# -*- mode: python -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Gestion scolarite IUT # # Copyright (c) 1999 - 2021 Emmanuel Viennet. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Emmanuel Viennet emmanuel.viennet@viennet.net # ############################################################################## """Export d'une table avec les résultats de tous les étudiants """ from flask import url_for, g import app.scodoc.notesdb as ndb import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu from app import log from app.scodoc import html_sco_header from app.scodoc import sco_bac from app.scodoc import sco_codes_parcours from app.scodoc import sco_cache from app.scodoc import sco_formations from app.scodoc import sco_preferences from app.scodoc import sco_pvjury from app.scodoc import sco_etud import sco_version from app.scodoc.gen_tables import GenTable from app.scodoc.sco_codes_parcours import NO_SEMESTRE_ID def _build_results_table(start_date=None, end_date=None, types_parcours=[]): """Construit une table avec les résultats de jury de TOUS les étudiants de TOUS les semestres ScoDoc de ce département entre les dates indiquées (c'est à dire commençant APRES ou à start_date et terminant avant ou à end_date) Les dates sont des chaines iso. """ formsemestre_ids = get_set_formsemestre_id_dates(start_date, end_date) # Décisions de jury de tous les semestres: dpv_by_sem = {} for formsemestre_id in formsemestre_ids: dpv_by_sem[formsemestre_id] = sco_pvjury.dict_pvjury( formsemestre_id, with_parcours_decisions=True ) semlist = [dpv["formsemestre"] for dpv in dpv_by_sem.values() if dpv] semlist_parcours = [] for sem in semlist: sem["formation"] = sco_formations.formation_list( args={"formation_id": sem["formation_id"]} )[0] sem["parcours"] = sco_codes_parcours.get_parcours_from_code( sem["formation"]["type_parcours"] ) if sem["parcours"].TYPE_PARCOURS in types_parcours: semlist_parcours.append(sem) formsemestre_ids_parcours = [sem["formsemestre_id"] for sem in semlist_parcours] # Ensemble des étudiants etuds_infos = ( {} ) # etudid : { formsemestre_id d'inscription le plus recent dans les dates considérées, etud } for formsemestre_id in formsemestre_ids_parcours: nt = sco_cache.NotesTableCache.get(formsemestre_id) # > get_etudids etudids = nt.get_etudids() for etudid in etudids: if etudid not in etuds_infos: # pas encore traité ? etud = sco_etud.get_etud_info(etudid=etudid, filled=True)[0] for sem in etud["sems"]: # le plus récent d'abord if sem["formsemestre_id"] in formsemestre_ids_parcours: etuds_infos[etudid] = { "recent_formsemestre_id": sem["formsemestre_id"], "etud": etud, } break # sanity check assert etudid in etuds_infos # Construit la table (semblable à pvjury_table) rows, titles, columns_ids = _build_results_list(dpv_by_sem, etuds_infos) tab = GenTable( rows=rows, titles=titles, columns_ids=columns_ids, filename=scu.make_filename("scodoc-results-%s-%s" % (start_date, end_date)), caption="Résultats ScoDoc de %s à %s" % (start_date, end_date), origin="Généré par %s le " % sco_version.SCONAME + scu.timedate_human_repr() + "", html_class="table_leftalign", html_sortable=True, preferences=sco_preferences.SemPreferences(), ) return tab, semlist def _build_results_list(dpv_by_sem, etuds_infos): """Construit la table (semblable à pvjury_table) Returns: rows, titles, columns_ids """ titles = { "anneescolaire": "Année", "periode": "Période", "sid": "Semestre", "etudid": "etudid", "code_nip": "NIP", "nom": "Nom", "prenom": "Prénom", "civilite_str": "Civ.", "nom_usuel": "Nom usuel", "bac": "Bac", "parcours": "Parcours", "devenir": "Devenir", } columns_ids = [ "anneescolaire", "periode", "sid", "code_nip", "civilite_str", "nom", # 'nom_usuel', # inutile ? "prenom", "bac", "parcours", ] # Recherche la liste des indices de semestres à considérer all_idx = set() for etudid in etuds_infos: # la décision de jury à considérer pour cet étudiant: e = dpv_by_sem[etuds_infos[etudid]["recent_formsemestre_id"]]["decisions_dict"][ etudid ] all_idx |= set(e["parcours_decisions"].keys()) sem_ids = sorted(all_idx) # ajoute les titres des colonnes résultats de semestres for i in sem_ids: if i != NO_SEMESTRE_ID: titles[i] = "S%d" % i else: titles[i] = "S" # pas très parlant ? columns_ids += [i] columns_ids += ["devenir"] # Construit la liste: rows = [] for etudid in etuds_infos: etud = etuds_infos[etudid]["etud"] bac = sco_bac.Baccalaureat(etud["bac"], etud["specialite"]) dpv = dpv_by_sem[etuds_infos[etudid]["recent_formsemestre_id"]] dec = dpv["decisions_dict"][etudid] l = { "etudid": etudid, "code_nip": etud["code_nip"], "nom": etud["nom"], "nom_usuel": etud["nom_usuel"], "prenom": etud["prenom"], "civilite_str": etud["civilite_str"], "_nom_target": "%s" % url_for("scolar.ficheEtud", scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept, etudid=etudid), "_nom_td_attrs": 