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2022-03-16 19:06:20 +01:00

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# -*- mode: python -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Gestion scolarite IUT
# Copyright (c) 1999 - 2022 Emmanuel Viennet. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Emmanuel Viennet emmanuel.viennet@viennet.net
"""Système de notification par mail des excès d'absences
(see ticket #147)
Il suffit d'appeler abs_notify() après chaque ajout d'absence.
import datetime
from flask import g, url_for
from flask_mail import Message
from app.models.formsemestre import FormSemestre
import app.scodoc.notesdb as ndb
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
from app import log
from app.scodoc.scolog import logdb
from app.scodoc import sco_etud
from app.scodoc import sco_formsemestre
from app.scodoc import sco_preferences
from app.scodoc import sco_users
from app import email
def abs_notify(etudid, date):
"""Check if notifications are requested and send them
Considère le nombre d'absence dans le semestre courant
(s'il n'y a pas de semestre courant, ne fait rien,
car l'etudiant n'est pas inscrit au moment de l'absence!).
from app.scodoc import sco_abs
formsemestre = retreive_current_formsemestre(etudid, date)
if not formsemestre:
return # non inscrit a la date, pas de notification
nbabs, nbabsjust = sco_abs.get_abs_count_in_interval(
etudid, formsemestre.date_debut.isoformat(), formsemestre.date_fin.isoformat()
do_abs_notify(formsemestre, etudid, date, nbabs, nbabsjust)
def do_abs_notify(formsemestre: FormSemestre, etudid, date, nbabs, nbabsjust):
"""Given new counts of absences, check if notifications are requested and send them."""
# prefs fallback to global pref if sem is None:
if formsemestre:
formsemestre_id = formsemestre.id
formsemestre_id = None
prefs = sco_preferences.SemPreferences(formsemestre_id=formsemestre_id)
destinations = abs_notify_get_destinations(
formsemestre, prefs, etudid, date, nbabs, nbabsjust
msg = abs_notification_message(formsemestre, prefs, etudid, nbabs, nbabsjust)
if not msg:
return # abort
# Vérification fréquence (pour ne pas envoyer de mails trop souvent)
abs_notify_max_freq = sco_preferences.get_preference("abs_notify_max_freq")
destinations_filtered = []
for email_addr in destinations:
nbdays_since_last_notif = user_nbdays_since_last_notif(email_addr, etudid)
if (nbdays_since_last_notif is None) or (
nbdays_since_last_notif >= abs_notify_max_freq
if destinations_filtered:
def abs_notify_send(destinations, etudid, msg, nbabs, nbabsjust, formsemestre_id):
"""Actually send the notification by email, and register it in database"""
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
log("abs_notify: sending notification to %s" % destinations)
cursor = cnx.cursor(cursor_factory=ndb.ScoDocCursor)
for dest_addr in destinations:
msg.recipients = [dest_addr]
"""INSERT into absences_notifications
(etudid, email, nbabs, nbabsjust, formsemestre_id)
VALUES (%(etudid)s, %(email)s, %(nbabs)s, %(nbabsjust)s, %(formsemestre_id)s)
"etudid": etudid,
"email": dest_addr,
"nbabs": nbabs,
"nbabsjust": nbabsjust,
"formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id,
msg="sent to %s (nbabs=%d)" % (destinations, nbabs),
def abs_notify_get_destinations(
formsemestre: FormSemestre, prefs, etudid, date, nbabs, nbabsjust
) -> set:
"""Returns set of destination emails to be notified"""
destinations = [] # list of email address to notify
if abs_notify_is_above_threshold(etudid, nbabs, nbabsjust, formsemestre.id):
if prefs["abs_notify_respsem"]:
# notifie chaque responsable du semestre
for responsable in formsemestre.responsables:
if responsable.email:
if prefs["abs_notify_chief"] and prefs["email_chefdpt"]:
if prefs["abs_notify_email"]:
if prefs["abs_notify_etud"]:
etud = sco_etud.get_etud_info(etudid=etudid, filled=True)[0]
if etud["email_default"]:
# Notification (à chaque fois) des resp. de modules ayant des évaluations
# à cette date
# nb: on pourrait prevoir d'utiliser un autre format de message pour ce cas
if prefs["abs_notify_respeval"]:
mods = mod_with_evals_at_date(date, etudid)
for mod in mods:
u = sco_users.user_info(mod["responsable_id"])
if u["email"]:
# uniq
destinations = set(destinations)
