# -*- mode: python -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Gestion scolarite IUT # # Copyright (c) 1999 - 2021 Emmanuel Viennet. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Emmanuel Viennet emmanuel.viennet@viennet.net # ############################################################################## """ Gestion des relations avec les entreprises """ import urllib from sco_zope import * # --------------- from notesdb import * from notes_log import log from scolog import logdb from sco_utils import * import html_sidebar from TrivialFormulator import TrivialFormulator, TF import scolars import string, re import time, calendar def _format_nom(nom): "formatte nom (filtre en entree db) d'une entreprise" if not nom: return nom nom = nom.decode(SCO_ENCODING) return (nom[0].upper() + nom[1:]).encode(SCO_ENCODING) class EntreprisesEditor(EditableTable): def delete(self, cnx, oid): "delete correspondants and contacts, then self" # first, delete all correspondants and contacts cursor = cnx.cursor(cursor_factory=ScoDocCursor) cursor.execute( "delete from entreprise_contact where entreprise_id=%(entreprise_id)s", {"entreprise_id": oid}, ) cursor.execute( "delete from entreprise_correspondant where entreprise_id=%(entreprise_id)s", {"entreprise_id": oid}, ) cnx.commit() EditableTable.delete(self, cnx, oid) def list( self, cnx, args={}, operator="and", test="=", sortkey=None, sort_on_contact=False, ZEntrepriseInstance=None, ): # list, then sort on date of last contact R = EditableTable.list( self, cnx, args=args, operator=operator, test=test, sortkey=sortkey ) if sort_on_contact: for r in R: c = ZEntrepriseInstance.do_entreprise_contact_list( args={"entreprise_id": r["entreprise_id"]}, disable_formatting=True ) if c: r["date"] = max([x["date"] or datetime.date.min for x in c]) else: r["date"] = datetime.date.min # sort R.sort(lambda r1, r2: cmp(r2["date"], r1["date"])) for r in R: r["date"] = DateISOtoDMY(r["date"]) return R def list_by_etud( self, cnx, args={}, sort_on_contact=False, disable_formatting=False ): "cherche rentreprise ayant eu contact avec etudiant" cursor = cnx.cursor(cursor_factory=ScoDocCursor) cursor.execute( "select E.*, I.nom as etud_nom, I.prenom as etud_prenom, C.date from entreprises E, entreprise_contact C, identite I where C.entreprise_id = E.entreprise_id and C.etudid = I.etudid and I.nom ~* %(etud_nom)s ORDER BY E.nom", args, ) _, res = [x[0] for x in cursor.description], cursor.dictfetchall() R = [] for r in res: r["etud_prenom"] = r["etud_prenom"] or "" d = {} for key in r: v = r[key] # format value if not disable_formatting and self.output_formators.has_key(key): v = self.output_formators[key](v) d[key] = v R.append(d) # sort if sort_on_contact: R.sort( lambda r1, r2: cmp( r2["date"] or datetime.date.min, r1["date"] or datetime.date.min ) ) for r in R: r["date"] = DateISOtoDMY(r["date"] or datetime.date.min) return R _entreprisesEditor = EntreprisesEditor( "entreprises", "entreprise_id", ( "entreprise_id", "nom", "adresse", "ville", "codepostal", "pays", "contact_origine", "secteur", "privee", "localisation", "qualite_relation", "plus10salaries", "note", "date_creation", ), sortkey="nom", input_formators={"nom": _format_nom}, ) # ----------- Correspondants _entreprise_correspEditor = EditableTable( "entreprise_correspondant", "entreprise_corresp_id", ( "entreprise_corresp_id", "entreprise_id", "civilite", "nom", "prenom", "fonction", "phone1", "phone2", "mobile", "fax", "mail1", "mail2", "note", ), sortkey="nom", ) # ----------- Contacts _entreprise_contactEditor = EditableTable( "entreprise_contact", "entreprise_contact_id", ( "entreprise_contact_id", "date", "type_contact", "entreprise_id", "entreprise_corresp_id", "etudid", "description", "enseignant", ), sortkey="date", output_formators={"date": DateISOtoDMY}, input_formators={"date": DateDMYtoISO}, ) # --------------- class ZEntreprises( ObjectManager, PropertyManager, RoleManager, Item, Persistent, Implicit ): "ZEntreprises object" meta_type = "ZEntreprises" security = ClassSecurityInfo() # This is the list of the methods associated to 'tabs' in the ZMI # Be aware that The first in the list is the one shown by default, so if # the 'View' tab is the first, you will never see your tabs by cliquing # on the object. manage_options = ( ({"label": "Contents", "action": "manage_main"},) + PropertyManager.manage_options # add the 'Properties' tab + ( # this line is kept as an example with the files : # dtml/manage_editZScolarForm.dtml # html/ZScolar-edit.stx # {'label': 'Properties', 'action': 'manage_editForm',}, {"label": "View", "action": "index_html"}, ) + Item.manage_options # add the 'Undo' & 'Owner' tab + RoleManager.manage_options # add the 'Security' tab ) # no permissions, only called from python def __init__(self, id, title): "initialise a new instance" self.id = id self.title = title # The form used to edit this object # def manage_editZEntreprises(self, title, RESPONSE=None): # "Changes the instance values" # self.title = title # self._p_changed = 1 # RESPONSE.redirect("manage_editForm") # Ajout (dans l'instance) d'un dtml modifiable par Zope def defaultDocFile(self, id, title, file): f = open(file_path + "/dtml-editable/" + file + ".dtml") file = f.read() f.close() self.manage_addDTMLMethod(id, title, file) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "entreprise_header") def entreprise_header(self, REQUEST=None, page_title=""): "common header for all Entreprises pages" authuser = REQUEST.AUTHENTICATED_USER # _read_only is used to modify pages properties (links, buttons) # Python methods (do_xxx in this class) are also protected individualy) if authuser.has_permission(ScoEntrepriseChange, self): REQUEST.set("_read_only", False) else: REQUEST.set("_read_only", True) return self.sco_header(REQUEST, container=self, page_title=page_title) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "entreprise_footer") def entreprise_footer(self, REQUEST): "common entreprise footer" return self.sco_footer(REQUEST) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "sidebar") def sidebar(self, REQUEST): "barre gauche (overide std sco sidebar)" # rewritten from legacy DTML code context = self params = {"ScoURL": context.ScoURL()} H = [ """ """) return "".join(H) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Entreprises : Methodes en DTML # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # used to view content of the object security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "index_html") index_html = DTMLFile("dtml/entreprises/index_html", globals()) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "entreprise_contact_list") entreprise_contact_list = DTMLFile( "dtml/entreprises/entreprise_contact_list", globals() ) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "entreprise_correspondant_list") entreprise_correspondant_list = DTMLFile( "dtml/entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_list", globals() ) # les methodes "edit" sont aussi en ScoEntrepriseView car elles permettent # la visualisation (via variable _read_only positionnee dans entreprise_header) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "entreprise_contact_edit") entreprise_contact_edit = DTMLFile( "dtml/entreprises/entreprise_contact_edit", globals() ) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "entreprise_correspondant_edit") entreprise_correspondant_edit = DTMLFile( "dtml/entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_edit", globals() ) # Acces en modification: security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "entreprise_contact_create") entreprise_contact_create = DTMLFile( "dtml/entreprises/entreprise_contact_create", globals() ) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "entreprise_contact_delete") entreprise_contact_delete = DTMLFile( "dtml/entreprises/entreprise_contact_delete", globals() ) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "entreprise_correspondant_create") entreprise_correspondant_create = DTMLFile( "dtml/entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_create", globals() ) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "entreprise_correspondant_delete") entreprise_correspondant_delete = DTMLFile( "dtml/entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_delete", globals() ) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "entreprise_delete") entreprise_delete = DTMLFile("dtml/entreprises/entreprise_delete", globals()) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Entreprises : Methodes en Python # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "do_entreprise_create") def do_entreprise_create(self, args): "entreprise_create" cnx = self.GetDBConnexion() r = _entreprisesEditor.create(cnx, args) return r security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "do_entreprise_delete") def do_entreprise_delete(self, oid): "entreprise_delete" cnx = self.GetDBConnexion() _entreprisesEditor.delete(cnx, oid) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "do_entreprise_list") def do_entreprise_list(self, **kw): "entreprise_list" cnx = self.GetDBConnexion() kw["ZEntrepriseInstance"] = self return _entreprisesEditor.list(cnx, **kw) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "do_entreprise_list_by_etud") def do_entreprise_list_by_etud(self, **kw): "entreprise_list_by_etud" cnx = self.GetDBConnexion() return _entreprisesEditor.list_by_etud(cnx, **kw) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "do_entreprise_edit") def do_entreprise_edit(self, *args, **kw): "entreprise_edit" cnx = self.GetDBConnexion() _entreprisesEditor.edit(cnx, *args, **kw) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "do_entreprise_correspondant_create") def