forked from ScoDoc/ScoDoc
merge master
This commit is contained in:
@ -632,17 +632,23 @@ def formation_semestre_niveaux_warning(formation: Formation, semestre_idx: int)
def ue_associee_au_niveau_du_parcours(
ues_possibles: list[UniteEns], niveau: ApcNiveau, sem_name: str = "S"
) -> UniteEns:
"L'UE associée à ce niveau, ou None"
) -> tuple[UniteEns, str]:
"""L'UE associée à ce niveau, ou None.
Renvoie aussi un message d'avertissement en cas d'associations multiples
(en principe un niveau ne doit être associé qu'à une seule UE)
ues = [ue for ue in ues_possibles if ue.niveau_competence_id ==]
msg = ""
if len(ues) > 1:
msg = f"""{' et '.join(ue.acronyme for ue in ues)}
associées au niveau {niveau} / {sem_name}. Utilisez le cas échéant l'item "Désassocier"."""
# plusieurs UEs associées à ce niveau: élimine celles sans parcours
ues_pair_avec_parcours = [ue for ue in ues if ue.parcours]
if ues_pair_avec_parcours:
ues = ues_pair_avec_parcours
ues_avec_parcours = [ue for ue in ues if ue.parcours]
if ues_avec_parcours:
ues = ues_avec_parcours
if len(ues) > 1:
log(f"_niveau_ues: {len(ues)} associées au niveau {niveau} / {sem_name}")
return ues[0] if ues else None
return ues[0] if ues else None, msg
def parcour_formation_competences(
@ -700,6 +706,7 @@ def parcour_formation_competences(
"ue_impair": None,
"ues_pair": [],
"ues_impair": [],
"warning": "",
# Toutes les UEs de la formation dans ce parcours ou tronc commun
ues = [
@ -715,10 +722,10 @@ def parcour_formation_competences(
ues_impair_possibles = [ue for ue in ues if ue.semestre_idx == (2 * annee - 1)]
# UE associée au niveau dans ce parcours
ue_pair = ue_associee_au_niveau_du_parcours(
ue_pair, warning_pair = ue_associee_au_niveau_du_parcours(
ues_pair_possibles, niveau, f"S{2*annee}"
ue_impair = ue_associee_au_niveau_du_parcours(
ue_impair, warning_impair = ue_associee_au_niveau_du_parcours(
ues_impair_possibles, niveau, f"S{2*annee-1}"
@ -736,6 +743,7 @@ def parcour_formation_competences(
for ue in ues_impair_possibles
if (not ue.niveau_competence) or ==
"warning": ", ".join(filter(None, [warning_pair, warning_impair])),
competences = [
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ def pvjury_page_but(formsemestre_id: int, fmt="html"):
return tab.make_page(fmt=fmt, javascripts=["js/etud_info.js"], init_qtip=True)
return tab.make_page(fmt=fmt)
def pvjury_table_but(
@ -46,10 +46,8 @@ from app.scodoc.sco_config_actions import LogoInsert
from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoValueError
from app.scodoc.sco_logos import find_logo
# class ItemForm(FlaskForm):
# """Unused Generic class to document common behavior for classes
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
Simplification des multiselect HTML/JS
class MultiSelect:
Classe pour faciliter l'utilisation du multi-select HTML/JS
Les values sont représentées en dict {
value: "...",
selected: True/False (default to False),
single: True/False (default to False)
values (dict[str, list[dict]]): Dictionnaire des valeurs
génère des <optgroup> pour chaque clef du dictionnaire
génère des <option> pour chaque valeur du dictionnaire
name (str, optional): Nom du multi-select. Defaults to "multi-select".
html_id (str, optional): Id HTML du multi-select. Defaults to "multi-select".
classname (str, optional): Classe CSS du multi-select. Defaults to "".
label (str, optional): Label du multi-select. Defaults to "".
export (str, optional): Format du multi-select (HTML/JS). Defaults to "js".
HTML : group_ids="val1"&group_ids="val2"...
JS : ["val1","val2", ...]
**kwargs: Arguments supplémentaires (appliqué au multiselect en HTML <multi-select key="value" ...>)
def __init__(
values: dict[str, list[dict]],
) -> None:
self.values: dict[str, list[dict]] = values
self._on = ""
|||| str = name
self.html_id: str = html_id
self.classname: str = classname
self.label: str = label or name
self.args: dict = kwargs
self.js: str = ""
self.export: str = "return values"
def html(self) -> str:
Génère l'HTML correspondant au multi-select
opts: list[str] = []
for key, values in self.values.items():
optgroup = f"<optgroup label='{key}'>"
for value in values:
selected = "selected" if value.get("selected", False) else ""
single = "single" if value.get("single", False) else ""
opt = f"<option value='{value.get('value')}' {selected} {single} >{value.get('label')}</option>"
optgroup += opt
optgroup += "</optgroup>"
args: list[str] = [f'{key}="{value}"' for key, value in self.args.items()]
js: str = "{" + self.js + "}"
export: str = "{" + self.export + "}"
return f"""
{" ".join(args)}
window.addEventListener('load', () => {{document.getElementById("{self.html_id}").on((values)=>{js});
document.getElementById("{self.html_id}").format((values)=>{export});}} );
def change_event(self, js: str) -> None:
Ajoute un évènement de changement au multi-select
CallBack JS : (event) => {/*actions à effectuer*/}
Sera retranscrit dans l'HTML comme :
Exemple d'utilisation :
js : "console.log("
self.js: str = js
def export_format(self, js: str) -> None:
Met à jour le format de retour de valeur du multi-select
CallBack JS : (values) => {/*actions à effectuer*/}
Sera retranscrit dans l'HTML comme :
Exemple d'utilisation :
js : "return> 'val:'+v)"
self.export: str = js
@ -260,8 +260,8 @@ class Identite(models.ScoDocModel):
Add to session but don't commit.