return destinations
def abs_notify_is_above_threshold(etudid, nbabs, nbabsjust, formsemestre_id):
"""True si il faut notifier les absences (indépendemment du destinataire)
nbabs: nombre d'absence (de tous types, unité de compte = demi-journée)
nbabsjust: nombre d'absences justifiées
(nbabs > abs_notify_abs_threshold)
(nbabs - nbabs_last_notified) > abs_notify_abs_increment
abs_notify_abs_threshold = sco_preferences.get_preference(
"abs_notify_abs_threshold", formsemestre_id
abs_notify_abs_increment = sco_preferences.get_preference(
"abs_notify_abs_increment", formsemestre_id
nbabs_last_notified = etud_nbabs_last_notified(etudid, formsemestre_id)
if nbabs_last_notified == 0:
if nbabs > abs_notify_abs_threshold:
return True # first notification
return False
if (nbabs - nbabs_last_notified) >= abs_notify_abs_increment:
return True
return False
def etud_nbabs_last_notified(etudid, formsemestre_id=None):
"""nbabs lors de la dernière notification envoyée pour cet étudiant dans ce semestre
ou sans semestre (ce dernier cas est nécessaire pour la transition au nouveau code)"""
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
cursor = cnx.cursor(cursor_factory=ndb.ScoDocCursor)
"""select * from absences_notifications where etudid = %(etudid)s and (formsemestre_id = %(formsemestre_id)s or formsemestre_id is NULL) order by notification_date desc""",
res = cursor.dictfetchone()
if res:
return res["nbabs"]
return 0
def user_nbdays_since_last_notif(email_addr, etudid):
"""nb days since last notification to this email, or None if no previous notification"""
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
cursor = cnx.cursor(cursor_factory=ndb.ScoDocCursor)
"""SELECT * FROM absences_notifications
WHERE email = %(email_addr)s and etudid=%(etudid)s
ORDER BY notification_date DESC
{"email_addr": email_addr, "etudid": etudid},
res = cursor.dictfetchone()
if res:
now = datetime.datetime.now(res["notification_date"].tzinfo)
return (now - res["notification_date"]).days
return None
def abs_notification_message(
formsemestre: FormSemestre, prefs, etudid, nbabs, nbabsjust
"""Mime notification message based on template.
returns a Message instance
or None if sending should be canceled (empty template).
from app.scodoc import sco_bulletins
etud = sco_etud.get_etud_info(etudid=etudid, filled=True)[0]
# Variables accessibles dans les balises du template: %(nom_variable)s :
values = sco_bulletins.make_context_dict(formsemestre, etud)
values["nbabs"] = nbabs
values["nbabsjust"] = nbabsjust
values["nbabsnonjust"] = nbabs - nbabsjust
values["url_ficheetud"] = url_for(
"scolar.ficheEtud", scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept, etudid=etudid, _external=True
template = prefs["abs_notification_mail_tmpl"]
if template:
txt = prefs["abs_notification_mail_tmpl"] % values
log("abs_notification_message: empty template, not sending message")
return None
subject = """[ScoDoc] Trop d'absences pour %(nomprenom)s""" % etud
msg = Message(subject, sender=prefs["email_from_addr"])
msg.body = txt
return msg
def retreive_current_formsemestre(etudid: int, cur_date) -> FormSemestre:
"""Get formsemestre dans lequel etudid est (ou était) inscrit a la date indiquée
date est une chaine au format ISO (yyyy-mm-dd)
Result: FormSemestre ou None si pas inscrit à la date indiquée
req = """SELECT i.formsemestre_id
FROM notes_formsemestre_inscription i, notes_formsemestre sem
WHERE sem.id = i.formsemestre_id AND i.etudid = %(etudid)s
AND (%(cur_date)s >= sem.date_debut) AND (%(cur_date)s <= sem.date_fin)
r = ndb.SimpleDictFetch(req, {"etudid": etudid, "cur_date": cur_date})
if not r:
return None
# s'il y a plusieurs semestres, prend le premier (rarissime et non significatif):
formsemestre = FormSemestre.query.get(r[0]["formsemestre_id"])
return formsemestre
def mod_with_evals_at_date(date_abs, etudid):
"""Liste des moduleimpls avec des evaluations à la date indiquée"""
req = """SELECT m.id AS moduleimpl_id, m.*
FROM notes_moduleimpl m, notes_evaluation e, notes_moduleimpl_inscription i
WHERE m.id = e.moduleimpl_id AND e.moduleimpl_id = i.moduleimpl_id
AND i.etudid = %(etudid)s AND e.jour = %(date_abs)s"""
r = ndb.SimpleDictFetch(req, {"etudid": etudid, "date_abs": date_abs})
return r