# -*- mode: python -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Gestion scolarite IUT # # Copyright (c) 1999 - 2021 Emmanuel Viennet. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Emmanuel Viennet emmanuel.viennet@viennet.net # ############################################################################## """Génération des bulletins de notes """ import time from types import StringType import pprint import urllib import htmlutils import email from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email.header import Header from reportlab.lib.colors import Color import mails import sco_utils as scu import notesdb as ndb from notes_log import log import scolars from sco_permissions import ScoImplement, ScoEtudInscrit from sco_exceptions import AccessDenied import sco_codes_parcours import sco_formsemestre import sco_groups import sco_pvjury import sco_formsemestre_status import sco_photos import sco_abs import sco_abs_views import sco_preferences import sco_codes_parcours import sco_bulletins_generator import sco_bulletins_xml import sco_bulletins_json def make_context_dict(context, sem, etud): """Construit dictionnaire avec valeurs pour substitution des textes (preferences bul_pdf_*) """ C = sem.copy() C["responsable"] = " ,".join( [ context.Users.user_info(user_name=responsable_id)["prenomnom"] for responsable_id in sem["responsables"] ] ) annee_debut = sem["date_debut"].split("/")[2] annee_fin = sem["date_fin"].split("/")[2] if annee_debut != annee_fin: annee = "%s - %s" % (annee_debut, annee_fin) else: annee = annee_debut C["anneesem"] = annee C.update(etud) # copie preferences for name in sco_preferences.PREFS_NAMES: C[name] = sco_preferences.get_preference(context, name, sem["formsemestre_id"]) # ajoute groupes et group_0, group_1, ... sco_groups.etud_add_group_infos(context, etud, sem) C["groupes"] = etud["groupes"] n = 0 for partition_id in etud["partitions"]: C["group_%d" % n] = etud["partitions"][partition_id]["group_name"] n += 1 # ajoute date courante t = time.localtime() C["date_dmy"] = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y", t) C["date_iso"] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", t) return C def formsemestre_bulletinetud_dict( context, formsemestre_id, etudid, version="long", REQUEST=None ): """Collecte informations pour bulletin de notes Retourne un dictionnaire (avec valeur par défaut chaine vide). Le contenu du dictionnaire dépend des options (rangs, ...) et de la version choisie (short, long, selectedevals). Cette fonction est utilisée pour les bulletins HTML et PDF, mais pas ceux en XML. """ if not version in ("short", "long", "selectedevals"): raise ValueError("invalid version code !") prefs = sco_preferences.SemPreferences(context, formsemestre_id) nt = sco_core.get_notes_cache(context).get_NotesTable( context, formsemestre_id ) # > toutes notes I = scu.DictDefault(defaultvalue="") I["etudid"] = etudid I["formsemestre_id"] = formsemestre_id I["sem"] = nt.sem if REQUEST: I["server_name"] = REQUEST.BASE0 else: I["server_name"] = "" # Formation et parcours I["formation"] = sco_formations.formation_list(context, args={"formation_id": I["sem"]["formation_id"]} )[0] I["parcours"] = sco_codes_parcours.get_parcours_from_code( I["formation"]["type_parcours"] ) # Infos sur l'etudiant I["etud"] = scolars.get_etud_info(etudid=etudid, filled=1)[0] I["descr_situation"] = I["etud"]["inscriptionstr"] if I["etud"]["inscription_formsemestre_id"]: I[ "descr_situation_html" ] = """%s""" % ( I["etud"]["inscription_formsemestre_id"], I["descr_situation"], ) else: I["descr_situation_html"] = I["descr_situation"] # Groupes: partitions = sco_groups.get_partitions_list( context, formsemestre_id, with_default=False ) partitions_etud_groups = {} # { partition_id : { etudid : group } } for partition in partitions: pid = partition["partition_id"] partitions_etud_groups[pid] = sco_groups.get_etud_groups_in_partition( context, pid ) # --- Absences AbsSemEtud = sco_abs.getAbsSemEtud(context, nt.sem, etudid) I["nbabs"] = AbsSemEtud.CountAbs() I["nbabsjust"] = AbsSemEtud.CountAbsJust() # --- Decision