True if modification.
check_etud_duplicate_code(args, "code_nip")
check_etud_duplicate_code(args, "code_ine")
check_etud_duplicate_code(args, "code_nip",
check_etud_duplicate_code(args, "code_ine",
return super().from_dict(args, **kwargs)
@ -796,11 +796,11 @@ class Identite(models.ScoDocModel):
def check_etud_duplicate_code(args, code_name, edit=True):
def check_etud_duplicate_code(args, code_name, edit=True, etudid: int | None = None):
"""Vérifie que le code n'est pas dupliqué.
Raises ScoGenError si problème.
etudid = args.get("etudid", None)
etudid = etudid or args.get("etudid", None)
if not args.get(code_name, None):
etuds = Identite.query.filter_by(
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class ScolarNews(db.Model):
def __str__(self):
"'Chargement notes dans Stage (S3 FI) par Aurélie Dupont'"
"exemple: 'Notes dans Stage (S3 FI) par Aurélie Dupont'"
formsemestre = self.get_news_formsemestre()
user = User.query.filter_by(user_name=self.authenticated_user).first()
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ class ScolarNews(db.Model):
return ""
dept_news_url = url_for("scolar.dept_news", scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept)
H = [
f"""<div class="scobox news"><div class="scobox-title"><a href="{
f"""<div class="scobox news" desktop="true"><div class="scobox-title" desktop="true"><a href="{
}">Dernières opérations</a>
</div><ul class="newslist">"""
@ -286,14 +286,18 @@ class ScolarNews(db.Model):
f"""<li class="newslist">
<span class="newstext"><a href="{dept_news_url}" class="stdlink">...</a>
<ul class="newslist" mobile="true" style="margin-bottom: 0px;">
<li><a href="{dept_news_url}" class="stdlink">Dernières opérations</a></li>
# Informations générales
f"""<div desktop="true">
Pour en savoir plus sur ScoDoc voir
<a class="stdlink" href="{scu.SCO_ANNONCES_WEBSITE}"></a>
@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ def TrivialFormulator(
To use text_suggest elements, one must:
- specify options in text_suggest_options (a dict)
- HTML page must load JS AutoSuggest.js and CSS autosuggest_inquisitor.css
- bodyOnLoad must call JS function init_tf_form(formid)
method = method.lower()
if method == "get":
@ -776,9 +775,12 @@ var {field}_as = new bsn.AutoSuggest('{field}', {field}_opts);
# => only one form with text_suggest field on a page.
"""<script type="text/javascript">
function init_tf_form(formid) {
function init_tf_form() {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
% "\n".join(suggest_js)
@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ from reportlab.lib.units import cm
from flask import render_template
from app.scodoc import html_sco_header
from app.scodoc import sco_utils as scu
from app.scodoc import sco_excel
from app.scodoc import sco_pdf
@ -27,10 +27,7 @@
"""HTML Header/Footer for ScoDoc pages"""
import html
from flask import g, render_template, url_for
from flask import request
from flask_login import current_user
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
@ -40,19 +37,8 @@ import sco_version
# Some constants:
# Multiselect menus are used on a few pages and not loaded by default
BOOTSTRAP_JS = ["libjs/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js", "libjs/purl.js"]
BOOTSTRAP_CSS = ["libjs/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css"]
def standard_html_header():
@ -85,7 +71,6 @@ _HTML_BEGIN = f"""<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=%(encoding)s" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />
@ -98,21 +83,13 @@ _HTML_BEGIN = f"""<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/css/scodoc.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/css/menu.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/DataTables/datatables.min.css" />
<link href="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/css/gt_table.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/libjs/menu.js"></script>
<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/libjs/bubble.js"></script>
if (document.getElementById('gtrcontent')) {{
if (document.getElementById('sidebar')) {{
<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/jQuery/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/jQuery/jquery-migrate-1.2.0.min.js"></script>
<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/jQuery/jquery-migrate-3.5.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/libjs/jquery.field.min.js"></script>
<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/libjs/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom/js/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.min.js"></script>
@ -121,12 +98,30 @@ _HTML_BEGIN = f"""<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/libjs/qtip/jquery.qtip-3.0.3.min.js"></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/libjs/qtip/jquery.qtip-3.0.3.min.css" />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/libjs/timepicker-1.3.5/jquery.timepicker.min.css" />
<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/libjs/timepicker-1.3.5/jquery.timepicker.min.js"></script>
<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/js/scodoc.js"></script>
<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/js/etud_info.js"></script>
<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/libjs/qtip/jquery.qtip-3.0.3.min.js"></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/libjs/qtip/jquery.qtip-3.0.3.min.css" />
