# -*- mode: python -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Gestion scolarite IUT # # Copyright (c) 1999 - 2023 Emmanuel Viennet. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Emmanuel Viennet emmanuel.viennet@viennet.net # ############################################################################## """Affichage étudiants d'un ou plusieurs groupes sous forme: de liste html (table exportable), de trombinoscope (exportable en pdf) """ # Re-ecriture en 2014 (re-organisation de l'interface, modernisation du code) import datetime from urllib.parse import parse_qs from flask import url_for, g, request from flask_login import current_user from app import db from app.models import FormSemestre import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu from app.scodoc import html_sco_header from app.scodoc import sco_excel from app.scodoc import sco_formsemestre from app.scodoc import sco_groups from app.scodoc import sco_moduleimpl from app.scodoc import sco_cursus from app.scodoc import sco_portal_apogee from app.scodoc import sco_preferences from app.scodoc import sco_etud from app.scodoc.sco_etud import etud_sort_key from app.scodoc.gen_tables import GenTable from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoValueError from app.scodoc.sco_permissions import Permission JAVASCRIPTS = html_sco_header.BOOTSTRAP_MULTISELECT_JS + [ "js/etud_info.js", "js/groups_view.js", ] CSSSTYLES = html_sco_header.BOOTSTRAP_MULTISELECT_CSS # view: def groups_view( group_ids=(), fmt="html", # Options pour listes: with_codes=0, etat=None, with_paiement=0, # si vrai, ajoute colonnes infos paiement droits et finalisation inscription (lent car interrogation portail) with_archives=0, # ajoute colonne avec noms fichiers archivés with_annotations=0, with_bourse=0, formsemestre_id=None, # utilise si aucun groupe selectionné ): """Affichage des étudiants des groupes indiqués group_ids: liste de group_id fmt: csv, json, xml, xls, allxls, xlsappel, moodlecsv, pdf """ # Informations sur les groupes à afficher: groups_infos = DisplayedGroupsInfos( group_ids, formsemestre_id=formsemestre_id, etat=etat, select_all_when_unspecified=True, ) # Formats spéciaux: download direct if fmt != "html": return groups_table( groups_infos=groups_infos, fmt=fmt, with_codes=with_codes, etat=etat, with_paiement=with_paiement, with_archives=with_archives, with_annotations=with_annotations, with_bourse=with_bourse, ) H = [ html_sco_header.sco_header( javascripts=JAVASCRIPTS, cssstyles=CSSSTYLES, init_qtip=True, ) ] # Menu choix groupe H.append("""
""") H.append(form_groups_choice(groups_infos, submit_on_change=True)) # Note: le formulaire est soumis a chaque modif des groupes # on pourrait faire comme pour le form de saisie des notes. Il faudrait pour cela: # - charger tous les etudiants au debut, quels que soient les groupes selectionnés # - ajouter du JS pour modifier les liens (arguments group_ids) quand le menu change # Tabs H.extend( ( """
""", groups_table( groups_infos=groups_infos, fmt=fmt, with_codes=with_codes, etat=etat, with_paiement=with_paiement, with_archives=with_archives, with_annotations=with_annotations, with_bourse=with_bourse, ), "
", """
""", tab_photos_html(groups_infos, etat=etat), #'