do_entreprise_correspondant_create(self, args): "entreprise_correspondant_create" cnx = self.GetDBConnexion() r = _entreprise_correspEditor.create(cnx, args) return r security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "do_entreprise_correspondant_delete") def do_entreprise_correspondant_delete(self, oid): "entreprise_correspondant_delete" cnx = self.GetDBConnexion() _entreprise_correspEditor.delete(cnx, oid) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "do_entreprise_correspondant_list") def do_entreprise_correspondant_list(self, **kw): "entreprise_correspondant_list" cnx = self.GetDBConnexion() return _entreprise_correspEditor.list(cnx, **kw) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "do_entreprise_correspondant_edit") def do_entreprise_correspondant_edit(self, *args, **kw): "entreprise_correspondant_edit" cnx = self.GetDBConnexion() _entreprise_correspEditor.edit(cnx, *args, **kw) security.declareProtected( ScoEntrepriseView, "do_entreprise_correspondant_listnames" ) def do_entreprise_correspondant_listnames(self, args={}): "-> liste des noms des correspondants (pour affichage menu)" C = self.do_entreprise_correspondant_list(args=args) return [ (x["prenom"] + " " + x["nom"], str(x["entreprise_corresp_id"])) for x in C ] security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "do_entreprise_contact_create") def do_entreprise_contact_create(self, args): "entreprise_contact_create" cnx = self.GetDBConnexion() r = _entreprise_contactEditor.create(cnx, args) return r security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "do_entreprise_contact_delete") def do_entreprise_contact_delete(self, oid): "entreprise_contact_delete" cnx = self.GetDBConnexion() _entreprise_contactEditor.delete(cnx, oid) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "do_entreprise_contact_list") def do_entreprise_contact_list(self, **kw): "entreprise_contact_list" cnx = self.GetDBConnexion() return _entreprise_contactEditor.list(cnx, **kw) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "do_entreprise_contact_edit") def do_entreprise_contact_edit(self, *args, **kw): "entreprise_contact_edit" cnx = self.GetDBConnexion() _entreprise_contactEditor.edit(cnx, *args, **kw) # security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "do_entreprise_check_etudiant") def do_entreprise_check_etudiant(self, etudiant): """Si etudiant est vide, ou un ETUDID valide, ou un nom unique, retourne (1, ETUDID). Sinon, retourne (0, 'message explicatif') """ etudiant = etudiant.strip().translate( None, "'()" ) # suppress parens and quote from name if not etudiant: return 1, None cnx = self.GetDBConnexion() cursor = cnx.cursor(cursor_factory=ScoDocCursor) cursor.execute( "select etudid, nom, prenom from identite where upper(nom) ~ upper(%(etudiant)s) or etudid=%(etudiant)s", {"etudiant": etudiant}, ) r = cursor.fetchall() if len(r) < 1: return 0, 'Aucun etudiant ne correspond à "%s"' % etudiant elif len(r) > 10: return ( 0, "%d etudiants correspondent à ce nom (utilisez le code)" % len(r), ) elif len(r) > 1: e = ['") return ( 0, "Les étudiants suivants correspondent: préciser le nom complet ou le code\n" + "\n".join(e), ) else: # une seule reponse ! return 1, r[0][0].strip() security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "do_entreprise_list_by_contact") def do_entreprise_list_by_contact( self, args={}, operator="and", test="=", sortkey=None ): """Recherche dans entreprises, avec date de contact""" # (fonction ad-hoc car requete sur plusieurs tables) raise NotImplementedError # XXXXX fonction non achevee , non testee... # cnx = self.GetDBConnexion() # cursor = cnx.cursor(cursor_factory=ScoDocCursor) # if sortkey: # orderby = " order by " + sortkey # else: # orderby = "" # vals = dictfilter(args, self.dbfields) # # DBSelect # what = ["*"] # operator = " " + operator + " " # cond = " E.entreprise_id = C.entreprise_id " # if vals: # cond += " where " + operator.join( # ["%s%s%%(%s)s" % (x, test, x) for x in vals.keys() if vals[x] != None] # ) # cnuls = " and ".join( # ["%s is NULL" % x for x in vals.keys() if vals[x] is None] # ) # if cnuls: # cond = cond + " and " + cnuls # else: # cond += "" # cursor.execute( # "select distinct" # + ", ".join(what) # + " from entreprises E, entreprise_contact C " # + cond # + orderby, # vals, # ) # titles, res = [x[0] for x in cursor.description], cursor.fetchall() # # # R = [] # for r in res: # d = {} # for i in range(len(titles)): # v = r[i] # # value not formatted ! (see EditableTable.list()) # d[titles[i]] = v # R.append(d) # return R # -------- Formulaires: traductions du DTML security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseChange, "entreprise_create") def entreprise_create(self, REQUEST=None): """Form. création entreprise""" context = self H = [ self.entreprise_header(REQUEST, page_title="Création d'une entreprise"), """

