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2024-10-14 01:17:25 +02:00
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import csv, os, sys
import json
from datetime import datetime
import re
debug = True # Not used
techno = False # global flag
blocking = True # Die if csv is incorrect
def blockordie():
if blocking:
# Read args from the command line
# then read config from {orderkey}.json
depts = []
orderkey = ""
def cli_check():
global techno
global orderkey
global depts
index = 1
if sys.argv[index][:2] == "--":
if sys.argv[index] == "--techno":
techno = True
print(f"{sys.argv[0]} [--techno] DEPT [DEPT] ...")
index += 1
orderkey = "_".join(sys.argv[index:])
depts = sys.argv[index:]
if len(depts) == 0:
print(f"{sys.argv[0]} [--techno] DEPT [DEPT] ...")
def read_conf(key):
if os.path.exists(f"{key}.json"):
with open(f"{key}.json", "r") as f:
return json.load(f)
return {}
conf = read_conf(orderkey)
# Manage default values
def conf_value(xkey: str):
if xkey in conf:
return conf[xkey]
if xkey == "width":
return 1300
if xkey == "height":
return 900
if xkey[-9:] == "separator":
return " "
if xkey == "nick":
return "{diplome}{rank}{department}{modalite}{parcours}"
if xkey == "extnick":
return "{rank}{diplomenobut}{modaliteshort}"
if xkey == "orders":
return [[], [], [], [], []]
return {}
# READ username, password, server, baseyear from secrets file
# This file should be kept really safe
# Currently, only baseyear = 2021 has been tested
# TODO: a CSV file would be more declarative and easier to manage
from dotenv import dotenv_values
def read_secrets():
global server, username, password, baseyear
config = dotenv_values(".env")
server = config["server"]
username = config["username"]
password = config["password"]
baseyear = int(config["baseyear"])
student = {}
CACHE_FILE = "cache.json"
def load_cache(cache_file):
if os.path.exists(cache_file):
with open(cache_file, "r") as f:
return json.load(f)
return {}
def save_cache(cache, file=None):
if file == None:
with open(CACHE_FILE, "w") as f:
json.dump(cache, f)
cache = load_cache(CACHE_FILE)
# Read color theme
# There are default color values, so may be it should just join the conf.json file
def read_theme():
if os.path.exists("theme.csv"):
with open("theme.csv", newline="") as csvfile:
csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=",", quotechar='"')
for row in csvreader:
if len(row) == 0:
elif len(row[0]) == 0:
print("Wrong line in theme : " + str(row))
elif row[0][0] == "#":
colors[row[0]] = row[1]
