diff --git a/app/but/jury_but_pv.py b/app/but/jury_but_pv.py
index 80f1b1131..49b21c383 100644
--- a/app/but/jury_but_pv.py
+++ b/app/but/jury_but_pv.py
@@ -198,7 +198,15 @@ def pvjury_table_but(
             "niveaux": (
                 deca.descr_niveaux_validation(line_sep=line_sep) if deca else "-"
-            "decision_but": deca.code_valide if deca else "",
+            "decision_but": (
+                (
+                    scu.ETATS_INSCRIPTION_SHORT.get(deca.inscription_etat)
+                    if deca.inscription_etat != scu.INSCRIT
+                    else deca.code_valide
+                )
+                if deca
+                else ""
+            ),
             "devenir": (
                 "Diplôme obtenu"
                 if has_diplome
diff --git a/app/scodoc/sco_preferences.py b/app/scodoc/sco_preferences.py
index 6e0cfdeb9..626b5dd28 100644
--- a/app/scodoc/sco_preferences.py
+++ b/app/scodoc/sco_preferences.py
@@ -1031,6 +1031,19 @@ class BasePreferences:
                     "category": "pvpdf",
+            (
+                "PV_SIGNATURE_LEFT",
+                {
+                    "initvalue": "",
+                    "title": "Texte signature PV gauche",
+                    "explanation": """texte optionnel placé sous la table
+                    du PV de jury, à gauche de la signature""",
+                    "input_type": "textarea",
+                    "rows": 1,
+                    "cols": 64,
+                    "category": "pvpdf",
+                },
+            ),
diff --git a/app/scodoc/sco_pv_pdf.py b/app/scodoc/sco_pv_pdf.py
index a9d482795..8a4811a77 100644
--- a/app/scodoc/sco_pv_pdf.py
+++ b/app/scodoc/sco_pv_pdf.py
@@ -31,13 +31,8 @@ import io
 import reportlab
 from reportlab.lib.units import cm, mm
-from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_JUSTIFY
-from reportlab.platypus import (
-    Paragraph,
-    Spacer,
-    PageBreak,
-    Table,
+from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_JUSTIFY, TA_LEFT, TA_RIGHT
+from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph, Spacer, PageBreak, Table, TableStyle
 from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import BaseDocTemplate
 from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4, landscape
 from reportlab.lib import styles
@@ -179,7 +174,7 @@ def _pvjury_pdf_type(
 ) -> tuple[list, bool]:
     """Objets platypus PDF récapitulant les décisions de jury
     pour un type de jury (passage ou delivrance).
-    Ramene: liste d'onj platypus, et un boolen indiquant si au moins un étudiant est diplômé.
+    Ramene: liste d'obj platypus, et un booléen indiquant si au moins un étudiant est diplômé.
     from app.scodoc import sco_pv_forms
     from app.but import jury_but_pv
@@ -325,15 +320,39 @@ def _pvjury_pdf_type(
         Table(table_cells, repeatRows=1, colWidths=widths, style=table_style)
-    # Signature du directeur
-    objects += sco_pdf.make_paras(
-        f"""<para spaceBefore="10mm" align="right">{
-            sco_preferences.get_preference("DirectorName", formsemestre.id) or ""
-        }, {
-            sco_preferences.get_preference("DirectorTitle", formsemestre.id) or ""
-        }</para>""",
+    # Table sous la table avec signatures
+    # Create paragraphs
+    left_para = sco_pdf.make_paras(
+        f"""<para align="left">{
+            sco_preferences.get_preference("PV_SIGNATURE_LEFT", formsemestre.id) or ""
+            }</para>""",
+    # Signature du directeur
+    right_para = sco_pdf.make_paras(
+        f"""<para spaceBefore="10mm" align="right">{
+        sco_preferences.get_preference("DirectorName", formsemestre.id) or ""
+    }, {
+        sco_preferences.get_preference("DirectorTitle", formsemestre.id) or ""
+    }</para>""",
+        style,
+    )
+    # Create a table with two cells
+    data = [[left_para, right_para]]
+    # Create the table
+    table_signatures = Table(data)
+    # Apply table style to remove borders
+    table_signatures.setStyle(
+        TableStyle(
+            [
+                ("BOX", (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0, "white"),  # No border for the table
+                ("INNERGRID", (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0, "white"),  # No inner grid lines
+                ("VALIGN", (0, 0), (-1, -1), "TOP"),  # Align content to the top
+            ]
+        )
+    )
+    objects.append(Spacer(0, 6 * mm))
+    objects.append(table_signatures)
     # Légende des codes
     codes = list(codes_cursus.CODES_EXPL.keys())
diff --git a/app/scodoc/sco_utils.py b/app/scodoc/sco_utils.py
index c88e2e04b..d4c710cc3 100644
--- a/app/scodoc/sco_utils.py
+++ b/app/scodoc/sco_utils.py
@@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ ETATS_INSCRIPTION = {
     DEMISSION: "Démission",
     DEF: "Défaillant",
+    INSCRIT: "I",
+    DEF: "DEF",
 def convert_fr_date(