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/*! FixedHeader 3.2.1
* ©2009-2021 SpryMedia Ltd - datatables.net/license
* @summary FixedHeader
* @description Fix a table's header or footer, so it is always visible while
* scrolling
* @version 3.2.1
* @file dataTables.fixedHeader.js
* @author SpryMedia Ltd (www.sprymedia.co.uk)
* @contact www.sprymedia.co.uk/contact
* @copyright Copyright 2009-2021 SpryMedia Ltd.
* This source file is free software, available under the following license:
* MIT license - http://datatables.net/license/mit
* This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license files for details.
* For details please refer to: http://www.datatables.net
(function( factory ){
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define( ['jquery', 'datatables.net'], function ( $ ) {
return factory( $, window, document );
} );
else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
// CommonJS
module.exports = function (root, $) {
if ( ! root ) {
root = window;
if ( ! $ || ! $.fn.dataTable ) {
$ = require('datatables.net')(root, $).$;
return factory( $, root, root.document );
else {
// Browser
factory( jQuery, window, document );
}(function( $, window, document, undefined ) {
'use strict';
var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable;
var _instCounter = 0;
var FixedHeader = function ( dt, config ) {
// Sanity check - you just know it will happen
if ( ! (this instanceof FixedHeader) ) {
throw "FixedHeader must be initialised with the 'new' keyword.";
// Allow a boolean true for defaults
if ( config === true ) {
config = {};
dt = new DataTable.Api( dt );
this.c = $.extend( true, {}, FixedHeader.defaults, config );
this.s = {
dt: dt,
position: {
theadTop: 0,
tbodyTop: 0,
tfootTop: 0,
tfootBottom: 0,
width: 0,
left: 0,
tfootHeight: 0,
theadHeight: 0,
windowHeight: $(window).height(),
visible: true
headerMode: null,
footerMode: null,
autoWidth: dt.settings()[0].oFeatures.bAutoWidth,
namespace: '.dtfc'+(_instCounter++),
scrollLeft: {
header: -1,
footer: -1
enable: true
this.dom = {
floatingHeader: null,
thead: $(dt.table().header()),
tbody: $(dt.table().body()),
tfoot: $(dt.table().footer()),
header: {
host: null,
floating: null,
floatingParent: $('<div class="dtfh-floatingparent">'),
placeholder: null
footer: {
host: null,
floating: null,
floatingParent: $('<div class="dtfh-floatingparent">'),
placeholder: null
this.dom.header.host = this.dom.thead.parent();
this.dom.footer.host = this.dom.tfoot.parent();
var dtSettings = dt.settings()[0];
if ( dtSettings._fixedHeader ) {
throw "FixedHeader already initialised on table "+dtSettings.nTable.id;
dtSettings._fixedHeader = this;
* Variable: FixedHeader
* Purpose: Prototype for FixedHeader
* Scope: global
$.extend( FixedHeader.prototype, {
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* API methods
* Kill off FH and any events
destroy: function () {
this.s.dt.off( '.dtfc' );
$(window).off( this.s.namespace );
if ( this.c.header ) {
this._modeChange( 'in-place', 'header', true );
if ( this.c.footer && this.dom.tfoot.length ) {
this._modeChange( 'in-place', 'footer', true );
* Enable / disable the fixed elements
* @param {boolean} enable `true` to enable, `false` to disable
enable: function ( enable, update )
this.s.enable = enable;
if ( update || update === undefined ) {
this._scroll( true );
* Get enabled status
enabled: function ()
return this.s.enable;
* Set header offset
* @param {int} new value for headerOffset
headerOffset: function ( offset )
if ( offset !== undefined ) {
this.c.headerOffset = offset;
return this.c.headerOffset;
* Set footer offset
* @param {int} new value for footerOffset
footerOffset: function ( offset )
if ( offset !== undefined ) {
this.c.footerOffset = offset;
return this.c.footerOffset;
* Recalculate the position of the fixed elements and force them into place
update: function (force)
var table = this.s.dt.table().node();
if ( $(table).is(':visible') ) {
this.enable( true, false );
else {
this.enable( false, false );
// Don't update if header is not in the document atm (due to
// async events)
if ($(table).children('thead').length === 0) {
this._scroll( force !== undefined ? force : true );
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Constructor
* FixedHeader constructor - adding the required event listeners and
* simple initialisation
* @private
_constructor: function ()
var that = this;
var dt = this.s.dt;
.on( 'scroll'+this.s.namespace, function () {
} )
.on( 'resize'+this.s.namespace, DataTable.util.throttle( function () {
that.s.position.windowHeight = $(window).height();
}, 50 ) );
var autoHeader = $('.fh-fixedHeader');
if ( ! this.c.headerOffset && autoHeader.length ) {
this.c.headerOffset = autoHeader.outerHeight();
var autoFooter = $('.fh-fixedFooter');
if ( ! this.c.footerOffset && autoFooter.length ) {
this.c.footerOffset = autoFooter.outerHeight();
.on( 'column-reorder.dt.dtfc column-visibility.dt.dtfc column-sizing.dt.dtfc responsive-display.dt.dtfc', function (e, ctx) {
} )
.on( 'draw.dt.dtfc', function (e, ctx) {
// For updates from our own table, don't reclone, but for all others, do
that.update(ctx === dt.settings()[0] ? false : true);
} );
dt.on( 'destroy.dtfc', function () {
} );
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Private methods
* Clone a fixed item to act as a place holder for the original element
* which is moved into a clone of the table element, and moved around the
* document to give the fixed effect.