colors = {
"+DUT": "#0040C0",
"QUIT": "#00FF00",
"SUCCESS": "#0000FF",
"NORMAL": "#C0C0C0",
"FAIL": "#FF4040",
"OLD": "#FF8000",
"NEW": "#FFFF00",
"RED": "#000000",
# Read redirects
# Only one file, since various combinations including same departments should
# use the same redirections ("no jury yet but almost sure it will be ...")
def read_redirects():
if os.path.exists("redirect.csv"):
with open("redirect.csv", newline="") as csvfile:
csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=",", quotechar='"')
for row in csvreader:
if len(row) == 0:
elif len(row[0]) == 0:
print("Wrong line in redirect : " + str(row))
elif row[0][0] == "#":
redirects[int(row[0])] = row[1]
redirects = {}
# Gestion globale d'un jeton pour l'API
token = None
def get_json(url: str, params=None):
print(f"Requesting {url}")
global token
if token == None:
url_token = f"{server}/api/tokens"
response =, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(username, password))
if response.status_code == 200:
token = response.json().get("token")
f"Erreur de récupération de token: {response.status_code} - {response.text}"
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
if response.status_code == 200:
# Afficher la réponse JSON
return response.json()
print(f"Erreur avec {url}: {response.status_code} - {response.text}")
formsem_dept = {}
formsem_department = {}
def get_formsem_from_dept(dept):
if "formsems" in cache and dept in cache["formsems"]:
return cache["formsems"][dept]
if "formsems" not in cache:
cache["formsems"] = {}
if "sem" not in cache:
cache["sem"] = {}
query_url = f"{server}{dept}/api/formsemestres/query"
formsemestres = get_json(query_url)
result = []
for sem in formsemestres:
semid = str(sem["formsemestre_id"])
formsem_dept[semid] = dept
cache["sem"][semid] = sem
cache["formsems"][dept] = result
return result
def get_formations_from_dept(dept):
global server
if "formations" in cache and dept in cache["formations"]:
return cache["formations"][dept]
if "formations" not in cache:
cache["formations"] = {}
query_url = f"{server}{dept}/api/formations"
formations = get_json(query_url)
result = []
for f in formations:
if f["type_parcours"] == 700:
cache["formations"][dept] = result
return result
def get_etuds_from_formsem(dept, semid):
if type(semid) == type(0):
semid = str(semid)
if "etudlist" in cache and semid in cache["etudlist"]:
return cache["etudlist"][semid]
if "etudlist" not in cache:
cache["etudlist"] = {}
query_url = f"{server}{dept}/api/formsemestre/{semid}/etudiants/long"
result = get_json(query_url)
cache["etudlist"][semid] = result
return result
def get_jury_from_formsem(dept, semid):
if type(semid) == type(0):
semid = str(semid)
if "semjury" in cache and semid in cache["semjury"]:
return cache["semjury"][semid]
if "semjury" not in cache:
cache["semjury"] = {}
# query_url = f"{server}{dept}/Scolarite/Notes/formsemestre_recapcomplet?formsemestre_id={semid}&mode_jury=1&tabformat=json"
query_url = f"{server}{dept}/api/formsemestre/{semid}/decisions_jury"
result = get_json(query_url)
cache["semjury"][semid] = result
return result
def get_override(sem, xkey, default=None):
overrides = conf_value("override")
for j in ["titre_num", "titre", "session_id"]:
if (
j in sem
and j in overrides
and sem[j] in overrides[j]
and xkey in overrides[j][sem[j]]
return overrides[j][sem[j]][xkey]
return default
def analyse_student(semobj, etud, year=None):
"""Returns the final (department,diplome,rank,modalite,parcours,nickname) tuple from etudid in semid, taking into accounts overrides."""
session_id = semobj["session_id"].split("-")
department = session_id[0]
diplome = session_id[1]
modalite = session_id[2]
if year == None:
if semobj["semestre_id"] < 0:
rank = 1
rank = (semobj["semestre_id"] + 1) // 2
rank = year
parcours = None
groups = []
if "groups" in etud:
for x in etud["groups"]:
if x["partition_name"] == "Parcours":
parcours = x["group_name"]
if parcours == None:
parcours = ""
parcours = get_override(semobj, "parcours", parcours)
department = get_override(semobj, "department", department)
rank = get_override(semobj, "rank", rank)
diplome = get_override(semobj, "diplome", diplome)
modalite = get_override(semobj, "modalite", modalite)
if len(modalite) > 0 and modalite[0] == "G":