', "
", '
', tab_absences_html(groups_infos, etat=etat), "
", ) ) H.append(html_sco_header.sco_footer()) return "\n".join(H) def form_groups_choice(groups_infos, with_selectall_butt=False, submit_on_change=False): """form pour selection groupes group_ids est la liste des groupes actuellement sélectionnés et doit comporter au moins un élément, sauf si formsemestre_id est spécifié. (utilisé pour retrouver le semestre et proposer la liste des autres groupes) Si submit_on_change, ajoute une classe "submit_on_change" qui est utilisee en JS """ default_group_id = sco_groups.get_default_group(groups_infos.formsemestre_id) H = [ """
Groupes: """ % (groups_infos.formsemestre_id, default_group_id) ] H.append(menu_groups_choice(groups_infos, submit_on_change=submit_on_change)) if with_selectall_butt: H.append( """""" ) H.append("
") return "\n".join(H) def menu_groups_choice(groups_infos, submit_on_change=False): """menu pour selection groupes group_ids est la liste des groupes actuellement sélectionnés et doit comporter au moins un élément, sauf si formsemestre_id est spécifié. (utilisé pour retrouver le semestre et proposer la liste des autres groupes) """ default_group_id = sco_groups.get_default_group(groups_infos.formsemestre_id) if submit_on_change: klass = "submit_on_change" else: klass = "" H = [ """ ") return "\n".join(H) def menu_group_choice(group_id=None, formsemestre_id=None): """Un bête menu pour choisir un seul groupe group_id est le groupe actuellement sélectionné. Si aucun groupe selectionné, utilise formsemestre_id pour lister les groupes. """ if group_id: group = sco_groups.get_group(group_id) formsemestre_id = group["formsemestre_id"] elif not formsemestre_id: raise ValueError("missing formsemestre_id") H = [ """ """ ) return "\n".join(H) class DisplayedGroupsInfos: """Container with attributes describing groups to display in the page .groups_query_args : 'group_ids=xxx&group_ids=yyy' .base_url : url de la requete, avec les groupes, sans les autres paramètres .formsemestre_id : semestre "principal" (en fait celui du 1er groupe de la liste) .members .groups_titles """ def __init__( self, group_ids=(), # groupes specifies dans l'URL, ou un seul int formsemestre_id=None, etat=None, select_all_when_unspecified=False, moduleimpl_id=None, # used to find formsemestre when unspecified ): if isinstance(group_ids, int): if group_ids: group_ids = [group_ids] # cas ou un seul parametre, pas de liste else: try: group_ids = [int(g) for g in group_ids] except ValueError as exc: raise ScoValueError( "identifiant de groupe invalide (mettre à jour vos bookmarks ?)" ) from exc if not formsemestre_id and moduleimpl_id: mods = sco_moduleimpl.moduleimpl_list(moduleimpl_id=moduleimpl_id) if len(mods) != 1: raise ValueError("invalid moduleimpl_id") formsemestre_id = mods[0]["formsemestre_id"] if not group_ids: # appel sans groupe (eg page accueil) if not formsemestre_id: raise Exception("missing parameter formsemestre_id or group_ids") if select_all_when_unspecified: group_ids = [ sco_groups.get_default_group(formsemestre_id, fix_if_missing=True) ] else: # selectionne le premier groupe trouvé, s'il y en a un partition = sco_groups.get_partitions_list( formsemestre_id, with_default=True )[0] groups = sco_groups.get_partition_groups(partition) if groups: group_ids = [groups[0]["group_id"]] else: group_ids = [sco_groups.get_default_group(formsemestre_id)] gq = [] for group_id in group_ids: gq.append("group_ids=" + str(group_id)) self.groups_query_args = "&".join(gq) self.base_url = request.base_url + "?" + self.groups_query_args self.group_ids = group_ids self.groups = [] groups_titles = [] self.members = [] self.tous_les_etuds_du_sem = ( False # affiche tous les etuds du semestre ? (si un seul semestre) ) self.sems = {} # formsemestre_id : sem self.formsemestre = None self.formsemestre_id = formsemestre_id self.nbdem = 0 # nombre d'étudiants démissionnaires en tout sem = None selected_partitions = set() for group_id in group_ids: group_members, group, group_tit, sem, nbdem = sco_groups.get_group_infos( group_id, etat=etat ) self.groups.append(group) self.nbdem += nbdem self.sems[sem["formsemestre_id"]] = sem if not self.formsemestre_id: self.formsemestre_id = sem["formsemestre_id"] self.formsemestre = sem self.members.extend(group_members) groups_titles.append(group_tit) if group["partition_name"] is None: self.tous_les_etuds_du_sem = True else: # liste les partitions explicitement sélectionnés (= des groupes de group_ids) selected_partitions.add((group["numero"] or 0, group["partition_id"])) self.selected_partitions = [ x[1] for x in sorted(list(selected_partitions)) ] # -> [ partition_id ] if not self.formsemestre: # aucun groupe selectionne self.formsemestre = sco_formsemestre.get_formsemestre(formsemestre_id) self.sortuniq() if len(self.sems) > 1: self.tous_les_etuds_du_sem = False # plusieurs semestres if self.tous_les_etuds_du_sem: if sem and sem["semestre_id"] >= 0: self.groups_titles = "S%d" % sem["semestre_id"] else: self.groups_titles = "tous" self.groups_filename = self.groups_titles else: self.groups_titles = ", ".join(groups_titles) self.groups_filename = "_".join(groups_titles).replace(" ", "_") # Sanitize filename: self.groups_filename = scu.make_filename(self.groups_filename) # colonnes pour affichages nom des groupes: # gère le cas où les étudiants appartiennent à des semestres différents self.partitions = [] # les partitions, sans celle par defaut for formsemestre_id in self.sems: for partition in sco_groups.get_partitions_list(formsemestre_id): if partition["partition_name"]: self.partitions.append(partition) def sortuniq(self): "Trie les étudiants (de plusieurs groupes) et élimine les doublons" if (len(self.group_ids) <= 1) or len(self.members) <= 1: return # on suppose que les etudiants d'un groupe sont deja triés # tri selon nom_usuel ou nom, sans accents self.members.sort(key=etud_sort_key) to_remove = [] T = self.members for i in range(len(T) - 1, 0, -1): if T[i - 1]["etudid"] == T[i]["etudid"]: to_remove.append(i) for i in to_remove: del T[i] def get_form_elem(self): """html hidden input with groups""" H = [] for group_id in self.group_ids: H.append(f'') return "\n".join(H) def get_formsemestre(self) -> FormSemestre: return ( db.session.get(FormSemestre, self.formsemestre_id) if self.formsemestre_id else None ) # Ancien ZScolar.group_list renommé ici en group_table def groups_table( groups_infos: DisplayedGroupsInfos = None, with_codes=0, etat=None, fmt="html", with_paiement=0, # si vrai, ajoute colonnes infos paiement droits et finalisation inscription (lent car interrogation portail) with_archives=0, # ajoute colonne avec noms fichiers archivés with_annotations=0, with_bourse=0, ): """liste etudiants inscrits dans ce semestre fmt: csv, json, xml, xls, allxls, xlsappel, moodlecsv, pdf Si with_codes, ajoute 4 colonnes avec les codes etudid, NIP, INE et etape """ from app.scodoc import sco_report # log( # "enter groups_table %s: %s" # % (groups_infos.members[0]["nom"], groups_infos.members[0].get("etape", "-")) # ) with_codes = int(with_codes) with_paiement = int(with_paiement) with_archives = int(with_archives) with_annotations = int(with_annotations) with_bourse = int(with_bourse) base_url_np = groups_infos.base_url + f"&with_codes={with_codes}" base_url = ( base_url_np + f"""&with_paiement={with_paiement}&with_archives={ with_archives}&with_annotations={with_annotations }&with_bourse={with_bourse}""" ) # columns_ids = ["civilite_str", "nom_disp", "prenom"] # colonnes a inclure titles = { "civilite_str": "Civ.", "nom_disp": "Nom", "prenom": "Prénom", "email": "Mail", "emailperso": "Personnel", "etat": "Etat", "etudid": "etudid", "code_nip": "code_nip", "code_ine": "code_ine", "datefinalisationinscription_str": "Finalisation inscr.", "paiementinscription_str": "Paiement", "etudarchive": "Fichiers", "annotations_str": "Annotations", "bourse_str": "Boursier", "etape": "Etape", "semestre_groupe": "Semestre-Groupe", # pour Moodle "annee": "annee_admission", } # ajoute colonnes pour groupes columns_ids.extend([p["partition_id"] for p in groups_infos.partitions]) titles.update( dict( [(p["partition_id"], p["partition_name"]) for p in groups_infos.partitions] ) ) partitions_name = { p["partition_id"]: p["partition_name"] for p in groups_infos.partitions } if fmt != "html": # ne mentionne l'état que en Excel (style en html) columns_ids.append("etat") columns_ids.append("email") columns_ids.append("emailperso") if fmt == "moodlecsv": columns_ids = ["email", "semestre_groupe"] if with_codes: columns_ids += ["etape", "etudid", "code_nip", "code_ine"] if with_paiement: columns_ids += ["datefinalisationinscription_str", "paiementinscription_str"] if with_paiement: # or with_codes: sco_portal_apogee.check_paiement_etuds(groups_infos.members) if with_archives: from app.scodoc import sco_archives_etud sco_archives_etud.add_archives_info_to_etud_list(groups_infos.members) columns_ids += ["etudarchive"] if with_annotations: sco_etud.add_annotations_to_etud_list(groups_infos.members) columns_ids += ["annotations_str"] if with_bourse: columns_ids += ["bourse_str"] moodle_sem_name = groups_infos.formsemestre["session_id"] moodle_groupenames = set() # ajoute liens for etud in groups_infos.members: if etud["email"]: etud["_email_target"] = "mailto:" + etud["email"] else: etud["_email_target"] = "" if etud["emailperso"]: etud["_emailperso_target"] = "mailto:" + etud["emailperso"] else: etud["_emailperso_target"] = "" fiche_url = url_for( "scolar.ficheEtud", scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept, etudid=etud["etudid"] ) etud["_nom_disp_target"] = fiche_url etud["_nom_disp_order"] = etud_sort_key(etud) etud["_prenom_target"] = fiche_url etud["_nom_disp_td_attrs"] = 'id="%s" class="etudinfo"' % (etud["etudid"]) etud["bourse_str"] = "oui" if etud["boursier"] else "non" if etud["etat"] == "D": etud["_css_row_class"] = "etuddem" # et groupes: for partition_id in etud["partitions"]: etud[partition_id] = etud["partitions"][partition_id]["group_name"] # Ajoute colonne pour moodle: semestre_groupe, de la forme # RT-DUT-FI-S3-2021-PARTITION-GROUPE moodle_groupename = [] if groups_infos.selected_partitions: # il y a des groupes selectionnes, utilise leurs partitions for partition_id in groups_infos.selected_partitions: if partition_id in etud["partitions"]: moodle_groupename.append( partitions_name[partition_id] + "-" + etud["partitions"][partition_id]["group_name"] ) else: # pas de groupes sélectionnés: prend le premier s'il y en a un moodle_groupename = ["tous"] if etud["partitions"]: for p in etud["partitions"].items(): # partitions is an OrderedDict moodle_groupename = [ partitions_name[p[0]] + "-" + p[1]["group_name"] ] break moodle_groupenames |= set(moodle_groupename) etud["semestre_groupe"] = moodle_sem_name + "-" + "+".join(moodle_groupename) if groups_infos.nbdem > 1: s = "s" else: s = "" if fmt == "moodlecsv": # de la forme S1-[FI][FA]-groupe.csv if not moodle_groupenames: moodle_groupenames = {"tous"} filename = ( moodle_sem_name + "-" + groups_infos.formsemestre["modalite"] + "-" + "+".join(sorted(moodle_groupenames)) ) else: filename = "etudiants_%s" % groups_infos.groups_filename prefs = sco_preferences.SemPreferences(groups_infos.formsemestre_id) tab = GenTable( rows=groups_infos.members, columns_ids=columns_ids, titles=titles, caption="soit %d étudiants inscrits et %d démissionaire%s." % (len(groups_infos.members) - groups_infos.nbdem, groups_infos.nbdem, s), base_url=base_url, filename=filename, pdf_link=False, # pas d'export pdf html_sortable=True, html_class="table_leftalign table_listegroupe", xml_outer_tag="group_list", xml_row_tag="etud", text_fields_separator=prefs["moodle_csv_separator"], text_with_titles=prefs["moodle_csv_with_headerline"], preferences=prefs, ) # if fmt == "html": amail_inst = [ x["email"] for x in groups_infos.members if x["email"] and x["etat"] != "D" ] amail_perso = [ x["emailperso"] for x in groups_infos.members if x["emailperso"] and x["etat"] != "D" ] if len(groups_infos.members): if groups_infos.tous_les_etuds_du_sem: htitle = "Les %d étudiants inscrits" % len(groups_infos.members) else: htitle = "Groupe %s (%d étudiants)" % ( groups_infos.groups_titles, len(groups_infos.members), ) else: htitle = "Aucun étudiant !" H = [ f"""
{htitle} """ ] if groups_infos.members: Of = [] options = { "with_paiement": "Paiement inscription", "with_archives": "Fichiers archivés", "with_annotations": "Annotations", "with_codes": "Codes", "with_bourse": "Statut boursier", } for option in options: if locals().get(option, False): selected = "selected" else: selected = "" Of.append( """""" % (option, selected, options[option]) ) H.extend( [ """ """, ] ) H.append("
") if groups_infos.members: H.extend( [ tab.html(), "") return "".join(H) + "
" elif ( fmt == "pdf" or fmt == "xml" or fmt == "json" or fmt == "xls" or fmt == "moodlecsv" ): if fmt == "moodlecsv": fmt = "csv" return tab.make_page(fmt=fmt) elif fmt == "xlsappel": xls = sco_excel.excel_feuille_listeappel( groups_infos.formsemestre, groups_infos.groups_titles, groups_infos.members, partitions=groups_infos.partitions, with_codes=with_codes, with_paiement=with_paiement, server_name=request.url_root, ) filename = "liste_%s" % groups_infos.groups_filename return scu.send_file(xls, filename, scu.XLSX_SUFFIX, scu.XLSX_MIMETYPE) elif fmt == "allxls": # feuille Excel avec toutes les infos etudiants if not groups_infos.members: return "" keys = [ "etudid", "code_nip", "etat", "civilite_str", "nom", "nom_usuel", "prenom", "inscriptionstr", ] if with_paiement: keys.append("paiementinscription") keys += [ "email", "emailperso", "domicile", "villedomicile", "codepostaldomicile", "paysdomicile", "telephone", "telephonemobile", "fax", "date_naissance", "lieu_naissance", "bac", "specialite", "annee_bac", "nomlycee", "villelycee", "codepostallycee", "codelycee", "annee", "type_admission", "boursier_prec", "boursier", "debouche", "parcours", "code_cursus", ] titles = keys[:] other_partitions = sco_groups.get_group_other_partitions(groups_infos.groups[0]) keys += [p["partition_id"] for p in other_partitions] titles += [p["partition_name"] for p in other_partitions] # remplis infos lycee si on a que le code lycée # et ajoute infos inscription for m in groups_infos.members: etud = sco_etud.get_etud_info(m["etudid"], filled=True)[0] m.update(etud) sco_etud.etud_add_lycee_infos(etud) # et ajoute le parcours Se = sco_cursus.get_situation_etud_cursus( etud, groups_infos.formsemestre_id ) m["parcours"] = Se.get_cursus_descr() m["code_cursus"], _ = sco_report.get_code_cursus_etud(etud) rows = [[m.get(k, "") for k in keys] for m in groups_infos.members] title = "etudiants_%s" % groups_infos.groups_filename xls = sco_excel.excel_simple_table(titles=titles, lines=rows, sheet_name=title) filename = title return scu.send_file(xls, filename, scu.XLSX_SUFFIX, scu.XLSX_MIMETYPE) else: raise ScoValueError("unsupported format") def tab_absences_html(groups_infos, etat=None): """contenu du tab "absences et feuilles diverses" """ authuser = current_user H = ['
'] if not groups_infos.members: return "".join(H) + "