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {{
if (document.getElementById('gtrcontent')) {{
if (document.getElementById('sidebar')) {{
def scodoc_top_html_header(page_title="ScoDoc: bienvenue"):
"""HTML header for top level pages"""
H = [
_HTML_BEGIN % {"page_title": page_title, "encoding": scu.SCO_ENCODING},
"""</head><body id="gtrcontent">""",
@ -139,17 +134,12 @@ def scodoc_top_html_header(page_title="ScoDoc: bienvenue"):
def sco_header(
# optional args
page_title="", # page title
no_side_bar=False, # hide sidebar
no_sidebar=False, # hide sidebar
cssstyles=(), # additionals CSS sheets
javascripts=(), # additionals JS filenames to load
scripts=(), # script to put in page header
bodyOnLoad="", # JS
init_qtip=False, # include qTip
init_google_maps=False, # Google maps
titrebandeau="", # titre dans bandeau superieur
head_message="", # message action (petit cadre jaune en haut) DEPRECATED
user_check=True, # verifie passwords temporaires
@ -162,51 +152,21 @@ def sco_header(
g.current_etudid = etudid
# Get head message from http request:
if not head_message:
if request.method == "POST":
head_message = request.form.get("head_message", "")
elif request.method == "GET":
head_message = request.args.get("head_message", "")
params = {
"page_title": page_title or sco_version.SCONAME,
"no_side_bar": no_side_bar,
"no_sidebar": no_sidebar,
"ScoURL": url_for("scolar.index_html", scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept),
"encoding": scu.SCO_ENCODING,
"titrebandeau_mkup": "<td>" + titrebandeau + "</td>",
"authuser": current_user.user_name,
if bodyOnLoad:
params["bodyOnLoad_mkup"] = """onload="%s" """ % bodyOnLoad
params["bodyOnLoad_mkup"] = ""
if no_side_bar:
if no_sidebar:
params["margin_left"] = "1em"
params["margin_left"] = "140px"
H = [
"""<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="fr">
<!-- ScoDoc legacy -->
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<meta name="LANG" content="fr" />
<meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="ScoDoc" />
H = [_HTML_BEGIN % params]
% params
# jQuery UI
# can modify loaded theme here
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
href="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/libjs/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom/css/smoothness/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.min.css" />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
href="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/libjs/timepicker-1.3.5/jquery.timepicker.min.css" />
if init_google_maps:
# It may be necessary to add an API key:
H.append('<script src=""></script>')
@ -219,61 +179,17 @@ def sco_header(
<link href="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/css/scodoc.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/css/menu.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/css/gt_table.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/libjs/menu.js"></script>
<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/libjs/bubble.js"></script>
if (document.getElementById('gtrcontent')) {{
if (document.getElementById('sidebar')) {{
const SCO_URL="{url_for("scolar.index_html", scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept)}";
# jQuery
<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/jQuery/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/libjs/jquery.field.min.js"></script>
# qTip
if init_qtip:
f"""<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/libjs/qtip/jquery.qtip-3.0.3.min.js"></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
href="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/libjs/qtip/jquery.qtip-3.0.3.min.css" />
<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/libjs/timepicker-1.3.5/jquery.timepicker.min.js"></script>
<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/js/scodoc.js"></script>
if init_google_maps:
if init_google_maps: # utilisé uniquement pour carte lycées
f'<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/libjs/"></script>'
if init_datatables:
f"""<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/DataTables/datatables.min.css"/>
<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/DataTables/datatables.min.js"></script>"""
# H.append(
# f'<link href="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/css/tooltip.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />'
# )
# JS additionels
for js in javascripts:
H.append(f"""<script src="{scu.STATIC_DIR}/{js}"></script>\n""")
@ -295,15 +211,16 @@ def sco_header(
# Body et bandeau haut:
H.append("""<body %(bodyOnLoad_mkup)s>""" % params)
if not no_side_bar:
H.append("""<div id="gtrcontent">""")
# Fin head, Body et bandeau haut:
<!-- Legacy ScoDoc header -->
{'' if no_sidebar else html_sidebar.sidebar(etudid)}
<div id="gtrcontent">
# En attendant le replacement complet de cette fonction,
# inclusion ici des messages flask
@ -311,10 +228,6 @@ def sco_header(
# Barre menu semestre:
if head_message:
H.append('<div class="head_message">' + html.escape(head_message) + "</div>")
# div pour affichage messages temporaires
H.append('<div id="sco_msg" class="head_message"></div>')
@ -329,18 +242,3 @@ def sco_footer():
+ """</body></html>"""
def html_sem_header(
title, with_page_header=True, with_h2=True, page_title=None, **args
"Titre d'une page semestre avec lien vers tableau de bord"