goal = modalite.split(":")[1:]
modalite = None
for g in goal:
gg = g.split("=")
# print(f"Looking for {gg[0]} yielding {gg[1]} out of {groupes}")
if gg[0] in groups:
modalite = gg[1]
nick = conf_value("nick")
if len(department) > 0:
nick = nick.replace(
"{department}", conf_value("department_separator") + department
nick = nick.replace("{department}", "")
if len(diplome) > 0:
nick = nick.replace("{diplome}", conf_value("diplome_separator") + diplome)
nick = nick.replace("{diplome}", "")
if len(str(rank)) > 0:
nick = nick.replace("{rank}", conf_value("rank_separator") + str(rank))
nick = nick.replace("{rank}", "")
if len(modalite) > 0:
nick = nick.replace("{modalite}", conf_value("modalite_separator") + modalite)
nick = nick.replace("{modalite}", "")
if len(parcours) > 0:
nick = nick.replace("{parcours}", conf_value("parcours_separator") + parcours)
nick = nick.replace("{parcours}", "")
formsem_department[str(semobj["id"])] = department
return department, diplome, rank, modalite, parcours, nick
def nick(semobj, etud):
department, diplome, rank, modalite, parcours, nick = analyse_student(semobj, etud)
return nick
def get_dept_from_sem(semid):
return formsem_department[str(semid)]
oldsems = set()
oldsemsdept = {}
futuresems = set()
futuresemsdept = {}
bacs = set()
cohort_nip = set()
def analyse_depts():
for dept in depts:
formsems = get_formsem_from_dept(dept)
for semid in formsems:
# Check if this is a part of the cohort
# or a future/old semester
sem = cache["sem"][str(semid)]
if sem["semestre_id"] < 0:
year = 1
year = (sem["semestre_id"] + 1) // 2
offset = sem["annee_scolaire"] - baseyear - year + 1
if offset < 0 and offset > -4:
oldsemsdept[semid] = dept
if offset > 0 and offset < 4:
futuresemsdept[semid] = dept
if offset != 0:
if offset == 0 and sem["formation"]["type_parcours"] != 700:
# This is a BUT semester, part of the cohort
# 0,1 : preceding year ; 2-7 : cohort ; 8+ : future
if sem["semestre_id"] < 0:
bucket = 1
bucket = str(int(sem["semestre_id"] - 1))
# Ici, le semestre est donc un semestre intéressant
# On prélève tous les étudiants, et on remplit leur cursus
etuds = get_etuds_from_formsem(dept, semid)
jurys = get_jury_from_formsem(dept, semid)
key = sem["titre_num"]
for etud in etuds:
etudid = etud["id"]
if etudid in student:
studentsummary = student[etudid]
studentsummary = {}
studentsummary["cursus"] = {} # Cursus is semid
studentsummary["etudid"] = {} # useful when merging students
studentsummary["pseudodept"] = {} # pseudo-dept for interdept
studentsummary["diplome"] = {} # diplome name
studentsummary["rank"] = {} # rank
studentsummary["modalite"] = {} # modalite
studentsummary["parcours"] = {} # parcours
studentsummary["nickname"] = {} # nick
studentsummary["dept"] = dept # useful when merging students
studentsummary["bac"] = "" # usually
department, diplome, rank, modalite, parcours, nick = analyse_student(
sem, etud, year
if "bac" in etud["admission"]:
studentsummary["bac"] = etud["admission"]["bac"]
studentsummary["bac"] = "INCONNU"
# We skip non-techno students if we are in techno mode
# If we want a mixed reporting, maybe we should change this
if techno and studentsummary["bac"][:2] != "ST": # TODO: change this
if bucket in studentsummary["cursus"]:
semestreerreur = int(bucket) + 1
f"// Élève {etudid} dans deux semestres à la fois : S{semestreerreur}, semestres {studentsummary['cursus'][bucket]} et {semid}"
if "dept" in studentsummary and studentsummary["dept"] != dept:
f"// Élève ayant changé de département {dept},{studentsummary['dept']}"
# department, diplome, rank, modalite, parcours, nick = analyse_student(
studentsummary["cursus"][bucket] = semid
studentsummary["etudid"][bucket] = etudid
studentsummary["pseudodept"][bucket] = department
studentsummary["diplome"][bucket] = diplome
studentsummary["rank"][bucket] = rank
studentsummary["modalite"][bucket] = modalite
studentsummary["parcours"][bucket] = parcours
studentsummary["nickname"][bucket] = nick
studentsummary["debug"] = etud["sort_key"] # TODO: REMOVE
studentsummary["unid"] = etud["code_nip"]
student[etudid] = studentsummary
def allseeingodin():
"""This function changes the student lists by peeking in the past and the future to know which students come from another cohort or go into a later cohort."""