Jury infos, dpv = etud_descr_situation_semestre( context, etudid, formsemestre_id, format="html", show_date_inscr=prefs["bul_show_date_inscr"], show_decisions=prefs["bul_show_decision"], show_uevalid=prefs["bul_show_uevalid"], show_mention=prefs["bul_show_mention"], ) if dpv: I["decision_sem"] = dpv["decisions"][0]["decision_sem"] else: I["decision_sem"] = "" I.update(infos) I["etud_etat_html"] = nt.get_etud_etat_html(etudid) I["etud_etat"] = nt.get_etud_etat(etudid) I["filigranne"] = "" I["demission"] = "" if I["etud_etat"] == "D": I["demission"] = "(Démission)" I["filigranne"] = "Démission" elif I["etud_etat"] == sco_codes_parcours.DEF: I["demission"] = "(Défaillant)" I["filigranne"] = "Défaillant" elif (prefs["bul_show_temporary"] and not I["decision_sem"]) or prefs[ "bul_show_temporary_forced" ]: I["filigranne"] = prefs["bul_temporary_txt"] # --- Appreciations cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion() apprecs = scolars.appreciations_list( cnx, args={"etudid": etudid, "formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id} ) I["appreciations_list"] = apprecs I["appreciations_txt"] = [x["date"] + ": " + x["comment"] for x in apprecs] I["appreciations"] = I[ "appreciations_txt" ] # deprecated / keep it for backward compat in templates # --- Notes ues = nt.get_ues() modimpls = nt.get_modimpls() moy_gen = nt.get_etud_moy_gen(etudid) I["nb_inscrits"] = len(nt.rangs) I["moy_gen"] = scu.fmt_note(moy_gen) I["moy_min"] = scu.fmt_note(nt.moy_min) I["moy_max"] = scu.fmt_note(nt.moy_max) I["mention"] = "" if dpv: decision_sem = dpv["decisions"][0]["decision_sem"] if decision_sem and sco_codes_parcours.code_semestre_validant( decision_sem["code"] ): I["mention"] = scu.get_mention(moy_gen) if dpv and dpv["decisions"][0]: I["sum_ects"] = dpv["decisions"][0]["sum_ects"] I["sum_ects_capitalises"] = dpv["decisions"][0]["sum_ects_capitalises"] else: I["sum_ects"] = 0 I["sum_ects_capitalises"] = 0 I["moy_moy"] = scu.fmt_note(nt.moy_moy) # moyenne des moyennes generales if type(moy_gen) != StringType and type(nt.moy_moy) != StringType: I["moy_gen_bargraph_html"] = " " + htmlutils.horizontal_bargraph( moy_gen * 5, nt.moy_moy * 5 ) else: I["moy_gen_bargraph_html"] = "" if prefs["bul_show_rangs"]: rang = str(nt.get_etud_rang(etudid)) else: rang = "" rang_gr, ninscrits_gr, gr_name = get_etud_rangs_groups( context, etudid, formsemestre_id, partitions, partitions_etud_groups, nt ) if nt.get_moduleimpls_attente(): # n'affiche pas le rang sur le bulletin s'il y a des # notes en attente dans ce semestre rang = scu.RANG_ATTENTE_STR rang_gr = scu.DictDefault(defaultvalue=scu.RANG_ATTENTE_STR) I["rang"] = rang I["rang_gr"] = rang_gr I["gr_name"] = gr_name I["ninscrits_gr"] = ninscrits_gr I["nbetuds"] = len(nt.rangs) I["nb_demissions"] = nt.nb_demissions I["nb_defaillants"] = nt.nb_defaillants if prefs["bul_show_rangs"]: I["rang_nt"] = "%s / %d" % ( rang, I["nbetuds"] - nt.nb_demissions - nt.nb_defaillants, ) I["rang_txt"] = "Rang " + I["rang_nt"] else: I["rang_nt"], I["rang_txt"] = "", "" I["note_max"] = 20.0 # notes toujours sur 20 I["bonus_sport_culture"] = nt.bonus[etudid] # Liste les UE / modules /evals I["ues"] = [] I["matieres_modules"] = {} I["matieres_modules_capitalized"] = {} for ue in ues: u = ue.copy() ue_status = nt.get_etud_ue_status(etudid, ue["ue_id"]) u["ue_status"] = ue_status # { 'moy', 'coef_ue', ...} if ue["type"] != sco_codes_parcours.UE_SPORT: u["cur_moy_ue_txt"] = scu.fmt_note(ue_status["cur_moy_ue"]) else: x = scu.fmt_note(nt.bonus[etudid], keep_numeric=True) if type(x) == StringType: u["cur_moy_ue_txt"] = "pas de bonus" else: u["cur_moy_ue_txt"] = "bonus de %.3g points" % x u["moy_ue_txt"] = scu.fmt_note(ue_status["moy"]) if ue_status["coef_ue"] != None: u["coef_ue_txt"] = scu.fmt_coef(ue_status["coef_ue"]) else: # C'est un bug: log("u=" + pprint.pformat(u)) raise Exception("invalid None coef for ue") if ( dpv and dpv["decisions"][0]["decisions_ue"] and ue["ue_id"] in dpv["decisions"][0]["decisions_ue"] ): u["ects"] = dpv["decisions"][0]["decisions_ue"][ue["ue_id"]]["ects"] if