# sem now unused and thus optional...
if with_page_header:
h = sco_header(page_title="%s" % (page_title or title), **args)
h = ""
if with_h2:
return h + f"""<h2 class="formsemestre">{title}</h2>"""
return h
@ -41,10 +41,8 @@ from app.scodoc import sco_groups
from app.scodoc import sco_trombino
from app.scodoc import sco_archives
from app.scodoc.sco_permissions import Permission
from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import AccessDenied, ScoValueError
from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import AccessDenied
from app.scodoc.TrivialFormulator import TrivialFormulator
from app.scodoc import html_sco_header
from app.scodoc import sco_etud
class EtudsArchiver(sco_archives.BaseArchiver):
@ -142,9 +140,6 @@ def etud_upload_file_form(etudid):
etud = Identite.get_etud(etudid)
H = [
page_title=f"Chargement d'un document associé à {etud.nomprenom}",
f"""<h2>Chargement d'un document associé à {etud.nomprenom}</h2>
<p>Le fichier ne doit pas dépasser {
@ -171,8 +166,12 @@ def etud_upload_file_form(etudid):
if tf[0] == 0:
return "\n".join(H) + tf[1] + html_sco_header.sco_footer()
elif tf[0] == -1:
return render_template(
title=f"Chargement d'un document associé à {etud.nomprenom}",
content="\n".join(H) + tf[1],
if tf[0] == -1:
return flask.redirect(etud.url_fiche())
data = tf[2]["datafile"].read()
descr = tf[2]["description"]
@ -217,7 +216,6 @@ def etud_delete_archive(etudid, archive_name, dialog_confirmed=False):
parameters={"etudid": etudid, "archive_name": archive_name},
@ -264,9 +262,6 @@ def etudarchive_generate_excel_sample(group_id=None):
def etudarchive_import_files_form(group_id):
"""Formulaire pour importation fichiers d'un groupe"""
H = [
page_title="Import de fichiers associés aux étudiants"
"""<h2 class="formsemestre">Téléchargement de fichier associés aux étudiants</h2>
<p>Les fichiers associés (dossiers d'admission, certificats, ...), de
types quelconques (pdf, doc, images) sont accessibles aux utilisateurs via
@ -293,7 +288,6 @@ def etudarchive_import_files_form(group_id):
% group_id,
F = html_sco_header.sco_footer()
tf = TrivialFormulator(
@ -314,7 +308,11 @@ def etudarchive_import_files_form(group_id):
if tf[0] == 0:
return "\n".join(H) + tf[1] + "</li></ol>" + F
return render_template(
title="Import de fichiers associés aux étudiants",
content="\n".join(H) + tf[1] + "</li></ol>",
# retrouve le semestre à partir du groupe:
group = sco_groups.get_group(group_id)
if tf[0] == -1:
@ -360,7 +358,7 @@ def etudarchive_import_files(
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
import json
import flask
from flask import flash, g, request, url_for
from flask import flash, g, render_template, request, url_for
from app import ScoDocJSONEncoder
from app.but import jury_but_pv
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ def do_formsemestre_archive(
page_title=f"Moyennes archivées le {date}",
f'<h2 class="fontorange">Valeurs archivées le {date}</h2>',
"""<style type="text/css">table.notes_recapcomplet tr { color: rgb(185,70,0); }
@ -238,12 +238,6 @@ def formsemestre_archive(formsemestre_id, group_ids: list[int] = None):
H = [
"Archiver les PV et résultats du semestre",
"""<p class="help">Cette page permet de générer et d'archiver tous
les documents résultant de ce semestre: PV de jury, lettres individuelles,
tableaux récapitulatifs.</p><p class="help">Les documents archivés sont
@ -312,7 +306,17 @@ enregistrés et non modifiables, on peut les retrouver ultérieurement.
if tf[0] == 0:
return "\n".join(H) + "\n" + tf[1] + "\n".join(F)
return render_template(
title="Archiver les PV et résultats",
content="<h2>Archiver les PV et résultats du semestre</h2>"
+ "\n".join(H)
+ "\n"
+ tf[1]
+ "\n".join(F),
elif tf[0] == -1:
msg = "Opération annulée"
@ -372,7 +376,7 @@ def formsemestre_list_archives(formsemestre_id):
H = [html_sco_header.html_sem_header("Archive des PV et résultats ")]
H = []
if not archives_descr:
H.append("<p>aucune archive enregistrée</p>")
@ -400,7 +404,9 @@ def formsemestre_list_archives(formsemestre_id):
return "\n".join(H) + html_sco_header.sco_footer()
return render_template(
"sco_page.j2", title="Archive des PV et résultats", content="\n".join(H)
def formsemestre_get_archived_file(formsemestre_id, archive_name, filename):
@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ def report_debouche_date(start_year=None, fmt="html"):
tab.base_url = f"{request.base_url}?start_year={start_year}"
return tab.make_page(
title="""<h2 class="formsemestre">Débouchés étudiants </h2>""",
@ -25,9 +25,8 @@
"""Ajout/Modification/Suppression UE
"""Ajout/Modification/Suppression UE"""
import re
import sqlalchemy as sa
@ -764,20 +763,6 @@ def ue_table(formation_id=None, semestre_idx=1, msg=""): # was ue_list
"delete_small_dis_img", title="Suppression impossible (module utilisé)"
H = [
+ ["libjs/jQuery-tagEditor/jquery.tag-editor.css", "css/ue_table.css"],
+ [
page_title=f"Formation {formation.acronyme} v{formation.version}",
f"""<h2>{formation.html()} {lockicon}
@ -1068,8 +1053,22 @@ du programme" (menu "Semestre") si vous avez un semestre en cours);
warn, _ = sco_formsemestre_validation.check_formation_ues(formation)
return "".join(H)
return render_template(
page_title=f"Formation {formation.acronyme} v{formation.version}",
+ ["libjs/jQuery-tagEditor/jquery.tag-editor.css", "css/ue_table.css"],
+ [
def _html_select_semestre_idx(formation_id, semestre_ids, semestre_idx):
@ -597,8 +597,6 @@ def _view_etuds_page(
return f"""
@ -751,8 +749,6 @@ def view_apo_csv(etape_apo="", semset_id="", fmt="html"):
H = [
page_title=f"""Maquette Apogée enregistrée pour {etape_apo}""",
f"""<h2>Étudiants dans la maquette Apogée {etape_apo}</h2>
<p>Pour l'ensemble <a class="stdlink" href="{
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"""Vérification des absences à une évaluation
from flask import url_for, g
from flask import g, render_template, url_for
from flask_sqlalchemy.query import Query
from app import db
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ from app.scodoc import html_sco_header
from app.scodoc import sco_evaluations
from app.scodoc import sco_evaluation_db
from app.scodoc import sco_groups
from app.views import ScoData
def evaluation_check_absences(evaluation: Evaluation):
@ -109,8 +110,10 @@ def evaluation_check_absences(evaluation: Evaluation):
def evaluation_check_absences_html(
evaluation: Evaluation, with_header=True, show_ok=True
"""Affiche état vérification absences d'une évaluation"""
) -> str:
"""Affiche état vérification absences d'une évaluation.