oldstudents = {}
oldstudentslevel = {}
futurestudents = {}
futurestudentslevel = {}
# We look for the latest "old semester" in which every (old) student went
for semid in oldsems:
sem = cache["sem"][semid]
semlevel = sem["semestre_id"]
semlevel = abs(semlevel)
dept = oldsemsdept[semid]
etuds = get_etuds_from_formsem(dept, semid)
for etud in etuds:
nip = etud["code_nip"]
if nip not in cohort_nip:
if nip not in oldstudentslevel or semlevel > oldstudentslevel[nip]:
oldstudentslevel[nip] = semlevel
oldstudents[nip] = [semid, nick(sem, etud)]
for semid in futuresems:
sem = cache["sem"][semid]
if sem["formation"]["type_parcours"] != 700:
# We are only interested in BUT continuations (for now)
semlevel = sem["semestre_id"]
semlevel = abs(semlevel)
dept = futuresemsdept[semid]
etuds = get_etuds_from_formsem(dept, semid)
for etud in etuds:
nip = etud["code_nip"]
if nip not in cohort_nip:
if nip not in futurestudentslevel or semlevel > futurestudentslevel[nip]:
futurestudentslevel[nip] = semlevel
futurestudents[nip] = nick(sem, etud)
unification = {}
duplicates = {}
for etudid in student.keys():
unid = student[etudid]["unid"]
if unid in unification:
if unid not in duplicates:
duplicates[unid] = [unification[unid]]
unification[unid] = etudid
if unid in oldstudents:
student[etudid]["old"] = oldstudents[unid][1]
student[etudid]["oldsem"] = oldstudents[unid][0]
if unid in futurestudents:
student[etudid]["future"] = futurestudents[unid]
lastsem = -1
best = []
for unid in duplicates:
for suppidx in duplicates[unid][1:]:
supp = student[suppidx]
if str(lastsem) in supp["cursus"]:
for sem in range(5, lastsem, -1):
if str(sem) in supp["cursus"]:
lastsem = sem
best = [suppidx]
if len(best) > 1:
f"// Warning: cannot chose last semester for NIP {unid}: "
+ ", ".join(best)
bestid = best[0]
base = student[bestid]
for suppidx in duplicates[unid]:
if suppidx == bestid:
supp = student[suppidx]
for skey in (
for bucket in supp[skey]:
if bucket not in base[skey]:
base[skey][bucket] = supp[skey][bucket]
del student[suppidx]
strange_cases = []
next = {}
nextnick = {}
for etudid in student.keys():
etud = student[etudid]
cursus_array = [None] * 6
nickname_array = [None] * 6
etudid_array = [None] * 6
for i in range(6):
if str(i) in etud["cursus"]:
cursus_array[i] = etud["cursus"][str(i)]
nickname_array[i] = etud["nickname"][str(i)]
etudid_array[i] = etud["etudid"][str(i)]
# On va réduire aux semestres pairs, on cherche donc la continuation la plus habituelle pour
# les élèves qui s'arrêtent sur un semestre impair
for i in range(0, 5, 2):
currs = str(cursus_array[i])
nexts = str(cursus_array[i + 1])
currn = str(nickname_array[i])
nextn = str(nickname_array[i + 1])
if nexts is not None:
if currs not in next:
next[currs] = {}
if nexts not in next[currs]:
next[currs][nexts] = 1
next[currs][nexts] += 1
if nextn is not None:
if currn not in nextnick:
nextnick[currn] = {}
if nextn not in nextnick[currn]:
nextnick[currn][nextn] = 1
nextnick[currn][nextn] += 1
etud["cursus_array"] = cursus_array
etud["nickname_array"] = nickname_array
etud["etudid_array"] = etudid_array
nextbest = {}
nextnickbest = {}
for key in next:
max = 0
best = None
for key2 in next[key]:
if next[key][key2] > max:
max = next[key][key2]
best = key2
nextbest[key] = best
for key in nextnick:
max = 0
best = None
for key2 in nextnick[key]:
if nextnick[key][key2] > max:
max = nextnick[key][key2]
best = key2
nextnickbest[key] = best
evennicknames = {}
for etudid in student.keys():