ue["type"] == sco_codes_parcours.UE_ELECTIVE: u["ects"] = ( "%g+" % u["ects"] ) # ajoute un "+" pour indiquer ECTS d'une UE élective else: if ue_status["is_capitalized"]: u["ects"] = ue_status["ue"].get("ects", "-") else: u["ects"] = "-" modules, ue_attente = _ue_mod_bulletin( context, etudid, formsemestre_id, ue["ue_id"], modimpls, nt, version ) # u["modules"] = modules # detail des modules de l'UE (dans le semestre courant) # auparavant on filtrait les modules sans notes # si ue_status['cur_moy_ue'] != 'NA' alors u['modules'] = [] (pas de moyenne => pas de modules) u[ "modules_capitalized" ] = [] # modules de l'UE capitalisée (liste vide si pas capitalisée) if ue_status["is_capitalized"]: sem_origin = sco_formsemestre.get_formsemestre( context, ue_status["formsemestre_id"] ) u["ue_descr_txt"] = "Capitalisée le %s" % ndb.DateISOtoDMY( ue_status["event_date"] ) u[ "ue_descr_html" ] = '%s' % ( sem_origin["formsemestre_id"], etudid, sem_origin["titreannee"], u["ue_descr_txt"], ) # log('cap details %s' % ue_status['moy']) if ue_status["moy"] != "NA" and ue_status["formsemestre_id"]: # detail des modules de l'UE capitalisee nt_cap = sco_core.get_notes_cache(context).get_NotesTable( context, ue_status["formsemestre_id"] ) # > toutes notes u["modules_capitalized"], _ = _ue_mod_bulletin( context, etudid, formsemestre_id, ue_status["capitalized_ue_id"], nt_cap.get_modimpls(), nt_cap, version, ) I["matieres_modules_capitalized"].update( _sort_mod_by_matiere(u["modules_capitalized"], nt_cap, etudid) ) else: if prefs["bul_show_ue_rangs"] and ue["type"] != sco_codes_parcours.UE_SPORT: if ue_attente: # nt.get_moduleimpls_attente(): u["ue_descr_txt"] = "%s/%s" % ( scu.RANG_ATTENTE_STR, nt.ue_rangs[ue["ue_id"]][1], ) else: u["ue_descr_txt"] = "%s/%s" % ( nt.ue_rangs[ue["ue_id"]][0][etudid], nt.ue_rangs[ue["ue_id"]][1], ) u["ue_descr_html"] = u["ue_descr_txt"] else: u["ue_descr_txt"] = u["ue_descr_html"] = "" if ue_status["is_capitalized"] or modules: I["ues"].append(u) # ne montre pas les UE si non inscrit # Accès par matieres I["matieres_modules"].update(_sort_mod_by_matiere(modules, nt, etudid)) # C = make_context_dict(context, I["sem"], I["etud"]) C.update(I) # # log( 'C = \n%s\n' % pprint.pformat(C) ) # tres pratique pour voir toutes les infos dispo return C def _sort_mod_by_matiere(modlist, nt, etudid): matmod = {} # { matiere_id : [] } for mod in modlist: matiere_id = mod["module"]["matiere_id"] if matiere_id not in matmod: moy = nt.get_etud_mat_moy(matiere_id, etudid) matmod[matiere_id] = { "titre": mod["mat"]["titre"], "modules": mod, "moy": moy, "moy_txt": scu.fmt_note(moy), } return matmod def _ue_mod_bulletin(context, etudid, formsemestre_id, ue_id, modimpls, nt, version): """Infos sur les modules (et évaluations) dans une UE (ajoute les informations aux modimpls) Result: liste de modules de l'UE avec les infos dans chacun (seulement ceux où l'étudiant est inscrit). """ bul_show_mod_rangs = sco_preferences.get_preference( context, "bul_show_mod_rangs", formsemestre_id ) bul_show_abs_modules = sco_preferences.get_preference( context, "bul_show_abs_modules", formsemestre_id ) if bul_show_abs_modules: sem = sco_formsemestre.get_formsemestre(context, formsemestre_id) debut_sem = ndb.DateDMYtoISO(sem["date_debut"]) fin_sem = ndb.DateDMYtoISO(sem["date_fin"]) ue_modimpls = [mod for mod in modimpls if mod["module"]["ue_id"] == ue_id] mods = [] # result ue_attente = False # true si une eval en attente dans cette UE for modimpl in ue_modimpls: mod_attente = False mod = modimpl.copy() mod_moy = nt.get_etud_mod_moy( modimpl["moduleimpl_id"], etudid ) # peut etre 'NI' is_malus = mod["module"]["module_type"] == scu.MODULE_MALUS if bul_show_abs_modules: mod_abs = [ context.Absences.CountAbs( etudid=etudid, debut=debut_sem, fin=fin_sem, moduleimpl_id=modimpl["moduleimpl_id"], ), context.Absences.CountAbsJust( etudid=etudid, debut=debut_sem, fin=fin_sem, moduleimpl_id=modimpl["moduleimpl_id"], ), ] mod["mod_abs_txt"] = scu.fmt_abs(mod_abs) else: mod["mod_abs_txt"] = "" mod["mod_moy_txt"] = scu.fmt_note(mod_moy) if