# -*- mode: python -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Gestion scolarite IUT
# Copyright (c) 1999 - 2023 Emmanuel Viennet.  All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
#   Emmanuel Viennet      emmanuel.viennet@viennet.net

"""Système de notification par mail des excès d'absences
(see ticket #147)

Il suffit d'appeler abs_notify() après chaque ajout d'absence.
import datetime
from typing import Optional

from flask import g, url_for
from flask_mail import Message

from app import db
from app import email
from app import log
from app.models.absences import AbsenceNotification
from app.models.events import Scolog
from app.models.formsemestre import FormSemestre
import app.scodoc.notesdb as ndb
from app.scodoc import sco_etud
from app.scodoc import sco_preferences
from app.scodoc import sco_users

def abs_notify(etudid, date):
    """Check if notifications are requested and send them
    Considère le nombre d'absence dans le semestre courant
    (s'il n'y a pas de semestre courant, ne fait rien,
    car l'etudiant n'est pas inscrit au moment de l'absence!).
    from app.scodoc import sco_abs

    formsemestre = retreive_current_formsemestre(etudid, date)
    if not formsemestre:
        return  # non inscrit a la date, pas de notification

    nbabs, nbabsjust = sco_abs.get_abs_count_in_interval(
        etudid, formsemestre.date_debut.isoformat(), formsemestre.date_fin.isoformat()
    do_abs_notify(formsemestre, etudid, date, nbabs, nbabsjust)

def do_abs_notify(formsemestre: FormSemestre, etudid, date, nbabs, nbabsjust):
    """Given new counts of absences, check if notifications are requested and send them."""
    # prefs fallback to global pref if sem is None:
    if formsemestre:
        formsemestre_id = formsemestre.id
        formsemestre_id = None
    prefs = sco_preferences.SemPreferences(formsemestre_id=formsemestre_id)

    destinations = abs_notify_get_destinations(
        formsemestre, prefs, etudid, date, nbabs, nbabsjust

    msg = abs_notification_message(formsemestre, prefs, etudid, nbabs, nbabsjust)
    if not msg:
        return  # abort

    # Vérification fréquence (pour ne pas envoyer de mails trop souvent)
    abs_notify_max_freq = sco_preferences.get_preference("abs_notify_max_freq")
    destinations_filtered = []
    for email_addr in destinations:
        nbdays_since_last_notif = user_nbdays_since_last_notif(email_addr, etudid)
        if (nbdays_since_last_notif is None) or (
            nbdays_since_last_notif >= abs_notify_max_freq

    if destinations_filtered:

def abs_notify_send(destinations, etudid, msg, nbabs, nbabsjust, formsemestre_id):
    """Actually send the notification by email, and register it in database"""
    log(f"abs_notify: sending notification to {destinations}")
    for dest_addr in destinations:
        msg.recipients = [dest_addr]
        notification = AbsenceNotification(

        msg=f"sent to {destinations} (nbabs={nbabs})",

def abs_notify_get_destinations(
    formsemestre: FormSemestre, prefs, etudid, date, nbabs, nbabsjust
) -> set:
    """Returns set of destination emails to be notified"""

    destinations = []  # list of email address to notify

    if abs_notify_is_above_threshold(etudid, nbabs, nbabsjust, formsemestre.id):
        if prefs["abs_notify_respsem"]:
            # notifie chaque responsable du semestre
            for responsable in formsemestre.responsables:
                if responsable.email:
        if prefs["abs_notify_chief"] and prefs["email_chefdpt"]:
        if prefs["abs_notify_email"]:
        if prefs["abs_notify_etud"]:
            etud = sco_etud.get_etud_info(etudid=etudid, filled=True)[0]
            if etud["email_default"]:

    # Notification (à chaque fois) des resp. de modules ayant des évaluations
    # à cette date
    # nb: on pourrait prevoir d'utiliser un autre format de message pour ce cas
    if prefs["abs_notify_respeval"]:
        mods = mod_with_evals_at_date(date, etudid)
        for mod in mods:
            u = sco_users.user_info(mod["responsable_id"])
            if u["email"]:

    # uniq
    destinations = set(destinations)

    return destinations

def abs_notify_is_above_threshold(etudid, nbabs, nbabsjust, formsemestre_id):
    """True si il faut notifier les absences (indépendemment du destinataire)

    nbabs: nombre d'absence (de tous types, unité de compte = demi-journée)
    nbabsjust: nombre d'absences justifiées