* @param {string} item 'header' or 'footer'
* @param {boolean} force Force the clone to happen, or allow automatic
* decision (reuse existing if available)
* @private
_clone: function ( item, force )
var dt = this.s.dt;
var itemDom = this.dom[ item ];
var itemElement = item === 'header' ?
this.dom.thead :
// If footer and scrolling is enabled then we don't clone
// Instead the table's height is decreased accordingly - see `_scroll()`
if (item === 'footer' && this._scrollEnabled()) {
if ( ! force && itemDom.floating ) {
// existing floating element - reuse it
itemDom.floating.removeClass( 'fixedHeader-floating fixedHeader-locked' );
else {
if ( itemDom.floating ) {
if(itemDom.placeholder !== null) {
this._unsize( item );
var tableNode = $(dt.table().node());
var scrollBody = $(tableNode.parent());
var scrollEnabled = this._scrollEnabled();
itemDom.floating = $( dt.table().node().cloneNode( false ) )
.attr( 'aria-hidden', 'true' )
'table-layout': 'fixed',
top: 0,
left: 0
.removeAttr( 'id' )
.append( itemElement );
width: scrollBody.width(),
overflow: 'hidden',
height: 'fit-content',
position: 'fixed',
left: scrollEnabled ? tableNode.offset().left + scrollBody.scrollLeft() : 0
item === 'header' ?
top: this.c.headerOffset,
bottom: ''
} :
top: '',
bottom: this.c.footerOffset
.addClass(item === 'footer' ? 'dtfh-floatingparentfoot' : 'dtfh-floatingparenthead')
.appendTo( 'body' );
this._stickyPosition(itemDom.floating, '-');
var scrollLeftUpdate = () => {
var scrollLeft = scrollBody.scrollLeft()
this.s.scrollLeft = {footer: scrollLeft, header: scrollLeft};
// Insert a fake thead/tfoot into the DataTable to stop it jumping around
itemDom.placeholder = itemElement.clone( false );
.find( '*[id]' )
.removeAttr( 'id' );
itemDom.host.prepend( itemDom.placeholder );
// Clone widths
this._matchWidths( itemDom.placeholder, itemDom.floating );
* This method sets the sticky position of the header elements to match fixed columns
* @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} el
* @param {string} sign
_stickyPosition(el, sign) {
if (this._scrollEnabled()) {
var that = this
var rtl = $(that.s.dt.table().node()).css('direction') === 'rtl';
el.find('th').each(function() {
// Find out if fixed header has previously set this column
if ($(this).css('position') === 'sticky') {
var right = $(this).css('right');
var left = $(this).css('left');
if (right !== 'auto' && !rtl) {
// New position either adds or dismisses the barWidth
var potential = +right.replace(/px/g, '') + (sign === '-' ? -1 : 1) * that.s.dt.settings()[0].oBrowser.barWidth;
$(this).css('right', potential > 0 ? potential : 0);
else if(left !== 'auto' && rtl) {
var potential = +left.replace(/px/g, '') + (sign === '-' ? -1 : 1) * that.s.dt.settings()[0].oBrowser.barWidth;
$(this).css('left', potential > 0 ? potential : 0);
* Copy widths from the cells in one element to another. This is required
* for the footer as the footer in the main table takes its sizes from the
* header columns. That isn't present in the footer so to have it still
* align correctly, the sizes need to be copied over. It is also required
* for the header when auto width is not enabled
* @param {jQuery} from Copy widths from
* @param {jQuery} to Copy widths to
* @private
_matchWidths: function ( from, to ) {
var get = function ( name ) {
return $(name, from)
.map( function () {
return $(this).css('width').replace(/[^\d\.]/g, '') * 1;
} ).toArray();
var set = function ( name, toWidths ) {
$(name, to).each( function ( i ) {
$(this).css( {
width: toWidths[i],
minWidth: toWidths[i]
} );
} );
var thWidths = get( 'th' );
var tdWidths = get( 'td' );
set( 'th', thWidths );
set( 'td', tdWidths );
* Remove assigned widths from the cells in an element. This is required
* when inserting the footer back into the main table so the size is defined
* by the header columns and also when auto width is disabled in the
* DataTable.