mod["mod_moy_txt"][:2] == "NA": mod["mod_moy_txt"] = "-" if is_malus: if mod_moy > 0: mod["mod_moy_txt"] = scu.fmt_note(mod_moy) mod["mod_coef_txt"] = "Malus" elif mod_moy < 0: mod["mod_moy_txt"] = scu.fmt_note(-mod_moy) mod["mod_coef_txt"] = "Bonus" else: mod["mod_moy_txt"] = "-" mod["mod_coef_txt"] = "-" else: mod["mod_coef_txt"] = scu.fmt_coef(modimpl["module"]["coefficient"]) if mod["mod_moy_txt"] != "NI": # ne montre pas les modules 'non inscrit' mods.append(mod) if is_malus: # n'affiche pas les statistiques sur les modules malus mod["stats"] = { "moy": "", "max": "", "min": "", "nb_notes": "", "nb_missing": "", "nb_valid_evals": "", } else: mod["stats"] = nt.get_mod_stats(modimpl["moduleimpl_id"]) mod["mod_descr_txt"] = "Module %s, coef. %s (%s)" % ( modimpl["module"]["titre"], scu.fmt_coef(modimpl["module"]["coefficient"]), context.Users.user_info(modimpl["responsable_id"])["nomcomplet"], ) link_mod = ( '' % (modimpl["moduleimpl_id"], mod["mod_descr_txt"]) ) if sco_preferences.get_preference( context, "bul_show_codemodules", formsemestre_id ): mod["code"] = modimpl["module"]["code"] mod["code_html"] = link_mod + mod["code"] + "" else: mod["code"] = mod["code_html"] = "" mod["name"] = ( modimpl["module"]["abbrev"] or modimpl["module"]["titre"] or "" ) mod["name_html"] = link_mod + mod["name"] + "" mod_descr = "Module %s, coef. %s (%s)" % ( modimpl["module"]["titre"], scu.fmt_coef(modimpl["module"]["coefficient"]), context.Users.user_info(modimpl["responsable_id"])["nomcomplet"], ) link_mod = ( '' % (modimpl["moduleimpl_id"], mod_descr) ) if sco_preferences.get_preference( context, "bul_show_codemodules", formsemestre_id ): mod["code_txt"] = modimpl["module"]["code"] mod["code_html"] = link_mod + mod["code_txt"] + "" else: mod["code_txt"] = "" mod["code_html"] = "" # Evaluations: notes de chaque eval evals = nt.get_evals_in_mod(modimpl["moduleimpl_id"]) mod["evaluations"] = [] for e in evals: e = e.copy() if int(e["visibulletin"]) == 1 or version == "long": # affiche "bonus" quand les points de malus sont négatifs if is_malus: val = e["notes"].get(etudid, {"value": "NP"})[ "value" ] # NA si etud demissionnaire if val > 0 or val == "NP": e["name"] = "Points de malus sur cette UE" else: e["name"] = "Points de bonus sur cette UE" else: e["name"] = e["description"] or "le %s" % e["jour"] e["target_html"] = ( "evaluation_listenotes?evaluation_id=%s&format=html&tf-submitted=1" % e["evaluation_id"] ) e["name_html"] = '%s' % ( e["target_html"], e["name"], ) val = e["notes"].get(etudid, {"value": "NP"})[ "value" ] # NA si etud demissionnaire if val == "NP": e["note_txt"] = "nd" e["note_html"] = 'nd' e["coef_txt"] = scu.fmt_coef(e["coefficient"]) else: # (-0.15) s'affiche "bonus de 0.15" if is_malus: val = abs(val) e["note_txt"] = scu.fmt_note(val, note_max=e["note_max"]) e["note_html"] = e["note_txt"] if is_malus: e["coef_txt"] = "" else: e["coef_txt"] = scu.fmt_coef(e["coefficient"]) if e["evaluation_type"] == scu.EVALUATION_RATTRAPAGE: e["coef_txt"] = "rat." elif e["evaluation_type"] == scu.EVALUATION_SESSION2: e["coef_txt"] = "sess. 2" if e["etat"]["evalattente"]: mod_attente = True # une eval en attente dans ce module if (not is_malus) or (val != "NP"): mod["evaluations"].append( e ) # ne liste pas les eval malus sans notes # Evaluations incomplètes ou futures: mod["evaluations_incompletes"] = [] if sco_preferences.get_preference( context, "bul_show_all_evals", formsemestre_id ): complete_eval_ids = set([e["evaluation_id"] for e in evals]) all_evals = context.do_evaluation_list( args={"moduleimpl_id": modimpl["moduleimpl_id"]} ) all_evals.reverse() # plus ancienne d'abord for e in all_evals: if e["evaluation_id"] not in complete_eval_ids: e = e.copy() mod["evaluations_incompletes"].append(e) e["name"] = (e["description"] or "") + " (%s)" % e["jour"] e["target_html"] = ( "evaluation_listenotes?evaluation_id=%s&format=html&tf-submitted=1" % e["evaluation_id"] ) e["name_html"] = '%s' % ( e["target_html"], e["name"], ) e["note_txt"] = e["note_html"] = "" e["coef_txt"] = scu.fmt_coef(e["coefficient"]) # Classement if bul_show_mod_rangs and