Aucun étudiant !

" group_ids: str = ",".join(map(str, groups_infos.group_ids)) formsemestre: FormSemestre = groups_infos.get_formsemestre() H.extend( [ "


", '", "


", '", ] ) H.append('

Opérations diverses

") return "".join(H) def tab_photos_html(groups_infos, etat=None): """contenu du tab "photos" """ from app.scodoc import sco_trombino if not groups_infos.members: return '

Aucun étudiant !

' return sco_trombino.trombino_html(groups_infos) def form_choix_jour_saisie_hebdo(groups_infos, moduleimpl_id=None): """Formulaire choix jour semaine pour saisie.""" authuser = current_user if not authuser.has_permission(Permission.AbsChange): return "" return f""" """ # Saisie de l'assiduité par semaine def form_choix_saisie_semaine(groups_infos): authuser = current_user if not authuser.has_permission(Permission.AbsChange): return "" query_args = parse_qs(request.query_string) moduleimpl_id = query_args.get("moduleimpl_id", [None])[0] semaine = datetime.date.today().isocalendar().week return f""" """ def export_groups_as_moodle_csv(formsemestre_id=None): """Export all students/groups, in a CSV format suitable for Moodle Each (student,group) will be listed on a separate line jo@univ.fr,S3-A jo@univ.fr,S3-B1 if jo belongs to group A in a partition, and B1 in another one. Caution: if groups in different partitions share the same name, there will be duplicates... should we prefix the group names with the partition's name ? """ if not formsemestre_id: raise ScoValueError("missing parameter: formsemestre_id") _, partitions_etud_groups = sco_groups.get_formsemestre_groups( formsemestre_id, with_default=True ) sem = sco_formsemestre.get_formsemestre(formsemestre_id) moodle_sem_name = sem["session_id"] columns_ids = ("email", "semestre_groupe") T = [] for partition_id in partitions_etud_groups: partition = sco_groups.get_partition(partition_id) members = partitions_etud_groups[partition_id] for etudid in members: etud = sco_etud.get_etud_info(etudid=etudid, filled=True)[0] group_name = members[etudid]["group_name"] elts = [moodle_sem_name] if partition["partition_name"]: elts.append(partition["partition_name"]) if group_name: elts.append(group_name) T.append({"email": etud["email"], "semestre_groupe": "-".join(elts)}) # Make table prefs = sco_preferences.SemPreferences(formsemestre_id) tab = GenTable( rows=T, columns_ids=("email", "semestre_groupe"), filename=moodle_sem_name + "-moodle", titles={x: x for x in columns_ids}, text_fields_separator=prefs["moodle_csv_separator"], text_with_titles=prefs["moodle_csv_with_headerline"], preferences=prefs, ) return tab.make_page(fmt="csv")