    (nbabs > abs_notify_abs_threshold)
    (nbabs - nbabs_last_notified) > abs_notify_abs_increment
    abs_notify_abs_threshold = sco_preferences.get_preference(
        "abs_notify_abs_threshold", formsemestre_id
    abs_notify_abs_increment = sco_preferences.get_preference(
        "abs_notify_abs_increment", formsemestre_id
    nbabs_last_notified = etud_nbabs_last_notified(etudid, formsemestre_id)

    if nbabs_last_notified == 0:
        if nbabs > abs_notify_abs_threshold:
            return True  # first notification
            return False
        if (nbabs - nbabs_last_notified) >= abs_notify_abs_increment:
            return True
    return False

def etud_nbabs_last_notified(etudid: int, formsemestre_id: int = None):
    """nbabs lors de la dernière notification envoyée pour cet étudiant dans ce semestre
    ou sans semestre (ce dernier cas est nécessaire pour la transition au nouveau code)
    notifications = (
            (AbsenceNotification.formsemestre_id == formsemestre_id)
            | (AbsenceNotification.formsemestre_id.is_(None))
    last_notif = notifications.first()
    return last_notif.nbabs if last_notif else 0

def user_nbdays_since_last_notif(email_addr, etudid) -> Optional[int]:
    """nb days since last notification to this email, or None if no previous notification"""
    notifications = AbsenceNotification.query.filter_by(
        etudid=etudid, email=email_addr
    last_notif = notifications.first()
    if last_notif:
        now = datetime.datetime.now(last_notif.notification_date.tzinfo)
        return (now - last_notif.notification_date).days
    return None

def abs_notification_message(
    formsemestre: FormSemestre, prefs, etudid, nbabs, nbabsjust
    """Mime notification message based on template.
    returns a Message instance
    or None if sending should be canceled (empty template).
    from app.scodoc import sco_bulletins

    etud = sco_etud.get_etud_info(etudid=etudid, filled=True)[0]

    # Variables accessibles dans les balises du template: %(nom_variable)s :
    values = sco_bulletins.make_context_dict(formsemestre, etud)

    values["nbabs"] = nbabs
    values["nbabsjust"] = nbabsjust
    values["nbabsnonjust"] = nbabs - nbabsjust
    values["url_ficheetud"] = url_for(
        "scolar.ficheEtud", scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept, etudid=etudid, _external=True

    template = prefs["abs_notification_mail_tmpl"]
    if template:
        txt = prefs["abs_notification_mail_tmpl"] % values
        log("abs_notification_message: empty template, not sending message")
        return None

    subject = f"""[ScoDoc] Trop d'absences pour {etud["nomprenom"]}"""
    msg = Message(subject, sender=email.get_from_addr(formsemestre.departement.acronym))
    msg.body = txt
    return msg

def retreive_current_formsemestre(etudid: int, cur_date) -> Optional[FormSemestre]:
    """Get formsemestre dans lequel etudid est (ou était) inscrit a la date indiquée
    date est une chaine au format ISO (yyyy-mm-dd)

    Result: FormSemestre ou None si pas inscrit à la date indiquée
    req = """SELECT i.formsemestre_id
    FROM notes_formsemestre_inscription i, notes_formsemestre sem
    WHERE sem.id = i.formsemestre_id AND i.etudid = %(etudid)s
    AND (%(cur_date)s >= sem.date_debut) AND (%(cur_date)s <= sem.date_fin)

    r = ndb.SimpleDictFetch(req, {"etudid": etudid, "cur_date": cur_date})
    if not r:
        return None
    # s'il y a plusieurs semestres, prend le premier (rarissime et non significatif):
    formsemestre = FormSemestre.get_formsemestre(r[0]["formsemestre_id"])
    return formsemestre

def mod_with_evals_at_date(date_abs, etudid):
    """Liste des moduleimpls avec des evaluations à la date indiquée"""
    req = """SELECT m.id AS moduleimpl_id, m.*
    FROM notes_moduleimpl m, notes_evaluation e, notes_moduleimpl_inscription i
    WHERE m.id = e.moduleimpl_id AND e.moduleimpl_id = i.moduleimpl_id
    AND i.etudid = %(etudid)s AND e.jour = %(date_abs)s"""
    return ndb.SimpleDictFetch(req, {"etudid": etudid, "date_abs": date_abs})