etud = student[etudid]
for i in range(1, 6, 2):
if etud["nickname_array"][i] not in evennicknames:
evennicknames[etud["nickname_array"][i]] = 1
evennicknames[etud["nickname_array"][i]] += 1
for etudid in student.keys():
etud = student[etudid]
cursus_short = [None] * 5
nickname_short = [None] * 5
etudid_short = [None] * 5
semend = None
semstart = None
for year in range(1, 4):
sem1 = 2 * year - 2
sem2 = 2 * year - 1
finalsem = etud["cursus_array"][sem2]
nick = etud["nickname_array"][sem2]
etid = etud["etudid_array"][sem2]
if finalsem == None:
finalsem = etud["cursus_array"][sem1]
nick = etud["nickname_array"][sem1]
etid = etud["etudid_array"][sem1]
if finalsem != None:
# Abandon au premier semestre de cette année
# print(f"Pour {etudid}, année {year}, abandon au S1")
if nick not in evennicknames:
# print( f"Pour {etudid}, année {year}, changement {nick} en {nextnickbest[nick]}" )
nick = nextnickbest[nick]
if finalsem != None:
cursus_short[year] = finalsem
nickname_short[year] = nick
etudid_short[year] = etid
if etud["cursus_array"][sem1] == None:
# print(f"Pour {etudid}, année {year}, saute-mouton du S1")
etud["short"] = cursus_short
etud["nickshort"] = nickname_short
etud["etudidshort"] = etudid_short
for etudid in student.keys():
etud = student[etudid]
lastyear = 4
lastsem = None
while lastsem == None:
lastyear -= 1
lastsem = etud["short"][lastyear]
ddd = get_dept_from_sem(lastsem)
if ddd not in depts:
dd = len(depts)
badred = {}
goodred = {}
failure = {}
diploma = {}
reor2 = {}
reor1 = {}
unknown = {}
entries = {}
redirs = {}
for d in depts:
badred[d] = 0
goodred[d] = 0
failure[d] = 0
diploma[d] = 0
reor2[d] = 0
reor1[d] = 0
unknown[d] = 0
entries[d] = 0
redirs[d] = 0
strangecases = []
for etudid in student.keys():
etud = student[etudid]
lastyear = 4
lastsem = None
while lastsem == None:
lastyear -= 1
lastsem = etud["short"][lastyear]
ddd = get_dept_from_sem(lastsem)
jury = get_jury_from_formsem(None, lastsem)
etudid_real = etud["etudidshort"][lastyear]
if etudid_real != etudid:
print(f"// Warning {etudid} {etudid_real}")
resjury = None
for x in jury:
if x["etudid"] == etudid_real:
resjury = x
if resjury == None:
print(f"// No jury for {etudid} year {lastyear}")
resultyear = None
if resjury["etat"] == "D":
resultyear = "DEM"
if resjury["etat"] == "DEF":
resultyear = "DEF"
if (
"annee" in resjury
and "code" in resjury["annee"]
and resjury["annee"]["code"] is not None
resultyear = resjury["annee"]["code"]
finaloutput = None
checkred = False
if etudid in redirects:
resultyear = redirects[etudid]
redirs[ddd] += 1
f"REDI{lastyear} {server}{ddd}/Scolarite/fiche_etud?etudid={etudid}"
if resultyear == None:
finaloutput = "?" + etud["nickshort"][lastyear]
unknown[ddd] += 1
f"????{lastyear} {server}{ddd}/Scolarite/fiche_etud?etudid={etudid}"
elif resultyear in ("RAT", "ATJ"):
finaloutput = "?" + etud["nickshort"][lastyear]
unknown[ddd] += 1
f"ATTE{lastyear} {server}{ddd}/Scolarite/fiche_etud?etudid={etudid}"
elif resultyear in ("RED", "ABL", "ADSUP"):
finaloutput = "RED " + etud["nickshort"][lastyear]
checkred = True
elif lastyear == 3 and resultyear in ("ADM", "ADJ"):
finaloutput = "DIPLOME " + etud["nickshort"][lastyear]
diploma[ddd] += 1
elif lastyear == 2 and resultyear in ("ADM", "ADJ"):
finaloutput = "+DUT " + etud["nickshort"][lastyear]
reor2[ddd] += 1
elif resultyear in ("PAS1NCI", "PASD"):
finaloutput = "QUIT " + etud["nickshort"][lastyear]
reor1[ddd] += 1
elif lastyear < 2 and resultyear in ("ADM", "ADJ"):