'id="%s" class="etudinfo"' % etudid, "bac": bac.abbrev(), "parcours": dec["parcours"], } for sem in reversed(etud["sems"]): r = l.copy() dpv = dpv_by_sem.get(sem["formsemestre_id"], None) if dpv: # semestre à inclure dans ce rapport dec = dpv["decisions_dict"].get(etudid, None) if dec and dec["decision_sem"]: code = dec["decision_sem"]["code"] if dec["validation_parcours"]: r["devenir"] = "Diplôme obtenu" else: r["devenir"] = dec["autorisations_descr"] else: code = "-" r[sem["semestre_id"]] = code r["periode"] = sem["periode"] r["anneescolaire"] = scu.annee_scolaire_debut( int(sem["annee_debut"]), sem["mois_debut_ord"] ) r["sid"] = "{} {} {}".format( sem["sem_id_txt"], g.scodoc_dept, sem["modalite"] ) rows.append(r) return rows, titles, columns_ids def get_set_formsemestre_id_dates(start_date, end_date): """Ensemble des formsemestre_id entre ces dates""" s = ndb.SimpleDictFetch( """SELECT id FROM notes_formsemestre WHERE date_debut >= %(start_date)s AND date_fin <= %(end_date)s """, {"start_date": start_date, "end_date": end_date}, ) return {x["id"] for x in s} def scodoc_table_results( start_date="", end_date="", types_parcours=[], format="html", REQUEST=None ): """Page affichant la table des résultats Les dates sont en dd/mm/yyyy (datepicker javascript) types_parcours est la liste des types de parcours à afficher (liste de chaines, eg ['100', '210'] ) """ log("scodoc_table_results: start_date=%s" % (start_date,)) # XXX if not types_parcours: types_parcours = [] if not isinstance(types_parcours, list): types_parcours = [types_parcours] if start_date: start_date_iso = ndb.DateDMYtoISO(start_date) if end_date: end_date_iso = ndb.DateDMYtoISO(end_date) types_parcours = [int(x) for x in types_parcours if x] if start_date and end_date: tab, semlist = _build_results_table( start_date_iso, end_date_iso, types_parcours ) tab.base_url = "%s?start_date=%s&end_date=%s&types_parcours=%s" % ( REQUEST.URL0, start_date, end_date, "&types_parcours=".join([str(x) for x in types_parcours]), ) if format != "html": return tab.make_page( format=format, with_html_headers=False, REQUEST=REQUEST ) tab_html = tab.html() nb_rows = tab.get_nb_rows() else: tab = None nb_rows = 0 tab_html = "" semlist = [] # affiche la liste des semestres utilisés: info_sems = ["<ul>"] menu_options = [] type_parcours_set = set() for sem in sorted(semlist, key=lambda x: x["dateord"]): if sem["parcours"].TYPE_PARCOURS in types_parcours: selected = "selected" else: selected = "" if sem["parcours"].TYPE_PARCOURS not in type_parcours_set: type_parcours_set.add(sem["parcours"].TYPE_PARCOURS) menu_options.append( '<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>' % (sem["parcours"].TYPE_PARCOURS, selected, sem["parcours"].__doc__) ) if sem["parcours"].TYPE_PARCOURS in types_parcours: info_sems.append( '<li><a class="stdlink" href="formsemestre_status?formsemestre_id=%(formsemestre_id)s">%(titremois)s</a></li>' % sem ) info_sems.append("</ul>") H = [ html_sco_header.sco_header( page_title="Export résultats", init_qtip=True, javascripts=html_sco_header.BOOTSTRAP_MULTISELECT_JS + ["js/etud_info.js", "js/export_results.js"], cssstyles=html_sco_header.BOOTSTRAP_MULTISELECT_CSS, ), # XXX """ <h2>Table des résultats de tous les semestres</h2> <p class="warning">Développement en cours / attention !</p> """, _DATE_FORM.format( start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, menu_options="\n".join(menu_options), ), """<div> <h4>%d étudiants dans les %d semestres de cette période</h4> </div> """ % (nb_rows, len(semlist)), tab_html, """<div><h4>Semestres pris en compte:</h4> """, "\n".join(info_sems), """</div>""", html_sco_header.sco_footer(), ] return "\n".join(H) # Formulaire pour saisie dates et sélection parcours _DATE_FORM = """ <form method="get"> <div><b>Choisir les dates :</b> <div>Début: <input type="text" name="start_date" size="10" value="{start_date}" class="datepicker"/> </div> <div>Fin: <input type="text" name="end_date" size="10" value="{end_date}" class="datepicker"/></div> <input type="submit" name="" value=" OK " width=100/> </div> <div> <b>Types de parcours :</b> <select name="types_parcours" id="parcours_sel" class="multiselect" multiple="multiple"> {menu_options} </select> <input type="submit" name="" value=" charger " width=100/> </form> """ # ------- debug """ # /opt/scodoc/bin/zopectl debug from debug import * from app.scodoc.sco_export_results import * _ = go_dept(app, 'RT').Notes etudid = 'EID27764' etud = sco_etud.get_etud_info( etudid=etudid, filled=True)[0] start_date='2015-08-15' end_date='2017-08-31' formsemestre_ids = get_set_formsemestre_id_dates( start_date, end_date) dpv_by_sem = {} for formsemestre_id in formsemestre_ids: dpv_by_sem[formsemestre_id] = sco_pvjury.dict_pvjury( formsemestre_id, with_parcours_decisions=True) semlist = [ dpv['formsemestre'] for dpv in dpv_by_sem.values() ] """