mod["mod_moy_txt"] != "-" and not is_malus: rg = nt.mod_rangs[modimpl["moduleimpl_id"]] if mod_attente: # nt.get_moduleimpls_attente(): mod["mod_rang"] = scu.RANG_ATTENTE_STR else: mod["mod_rang"] = rg[0][etudid] mod["mod_eff"] = rg[1] # effectif dans ce module mod["mod_rang_txt"] = "%s/%s" % (mod["mod_rang"], mod["mod_eff"]) else: mod["mod_rang_txt"] = "" if mod_attente: ue_attente = True return mods, ue_attente def get_etud_rangs_groups( context, etudid, formsemestre_id, partitions, partitions_etud_groups, nt ): """Ramene rang et nb inscrits dans chaque partition""" rang_gr, ninscrits_gr, gr_name = {}, {}, {} for partition in partitions: if partition["partition_name"] != None: partition_id = partition["partition_id"] if etudid in partitions_etud_groups[partition_id]: group = partitions_etud_groups[partition_id][etudid] ( rang_gr[partition_id], ninscrits_gr[partition_id], ) = nt.get_etud_rang_group(etudid, group["group_id"]) gr_name[partition_id] = group["group_name"] else: # etudiant non present dans cette partition rang_gr[partition_id], ninscrits_gr[partition_id] = "", "" gr_name[partition_id] = "" return rang_gr, ninscrits_gr, gr_name def etud_descr_situation_semestre( context, etudid, formsemestre_id, ne="", format="html", # currently unused show_decisions=True, show_uevalid=True, show_date_inscr=True, show_mention=False, ): """Dict décrivant la situation de l'étudiant dans ce semestre. Si format == 'html', peut inclure du balisage html (actuellement inutilisé) situation : chaine résumant en français la situation de l'étudiant. Par ex. "Inscrit le 31/12/1999. Décision jury: Validé. ..." date_inscription : (vide si show_date_inscr est faux) date_demission : (vide si pas demission ou si show_date_inscr est faux) descr_inscription : "Inscrit" ou "Pas inscrit[e]" descr_demission : "Démission le 01/02/2000" ou vide si pas de démission descr_defaillance : "Défaillant" ou vide si non défaillant. decision_jury : "Validé", "Ajourné", ... (code semestre) descr_decision_jury : "Décision jury: Validé" (une phrase) decisions_ue : noms (acronymes) des UE validées, séparées par des virgules. descr_decisions_ue : ' UE acquises: UE1, UE2', ou vide si pas de dec. ou si pas show_uevalid descr_mention : 'Mention Bien', ou vide si pas de mention ou si pas show_mention """ cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion() infos = scu.DictDefault(defaultvalue="") # --- Situation et décisions jury # demission/inscription ? events = scolars.scolar_events_list( cnx, args={"etudid": etudid, "formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id} ) date_inscr = None date_dem = None date_def = None for event in events: event_type = event["event_type"] if event_type == "INSCRIPTION": if date_inscr: # plusieurs inscriptions ??? # date_inscr += ', ' + event['event_date'] + ' (!)' # il y a eu une erreur qui a laissé un event 'inscription' # on l'efface: log( "etud_descr_situation_semestre: removing duplicate INSCRIPTION event for etudid=%s !" % etudid ) scolars.scolar_events_delete(cnx, event["event_id"]) else: date_inscr = event["event_date"] elif event_type == "DEMISSION": # assert date_dem == None, 'plusieurs démissions !' if date_dem: # cela ne peut pas arriver sauf bug (signale a Evry 2013?) log( "etud_descr_situation_semestre: removing duplicate DEMISSION event for etudid=%s !" % etudid ) scolars.scolar_events_delete(cnx, event["event_id"]) else: date_dem = event["event_date"] elif event_type == "DEFAILLANCE": if date_def: log( "etud_descr_situation_semestre: removing duplicate DEFAILLANCE event for etudid=%s !" % etudid ) scolars.scolar_events_delete(cnx, event["event_id"]) else: date_def = event["event_date"] if show_date_inscr: if not date_inscr: infos["date_inscription"] = "" infos["descr_inscription"] = "Pas inscrit%s." % ne else: infos["date_inscription"] = date_inscr infos["descr_inscription"] = "Inscrit%s le %s." % (ne, date_inscr) else: infos["date_inscription"] = "" infos["descr_inscription"] = "" infos["situation"] = infos["descr_inscription"] if date_dem: infos["descr_demission"] = "Démission le %s." % date_dem