* @param {string} item The `header` or `footer`
* @private
_unsize: function ( item ) {
var el = this.dom[ item ].floating;
if ( el && (item === 'footer' || (item === 'header' && ! this.s.autoWidth)) ) {
$('th, td', el).css( {
width: '',
minWidth: ''
} );
else if ( el && item === 'header' ) {
$('th, td', el).css( 'min-width', '' );
* Reposition the floating elements to take account of horizontal page
* scroll
* @param {string} item The `header` or `footer`
* @param {int} scrollLeft Document scrollLeft
* @private
_horizontal: function ( item, scrollLeft )
var itemDom = this.dom[ item ];
var position = this.s.position;
var lastScrollLeft = this.s.scrollLeft;
if ( itemDom.floating && lastScrollLeft[ item ] !== scrollLeft ) {
// If scrolling is enabled we need to match the floating header to the body
if (this._scrollEnabled()) {
var newScrollLeft = $($(this.s.dt.table().node()).parent()).scrollLeft()
lastScrollLeft[ item ] = scrollLeft;
* Change from one display mode to another. Each fixed item can be in one
* of:
* * `in-place` - In the main DataTable
* * `in` - Floating over the DataTable
* * `below` - (Header only) Fixed to the bottom of the table body
* * `above` - (Footer only) Fixed to the top of the table body
* @param {string} mode Mode that the item should be shown in
* @param {string} item 'header' or 'footer'
* @param {boolean} forceChange Force a redraw of the mode, even if already
* in that mode.
* @private
_modeChange: function ( mode, item, forceChange )
var dt = this.s.dt;
var itemDom = this.dom[ item ];
var position = this.s.position;
// Just determine if scroll is enabled once
var scrollEnabled = this._scrollEnabled();
// If footer and scrolling is enabled then we don't clone
// Instead the table's height is decreased accordingly - see `_scroll()`
if (item === 'footer' && scrollEnabled) {
// It isn't trivial to add a !important css attribute...
var importantWidth = function (w) {
itemDom.floating.attr('style', function(i,s) {
return (s || '') + 'width: '+w+'px !important;';
// If not scrolling also have to update the floatingParent
if (!scrollEnabled) {
itemDom.floatingParent.attr('style', function(i,s) {
return (s || '') + 'width: '+w+'px !important;';
// Record focus. Browser's will cause input elements to loose focus if
// they are inserted else where in the doc
var tablePart = this.dom[ item==='footer' ? 'tfoot' : 'thead' ];
var focus = $.contains( tablePart[0], document.activeElement ) ?
document.activeElement :
var scrollBody = $($(this.s.dt.table().node()).parent());
if ( mode === 'in-place' ) {
// Insert the header back into the table's real header
if ( itemDom.placeholder ) {
itemDom.placeholder = null;
this._unsize( item );
if ( item === 'header' ) {
itemDom.host.prepend( tablePart );
else {
itemDom.host.append( tablePart );
if ( itemDom.floating ) {
itemDom.floating = null;
this._stickyPosition(itemDom.host, '+');
if ( itemDom.floatingParent ) {
else if ( mode === 'in' ) {
// Remove the header from the read header and insert into a fixed
// positioned floating table clone
this._clone( item, forceChange );
// Get useful position values
var scrollOffset = scrollBody.offset();
var windowTop = $(document).scrollTop();
var windowHeight = $(window).height();
var windowBottom = windowTop + windowHeight;
var bodyTop = scrollEnabled ? scrollOffset.top : position.tbodyTop;
var bodyBottom = scrollEnabled ? scrollOffset.top + scrollBody.outerHeight() : position.tfootTop
// Calculate the amount that the footer or header needs to be shuffled
var shuffle = item === 'footer' ?
