# -*- mode: python -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Gestion scolarite IUT # # Copyright (c) 1999 - 2024 Emmanuel Viennet. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Emmanuel Viennet emmanuel.viennet@viennet.net # ############################################################################## """Géneration de tables aux formats XHTML, PDF, Excel, XML et JSON. Les données sont fournies comme une liste de dictionnaires, chaque élément de cette liste décrivant une ligne du tableau. Chaque colonne est identifiée par une clé du dictionnaire. Voir exemple en fin de ce fichier. Les clés commençant par '_' sont réservées. Certaines altèrent le traitement, notamment pour spécifier les styles de mise en forme. Par exemple, la clé '_css_row_class' spécifie le style CSS de la ligne. """ import random from collections import OrderedDict from xml.etree import ElementTree import json from typing import Any from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlencode, parse_qs, urlunparse from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter import reportlab from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph, Spacer from reportlab.platypus import Table, KeepInFrame from reportlab.lib.colors import Color from reportlab.lib import styles from reportlab.lib.units import cm from flask import render_template from app.scodoc import sco_utils as scu from app.scodoc import sco_excel from app.scodoc import sco_pdf from app.scodoc import sco_xml from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoPDFFormatError from app.scodoc.sco_pdf import SU from app import log, ScoDocJSONEncoder def mark_paras(items: list[Any], tags: list[str]) -> list[str]: """Put each string element of items between ..., for each supplied tag. Leave non string elements untouched. """ for tag in tags: start = "<" + tag + ">" end = "" items = [(start + (x or "") + end) if isinstance(x, str) else x for x in items] return items def add_query_param(url: str, key: str, value: str) -> str: "add parameter key=value to the given URL" # Parse the URL parsed_url = urlparse(url) # Parse the query parameters query_params = parse_qs(parsed_url.query) # Add or update the query parameter query_params[key] = [value] # Encode the query parameters encoded_query_params = urlencode(query_params, doseq=True) # Construct the new URL new_url_parts = parsed_url._replace(query=encoded_query_params) new_url = urlunparse(new_url_parts) return new_url class DEFAULT_TABLE_PREFERENCES(object): """Default preferences for tables created without preferences argument""" values = { "SCOLAR_FONT": "Helvetica", # used for PDF, overriden by preferences argument "SCOLAR_FONT_SIZE": 10, "SCOLAR_FONT_SIZE_FOOT": 6, "bul_pdf_with_background": False, } def __getitem__(self, k): return self.values[k] class GenTable: """Simple 2D tables with export to HTML, PDF, Excel, CSV. Can be sub-classed to generate fancy formats. """ default_css_class = "gt_table stripe cell-border compact hover order-column" def __init__( self, rows=[{}], # liste de dict { column_id : value } columns_ids=[], # id des colonnes a afficher, dans l'ordre titles={}, # titres (1ere ligne) bottom_titles={}, # titres derniere ligne (optionnel) caption=None, page_title="", # titre fenetre html pdf_link=True, xls_link=True, xml_link=False, table_id=None, # for html and xml html_class=None, # class de l'element (en plus des classes par defaut, html_class_ignore_default=False, # sauf si html_class_ignore_default est vrai) html_sortable=False, html_highlight_n=2, # une ligne sur 2 de classe "gt_hl" html_col_width=None, # force largeur colonne html_generate_cells=True, # generate empty
cells even if not in rows (useless?) html_title="", # avant le tableau en html html_caption=None, # override caption if specified html_header=None, html_next_section="", # html fragment to put after the table html_with_td_classes=False, # put class=column_id in each html_before_table="", # html snippet to put before the in the page html_empty_element="", # replace