infos["date_demission"] = date_dem infos["descr_decision_jury"] = "Démission" infos["situation"] += " " + infos["descr_demission"] return infos, None # ne donne pas les dec. de jury pour les demissionnaires if date_def: infos["descr_defaillance"] = "Défaillant%s" % ne infos["date_defaillance"] = date_def infos["descr_decision_jury"] = "Défaillant%s" % ne infos["situation"] += " " + infos["descr_defaillance"] dpv = sco_pvjury.dict_pvjury(context, formsemestre_id, etudids=[etudid]) if not show_decisions: return infos, dpv # Decisions de jury: pv = dpv["decisions"][0] dec = "" if pv["decision_sem_descr"]: infos["decision_jury"] = pv["decision_sem_descr"] infos["descr_decision_jury"] = ( "Décision jury: " + pv["decision_sem_descr"] + ". " ) dec = infos["descr_decision_jury"] else: infos["descr_decision_jury"] = "" if pv["decisions_ue_descr"] and show_uevalid: infos["decisions_ue"] = pv["decisions_ue_descr"] infos["descr_decisions_ue"] = " UE acquises: " + pv["decisions_ue_descr"] + ". " dec += infos["descr_decisions_ue"] else: # infos['decisions_ue'] = None infos["descr_decisions_ue"] = "" infos["mention"] = pv["mention"] if pv["mention"] and show_mention: dec += "Mention " + pv["mention"] + ". " infos["situation"] += " " + dec if not pv["validation_parcours"]: # parcours non terminé if pv["autorisations_descr"]: infos["situation"] += ( " Autorisé à s'inscrire en %s." % pv["autorisations_descr"] ) else: infos["situation"] += " Diplôme obtenu." return infos, dpv # ------ Page bulletin def formsemestre_bulletinetud( context, etudid=None, formsemestre_id=None, format="html", version="long", xml_with_decisions=False, force_publishing=False, # force publication meme si semestre non publie sur "portail" prefer_mail_perso=False, REQUEST=None, ): "page bulletin de notes" try: etud = scolars.get_etud_info(filled=1, REQUEST=REQUEST)[0] etudid = etud["etudid"] except: return scu.log_unknown_etud(context, REQUEST, format=format) sem = sco_formsemestre.get_formsemestre(context, formsemestre_id) R = [] if format == "html" or format == "pdfmail": R.append( _formsemestre_bulletinetud_header_html( context, etud, etudid, sem, formsemestre_id, format, version, REQUEST ) ) R.append( do_formsemestre_bulletinetud( context, formsemestre_id, etudid, format=format, version=version, xml_with_decisions=xml_with_decisions, force_publishing=force_publishing, prefer_mail_perso=prefer_mail_perso, REQUEST=REQUEST, )[0] ) if format == "html" or format == "pdfmail": R.append("""

Situation actuelle: """) if etud["inscription_formsemestre_id"]: R.append( """""" % etud["inscription_formsemestre_id"] ) R.append(etud["inscriptionstr"]) if etud["inscription_formsemestre_id"]: R.append("""""") R.append("""

""") if sem["modalite"] == "EXT": R.append( """

Editer les validations d'UE dans ce semestre extérieur

""" % (formsemestre_id, etudid) ) # Place du diagramme radar R.append( """
""" % (etudid, formsemestre_id) ) R.append('
') # --- Pied de page R.append(html_sco_header.sco_footer(context, REQUEST)) return "".join(R) def can_send_bulletin_by_mail(context, formsemestre_id, REQUEST): """True if current user is allowed to send a bulletin by mail""" authuser = REQUEST.AUTHENTICATED_USER sem = sco_formsemestre.get_formsemestre(context, formsemestre_id) return ( sco_preferences.get_preference( context, "bul_mail_allowed_for_all", formsemestre_id ) or authuser.has_permission(Permission.ScoImplement) or str(authuser) in sem["responsables"] ) def do_formsemestre_bulletinetud( context, formsemestre_id, etudid, version="long", # short, long, selectedevals format="html", REQUEST=None, nohtml=False, xml_with_decisions=False, # force decisions dans XML force_publishing=False, # force publication meme si semestre non publie sur "portail" prefer_mail_perso=False, # mails envoyes sur adresse perso si non vide ): """Génère le bulletin au format demandé. Retourne: (bul, filigranne) où bul est au format demandé (html, pdf, pdfmail, pdfpart, xml) et filigranne est un message à placer en "filigranne" (eg "Provisoire"). """ if format == "xml": bul = repr( sco_bulletins_xml.make_xml_formsemestre_bulletinetud( context, formsemestre_id, etudid, REQUEST=REQUEST, xml_with_decisions=xml_with_decisions, force_publishing=force_publishing, version=version, ) ) return bul, "" elif format == "json": bul = sco_bulletins_json.make_json_formsemestre_bulletinetud( context, formsemestre_id, etudid, REQUEST=REQUEST, xml_with_decisions=xml_with_decisions, force_publishing=force_publishing, version=version, ) return bul, "" I = formsemestre_bulletinetud_dict( context, formsemestre_id, etudid, REQUEST=REQUEST ) etud = I["etud"] if format == "html": htm, _ = sco_bulletins_generator.make_formsemestre_bulletinetud( context, I, version=version, format="html", REQUEST=REQUEST ) return htm, I["filigranne"] elif format == "pdf" or format == "pdfpart": bul, filename = sco_bulletins_generator.make_formsemestre_bulletinetud( context, I, version=version, format="pdf", stand_alone=(format != "pdfpart"), REQUEST=REQUEST, ) if format == "pdf": return ( scu.sendPDFFile(REQUEST, bul, filename), I["filigranne"], ) # unused ret. value else: return bul, I["filigranne"] elif format == "pdfmail": # format pdfmail: envoie le pdf par mail a l'etud, et affiche le html # check permission if not can_send_bulletin_by_mail(context, formsemestre_id, REQUEST): raise AccessDenied("Vous n'avez pas le droit d'effectuer cette opération !") if nohtml: htm = "" # speed up if html version not needed else: htm, _ = sco_bulletins_generator.make_formsemestre_bulletinetud( context, I, version=version, format="html", REQUEST=REQUEST ) pdfdata, filename = sco_bulletins_generator.make_formsemestre_bulletinetud( context, I, version=version, format="pdf", REQUEST=REQUEST ) if prefer_mail_perso: recipient_addr = etud.get("emailperso", "") or etud.get("email", "") else: recipient_addr = etud["email_default"] if not recipient_addr: if nohtml: h = "" # permet de compter les non-envois else: h = ( "
%s n'a pas d'adresse e-mail !
" % etud["nomprenom"] ) + htm return h, I["filigranne"] # mail_bulletin(context, formsemestre_id, I, pdfdata, filename, recipient_addr) emaillink = '%s' % ( recipient_addr, recipient_addr, ) return ( ('
Message mail envoyé à %s
' % (emaillink)) + htm, I["filigranne"], ) else: raise ValueError("do_formsemestre_bulletinetud: invalid format (%s)" % format) def mail_bulletin(context, formsemestre_id, I, pdfdata, filename, recipient_addr): """Send bulletin by email to etud If bul_mail_list_abs pref is true, put list of absences in mail body (text). """ etud = I["etud"] webmaster = sco_preferences.get_preference( context, "bul_mail_contact_addr", formsemestre_id ) dept = scu.unescape_html( sco_preferences.get_preference(context, "DeptName", formsemestre_id) ) copy_addr = sco_preferences.get_preference( context, "email_copy_bulletins", formsemestre_id ) intro_mail = sco_preferences.get_preference( context, "bul_intro_mail", formsemestre_id ) if intro_mail: hea = intro_mail % { "nomprenom": etud["nomprenom"], "dept": dept, "webmaster": webmaster, } else: hea = "" if sco_preferences.get_preference(context, "bul_mail_list_abs"): hea += "\n\n" + sco_abs_views.ListeAbsEtud( context, etud["etudid"], with_evals=False, format="text" ) msg = MIMEMultipart() subj = Header("Relevé de notes de %s" % etud["nomprenom"], scu.SCO_ENCODING) recipients = [recipient_addr] msg["Subject"] = subj msg["From"] = sco_preferences.get_preference( context, "email_from_addr", formsemestre_id ) msg["To"] = " ,".join(recipients) if copy_addr: msg["Bcc"] = copy_addr.strip() # Guarantees the message ends in a newline msg.epilogue = "" # Text txt = MIMEText(hea, "plain", scu.SCO_ENCODING) # log('hea:\n' + hea) msg.attach(txt) # Attach pdf att = MIMEBase("application", "pdf") att.add_header("Content-Disposition", "attachment", filename=filename) att.set_payload(pdfdata) email.encoders.encode_base64(att) msg.attach(att) log("mail bulletin a %s" % msg["To"]) mails.sendEmail(context, msg) def _formsemestre_bulletinetud_header_html( context, etud, etudid, sem, formsemestre_id=None, format=None, version=None, REQUEST=None, ): authuser = REQUEST.AUTHENTICATED_USER uid = str(authuser) H = [ html_sco_header.sco_header( context, page_title="Bulletin de %(nomprenom)s" % etud, REQUEST=REQUEST, javascripts=[ "js/bulletin.js", "libjs/d3.v3.min.js", "js/radar_bulletin.js", ], cssstyles=["css/radar_bulletin.css"], ), """