finaloutput = "QUIT " + etud["nickshort"][lastyear]
reor1[ddd] += 1
elif resultyear in ("NAR", "DEM", "DEF", "ABAN"):
finaloutput = "FAIL " + etud["nickshort"][lastyear]
failure[ddd] += 1
elif resjury["annee"]["annee_scolaire"] != baseyear + lastyear - 1:
finaloutput = "RED " + etud["nickshort"][lastyear]
checkred = True
if checkred:
if "future" not in etud:
# print(f"// Mauvais redoublement : {etudid}")
badred[ddd] += 1
finaloutput = "FAIL" + finaloutput[3:]
goodred[ddd] += 1
etud["nickshort"][lastyear + 1] = finaloutput
(firstsem, firstyear) = (
(etud["short"][1], 1)
if etud["short"][1] != None
else (
(etud["short"][2], 2) if etud["short"][2] != None else (etud["short"][3], 3)
firstdept = cache["sem"][firstsem]["departement"]["acronym"]
if "old" in etud:
yearold = cache["sem"][etud["oldsem"]]["annee_scolaire"]
etud["nickshort"][firstyear - 1] = etud["old"] + " " + str(yearold)
yy = yearold
delta = firstyear + baseyear - yy - 2
for i in range(delta, firstyear - 1):
etud["nickshort"][i] = etud["nickshort"][firstyear - 1] + "*" * (
firstyear - 1 - i
if etud["cursus"][str(firstyear * 2 - 2)] is not None:
startsem = str(firstyear * 2 - 2)
startsem = str(firstyear * 2 - 1)
department = etud["pseudodept"][startsem]
diplome = etud["diplome"][startsem]
rank = etud["rank"][startsem]
modalite = etud["modalite"][startsem]
parcours = etud["parcours"][startsem]
nick = conf_value("extnick")
if len(department) > 0:
nick = nick.replace(
"{department}", conf_value("department_separator") + department
nick = nick.replace("{department}", "")
if len(diplome) > 0:
nick = nick.replace("{diplome}", conf_value("diplome_separator") + diplome)
nick = nick.replace("{diplome}", "")
if len(diplome) > 0 and diplome != "BUT":
nick = nick.replace(
"{diplomenobut}", conf_value("diplome_separator") + diplome
nick = nick.replace("{diplomenobut}", "")
if len(str(rank)) > 0:
nick = nick.replace("{rank}", conf_value("rank_separator") + str(rank))
nick = nick.replace("{rank}", "")
if len(modalite) > 0:
nick = nick.replace(
"{modalite}", conf_value("modalite_separator") + modalite
nick = nick.replace("{modalite}", "")
if len(modalite) > 0 and modalite != "FI":
nick = nick.replace("{modaliteshort}", modalite[-1])
nick = nick.replace("{modaliteshort}", "")
if len(parcours) > 0:
nick = nick.replace(
"{parcours}", conf_value("parcours_separator") + parcours
nick = nick.replace("{parcours}", "")
if diplome != "BUT":
nick = "Ecand " + nick
nick = "EXT" + nick
etud["nickshort"][firstyear - 1] = nick
for i in range(0, firstyear - 1):
etud["nickshort"][i] = nick + "*" * (firstyear - 1 - i)
entries[ddd] += 1
bags = [{}, {}, {}, {}]
for etudid in student.keys():
parc = student[etudid]["nickshort"]
previouslevels = []
for i in range(4):
nstart = parc[i]
nend = parc[i + 1]
if nstart != None and nend != None:
if nstart not in bags[i]:
bags[i][nstart] = {}
if nend not in bags[i][nstart]:
bags[i][nstart][nend] = 1
bags[i][nstart][nend] += 1
layers = [[], [], [], [], []]
finallayers = [[], [], [], [], []]
alllayers = []
flatbags = []
for i in range(4):
for u in bags[i]:
if u not in alllayers:
for v in bags[i][u]:
if v not in alllayers:
layers[i + 1].append(v)
flatbags.append([u, v, bags[i][u][v]])
allowed = []
nextallowed = [[], [], [], [], []]
weights = {}
orders = conf_value("orders")
x = set(alllayers)
y = set()
for i in orders:
y = y.union(set(i))
for i in range(5):
if len(orders[i]) > 0:
for j in orders[i]:
if j in alllayers:
for j, k in enumerate(orders[i]):
weights[k] = j + 1
for u in layers[i]:
if u not in allowed and u not in nextallowed[i]:
for i in range(5):
for bag in flatbags:
w = 0
if bag[0] in weights:
w += weights[bag[0]]
if bag[1] in weights:
w += weights[bag[1]]
flatbags = sorted(flatbags, key=lambda x: x[-1])
orderedflatbags = []
while len(flatbags) > 0:
gotone = False
for x in flatbags:
if x[0] in allowed and x[1] in allowed:
# print(f"{x} est pris")
gotone = True
# print(f"Choosing {x}")
for i in range(5):
if x[0] in layers[i] and x[0] not in finallayers[i]:
if i < 4 and x[1] in layers[i + 1] and x[1] not in finallayers[i + 1]:
finallayers[i + 1].append(x[1])
if x[0] in nextallowed[i]:
# print(f"[{i}] Removing {x[0]} from {nextallowed[i]}")
if x[1] in nextallowed[i]:
# print(f"[{i}] Removing {x[1]} from {nextallowed[i]}")
# print(f"[{i}] {nextallowed[i]}")
if len(nextallowed[i]) > 0 and nextallowed[i][0] not in allowed:
# print(f"[{i}] Allowing now {nextallowed[i][0]}")
if not gotone:
print("---", allowed)
def printout():
with open(f"sankeymatic_{orderkey}.txt", "w") as fout:
def output(*a, **b):
b["file"] = fout
print(*a, **b)
date_actuelle =
date_formatee = date_actuelle.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
f"// SankeyMATIC diagram inputs - Saved: {date_formatee}\n//\n\n// === Nodes and Flows ===\n\n"
output("// THEME INFO")
for c, cc in colors.items():
output(f"// !{c}:{cc}")
allnodes = []
for y in orderedflatbags:
output(f"{y[0]} [{y[2]}] {y[1]}")
allnodes = list(set(allnodes))
nodes = {}
for x in allnodes:
color = colors["NORMAL"]
if x[0:4] == "FAIL":
color = f"{colors['FAIL']} <<"
elif x[0:4] == "+DUT":
color = f"{colors['+DUT']} <<"
elif x[0:4] == "QUIT":
color = f"{colors['QUIT']} <<"
elif x[0:3] == "RED":
color = f"{colors['RED']} <<"
elif x[0:4] == "DIPL":
color = f"{colors['SUCCESS']} <<"
elif x[0:3] == "EXT":
color = f"{colors['NEW']} >>"
elif x[0:3] == "BUT":
color = f"{colors['NORMAL']}"
elif x[0:3] == "DUT":
color = f"{colors['OLD']} >>"
if x[-1] == "*":
color = f"{colors['TRANSPARENT']} >>"
if len(color):
nodes[x] = color
for u in sorted(nodes.keys()):
output(f":{u} {nodes[u]}")
height = conf_value("height")
width = conf_value("width")
output("\n\n// === Settings ===\n")
output(f"size w {width}")
output(f" h {height}")
with open("trailer.txt", "r") as fichier:
contenu =
for ddd in depts:
p1 = round(100 * diploma[ddd] / entries[ddd])
p2 = round(100 * (diploma[ddd] + reor2[ddd]) / entries[ddd])
p3 = round(100 * (failure[ddd] / entries[ddd]))
p4 = round(100 * (failure[ddd] + badred[ddd] + reor1[ddd]) / entries[ddd])
output(f"// Département {ddd}")
output(f"// {entries[ddd]} Entrées")
output(f"// {diploma[ddd]} Diplômes")
output(f"// {reor2[ddd]} DUT")
output(f"// {p1}-{p2}% de réussite")
output(f"// {goodred[ddd]} Redoublements")
output(f"// {reor1[ddd]} départs de la formation")
output(f"// {badred[ddd]} redoublements autorisés non actés")
output(f"// {failure[ddd]} échecs")
output(f"// {p3}-{p4}% d'échecs")
output(f"// {unknown[ddd]} inconnus")
for x in strangecases:
output(f"// {x}")
output(f'// orders["{orderkey}"] = {finallayers}')
output(f"// bacs: {bacs}")
# output("\n\n\n")
# for y in range(4):
# for u in bags[y]:
# for v in bags[y][u]:
# color = ""
# if v[0:4] == "FAIL":
# color = ",red"
# elif v[0:4] == "+DUT":
# color = ",green"
# elif v[0:4] == "DIPL":
# color = ",cyan"
# elif u[0:3] == "EXT":
# color = ",yellow"
# output(f"{u},{v},{bags[y][u][v]}{color}")