# -*- mode: python -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Gestion scolarite IUT # # Copyright (c) 1999 - 2024 Emmanuel Viennet. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Emmanuel Viennet emmanuel.viennet@viennet.net # ############################################################################## """Tableau récapitulatif des notes d'un semestre """ import collections import datetime import time from xml.etree import ElementTree from flask import abort, g, render_template, request, url_for from app import log from app.but import bulletin_but from app.comp import res_sem from app.comp.res_common import ResultatsSemestre from app.comp.res_compat import NotesTableCompat from app.models import FormSemestre from app.models.etudiants import Identite import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu from app.scodoc import sco_bulletins_json from app.scodoc import sco_bulletins_xml from app.scodoc import sco_cache from app.scodoc import sco_evaluations from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoValueError from app.scodoc import sco_formsemestre from app.scodoc import sco_preferences from app.tables.recap import TableRecap from app.tables.jury_recap import TableJury def formsemestre_recapcomplet( formsemestre_id=None, mode_jury=False, tabformat="html", xml_with_decisions=False, force_publishing=True, selected_etudid=None, ): """Page récapitulant les notes d'un semestre. Grand tableau récapitulatif avec toutes les notes de modules pour tous les étudiants, les moyennes par UE et générale, trié par moyenne générale décroissante. tabformat: html : page web evals : page web, avec toutes les évaluations dans le tableau xls, xlsx: export excel simple xlsall : export excel simple, avec toutes les évaluations dans le tableau csv : export CSV, avec toutes les évaluations xml, json : concaténation de tous les bulletins, au format demandé pdf : NON SUPPORTE (car tableau trop grand pour générer un pdf utilisable) mode_jury: cache modules, affiche lien saisie decision jury xml_with_decisions: publie décisions de jury dans xml et json force_publishing: publie les xml et json même si bulletins non publiés (sur la passerelle) selected_etudid: etudid sélectionné (pour scroller au bon endroit) """ if not isinstance(formsemestre_id, int): abort(404) formsemestre = FormSemestre.get_formsemestre(formsemestre_id) file_formats = {"csv", "json", "xls", "xlsx", "xlsall", "xml"} supported_formats = file_formats | {"html", "evals"} if tabformat not in supported_formats: raise ScoValueError(f"Format non supporté: {tabformat}") is_file = tabformat in file_formats mode_jury = int(mode_jury) xml_with_decisions = int(xml_with_decisions) force_publishing = int(force_publishing) filename = scu.sanitize_filename( f"""{'jury' if mode_jury else 'recap' }{'-evals' if tabformat == 'xlsall' else '' }-{formsemestre.titre_num()}-{time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}""" ) if is_file: return _formsemestre_recapcomplet_to_file( formsemestre, mode_jury=mode_jury, tabformat=tabformat, filename=filename, xml_with_decisions=xml_with_decisions, force_publishing=force_publishing, ) table_html, _, freq_codes_annuels = _formsemestre_recapcomplet_to_html( formsemestre, filename=filename, mode_jury=mode_jury, tabformat=tabformat, selected_etudid=selected_etudid, ) H = [ # sco_formsemestre_status.formsemestre_status_head( # formsemestre_id=formsemestre_id # ), ] if len(formsemestre.inscriptions) > 0: H.append( f"""
""" ) if mode_jury: H.append( f'' ) H.append( ' cliquer sur un nom pour afficher son bulletin ou ici avoir le classeur pdf """ ) if formsemestre.formation.is_apc(): H.append( f""" ou en version courte BUT """ ) H.append( """
""" ) H.append(table_html) # La table if len(formsemestre.inscriptions) > 0: H.append("""") if sco_preferences.get_preference("use_ue_coefs", formsemestre_id): H.append( """

utilise les coefficients d'UE pour calculer la moyenne générale.