""" % etud, """
""" % REQUEST.URL0, """Bulletin %(titremois)s
""" % sem, """""", """""" % time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y à %Hh%M"), """""") # Menu endpoint = "notes.formsemestre_bulletinetud" qurl = urllib.quote_plus(url + "?" + REQUEST.QUERY_STRING) menuBul = [ { "title": "Réglages bulletins", "endpoint": "notes.formsemestre_edit_options", "args": {"formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id, "target_url": qurl}, "enabled": (uid in sem["responsables"]) or authuser.has_permission(Permission.ScoImplement), }, { "title": 'Version papier (pdf, format "%s")' % sco_bulletins_generator.bulletin_get_class_name_displayed( context, formsemestre_id ), "endpoint": endpoint, "args": { "formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id, "etudid": etudid, "version": version, "format": "pdf", }, }, { "title": "Envoi par mail à %s" % etud["email"], "endpoint": endpoint, "args": { "formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id, "etudid": etudid, "version": version, "format": "pdfmail", }, "enabled": etud["email"] and can_send_bulletin_by_mail( context, formsemestre_id, REQUEST ), # possible slt si on a un mail... }, { "title": "Envoi par mail à %s (adr. personnelle)" % etud["emailperso"], "endpoint": endpoint, "args": { "formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id, "etudid": etudid, "version": version, "format": "pdfmail", "prefer_mail_perso": 1, }, "enabled": etud["emailperso"] and can_send_bulletin_by_mail( context, formsemestre_id, REQUEST ), # possible slt si on a un mail... }, { "title": "Version XML", "endpoint": endpoint, "args": { "formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id, "etudid": etudid, "version": version, "format": "xml", }, }, { "title": "Ajouter une appréciation", "endpoint": "notes.appreciation_add_form", "args": { "formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id, "etudid": etudid, }, "enabled": ( (authuser in sem["responsables"]) or (authuser.has_permission(Permission.ScoEtudInscrit)) ), }, { "title": "Enregistrer un semestre effectué ailleurs", "endpoint": "notes.formsemestre_ext_create_form", "args": { "formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id, "etudid": etudid, }, "enabled": authuser.has_permission(Permission.ScoImplement), }, { "title": "Enregistrer une validation d'UE antérieure", "endpoint": "notes.formsemestre_validate_previous_ue", "args": { "formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id, "etudid": etudid, }, "enabled": sco_permcan_validate_semdate_sem( context, REQUEST, formsemestre_id ), }, { "title": "Enregistrer note d'une UE externe", "endpoint": "notes.external_ue_create_form", "args": { "formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id, "etudid": etudid, }, "enabled": sco_permcan_validate_semdate_sem( context, REQUEST, formsemestre_id ), }, { "title": "Entrer décisions jury", "endpoint": "notes.formsemestre_validation_etud_form", "args": { "formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id, "etudid": etudid, }, "enabled": sco_permcan_validate_semdate_sem( context, REQUEST, formsemestre_id ), }, { "title": "Editer PV jury", "endpoint": "notes.formsemestre_pvjury_pdf", "args": { "formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id, "etudid": etudid, }, "enabled": True, }, ] H.append("""""") H.append( '' % ( url + "?formsemestre_id=%s&etudid=%s&format=pdf&version=%s" % (formsemestre_id, etudid, version), scu.ICON_PDF, ) ) H.append("""
établi le %s (notes sur 20) """ % formsemestre_id, """""" % etudid, """""" % format, """
""") H.append(htmlutils.make_menu("Autres opérations", menuBul, alone=True)) H.append("""
""") # H.append( """
%s """ % ( scu.ScoURL(), etudid, sco_photos.etud_photo_html( context, etud, title="fiche de " + etud["nom"], REQUEST=REQUEST ), ) ) H.append( """
""" ) return "".join(H)