// footer and top of body isn't on screen
bodyTop > windowBottom ?
// Yes - push the footer below
position.tfootHeight :
// No - bottom set to the gap between the top of the body and the bottom of the window
bodyTop + position.tfootHeight - windowBottom :
// Otherwise must be a header so get the difference from the bottom of the
// desired floating header and the bottom of the table body
windowTop + this.c.headerOffset + position.theadHeight - bodyBottom
// Set the top or bottom based off of the offset and the shuffle value
var prop = item === 'header' ? 'top' : 'bottom';
var val = this.c[item+'Offset'] - (shuffle > 0 ? shuffle : 0);
itemDom.floating.addClass( 'fixedHeader-floating' );
.css(prop, val)
.css( {
'left': position.left,
'height': item === 'header' ? position.theadHeight : position.tfootHeight,
'z-index': 2
if ( item === 'footer' ) {
itemDom.floating.css( 'top', '' );
else if ( mode === 'below' ) { // only used for the header
// Fix the position of the floating header at base of the table body
this._clone( item, forceChange );
itemDom.floating.addClass( 'fixedHeader-locked' );
position: 'absolute',
top: position.tfootTop - position.theadHeight,
left: position.left+'px'
else if ( mode === 'above' ) { // only used for the footer
// Fix the position of the floating footer at top of the table body
this._clone( item, forceChange );
itemDom.floating.addClass( 'fixedHeader-locked' );
position: 'absolute',
top: position.tbodyTop,
left: position.left+'px'
// Restore focus if it was lost
if ( focus && focus !== document.activeElement ) {
setTimeout( function () {
}, 10 );
this.s.scrollLeft.header = -1;
this.s.scrollLeft.footer = -1;
this.s[item+'Mode'] = mode;
* Cache the positional information that is required for the mode
* calculations that FixedHeader performs.
* @private
_positions: function ()
var dt = this.s.dt;
var table = dt.table();
var position = this.s.position;
var dom = this.dom;
var tableNode = $(table.node());
var scrollEnabled = this._scrollEnabled();
// Need to use the header and footer that are in the main table,
// regardless of if they are clones, since they hold the positions we
// want to measure from
var thead = $(dt.table().header());
var tfoot = $(dt.table().footer());
var tbody = dom.tbody;
var scrollBody = tableNode.parent();
position.visible = tableNode.is(':visible');
position.width = tableNode.outerWidth();
position.left = tableNode.offset().left;
position.theadTop = thead.offset().top;
position.tbodyTop = scrollEnabled ? scrollBody.offset().top : tbody.offset().top;
position.tbodyHeight = scrollEnabled ? scrollBody.outerHeight() : tbody.outerHeight();
position.theadHeight = thead.outerHeight();
position.theadBottom = position.theadTop + position.theadHeight;
if ( tfoot.length ) {
position.tfootTop = position.tbodyTop + position.tbodyHeight; //tfoot.offset().top;
position.tfootBottom = position.tfootTop + tfoot.outerHeight();
position.tfootHeight = tfoot.outerHeight();
else {
position.tfootTop = position.tbodyTop + tbody.outerHeight();
position.tfootBottom = position.tfootTop;
position.tfootHeight = position.tfootTop;
* Mode calculation - determine what mode the fixed items should be placed
* into.
* @param {boolean} forceChange Force a redraw of the mode, even if already
* in that mode.
