forked from ScoDoc/ScoDoc

325 lines
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# -*- mode: python -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Gestion scolarite IUT
# Copyright (c) 1999 - 2021 Emmanuel Viennet. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Emmanuel Viennet emmanuel.viennet@viennet.net
"""Gestion des caches
Ré-écrite pour ScoDoc8, utilise flask_caching et REDIS
ScoDoc est maintenant multiprocessus / mono-thread, avec un cache partagé.
# API ScoDoc8 pour les caches:
# sco_cache.NotesTableCache.get( formsemestre_id)
# => sco_cache.NotesTableCache.get(formsemestre_id)
# sco_core.inval_cache(formsemestre_id=None, pdfonly=False, formsemestre_id_list=None)
# => deprecated, NotesTableCache.invalidate_formsemestre(formsemestre_id=None, pdfonly=False)
# Nouvelles fonctions:
# sco_cache.NotesTableCache.delete(formsemestre_id)
# sco_cache.NotesTableCache.delete_many(formsemestre_id_list)
# Bulletins PDF:
# sco_cache.SemBulletinsPDFCache.get(formsemestre_id, version)
# sco_cache.SemBulletinsPDFCache.set(formsemestre_id, version, filename, pdfdoc)
# sco_cache.SemBulletinsPDFCache.delete(formsemestre_id) suppr. toutes les versions
# Evaluations:
# sco_cache.EvaluationCache.get(evaluation_id), set(evaluation_id, value), delete(evaluation_id),
import time
import traceback
from flask import g
from app.scodoc import notesdb as ndb
from app.scodoc import sco_utils as scu
from app import log
CACHE = None # set in app.__init__.py
class ScoDocCache:
"""Cache for ScoDoc objects.
keys are prefixed by the current departement.
timeout = None # ttl, infinite by default
prefix = ""
def _get_key(cls, oid):
return g.scodoc_dept + "_" + cls.prefix + "_" + str(oid)
def get(cls, oid):
"""Returns cached object, or None"""
key = cls._get_key(oid)
return CACHE.get(key)
log(f"XXX CACHE Warning: error in get(key={key})")
return None
def set(cls, oid, value):
"""Store value"""
key = cls._get_key(oid)
# log(f"CACHE key={key}, type={type(value)}, timeout={cls.timeout}")
status = CACHE.set(key, value, timeout=cls.timeout)
if not status:
log("Error: cache set failed !")
log("XXX CACHE Warning: error in set !!!")
status = None
return status
def delete(cls, oid):
"""Remove from cache"""
def delete_many(cls, oids):
"""Remove multiple keys at once"""
# delete_many seems bugged:
# CACHE.delete_many([cls._get_key(oid) for oid in oids])
for oid in oids:
class EvaluationCache(ScoDocCache):
"""Cache for evaluations.
Clé: evaluation_id
Valeur: { 'etudid' : note }
prefix = "EVAL"
def invalidate_sem(cls, formsemestre_id):
"delete evaluations in this formsemestre from cache"
req = """SELECT e.id
FROM notes_formsemestre s, notes_evaluation e, notes_moduleimpl m
WHERE s.id = %(formsemestre_id)s and s.id=m.formsemestre_id and e.moduleimpl_id=m.id;
evaluation_ids = [
x[0] for x in ndb.SimpleQuery(req, {"formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id})
def invalidate_all_sems(cls):
"delete all evaluations in current dept from cache"
evaluation_ids = [
for x in ndb.SimpleQuery(
"""SELECT e.id
FROM notes_evaluation e, notes_moduleimpl mi, notes_formsemestre s
WHERE s.dept_id=%(dept_id)s
AND s.id = mi.formsemestre_id
AND mi.id = e.moduleimpl_id;
{"dept_id": g.scodoc_dept_id},
class ResultatsSemestreBUTCache(ScoDocCache):
"""Cache pour les résultats ResultatsSemestreBUT.
Clé: formsemestre_id
Valeur: { un paquet de dataframes }
prefix = "RBUT"
timeout = 1 * 60 # ttl 1 minutes (en phase de mise au point)
class AbsSemEtudCache(ScoDocCache):
"""Cache pour les comptes d'absences d'un étudiant dans un semestre.
Ce cache étant indépendant des semestres, le compte peut être faux lorsqu'on
change les dates début/fin d'un semestre.
C'est pourquoi il expire après timeout secondes.
Le timeout evite aussi d'éliminer explicitement ces éléments cachés lors
des suppressions d'étudiants ou de semestres.