Création d'une entreprise

""", ] tf = TrivialFormulator( REQUEST.URL0, REQUEST.form, ( ("nom", {"size": 25, "title": "Nom de l'entreprise"}), ( "adresse", {"size": 30, "title": "Adresse", "explanation": "(numéro, rue)"}, ), ("codepostal", {"size": 8, "title": "Code Postal"}), ("ville", {"size": 30, "title": "Ville"}), ("pays", {"size": 30, "title": "Pays", "default": "France"}), ( "localisation", { "input_type": "menu", "labels": ["Ile de France", "Province", "Etranger"], "allowed_values": ["IDF", "Province", "Etranger"], }, ), ("secteur", {"size": 30, "title": "Secteur d'activités"}), ( "privee", { "input_type": "menu", "title": "Statut", "labels": [ "Entreprise privee", "Entreprise Publique", "Association", ], "allowed_values": ["privee", "publique", "association"], }, ), ( "plus10salaries", { "title": "Masse salariale", "type": "integer", "input_type": "menu", "labels": [ "10 salariés ou plus", "Moins de 10 salariés", "Inconnue", ], "allowed_values": [1, 0, -1], }, ), ( "qualite_relation", { "title": "Qualité relation IUT/Entreprise", "input_type": "menu", "default": "-1", "labels": [ "Très bonne", "Bonne", "Moyenne", "Mauvaise", "Inconnue", ], "allowed_values": ["100", "75", "50", "25", "-1"], }, ), ("contact_origine", {"size": 30, "title": "Origine du contact"}), ( "note", {"input_type": "textarea", "rows": 3, "cols": 40, "title": "Note"}, ), ), cancelbutton="Annuler", submitlabel="Ajouter cette entreprise", readonly=REQUEST["_read_only"], ) if tf[0] == 0: return "\n".join(H) + tf[1] + context.entreprise_footer(REQUEST) elif tf[0] == -1: return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(REQUEST.URL1) else: self.do_entreprise_create(tf[2]) return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(REQUEST.URL1) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "entreprise_edit") def entreprise_edit(self, entreprise_id, REQUEST=None, start=1): """Form. edit entreprise""" context = self authuser = REQUEST.AUTHENTICATED_USER readonly = not authuser.has_permission(ScoEntrepriseChange, self) F = self.do_entreprise_list(args={"entreprise_id": entreprise_id})[0] H = [ self.entreprise_header(REQUEST, page_title="Entreprise"), """