Si with_header, génère page complète, sinon fragment html.
note_but_abs, # une note alors qu'il était signalé abs
abs_non_signalee, # note ABS alors que pas signalé abs
@ -121,10 +124,6 @@ def evaluation_check_absences_html(
if with_header:
H = [
"Vérification absences à l'évaluation",
"""<p class="help">Vérification de la cohérence entre les notes saisies
et les absences signalées.</p>""",
@ -208,19 +207,19 @@ def evaluation_check_absences_html(
if with_header:
return render_template(
title="Vérification absences à l'évaluation",
content="<h2>Vérification absences à l'évaluation</h2>" + "\n".join(H),
return "\n".join(H)
def formsemestre_check_absences_html(formsemestre_id):
"""Affiche etat verification absences pour toutes les evaluations du semestre !"""
formsemestre: FormSemestre = FormSemestre.query.filter_by(
dept_id=g.scodoc_dept_id, id=formsemestre_id
def formsemestre_check_absences_html(formsemestre_id: int):
"""Affiche état vérification absences pour toutes les évaluations du semestre."""
formsemestre = FormSemestre.get_formsemestre(formsemestre_id)
H = [
"Vérification absences aux évaluations de ce semestre",
"""<p class="help">Vérification de la cohérence entre les notes saisies
et les absences signalées.
Sont listés tous les modules avec des évaluations.<br>Aucune action n'est effectuée:
@ -248,5 +247,9 @@ def formsemestre_check_absences_html(formsemestre_id):
return "\n".join(H)
return render_template(
content="<h2>Vérification absences aux évaluations de ce semestre</h2>"
+ "\n".join(H),
title="Vérification absences aux évaluations de ce semestre",
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ avec leur état.
Sur une idée de Pascal Bouron, de Lyon.
import time
from flask import g, url_for
from flask import g, render_template, url_for
from app import db
from app.models import Evaluation, FormSemestre
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
def evaluations_recap(formsemestre_id: int) -> str:
"""Page récap. de toutes les évaluations d'un semestre"""
formsemestre: FormSemestre = FormSemestre.query.get_or_404(formsemestre_id)
formsemestre = FormSemestre.get_formsemestre(formsemestre_id)
rows, titles = evaluations_recap_table(formsemestre)
column_ids = titles.keys()
filename = scu.sanitize_filename(
@ -32,11 +32,14 @@ def evaluations_recap(formsemestre_id: int) -> str:
if not rows:
return '<div class="evaluations_recap"><div class="message">aucune évaluation</div></div>'
H = [
page_title="Évaluations du semestre",
f"""<div class="evaluations_recap"><table class="evaluations_recap compact {
f"""<h2>Évaluations du semestre</h2>
<a class="stdlink" href="{url_for(
)}">Vérifier les absences aux évaluations</a>
<div class="evaluations_recap"><table class="evaluations_recap compact {
'apc' if formsemestre.formation.is_apc() else 'classic'
@ -56,13 +59,19 @@ def evaluations_recap(formsemestre_id: int) -> str:
<div class="help">Les étudiants démissionnaires ou défaillants ne sont pas pris en compte dans cette table.</div>
<div class="help">Les étudiants démissionnaires ou défaillants ne sont
pas pris en compte dans cette table.</div>
return "".join(H)
return render_template(
title="Évaluations du semestre",
def evaluations_recap_table(formsemestre: FormSemestre) -> list[dict]:
@ -31,9 +31,7 @@ import collections
import datetime
import operator
from flask import url_for
from flask import g
from flask import request
from flask import g, render_template, request, url_for
from flask_login import current_user
from app import db
@ -45,8 +43,6 @@ from app.models import Evaluation, FormSemestre, ModuleImpl, Module
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
from app.scodoc.sco_utils import ModuleType
from app.scodoc.gen_tables import GenTable
from app.scodoc import html_sco_header
from app.scodoc import sco_cal
from app.scodoc import sco_evaluation_db
from app.scodoc import sco_formsemestre_inscriptions
from app.scodoc import sco_groups
@ -470,7 +466,7 @@ class CalendrierEval(sco_gen_cal.Calendrier):
# View
def formsemestre_evaluations_cal(formsemestre_id):
"""Page avec calendrier de toutes les evaluations de ce semestre"""
"""Page avec calendrier de toutes les évaluations de ce semestre"""
formsemestre = FormSemestre.get_formsemestre(formsemestre_id)
nt: NotesTableCompat = res_sem.load_formsemestre_results(formsemestre)
@ -481,13 +477,12 @@ def formsemestre_evaluations_cal(formsemestre_id):
cal = CalendrierEval(year, evaluations, nt)
cal_html = cal.get_html()
return f"""
"Evaluations du semestre",
return render_template(
title="Évaluations du semestre",
<h2>Évaluations du semestre</h2>
<div class="cal_evaluations">
{ cal_html }
@ -513,8 +508,8 @@ def formsemestre_evaluations_cal(formsemestre_id):
}" class="stdlink">voir les délais de correction</a>
{ html_sco_header.sco_footer() }
def evaluation_date_first_completion(evaluation_id) -> datetime.datetime:
@ -651,7 +646,7 @@ def evaluation_describe(evaluation_id="", edit_in_place=True, link_saisie=True)
"""HTML description of evaluation, for page headers
edit_in_place: allow in-place editing when permitted (not implemented)
evaluation: Evaluation = Evaluation.query.get_or_404(evaluation_id)
evaluation = Evaluation.get_evaluation(evaluation_id)
modimpl = evaluation.moduleimpl
responsable: User = db.session.get(User, modimpl.responsable_id)
resp_nomprenom = responsable.get_prenomnom()
@ -287,10 +287,8 @@ def scodoc_table_results(
H = [
page_title="Export résultats",
+ ["js/etud_info.js", "js/export_results.js"],
javascripts=html_sco_header.BOOTSTRAP_JS + ["js/export_results.js"],
@ -327,9 +325,9 @@ _DATE_FORM = """
<b>Types de parcours :</b>
<select name="types_parcours" id="parcours_sel" class="multiselect" multiple="multiple">
<multi-select name="types_parcours" id="parcours_sel" label="Choisir le(s) parcours...">
<input type="submit" name="" value=" charger " width=100/>
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"""Recherche d'étudiants
import flask
from flask import url_for, g, request
from flask import url_for, g, render_template, request
from flask_login import current_user
import sqlalchemy as sa
@ -177,14 +177,7 @@ def search_etud_in_dept(expnom=""):
url_args["etudid"] = etuds[0].id
return flask.redirect(url_for(endpoint, **url_args))
H = [
page_title="Recherche d'un étudiant",
H = []
if len(etuds) == 0 and len(etuds) <= 1:
H.append("""<h2>chercher un étudiant:</h2>""")
@ -267,7 +260,9 @@ def search_etud_in_dept(expnom=""):
"""<p class="help">La recherche porte sur tout ou partie du NOM ou du NIP
de l'étudiant. Saisir au moins deux caractères.</p>"""
return "\n".join(H) + html_sco_header.sco_footer()
return render_template(
"sco_page_dept.j2", title="Recherche d'un étudiant", content="\n".join(H)
def search_etuds_infos(expnom=None, code_nip=None) -> list[dict]:
@ -314,7 +309,7 @@ def search_etud_by_name(term: str) -> list:
# ---------- Recherche sur plusieurs département
def search_etud_in_accessible_depts(
def search_etuds_in_accessible_depts(
) -> tuple[list[list[Identite]], list[str]]:
@ -335,14 +330,14 @@ def search_etud_in_accessible_depts(
return result, accessible_depts
def table_etud_in_accessible_depts(expnom=None):
def table_etuds_in_accessible_depts(expnom=None):
Page avec table étudiants trouvés, dans tous les departements.
Attention: nous sommes ici au niveau de ScoDoc, pas dans un département
result, accessible_depts = search_etud_in_accessible_depts(expnom=expnom)
result, accessible_depts = search_etuds_in_accessible_depts(expnom=expnom)
H = [
f"""<div class="table_etud_in_accessible_depts">
f"""<div class="table_etuds_in_accessible_depts">
<h3>Recherche multi-département de "<tt>{expnom}</tt>"</h3>
@ -367,7 +362,7 @@ def table_etud_in_accessible_depts(expnom=None):
# table_id="etud_in_accessible_depts",
H.append('<div class="table_etud_in_dept">')
@ -387,8 +382,10 @@ def table_etud_in_accessible_depts(expnom=None):
return (
html_sco_header.scodoc_top_html_header(page_title="Choix d'un étudiant")
+ "\n".join(H)
+ html_sco_header.standard_html_footer()
return render_template(
title="Choix d'un étudiant",
@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ def formation_list_table(detail: bool) -> GenTable:
"version": "Version",
"formation_code": "Code",
"sems_list_txt": "Semestres",
"referentiel": "Réf.",
"referentiel": "Réf. Comp.",
"date_fin_dernier_sem": "Fin dernier sem.",
"annee_dernier_sem": "Année dernier sem.",
"semestres_ues": "Semestres avec UEs",
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"""Menu "custom" (défini par l'utilisateur) dans les semestres
import flask
from flask import g, url_for, request
from flask import g, url_for, render_template, request
from flask_login import current_user
from app.models.config import ScoDocSiteConfig, PersonalizedLink
@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
import app.scodoc.notesdb as ndb
from app.scodoc.TrivialFormulator import TrivialFormulator
from app.scodoc import html_sco_header
from app.scodoc import htmlutils
from app.scodoc import sco_formsemestre
from app.scodoc import sco_edt_cal
_custommenuEditor = ndb.EditableTable(
@ -101,19 +98,18 @@ def formsemestre_custommenu_html(formsemestre_id):
"args": {"formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id},
return htmlutils.make_menu("Liens", menu)
return menu
def formsemestre_custommenu_edit(formsemestre_id):
"""Dialog to edit the custom menu"""
formsemestre: FormSemestre = FormSemestre.query.get_or_404(formsemestre_id)
formsemestre = FormSemestre.get_formsemestre(formsemestre_id)
dest_url = url_for(
H = [
html_sco_header.html_sem_header("Modification du menu du semestre "),
"""<div class="help">
<p>Ce menu, spécifique à chaque semestre, peut être utilisé pour
placer des liens vers vos applications préférées.