Clé: etudid + "_" + date_debut + "_" + date_fin
Valeur: (nb_abs, nb_abs_just)
prefix = "ABSE"
timeout = 60 * 60 # ttl 60 minutes
class SemBulletinsPDFCache(ScoDocCache):
"""Cache pour les classeurs de bulletins PDF d'un semestre.
Document pdf assez volumineux. La clé inclut le type de bulletin (version).
Clé: formsemestre_id_version
Valeur: (filename, pdfdoc)
prefix = "SBPDF"
timeout = 12 * 60 * 60 # ttl 12h
def invalidate_sems(cls, formsemestre_ids):
"""Clear cached pdf for all given formsemestres"""
for version in scu.BULLETINS_VERSIONS:
oids = [
str(formsemestre_id) + "_" + version
for formsemestre_id in formsemestre_ids
class SemInscriptionsCache(ScoDocCache):
"""Cache les inscriptions à un semestre.
Clé: formsemestre_id
Valeur: liste d'inscriptions
[ {'formsemestre_inscription_id': 'SI78677', 'etudid': '1234', 'formsemestre_id': 'SEM012', 'etat': 'I', 'etape': ''}, ... ]
prefix = "SI"
duration = 12 * 60 * 60 # ttl 12h
class NotesTableCache(ScoDocCache):
"""Cache pour les NotesTable
Clé: formsemestre_id
Valeur: NotesTable instance
prefix = "NT"
def get(cls, formsemestre_id, compute=True):
"""Returns NotesTable for this formsemestre
Search in local cache (g.nt_cache) or global app cache (eg REDIS)
If not in cache and compute is True, build it and cache it.
# try local cache (same request)
if not hasattr(g, "nt_cache"):
g.nt_cache = {}
if formsemestre_id in g.nt_cache:
return g.nt_cache[formsemestre_id]
# try REDIS
key = cls._get_key(formsemestre_id)
nt = CACHE.get(key)
if nt:
g.nt_cache[formsemestre_id] = nt # cache locally (same request)
return nt
if not compute:
return None
# Recompute requested table:
from app.scodoc import notes_table
t0 = time.time()
nt = notes_table.NotesTable(formsemestre_id)
t1 = time.time()
_ = cls.set(formsemestre_id, nt) # cache in REDIS
t2 = time.time()
log(f"cached formsemestre_id={formsemestre_id} ({(t1-t0):g}s +{(t2-t1):g}s)")
g.nt_cache[formsemestre_id] = nt
return nt
def invalidate_formsemestre( # was inval_cache(formsemestre_id=None, pdfonly=False)
formsemestre_id=None, pdfonly=False
"""expire cache pour un semestre (ou tous si formsemestre_id non spécifié).
Si pdfonly, n'expire que les bulletins pdf cachés.
from app.scodoc import sco_parcours_dut
if getattr(g, "defer_cache_invalidation", False):
log("inval_cache, formsemestre_id=%s pdfonly=%s" % (formsemestre_id, pdfonly))
if formsemestre_id is None:
# clear all caches
log("----- invalidate_formsemestre: clearing all caches -----")
formsemestre_ids = [
for x in ndb.SimpleQuery(
"""SELECT id FROM notes_formsemestre s
WHERE s.dept_id=%(dept_id)s
{"dept_id": g.scodoc_dept_id},
formsemestre_ids = [
] + sco_parcours_dut.list_formsemestre_utilisateurs_uecap(formsemestre_id)
log(f"----- invalidate_formsemestre: clearing {formsemestre_ids} -----")
if not pdfonly:
# Delete cached notes and evaluations
if formsemestre_id:
for fid in formsemestre_ids:
if hasattr(g, "nt_cache") and fid in g.nt_cache:
del g.nt_cache[fid]
# optimization when we invalidate all evaluations:
if hasattr(g, "nt_cache"):
del g.nt_cache
class DefferedSemCacheManager:
"""Contexte pour effectuer des opérations indépendantes dans la
même requete qui invalident le cache. Par exemple, quand on inscrit
des étudiants un par un à un semestre, chaque inscription va invalider
le cache, et la suivante va le reconstruire... pour l'invalider juste après.
Ce context manager permet de grouper les invalidations.
def __enter__(self):
assert not hasattr(g, "defer_cache_invalidation")
g.defer_cache_invalidation = True
g.sem_to_invalidate = set()
return True
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
assert g.defer_cache_invalidation
g.defer_cache_invalidation = False
while g.sem_to_invalidate:
formsemestre_id = g.sem_to_invalidate.pop()