table when empty html_table_attrs="", # for html base_url=None, origin=None, # string added to excel and xml versions filename="table", # filename, without extension xls_sheet_name="feuille", xls_before_table=[], # liste de cellules a placer avant la table xls_style_base=None, # style excel pour les cellules xls_columns_width=None, # { col_id : largeur en "pixels excel" } pdf_title="", # au dessus du tableau en pdf pdf_table_style=None, pdf_col_widths=None, xml_outer_tag="table", xml_row_tag="row", text_with_titles=False, # CSV with header line text_fields_separator="\t", preferences=None, ): self.rows = rows # [ { col_id : value } ] self.columns_ids = columns_ids # ordered list of col_id self.titles = titles # { col_id : title } self.bottom_titles = bottom_titles self.origin = origin self.base_url = base_url self.filename = filename self.caption = caption self.html_header = html_header self.html_before_table = html_before_table self.html_empty_element = html_empty_element self.html_table_attrs = html_table_attrs self.page_title = page_title self.pdf_link = pdf_link self.xls_link = xls_link self.xls_style_base = xls_style_base self.xls_columns_width = xls_columns_width or {} self.xml_link = xml_link # HTML parameters: if not table_id: # random id log("Warning: GenTable() called without table_id") self.table_id = "gt_" + str(random.randint(0, 1000000)) else: self.table_id = table_id self.html_generate_cells = html_generate_cells self.html_title = html_title self.html_caption = html_caption self.html_next_section = html_next_section self.html_with_td_classes = html_with_td_classes if html_class is None: html_class = self.default_css_class if html_class_ignore_default: self.html_class = html_class else: self.html_class = self.default_css_class + " " + html_class self.sortable = html_sortable self.html_highlight_n = html_highlight_n self.html_col_width = html_col_width # XLS parameters self.xls_sheet_name = xls_sheet_name self.xls_before_table = xls_before_table # PDF parameters self.pdf_table_style = pdf_table_style self.pdf_col_widths = pdf_col_widths self.pdf_title = pdf_title # XML parameters self.xml_outer_tag = xml_outer_tag self.xml_row_tag = xml_row_tag # TEXT parameters self.text_fields_separator = text_fields_separator self.text_with_titles = text_with_titles # if preferences: self.preferences = preferences else: self.preferences = DEFAULT_TABLE_PREFERENCES() def __repr__(self): return f"" def __len__(self): return len(self.rows) def get_nb_cols(self): return len(self.columns_ids) def get_nb_rows(self): return len(self.rows) def is_empty(self): return len(self.rows) == 0 def get_data_list( self, with_titles=False, with_lines_titles=True, with_bottom_titles=True, omit_hidden_lines=False, pdf_mode=False, # apply special pdf reportlab processing pdf_style_list=[], # modified: list of platypus table style commands xls_mode=False, # get xls content if available ) -> list: "table data as a list of lists (rows)" T = [] line_num = 0 # line number in input data out_line_num = 0 # line number in output list if with_titles and self.titles: l = [] if with_lines_titles: if "row_title" in self.titles: l = [self.titles["row_title"]] T.append(l + [self.titles.get(cid, "") for cid in self.columns_ids]) for row in self.rows: line_num += 1 l = [] if with_lines_titles: if "row_title" in row: l = [row["row_title"]] if not (omit_hidden_lines and row.get("_hidden", False)): colspan_count = 0 col_num = len(l) for cid in self.columns_ids: colspan_count -= 1 # if colspan_count > 0: # continue # skip cells after a span if pdf_mode and f"_{cid}_pdf" in row: content = row[f"_{cid}_pdf"] elif xls_mode and f"_{cid}_xls" in row: content = row[f"_{cid}_xls"] else: content = row.get(cid, "") # Convert None to empty string "" content = "" if content is None else content colspan = row.get(f"_{cid}_colspan", 0) if colspan > 1: pdf_style_list.append( ( "SPAN", (col_num, out_line_num), (col_num + colspan - 1, out_line_num), ) ) colspan_count = colspan l.append(content) col_num += 1 if pdf_mode: mk = row.get("_pdf_row_markup", []) # a list of tags if mk: l = mark_paras(l, mk) T.append(l) # for cmd in row.get("_pdf_style", []): # relocate line numbers pdf_style_list.append( ( cmd[0], (cmd[1][0], cmd[1][1] + out_line_num), (cmd[2][0], cmd[2][1] + out_line_num), ) + cmd[3:] ) out_line_num += 1 if with_bottom_titles and self.bottom_titles: line_num += 1 l = [] if with_lines_titles: if "row_title" in self.bottom_titles: l = [self.bottom_titles["row_title"]] T.append(l + [self.bottom_titles.get(cid, "") for cid in self.columns_ids]) return T def get_titles_list(self): "list of titles" titles = [self.titles.get(cid, "") for cid in self.columns_ids] if "row_title" in self.titles and "row_title" not in self.columns_ids: titles.insert(0, self.titles["row_title"]) return titles def gen(self, fmt="html", columns_ids=None): """Build representation of the table in the specified format. See make_page() for more sophisticated output. """ if fmt == "html": return self.html() elif fmt == "xls" or fmt == "xlsx": return self.excel() elif fmt == "text" or fmt == "csv": return self.text() elif fmt == "pdf": return self.pdf() elif fmt == "xml": return self.xml() elif fmt == "json": return self.json() raise ValueError(f"GenTable: invalid format: {fmt}") def _gen_html_row(self, row, line_num=0, elem="td", css_classes=""): "row is a dict, returns a string ..." if not row: return "" # empty row if self.html_col_width: std = ' style="width:%s;"' % self.html_col_width else: std = "" cla = css_classes + " " + row.get("_css_row_class", "") if line_num % self.html_highlight_n: cls = ' class="gt_hl %s"' % cla else: if cla: cls = ' class="%s"' % cla else: cls = "" H = ["" % (cls, row.get("_tr_attrs", ""))] # titre ligne if "row_title" in row: content = str(row["row_title"]) help = row.get("row_title_help", "") if help: content = '%s' % ( help, content, ) H.append('") r = [] colspan_count = 0 for cid in self.columns_ids: if not cid in row and not self.html_generate_cells: continue # skip cell colspan_count -= 1 if colspan_count > 0: continue # skip cells after a span content = row.get("_" + str(cid) + "_html", row.get(cid, "")) if content is None: content = "" else: content = str(content) help = row.get("_%s_help" % cid, "") if help: target = row.get("_%s_target" % cid, "#") else: target = row.get("_%s_target" % cid, "") cell_id = row.get("_%s_id" % cid, None) if cell_id: idstr = ' id="%s"' % cell_id else: idstr = "" cell_link_class = row.get("_%s_link_class" % cid, "discretelink") if help or target: content = '%s' % ( cell_link_class, target, help, idstr, content, ) klass = row.get("_%s_class" % cid, "") if self.html_with_td_classes: c = cid else: c = "" if c or klass: klass = ' class="%s"' % (" ".join((klass, c))) else: klass = "" colspan = row.get("_%s_colspan" % cid, 0) if colspan > 1: colspan_txt = ' colspan="%d" ' % colspan colspan_count = colspan else: colspan_txt = "" attrs = row.get("_%s_td_attrs" % cid, "") order = row.get(f"_{cid}_order") if order: attrs += f' data-order="{order}"' r.append( "<%s%s %s%s%s>%s" % ( elem, std, attrs, klass, colspan_txt, content, elem, ) ) H.append("".join(r) + "") return "".join(H) def html(self): "Simple HTML representation of the table" if self.is_empty() and self.html_empty_element: return self.html_empty_element + "\n" + self.html_next_section hid = ' id="%s"' % self.table_id tablclasses = [] if self.html_class: tablclasses.append(self.html_class) if self.sortable: tablclasses.append("sortable") if tablclasses: cls = ' class="%s"' % " ".join(tablclasses) else: cls = "" H = [self.html_before_table, f""] line_num = 0 # thead H.append("") if self.titles: H.append( self._gen_html_row( self.titles, line_num, elem="th", css_classes="gt_firstrow" ) ) # autres lignes à placer dans la tête: for row in self.rows: if row.get("_table_part") == "head": line_num += 1 H.append(self._gen_html_row(row, line_num)) # uses td elements H.append("") H.append("") for row in self.rows: if row.get("_table_part", "body") == "body": line_num += 1 H.append(self._gen_html_row(row, line_num)) H.append("") H.append("") for row in self.rows: if row.get("_table_part") == "foot": line_num += 1 H.append(self._gen_html_row(row, line_num)) if self.bottom_titles: H.append( self._gen_html_row( self.bottom_titles, line_num + 1, elem="th", css_classes="gt_lastrow sortbottom", ) ) H.append("") H.append("
