) ;
else $header_type[$i]['T_ALIGN'] .= 'L';
if (strpos($balise, "C") === FALSE) ;
else $header_type[$i]['T_ALIGN'] .= 'C';
if (strpos($balise, "R") === FALSE) ;
else $header_type[$i]['T_ALIGN'] .= 'R';
// On supprime la balise du texte de la cellule...
$header_type[$i]['TEXT'] = str_replace("[".$balise."]", "", $header_type[$i]['TEXT']);
// Si l'utilsateur ne veut pas de header pour son tableau, il met NULL dans la premiere cellule...
if ($header_type[0]['TEXT'] == NULL)
for($i=0; $i<$nbCol; $i++)
$header_type[$i]['LN_SIZE'] = 0;
$header_type[$i]['TEXT'] = "";
// Test si l'utilisateur veut fusionner DEUX cellules dans le header de son tableau. Il doit mettre "COLSPAN2" dans la premi<6D>re cellule <20> fusionner.
for($i=0 ; $i<$nbCol ; $i++)
$i_1 = $i-1;
if ( ($k<count($headerDatas)) && ($headerDatas[$k] === "COLSPAN2") )
$header_type[$i_1]['COLSPAN'] = "2";
$header_type[$i]['TEXT']= "";
//set the header type
$data_type = Array();//reset the array
for ($i=0; $i<$nbCol; $i++) $data_type[$i] = $datasType;
// Ce qui suit est valable pour toutes les cellules du tableau (hors header bien entendu).
$data = Array();
for ($i=0 ; $i<count($datas) ; $i+=$nbCol)
// Ce qui suit est valable pour la premi<6D>re colonne du tableau
// si l'utilisateur a pr&eacute;cis&eacute; un alignement pour la premi<6D>re colonne, on l'applique ici
if (isset($datasType['T_ALIGN_COL0']))
$data[0]['T_ALIGN'] = $datasType['T_ALIGN_COL0'];
// Si l'utilisateur a pr&eacute;cis&eacute; une couleur de fond pour la premi<6D>re colonne, on l'applique ici.
if (isset($datasType['BG_COLOR_COL0']))
$data[0]['BG_COLOR'] = $datasType['BG_COLOR_COL0'];
for ($j=$i ; $j<$i+$nbCol ; $j++)
$k = $j-$i;
$data[$k]['TEXT'] = $datas[$j];
$data[$k]['T_SIZE'] = $datasType['T_SIZE'];
$data[$k]['LN_SIZE'] = $datasType['LN_SIZE'];
// par d&eacute;faut, le texte est centr&eacute; <20> gauche, non italic, non soulign&eacute; et non gras.
// par d&eacute;faut, les cellules ne sont pas fusionn&eacute;es.
$data[$k]['T_TYPE'] = '';
$data[$k]['T_ALIGN'] = '';
$data[$k]['COLSPAN'] = "1";
// Si l'utilisateur a pr&eacute;cis&eacute; une couleur de fond pour les autres colonnes, on l'applique ici.
if ( (isset($datasType['BG_COLOR'])) && ($k!=0) )
$data[$k]['BG_COLOR'] = $datasType['BG_COLOR'];
// Si l'utilisateur pr&eacute;cise un type ou un alignement pour une cellule pr&eacute;cise du tableau, on l'applique ici
// Il faut utiliser les balises [I], [B], [U] pour Italic, Bold et Underline
// Il faut utiliser les balises [L], [C], [R] pour left, centered et rigth
if (sscanf($data[$k]['TEXT'], "[%[a-zA-Z]]%s", $balise, $reste) != 0)
//echo "balise = " . $balise;
if ( (strpos($balise, "I")===FALSE) && (strpos($balise, "B")===FALSE) && (strpos($balise, "U")===FALSE)
&& (strpos($balise, "L")===FALSE) && (strpos($balise, "C")===FALSE) && (strpos($balise, "R")===FALSE) )
; // Mauvaise balise ou l'utilisateur veut mettre des crochets dans son tableau, c'est son droit...
//echo "balise = " . $balise . "<br>";
// On teste les diff&eacute;rentes balises pour ajuster la cellule.
if (strpos($balise, "I") === FALSE) ;
else $data[$k]['T_TYPE'] .= 'I';
if (strpos($balise, "B") === FALSE) ;
else $data[$k]['T_TYPE'] .= 'B';
if (strpos($balise, "U") === FALSE) ;
else $data[$k]['T_TYPE'] .= 'U';
if (strpos($balise, "L") === FALSE) ;
else $data[$k]['T_ALIGN'] .= 'L';
if (strpos($balise, "C") === FALSE) ;
else $data[$k]['T_ALIGN'] .= 'C';
if (strpos($balise, "R") === FALSE) ;
else $data[$k]['T_ALIGN'] .= 'R';
// On supprime la balise du texte de la cellule...
$data[$k]['TEXT'] = str_replace("[".$balise."]", "", $data[$k]['TEXT']);
// Si la valeur de la cellule est 0, le choix a &eacute;t&eacute; fait ICI de ne rien mettre dans la cellule.
if ($data[$k]['TEXT'] == "0")
$data[$k]['TEXT'] ="";
// Test si l'utilisateur veut fusionner deux cellules dans le header de son tableau. Il doit mettre le contenu
// de la cellule fusionn&eacute;e dans la premi<6D>re cellule et "COLSPAN2" dans la deuxi<78>me cellule.
if ( ($k<$nbCol) && ($data[$k]['TEXT'] === "COLSPAN2") )
$k_1 = $k-1;
$data[$k_1]['COLSPAN'] = "2";
$data[$k]['TEXT']= "";