* @private
_scroll: function ( forceChange )
// ScrollBody details
var scrollEnabled = this._scrollEnabled();
var scrollBody = $(this.s.dt.table().node()).parent();
var scrollOffset = scrollBody.offset();
var scrollHeight = scrollBody.outerHeight();
// Window details
var windowLeft = $(document).scrollLeft();
var windowTop = $(document).scrollTop();
var windowHeight = $(window).height();
var windowBottom = windowHeight + windowTop
var position = this.s.position;
var headerMode, footerMode;
// Body Details
var bodyTop = (scrollEnabled ? scrollOffset.top : position.tbodyTop);
var bodyLeft = (scrollEnabled ? scrollOffset.left : position.left);
var bodyBottom = (scrollEnabled ? scrollOffset.top + scrollHeight : position.tfootTop);
var bodyWidth = (scrollEnabled ? scrollBody.outerWidth() : position.tbodyWidth);
var windowBottom = windowTop + windowHeight;
if ( this.c.header ) {
if ( ! this.s.enable ) {
headerMode = 'in-place';
// The header is in it's normal place if the body top is lower than
// the scroll of the window plus the headerOffset and the height of the header
else if ( ! position.visible || windowTop + this.c.headerOffset + position.theadHeight <= bodyTop) {
headerMode = 'in-place';
// The header should be floated if
else if (
// The scrolling plus the header offset plus the height of the header is lower than the top of the body
windowTop + this.c.headerOffset + position.theadHeight > bodyTop &&
// And the scrolling at the top plus the header offset is above the bottom of the body
windowTop + this.c.headerOffset < bodyBottom
) {
headerMode = 'in';
var scrollBody = $($(this.s.dt.table().node()).parent());
// Further to the above, If the scrolling plus the header offset plus the header height is lower
// than the bottom of the table a shuffle is required so have to force the calculation
if(windowTop + this.c.headerOffset + position.theadHeight > bodyBottom || this.dom.header.floatingParent === undefined){
forceChange = true;
else {
'top': this.c.headerOffset,
'position': 'fixed'
// Anything else and the view is below the table
else {
headerMode = 'below';
if ( forceChange || headerMode !== this.s.headerMode ) {
this._modeChange( headerMode, 'header', forceChange );
this._horizontal( 'header', windowLeft );
var header = {
offset: {top: 0, left: 0},
height: 0
var footer = {
offset: {top: 0, left: 0},
height: 0
if ( this.c.footer && this.dom.tfoot.length ) {
if ( ! this.s.enable ) {
footerMode = 'in-place';
else if ( ! position.visible || position.tfootBottom + this.c.footerOffset <= windowBottom ) {
footerMode = 'in-place';
else if (
bodyBottom + position.tfootHeight + this.c.footerOffset > windowBottom &&
bodyTop + this.c.footerOffset < windowBottom
) {
footerMode = 'in';
forceChange = true;
else {
footerMode = 'above';
if ( forceChange || footerMode !== this.s.footerMode ) {
this._modeChange( footerMode, 'footer', forceChange );
this._horizontal( 'footer', windowLeft );
var getOffsetHeight = (el) => {
return {
offset: el.offset(),
height: el.outerHeight()
header = this.dom.header.floating ? getOffsetHeight(this.dom.header.floating) : getOffsetHeight(this.dom.thead);
footer = this.dom.footer.floating ? getOffsetHeight(this.dom.footer.floating) : getOffsetHeight(this.dom.tfoot);
// If scrolling is enabled and the footer is off the screen
if (scrollEnabled && footer.offset.top > windowTop){// && footer.offset.top >= windowBottom) {
// Calculate the gap between the top of the scrollBody and the top of the window
var overlap = windowTop - scrollOffset.top;
// The new height is the bottom of the window
var newHeight = windowBottom +
// If the gap between the top of the scrollbody and the window is more than
// the height of the header then the top of the table is still visible so add that gap
// Doing this has effectively calculated the height from the top of the table to the bottom of the current page
(overlap > -header.height ? overlap : 0) -
// Take from that
// The top of the header plus
header.offset.top +
// The header height if the standard header is present
(overlap < -header.height ? header.height : 0) +
// And the height of the footer
// Don't want a negative height
if (newHeight < 0) {
newHeight = 0;
// At the end of the above calculation the space between the header (top of the page if floating)
// and the point just above the footer should be the new value for the height of the table.