' + content + "
") caption = self.html_caption or self.caption if caption or self.base_url: H.append('

') if caption: H.append(caption) if self.base_url: H.append('') if self.xls_link: H.append( f""" {scu.ICON_XLS}""" ) if self.xls_link and self.pdf_link: H.append(" ") if self.pdf_link: H.append( f""" {scu.ICON_PDF}""" ) H.append("") H.append("

") H.append(self.html_next_section) return "\n".join(H) def excel(self, wb=None): """Simple Excel representation of the table""" if wb is None: sheet = sco_excel.ScoExcelSheet(sheet_name=self.xls_sheet_name, wb=wb) else: sheet = wb.create_sheet(sheet_name=self.xls_sheet_name) sheet.rows += self.xls_before_table style_bold = sco_excel.excel_make_style(bold=True) style_base = self.xls_style_base or sco_excel.excel_make_style() sheet.append_row(sheet.make_row(self.get_titles_list(), style_bold)) for line in self.get_data_list(xls_mode=True): sheet.append_row(sheet.make_row(line, style_base)) if self.caption: sheet.append_blank_row() # empty line sheet.append_single_cell_row(self.caption, style_base) if self.origin: sheet.append_blank_row() # empty line sheet.append_single_cell_row(self.origin, style_base) # Largeurs des colonnes columns_ids = list(self.columns_ids) for col_id, width in self.xls_columns_width.items(): try: idx = columns_ids.index(col_id) col = get_column_letter(idx + 1) sheet.set_column_dimension_width(col, width) except ValueError: pass if wb is None: return sheet.generate() def text(self): "raw text representation of the table" if self.text_with_titles: headline = [self.get_titles_list()] else: headline = [] return "\n".join( [ self.text_fields_separator.join([str(x) for x in line]) for line in headline + self.get_data_list() ] ) def pdf(self) -> list: "PDF representation: returns a list of ReportLab's platypus objects" r = [] try: sco_pdf.PDFLOCK.acquire() r = self._pdf() finally: sco_pdf.PDFLOCK.release() return r def _pdf(self) -> list: """PDF representation: returns a list of ReportLab's platypus objects (notably a Table instance) """ LINEWIDTH = 0.5 if not self.pdf_table_style: self.pdf_table_style = [ ("FONTNAME", (0, 0), (-1, 0), self.preferences["SCOLAR_FONT"]), ("LINEBELOW", (0, 0), (-1, 0), LINEWIDTH, Color(0, 0, 0)), ("GRID", (0, 0), (-1, -1), LINEWIDTH, Color(0, 0, 0)), ("VALIGN", (0, 0), (-1, -1), "TOP"), ] nb_cols = len(self.columns_ids) if self.rows and "row_title" in self.rows[0]: nb_cols += 1 if not self.pdf_col_widths: self.pdf_col_widths = (None,) * nb_cols # CellStyle = styles.ParagraphStyle({}) CellStyle.fontSize = self.preferences["SCOLAR_FONT_SIZE"] CellStyle.fontName = self.preferences["SCOLAR_FONT"] CellStyle.leading = 1.0 * self.preferences["SCOLAR_FONT_SIZE"] # vertical space # # titles = ["%s" % x for x in self.get_titles_list()] pdf_style_list = [] data_list = self.get_data_list( pdf_mode=True, pdf_style_list=pdf_style_list, with_titles=True, omit_hidden_lines=True, ) try: Pt = [] for line in data_list: Pt.append( [ ( Paragraph(SU(str(x)), CellStyle) if (not isinstance(x, Paragraph)) else x ) for x in line ] ) except ValueError as exc: raise ScoPDFFormatError(str(exc)) from exc pdf_style_list += self.pdf_table_style T = Table(Pt, repeatRows=1, colWidths=self.pdf_col_widths, style=pdf_style_list) objects = [] StyleSheet = styles.getSampleStyleSheet() if self.pdf_title: objects.append(Paragraph(SU(self.pdf_title), StyleSheet["Heading3"])) if self.caption: objects.append(Paragraph(SU(self.caption), StyleSheet["Normal"])) objects.append(Spacer(0, 0.4 * cm)) objects.append(T) return objects def xml(self): """XML representation of the table. The schema is very simple:
The tag names and can be changed using xml_outer_tag and xml_row_tag """ doc = ElementTree.Element( self.xml_outer_tag, id=str(self.table_id), origin=self.origin or "", caption=self.caption or "", ) for row in self.rows: x_row = ElementTree.Element(self.xml_row_tag) row_title = row.get("row_title", "") if row_title: x_row.set("title", row_title) doc.append(x_row) for cid in self.columns_ids: v = row.get(cid, "") if v is None: v = "" x_cell = ElementTree.Element(str(cid), value=str(v)) x_row.append(x_cell) return sco_xml.XML_HEADER + ElementTree.tostring(doc).decode(scu.SCO_ENCODING) def json(self): """JSON representation of the table.""" d = [] for row in self.rows: r = {} for cid in self.columns_ids: v = row.get(cid, None) # if v != None: # v = str(v) r[cid] = v d.append(r) return json.dumps(d, cls=ScoDocJSONEncoder) def make_page( self, title="", fmt="html", page_title="", filename=None, javascripts=(), with_html_headers=True, publish=True, template="sco_page.j2", ): """ Build page at given format This is a simple page with only a title and the table. If not publish, do not set response header for non HTML formats. If with_html_headers, render a full page using ScoDoc template. """ if not filename: filename = self.filename page_title = page_title or self.page_title html_title = self.html_title or title if fmt == "html": H = [] if html_title: H.append(html_title) H.append(self.html()) if with_html_headers: return render_template( template, content="\n".join(H), title=page_title, javascripts=javascripts, ) return "\n".join(H) elif fmt == "pdf": pdf_objs = self.pdf() pdf_doc = sco_pdf.pdf_basic_page( pdf_objs, title=title, preferences=self.preferences ) if publish: return scu.send_file( pdf_doc, filename, suffix=".pdf", mime=scu.PDF_MIMETYPE, ) else: return pdf_doc elif fmt in ("xls", "xlsx"): # dans les 2 cas retourne du xlsx xls = self.excel() if publish: return scu.send_file( xls, filename, suffix=scu.XLSX_SUFFIX, mime=scu.XLSX_MIMETYPE, ) return xls elif fmt == "text": return self.text() elif fmt == "csv": return scu.send_file( self.text(), filename, suffix=".csv", mime=scu.CSV_MIMETYPE, attached=True, ) elif fmt == "xml": xml = self.xml() if publish: return scu.send_file( xml, filename, suffix=".xml", mime=scu.XML_MIMETYPE ) return xml elif fmt == "json": js = self.json() if publish: return scu.send_file( js, filename, suffix=".json", mime=scu.JSON_MIMETYPE ) return js else: log(f"make_page: format={fmt}") raise ValueError("make_page: invalid format") # ----- class SeqGenTable(object): """Sequence de GenTable: permet de générer un classeur excel avec un tab par table. L'ordre des tabs est conservé (1er tab == 1ere table ajoutée) """ def __init__(self): self.genTables = OrderedDict() def add_genTable(self, name, gentable): self.genTables[name] = gentable def get_genTable(self, name): return self.genTables.get(name) def excel(self): """Export des genTables dans un unique fichier excel avec plusieurs feuilles tagguées""" book = sco_excel.ScoExcelBook() # pylint: disable=no-member for _, gt in self.genTables.items(): gt.excel(wb=book) # Ecrit dans un fichier excel return book.generate() # ----- Exemple d'utilisation minimal. if __name__ == "__main__": table = GenTable( rows=[{"nom": "Hélène", "age": 26}, {"nom": "Titi&çà§", "age": 21}], columns_ids=("nom", "age"), ) print("--- HTML:") print(table.gen(fmt="html")) print("\n--- XML:") print(table.gen(fmt="xml")) print("\n--- JSON:") print(table.gen(fmt="json")) # Test pdf: import io from app.scodoc import sco_preferences preferences = sco_preferences.SemPreferences() table.preferences = preferences objects = table.gen(fmt="pdf") objects = [KeepInFrame(0, 0, objects, mode="shrink")] doc = io.BytesIO() document = sco_pdf.BaseDocTemplate(doc) document.addPageTemplates( sco_pdf.ScoDocPageTemplate( document, ) ) try: document.build(objects) except (ValueError, KeyError, reportlab.platypus.doctemplate.LayoutError) as exc: raise ScoPDFFormatError(str(exc)) from exc data = doc.getvalue() with open("/tmp/gen_table.pdf", "wb") as f: f.write(data) p = table.make_page(fmt="pdf") with open("toto.pdf", "wb") as f: f.write(p)