""" ) if mode_jury and freq_codes_annuels and sum(freq_codes_annuels.values()) > 0: nb_etud_avec_decision_annuelle = ( sum(freq_codes_annuels.values()) - freq_codes_annuels["total"] ) H.append( f"""
Nb d'étudiants avec décision annuelle: {nb_etud_avec_decision_annuelle} / {freq_codes_annuels["total"]}
""" ) if nb_etud_avec_decision_annuelle > 0: H.append( """
Codes annuels octroyés:
""" ) for code in sorted(freq_codes_annuels.keys()): if code != "total": H.append( f"""""" ) H.append("""
{code} {freq_codes_annuels[code]} { (100*freq_codes_annuels[code] / freq_codes_annuels["total"]):2.1f}%
""") H.append("""
""") # Légende H.append( """
Codes utilisés dans cette table:
valeur manquante
UE dispensée
valeur non disponible
code jury non enregistré
UE hors parcours
""" ) # HTML or binary data ? if len(H) > 1: return render_template( "sco_page.j2", content="".join(H), title=f"{formsemestre.sem_modalite()}: " + ("jury" if mode_jury else "moyennes"), javascripts=["js/table_recap.js"], formsemestre_id=formsemestre_id, no_sidebar=True, ) elif len(H) == 1: return H[0] else: return H def _formsemestre_recapcomplet_to_html( formsemestre: FormSemestre, tabformat="html", # "html" or "evals" filename: str = "", mode_jury=False, # saisie décisions jury selected_etudid=None, ) -> tuple[str, TableRecap, collections.Counter]: """Le tableau recap en html""" if tabformat not in ("html", "evals"): raise ScoValueError("invalid table format") res: NotesTableCompat = res_sem.load_formsemestre_results(formsemestre) table_html, table, freq_codes_annuels = gen_formsemestre_recapcomplet_html_table( formsemestre, res, include_evaluations=(tabformat == "evals"), mode_jury=mode_jury, filename=filename, selected_etudid=selected_etudid, ) return table_html, table, freq_codes_annuels def _formsemestre_recapcomplet_to_file( formsemestre: FormSemestre, tabformat: str = "json", # xml, xls, xlsall, json mode_jury: bool = False, filename: str = "", xml_nodate=False, # format XML sans dates (sert pour debug cache: comparaison de XML) xml_with_decisions=False, force_publishing=True, ): """Calcule et renvoie le tableau récapitulatif.""" if tabformat.startswith("xls"): include_evaluations = tabformat == "xlsall" res: NotesTableCompat = res_sem.load_formsemestre_results(formsemestre) data, filename = gen_formsemestre_recapcomplet_excel( res, mode_jury=mode_jury, include_evaluations=include_evaluations, filename=filename, ) mime, suffix = scu.get_mime_suffix("xlsx") return scu.send_file(data, filename=filename, mime=mime, suffix=suffix) elif tabformat == "xml": data = gen_formsemestre_recapcomplet_xml( formsemestre.id, xml_nodate, xml_with_decisions=xml_with_decisions, force_publishing=force_publishing, ) return scu.send_file(data, filename=filename, suffix=scu.XML_SUFFIX) elif tabformat == "json": data = gen_formsemestre_recapcomplet_json( formsemestre.id, xml_nodate=xml_nodate, xml_with_decisions=xml_with_decisions, force_publishing=force_publishing, ) return scu.sendJSON(data, filename=filename) raise ScoValueError(f"Format demandé invalide: {tabformat}") def gen_formsemestre_recapcomplet_xml( formsemestre_id, xml_nodate, xml_with_decisions=False, force_publishing=True, ) -> str: "XML export: liste tous les bulletins XML." formsemestre = FormSemestre.get_formsemestre(formsemestre_id) nt: NotesTableCompat = res_sem.load_formsemestre_results(formsemestre) T = nt.get_table_moyennes_triees() if not T: return "", "", "xml" if xml_nodate: docdate = "" else: docdate = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat() doc = ElementTree.Element( "recapsemestre", formsemestre_id=str(formsemestre_id), date=docdate ) evals = sco_evaluations.do_evaluation_etat_in_sem(formsemestre) doc.append( ElementTree.Element( "evals_info", nb_evals_completes=str(evals["nb_evals_completes"]), nb_evals_en_cours=str(evals["nb_evals_en_cours"]), nb_evals_vides=str(evals["nb_evals_vides"]), date_derniere_note=str(evals["last_modif"]), ) ) for t in T: etudid = t[-1] sco_bulletins_xml.make_xml_formsemestre_bulletinetud( formsemestre_id, etudid, doc=doc, force_publishing=force_publishing, xml_nodate=xml_nodate, xml_with_decisions=xml_with_decisions, ) return ElementTree.tostring(doc).decode(scu.SCO_ENCODING) def gen_formsemestre_recapcomplet_json( formsemestre_id, xml_nodate=False, xml_with_decisions=False, force_publishing=True, ) -> dict: """JSON export: liste tous