@ -164,7 +160,14 @@ def formsemestre_custommenu_edit(formsemestre_id):
if tf[0] == 0:
return "\n".join(H) + "\n" + tf[1] + html_sco_header.sco_footer()
return render_template(
title="Modification du menu du semestre",
content="<h2>Modification du menu du semestre</h2>"
+ "\n".join(H)
+ "\n"
+ tf[1],
elif tf[0] == -1:
return flask.redirect(dest_url)
@ -28,8 +28,7 @@
"""Form choix modules / responsables et creation formsemestre
import flask
from flask import url_for, flash, redirect
from flask import g, request
from flask import flash, g, request, redirect, render_template, url_for
from flask_login import current_user
import sqlalchemy as sa
@ -86,7 +85,6 @@ def formsemestre_createwithmodules():
page_title="Création d'un semestre",
javascripts=["libjs/AutoSuggest.js", "js/formsemestre_edit.js"],
"""<h2>Mise en place d'un semestre de formation</h2>""",
@ -98,19 +96,10 @@ def formsemestre_createwithmodules():
return "\n".join(H) + html_sco_header.sco_footer()
def formsemestre_editwithmodules(formsemestre_id):
def formsemestre_editwithmodules(formsemestre_id: int):
"""Page modification semestre"""
formsemestre: FormSemestre = FormSemestre.query.filter_by(
id=formsemestre_id, dept_id=g.scodoc_dept_id
H = [
"Modification du semestre",
javascripts=["libjs/AutoSuggest.js", "js/formsemestre_edit.js"],
formsemestre = FormSemestre.get_formsemestre(formsemestre_id)
H = []
if not formsemestre.etat:
@ -138,7 +127,13 @@ def formsemestre_editwithmodules(formsemestre_id):
return "\n".join(H) + html_sco_header.sco_footer()
return render_template(
javascripts=["libjs/AutoSuggest.js", "js/formsemestre_edit.js"],
title="Modification du semestre",
content="<h2>Modification du semestre</h2>" + "\n".join(H),
def can_edit_sem(formsemestre_id: int = None, sem=None):
@ -1187,13 +1182,9 @@ def formsemestre_clone(formsemestre_id):
H = [
"Copie du semestre",
"""<p class="help">Cette opération duplique un semestre: on reprend les mêmes modules et responsables. Aucun étudiant n'est inscrit.</p>""",
"""<p class="help">Cette opération duplique un semestre:
on reprend les mêmes modules et responsables.
Aucun étudiant n'est inscrit.</p>""",
descr = [
@ -1270,7 +1261,13 @@ def formsemestre_clone(formsemestre_id):
if ndb.DateDMYtoISO(tf[2]["date_debut"]) > ndb.DateDMYtoISO(tf[2]["date_fin"]):
msg = '<ul class="tf-msg"><li class="tf-msg">Dates de début et fin incompatibles !</li></ul>'
if tf[0] == 0 or msg:
return "".join(H) + msg + tf[1] + html_sco_header.sco_footer()
return render_template(
title="Copie du semestre",
content="".join(H) + msg + tf[1],
elif tf[0] == -1: # cancel
return flask.redirect(
@ -1419,8 +1416,8 @@ def formsemestre_delete(formsemestre_id: int) -> str | flask.Response:
"""Delete a formsemestre (affiche avertissements)"""
formsemestre: FormSemestre = FormSemestre.get_formsemestre(formsemestre_id)
H = [
html_sco_header.html_sem_header("Suppression du semestre"),
"""<div class="ue_warning"><span>Attention !</span>
"""<h2>Suppression du semestre</h2>
<div class="ue_warning"><span>Attention !</span>
<p class="help">A n'utiliser qu'en cas d'erreur lors de la saisie d'une formation. Normalement,
<b>un semestre ne doit jamais être supprimé</b>
(on perd la mémoire des notes et de tous les événements liés à ce semestre !).
@ -1473,8 +1470,9 @@ Ceci n'est possible que si :
return "\n".join(H) + html_sco_header.sco_footer()
return render_template(
"sco_page.j2", title="Suppression du semestre", content="\n".join(H)
if tf[0] == -1: # cancel
return flask.redirect(
@ -1774,7 +1772,6 @@ def formsemestre_edit_uecoefs(formsemestre_id, err_ue_id=None):
if not ok:
return err
footer = html_sco_header.sco_footer()
help_msg = """<p class="help">
Seuls les modules ont un coefficient. Cependant, il est nécessaire d'affecter un coefficient aux UE capitalisée pour pouvoir les prendre en compte dans la moyenne générale.