// Need some rounding here as sometimes very small decimal places are encountered
// If the actual height is bigger or equal to the height we just applied then the footer is "Floating"
if(Math.round(scrollBody.outerHeight()) >= Math.round(newHeight)) {
// Otherwise max-width has kicked in so it is not floating
else {
this.dom.header.floatingParent.css('left', bodyLeft-windowLeft);
this.dom.footer.floatingParent.css('left', bodyLeft-windowLeft);
// If fixed columns is being used on this table then the blockers need to be copied across
// Cloning these is cleaner than creating as our own as it will keep consistency with fixedColumns automatically
// ASSUMING that the class remains the same
if (this.s.dt.settings()[0]._fixedColumns !== undefined) {
var adjustBlocker = (side, end, el) => {
if (el === undefined) {
let blocker = $('div.dtfc-'+side+'-'+end+'-blocker');
el = blocker.length === 0 ?
null :
blocker.clone().appendTo('body').css('z-index', 1);
if(el !== null) {
top: end === 'top' ? header.offset.top : footer.offset.top,
left: side === 'right' ? bodyLeft + bodyWidth - el.width() : bodyLeft
return el;
// Adjust all blockers
this.dom.header.rightBlocker = adjustBlocker('right', 'top', this.dom.header.rightBlocker);
this.dom.header.leftBlocker = adjustBlocker('left', 'top', this.dom.header.leftBlocker);
this.dom.footer.rightBlocker = adjustBlocker('right', 'bottom', this.dom.footer.rightBlocker);
this.dom.footer.leftBlocker = adjustBlocker('left', 'bottom', this.dom.footer.leftBlocker);
* Function to check if scrolling is enabled on the table or not
* @returns Boolean value indicating if scrolling on the table is enabled or not
_scrollEnabled: function() {
var oScroll = this.s.dt.settings()[0].oScroll;
if(oScroll.sY !== "" || oScroll.sX !== "") {
return true;
return false
} );
* Version
* @type {String}
* @static
FixedHeader.version = "3.2.1";
* Defaults
* @type {Object}
* @static
FixedHeader.defaults = {
header: true,
footer: false,
headerOffset: 0,
footerOffset: 0
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* DataTables interfaces
// Attach for constructor access
$.fn.dataTable.FixedHeader = FixedHeader;
$.fn.DataTable.FixedHeader = FixedHeader;
// DataTables creation - check if the FixedHeader option has been defined on the
// table and if so, initialise
$(document).on( 'init.dt.dtfh', function (e, settings, json) {
if ( e.namespace !== 'dt' ) {
var init = settings.oInit.fixedHeader;
var defaults = DataTable.defaults.fixedHeader;
if ( (init || defaults) && ! settings._fixedHeader ) {
var opts = $.extend( {}, defaults, init );
if ( init !== false ) {
new FixedHeader( settings, opts );
} );
// DataTables API methods
DataTable.Api.register( 'fixedHeader()', function () {} );
DataTable.Api.register( 'fixedHeader.adjust()', function () {
return this.iterator( 'table', function ( ctx ) {
var fh = ctx._fixedHeader;
if ( fh ) {
} );
} );
DataTable.Api.register( 'fixedHeader.enable()', function ( flag ) {
return this.iterator( 'table', function ( ctx ) {
var fh = ctx._fixedHeader;
flag = ( flag !== undefined ? flag : true );
if ( fh && flag !== fh.enabled() ) {
fh.enable( flag );
} );
} );
DataTable.Api.register( 'fixedHeader.enabled()', function () {
if ( this.context.length ) {
var fh = this.context[0]._fixedHeader;
if ( fh ) {
return fh.enabled();
return false;
} );
DataTable.Api.register( 'fixedHeader.disable()', function ( ) {
return this.iterator( 'table', function ( ctx ) {
var fh = ctx._fixedHeader;
if ( fh && fh.enabled() ) {
fh.enable( false );
} );
} );
$.each( ['header', 'footer'], function ( i, el ) {
DataTable.Api.register( 'fixedHeader.'+el+'Offset()', function ( offset ) {
var ctx = this.context;
if ( offset === undefined ) {
return ctx.length && ctx[0]._fixedHeader ?
ctx[0]._fixedHeader[el +'Offset']() :
return this.iterator( 'table', function ( ctx ) {
var fh = ctx._fixedHeader;
if ( fh ) {
fh[ el +'Offset' ]( offset );
} );
} );
} );
return FixedHeader;