les bulletins JSON :param xml_nodate(bool): indique la date courante (attribut docdate) :param force_publishing: donne les bulletins même si non "publiés sur la passerelle" :returns: dict """ formsemestre = FormSemestre.get_formsemestre(formsemestre_id) is_apc = formsemestre.formation.is_apc() if xml_nodate: docdate = "" else: docdate = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat() evals = sco_evaluations.do_evaluation_etat_in_sem(formsemestre) js_data = { "docdate": docdate, "formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id, "evals_info": { "nb_evals_completes": evals["nb_evals_completes"], "nb_evals_en_cours": evals["nb_evals_en_cours"], "nb_evals_vides": evals["nb_evals_vides"], "date_derniere_note": evals["last_modif"], }, "bulletins": [], } bulletins = js_data["bulletins"] formsemestre = FormSemestre.get_formsemestre(formsemestre_id) nt: NotesTableCompat = res_sem.load_formsemestre_results(formsemestre) T = nt.get_table_moyennes_triees() for t in T: etudid = t[-1] if is_apc: etud = Identite.get_etud(etudid) bulletins_sem = bulletin_but.BulletinBUT(formsemestre) bul = bulletins_sem.bulletin_etud(etud) else: bul = sco_bulletins_json.formsemestre_bulletinetud_published_dict( formsemestre_id, etudid, force_publishing=force_publishing, xml_with_decisions=xml_with_decisions, ) bulletins.append(bul) return js_data def formsemestres_bulletins(annee_scolaire): """Tous les bulletins des semestres de l'année indiquée. :param annee_scolaire(int): année de début de l'année scolaire :returns: JSON """ js_list = [] sems = sco_formsemestre.list_formsemestre_by_etape(annee_scolaire=annee_scolaire) log(f"formsemestres_bulletins({annee_scolaire}): {len(sems)} sems") for sem in sems: js_data = gen_formsemestre_recapcomplet_json( sem["formsemestre_id"], force_publishing=False ) js_list.append(js_data) return scu.sendJSON(js_list) def gen_formsemestre_recapcomplet_html_table( formsemestre: FormSemestre, res: NotesTableCompat, include_evaluations=False, mode_jury=False, filename="", selected_etudid=None, ) -> tuple[str, TableRecap, collections.Counter]: """Construit table recap pour le BUT Cache le résultat pour le semestre. Note: on cache le HTML et non l'objet Table. Si mode_jury, occultera colonnes modules (en js) et affiche un lien vers la saisie de la décision de jury Return: html (str), table (None sauf en mode jury ou si pas cachée) html est une chaine, le
incluant le tableau. """ table = None table_html = None table_html_cached = None cache_class = { (True, True): sco_cache.TableJuryWithEvalsCache, (True, False): sco_cache.TableJuryCache, (False, True): sco_cache.TableRecapWithEvalsCache, (False, False): sco_cache.TableRecapCache, }[(bool(mode_jury), bool(include_evaluations))] if not selected_etudid: table_html_cached = cache_class.get(formsemestre.id) if table_html_cached is None: table = _gen_formsemestre_recapcomplet_table( res, include_evaluations, mode_jury, filename, selected_etudid=selected_etudid, ) table_html = table.html() freq_codes_annuels = ( table.freq_codes_annuels if hasattr(table, "freq_codes_annuels") else None ) cache_class.set(formsemestre.id, (table_html, freq_codes_annuels)) else: table_html, freq_codes_annuels = table_html_cached return table_html, table, freq_codes_annuels def _gen_formsemestre_recapcomplet_table( res: ResultatsSemestre, include_evaluations=False, mode_jury=False, convert_values: bool = True, filename: str = "", selected_etudid=None, ) -> TableRecap: """Construit la table récap.""" table_class = TableJury if mode_jury else TableRecap table = table_class( res, convert_values=convert_values, include_evaluations=include_evaluations, mode_jury=mode_jury, read_only=not res.formsemestre.can_edit_jury(), ) table.data["filename"] = filename table.select_row(selected_etudid) return table def gen_formsemestre_recapcomplet_excel( res: NotesTableCompat, mode_jury: bool = False, include_evaluations=False, filename: str = "", ) -> tuple: """Génère le tableau recap ou jury en excel (xlsx). Utilisé pour menu (export excel), archives et autres besoins particuliers (API). Attention: le tableau exporté depuis la page html est celui généré en js par DataTables, et non celui-ci. """ table = _gen_formsemestre_recapcomplet_table( res, include_evaluations=include_evaluations, mode_jury=mode_jury, convert_values=False, filename=filename, ) return table.excel(), filename