User Sources

This is the list of functions your auth source should provide.

createUser(self, username, password, roles)
Create a User to authenticate against username, password and roles,
should all be obvious.

updateUser(self, username, password, roles)
Update a user's roles and password.
An empty password means do not change passwords, so at least at this time
it's not possible to have passwordless accounts.

cryptPassword(self, username, password)
Encrypt a password
If no 'crypt' method is supplied return the Password -- 
i.e. plaintext password.

deleteUsers(self, userids)
Delete a set of users, userids is a list of usernames to delete.

returns a list of usernames.

Return one user matching the username
Should be a dictionary; 
	{'username':username, 'password':cryptedPassword, 'roles':list_of_roles}
Once again, you can provide more information than this if you're customising
the forms.

Return the list of users in the same format as listOneUser

remoteAuthMethod(self, username, password)
You can define this to go off and do the authentication instead of
using the basic one inside the User Object. Useful for IMAP/LDAP auth
type methods where the authentication is handled elsewhere and we just want
to know success or failure. If you don't want to do this you should have;


in your AuthSource (to explicitly tell the exUserFolder that you don't).

This is a skeleton class;

manage_addfooAuthSourceForm=HTMLFile('manage_addfooAuthSourceForm', globals())
manage_editfooAuthSourceForm=HTMLFile('manage_editfooAuthSourceForm', globals())

class fooAuthSource(Folder):

	meta_type='Authentication Source'
	title='User Supplied Authentication'
	icon ='misc_/exUserFolder/exUserFolderPlugin.gif'
	def __init__(self):'fooAuthSource'

	# Create a User to authenticate against
	# username, password and roles
	def createUser(self, username, password, roles):
		""" Add A Username """

	# Update a user's roles and password
	# An empty password means do not change passwords...
	def updateUser(self, username, password, roles):

	# Encrypt a password
	# If no 'crypt' method is supplied return the
	# Password -- i.e. plaintext password
	def cryptPassword(self, username, password):

	# Delete a set of users
	def deleteUsers(self, userids):

	# Return a list of usernames
	def listUserNames(self):
	# Return a list of user dictionaries with
	# {'username':username} can be extended to pass back other
	# information, but, we don't do that just now
	def listUsers(self):

	# Return one user matching the username
	# Should be a dictionary;
	# {'username':username, 'password':cryptedPassword, 'roles':list_of_roles}
	def listOneUser(self,username):

	# Return a list of users, dictionary format as for listOneUser
	def getUsers(self):

	# You can define this to go off and do the authentication instead of
	# using the basic one inside the User Object

##	def remoteAuthMethod(self, username, password):
##		pass

	def postInitialisation(self, REQUEST):

fooAuthReg=PluginRegister('fooAuthSource', 'User Supplied Authentication Source',
						 fooAuthSource, manage_addfooAuthSourceForm,


Property Sources

Property Sources have only a few things they need to provide;

hasProperty(self, key)
Returns true if the current user has that property

setProperty(self, key, value)
Sets a property for the current user

setUserProperty(self, key, username, value)
Sets a property for the given user.

getProperty(self, key, default=None)
Returns the requested property or the default for the current user.

getUserProperty(self, key, username, default=None)
Returns the requested property or the default for the named user.

Returns a list of properties (just the properties not their values).

listUserProperties(self, username)
Returns a list of properties for the named user.

createUser(self, username, REQUEST)
Creates a new user, and adds in the properties in the REQUEST.
New properties are preceded with "user_KEYNAME", so strip user_ to
set the property.

deleteUsers(self, userids)
Delete the list of users (and their properties) contained within userids.

updateUser(self, username, REQUEST)
Change the list of properties for a user, the variables are formatted as for