forked from viennet/Referentiels
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\texttt{ACL} & Access Control List
& &
\texttt{MOOC} & Massive Open Online Course
\texttt{ADSL} & Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
& &
\texttt{NAS} & Network Attached Storage
\texttt{ALU} & Arithmetic and Logic Unit
& &
\texttt{NAT} & Network Address Translation
\texttt{ANSSI} & Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d'information
& &
\texttt{NDP} & Neighbor Discovery Protocol
\texttt{API} & Application Programming Interface
& &
\texttt{NTP} & Network Time Protocol
\texttt{APC} & Approche Par Compétence
& &
\texttt{OS} & Operating System
\texttt{ARP} & Address Resolution Protocol
& &
\texttt{OSPF} & Open Shortest Path First
\texttt{BDD} & Base De Données
& &
\texttt{PABX} & Private Automatic Branch Exchange
\texttt{CAN} & Convertisseur Analogique-Numérique
& &
\texttt{PAT} & Port Address Translation
\texttt{CC} & Copie Carbone
& &
\texttt{PC} & Personnal Computer
\texttt{CCi} & Copie Carbone invisible
& &
\texttt{PERT} & Program Evaluation and Review Technology
\texttt{CEM} & Compatibilité ÉlectroMagnétique
& &
\texttt{PME} & Petite et Moyenne Entreprise
\texttt{CNA} & Convertisseur Numérique-Analogique
& &
\texttt{PoE} & Power over Ethernet
\texttt{CNIL} & Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés
& &
\texttt{POP} & Post Office Protocol
\texttt{CIDR} & Classless Inter-Domain Routing
& &
\texttt{PPP} & Projet Professionnel et Personnel
\texttt{CSS} & Cascading Style Sheets
& &
\texttt{PXE} & Pre-boot eXecution Environment
\texttt{CSV} & Comma-Separated Values
& &
\texttt{QCM} & Questionnaire à Choix Multiples
\texttt{CV} & Curriculum Vitae
& &
\texttt{RGPD} & Règlement Général pour la Protection des Données
\texttt{DDoS} & Distributed Denial of Service
& &
\texttt{RSTP} & Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
\texttt{DHCP} & Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
& &
\texttt{RTP} & Real-Time Transport Protocol
\texttt{DMZ} & DeMilitarized Zone
& &
\texttt{SGBD} & Système de Gestion de Bases de Données
\texttt{DNS} & Domain Name System
& &
\texttt{SMTP} & Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
\texttt{DOM} & Document Object Model
& &
\texttt{SQL} & Structured Query Language
\texttt{DSI} & Direction des Systèmes d'Information
& &
\texttt{SSH} & Secure SHell
\texttt{DSP} & Densité Spectrale de Puissance
& &
\texttt{STP} & Spanning Tree Protocol
\texttt{DAB} & Digital Audio Broadcasting
& &
\texttt{TELNET} & TELecommunication NETwork
\texttt{DVB-S} & Digital Video Broadcasting Satellite
& &
\texttt{TCP} & Transmission Control Protocol
\texttt{DVB-T} & Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestre
& &
\texttt{TDM} & Time Division Multiplexing
\texttt{EMILE} & Enseignement d'une Matière par l'Intégration d'une Langue Etrangère
& &
\texttt{TFTP} & Trivial File Transfer Protocol
\texttt{FFT} & Fast Fourier Transform
& &
\texttt{ToIP} & Telephony over Internet Protocol
\texttt{FM} & Frequency Modulation
& &
\texttt{TV} & TéléVision
\texttt{FO} & Fibre Optique
& &
\texttt{UDP} & User Datagram Protocol
\texttt{FOVI} & Faux Ordres de Virements Internationaux
& &
\texttt{UML} & Unified Modeling Language
\texttt{FTP} & File Transfer Protocol
& &
\texttt{URL} & Uniform Resource Locator
\texttt{GBF} & Générateur de Basses Fréquences
& &
\texttt{USB} & Universal Serial Bus
\texttt{GPIO} & General Purpose Input/Output
& &
\texttt{VLAN} & Virtual Local Area Network
\texttt{HiFi} & High Fidelity
& &
\texttt{VLSM} & Variable-Length Subnet Masking
\texttt{HTML} & HyperText Markup Language
& &
\texttt{VM} & Virtual Machine
\texttt{HTTP} & Hypertext Transfer Protocol
& &
\texttt{VRF} & Virtual Routing Forwarding
\texttt{ICMP} & Internet Control Message Protocol
& &
\texttt{VTP} & VLAN Trunking Protocol
\texttt{IMAP} & Internet Message Access Protocol
& &
\texttt{xDSL} & x Digital Subscriber Line
\texttt{IP} & Internet Protocol
& &
\texttt{XML} & eXtensible Markup Language
\texttt{IPBX} & Internet Protocol Private Branch eXchange
& &
\texttt{XSS} & cross-Site Scripting
\texttt{JSON} & JavaScript Object Notation
& &
\texttt{2D} & deux Dimensions
\texttt{LAN} & Local Area Network
& &
\texttt{3D} & trois Dimensions
\texttt{LED} & Light-Emitting Diode
& &
\texttt{4G} & 4th Generation
\texttt{MAC} & Media Access Control
& &