""" % F, ] tf = TrivialFormulator( REQUEST.URL0, REQUEST.form, ( ("entreprise_id", {"default": entreprise_id, "input_type": "hidden"}), ("start", {"default": 1, "input_type": "hidden"}), ( "date_creation", {"default": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "input_type": "hidden"}, ), ("nom", {"size": 25, "title": "Nom de l'entreprise"}), ( "adresse", {"size": 30, "title": "Adresse", "explanation": "(numéro, rue)"}, ), ("codepostal", {"size": 8, "title": "Code Postal"}), ("ville", {"size": 30, "title": "Ville"}), ("pays", {"size": 30, "title": "Pays", "default": "France"}), ( "localisation", { "input_type": "menu", "labels": ["Ile de France", "Province", "Etranger"], "allowed_values": ["IDF", "Province", "Etranger"], }, ), ("secteur", {"size": 30, "title": "Secteur d'activités"}), ( "privee", { "input_type": "menu", "title": "Statut", "labels": [ "Entreprise privee", "Entreprise Publique", "Association", ], "allowed_values": ["privee", "publique", "association"], }, ), ( "plus10salaries", { "title": "Masse salariale", "input_type": "menu", "labels": [ "10 salariés ou plus", "Moins de 10 salariés", "Inconnue", ], "allowed_values": ["1", "0", "-1"], }, ), ( "qualite_relation", { "title": "Qualité relation IUT/Entreprise", "input_type": "menu", "labels": [ "Très bonne", "Bonne", "Moyenne", "Mauvaise", "Inconnue", ], "allowed_values": ["100", "75", "50", "25", "-1"], }, ), ("contact_origine", {"size": 30, "title": "Origine du contact"}), ( "note", {"input_type": "textarea", "rows": 3, "cols": 40, "title": "Note"}, ), ), cancelbutton="Annuler", initvalues=F, submitlabel="Modifier les valeurs", readonly=readonly, ) if tf[0] == 0: H.append(tf[1]) Cl = self.do_entreprise_correspondant_list( args={"entreprise_id": F["entreprise_id"]} ) Cts = self.do_entreprise_contact_list( args={"entreprise_id": F["entreprise_id"]} ) if not readonly: H.append( """

%s Supprimer cette entreprise

""" % ( icontag("delete_img", title="delete", border="0"), F["entreprise_id"], ) ) if len(Cl): H.append( """

%d correspondants dans l'entreprise %s (liste complète) :

") if len(Cts): H.append( """

%d contacts avec l'entreprise %s (liste complète) :

") return "\n".join(H) + context.entreprise_footer(REQUEST) elif tf[0] == -1: return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(REQUEST.URL1 + "?start=" + start) else: self.do_entreprise_edit(tf[2]) return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(REQUEST.URL1 + "?start=" + start) # --- Misc tools.... ------------------ security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "str_abbrev") def str_abbrev(self, s, maxlen): "abreviation" if s == None: return "?" if len(s) < maxlen: return s return s[: maxlen - 3] + "..." security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "setPageSizeCookie") def setPageSizeCookie(self, REQUEST=None): "set page size cookie" RESPONSE = REQUEST.RESPONSE # if REQUEST.form.has_key("entreprise_page_size"): RESPONSE.setCookie( "entreprise_page_size", REQUEST.form["entreprise_page_size"], path="/", expires="Wed, 31-Dec-2025 23:55:00 GMT", ) RESPONSE.redirect(REQUEST.form["target_url"]) security.declareProtected(ScoEntrepriseView, "make_link_create_corr") def make_link_create_corr(self, entreprise_id): "yet another stupid code snippet" return ( 'créer un nouveau correspondant' ) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Zope Product Administration # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def manage_addZEntreprises( self, id="id_ZEntreprises", title="The Title for ZEntreprises Object", REQUEST=None ): "Add a ZEntreprises instance to a folder." self._setObject(id, ZEntreprises(id, title)) if REQUEST is not None: return self.manage_main(self, REQUEST) # return self.manage_editForm(self, REQUEST)