@ -1797,7 +1794,6 @@ def formsemestre_edit_uecoefs(formsemestre_id, err_ue_id=None):
H = [
html_sco_header.html_sem_header("Coefficients des UE du semestre"),
@ -1840,7 +1836,11 @@ def formsemestre_edit_uecoefs(formsemestre_id, err_ue_id=None):
if tf[0] == 0:
return "\n".join(H) + tf[1] + footer
return render_template(
title="Coefficients des UE du semestre",
content="<h2>Coefficients des UE du semestre</h2>" + "\n".join(H) + tf[1],
elif tf[0] == -1:
return redirect(
@ -1877,11 +1877,13 @@ def formsemestre_edit_uecoefs(formsemestre_id, err_ue_id=None):
if not ok:
return (
title="Coefficients des UE du semestre",
content="<h2>Coefficients des UE du semestre</h2>"
+ "\n".join(H)
+ "<p><ul><li>%s</li></ul></p>" % "</li><li>".join(msg)
+ tf[1]
+ footer
+ tf[1],
# apply modifications
@ -1904,20 +1906,25 @@ def formsemestre_edit_uecoefs(formsemestre_id, err_ue_id=None):
for ue in ue_deleted:
message = ["""<h3>Aucune modification</h3>"""]
) # > modif coef UE cap (modifs notes de _certains_ etudiants)
message = ["""<h3>Aucune modification</h3>"""]
return f"""{html_sco_header.html_sem_header("Coefficients des UE du semestre")}
return render_template(
title="Coefficients des UE du semestre",
<h2>Coefficients des UE du semestre</h2>
{" ".join(message)}
<p><a class="stdlink" href="{url_for("notes.formsemestre_status",
<p><a class="stdlink" href="{url_for(
scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept, formsemestre_id=formsemestre_id)
}">Revenir au tableau de bord</a>
def _get_sem_ues_modimpls(
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import collections
import time
import flask
from flask import flash, url_for, g, request
from flask import flash, url_for, g, render_template, request
from app import db
from app.comp import res_sem
@ -379,12 +379,7 @@ def formsemestre_inscription_with_modules(
etud = Identite.get_etud(etudid)
if etud.dept_id != formsemestre.dept_id:
raise ScoValueError("l'étudiant n'est pas dans ce département")
H = [
f"Inscription de {etud.nomprenom} dans ce semestre",
footer = html_sco_header.sco_footer()
H = []
# Check 1: déjà inscrit ici ?
inscr = FormSemestreInscription.query.filter_by(
@ -407,7 +402,12 @@ def formsemestre_inscription_with_modules(
return "\n".join(H) + footer
return render_template(
title=f"Inscription de {etud.nomprenom} dans ce semestre",
content=f"<h2>Inscription de {etud.nomprenom} dans ce semestre</h2>"
+ "\n".join(H),
# Check 2: déjà inscrit dans un semestre recouvrant les même dates ?
# Informe et propose dé-inscriptions
others = est_inscrit_ailleurs(etudid, formsemestre_id)
@ -445,7 +445,12 @@ def formsemestre_inscription_with_modules(
}">Continuer quand même l'inscription</a>
return "\n".join(H) + footer
return render_template(
title=f"Inscription de {etud.nomprenom} dans ce semestre",
content=f"<h2>Inscription de {etud.nomprenom} dans ce semestre</h2>"
+ "\n".join(H),
if group_ids is not None:
# OK, inscription
@ -478,7 +483,12 @@ def formsemestre_inscription_with_modules(
return "\n".join(H) + footer
return render_template(
title=f"Inscription de {etud.nomprenom} dans ce semestre",
content=f"<h2>Inscription de {etud.nomprenom} dans ce semestre</h2>"
+ "\n".join(H),
def formsemestre_inscription_option(etudid, formsemestre_id):
@ -806,13 +816,7 @@ def formsemestre_inscrits_ailleurs(formsemestre_id):
"""Page listant les étudiants inscrits dans un autre semestre
dont les dates recouvrent le semestre indiqué.
H = [
"Inscriptions multiples parmi les étudiants du semestre ",
H = []
insd = list_inscrits_ailleurs(formsemestre_id)
# liste ordonnée par nom
etudlist = [Identite.get_etud(etudid) for etudid, sems in insd.items() if sems]
@ -864,4 +868,9 @@ def formsemestre_inscrits_ailleurs(formsemestre_id):
H.append("""<p>Aucun étudiant en inscription multiple (c'est normal) !</p>""")
return "\n".join(H) + html_sco_header.sco_footer()
return render_template(
title="Inscriptions multiples parmi les étudiants du semestre",
content="<h2>Inscriptions multiples parmi les étudiants du semestre</h2>"
+ "\n".join(H),
@ -59,8 +59,6 @@ import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
from app.scodoc.sco_utils import ModuleType
from app.scodoc import codes_cursus
from app.scodoc import html_sco_header
from app.scodoc import htmlutils
from app.scodoc import sco_archives_formsemestre
from app.scodoc import sco_assiduites as scass
from app.scodoc import sco_bulletins
@ -335,7 +333,7 @@ def formsemestre_status_menubar(formsemestre: FormSemestre | None) -> str:
"title": "Exporter table des étudiants",
"endpoint": "scolar.groups_view",
"endpoint": "scolar.groups_lists",
"args": {
"fmt": "allxls",
"group_ids": sco_groups.get_default_group(
@ -354,12 +352,26 @@ def formsemestre_status_menubar(formsemestre: FormSemestre | None) -> str:
can_change_groups = formsemestre.can_change_groups()
menu_groupes = [
"title": "Listes, photos, feuilles...",
"endpoint": "scolar.groups_view",
"title": "Listes des groupes",
"endpoint": "scolar.groups_lists",
"args": {"formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id},
"enabled": True,
"helpmsg": "Accès aux listes des groupes d'étudiants",
"title": "Trombinoscopes",
"endpoint": "scolar.groups_photos",
"args": {"formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id},
"enabled": True,
"helpmsg": "Accès aux photos des groupes d'étudiants",
"title": "Assiduité, feuilles d'appel, ...",
"endpoint": "scolar.groups_feuilles",
"args": {"formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id},
"enabled": True,
"helpmsg": "Accès aux feuilles d'appel des groupes d'étudiants",
"title": "Modifier groupes et partitions",
"endpoint": "scolar.partition_editor",
@ -473,18 +485,20 @@ def formsemestre_status_menubar(formsemestre: FormSemestre | None) -> str:
menu_stats = _build_menu_stats(formsemestre)
H = [
'<ul id="sco_menu">',
htmlutils.make_menu("Semestre", menu_semestre),
htmlutils.make_menu("Inscriptions", menu_inscriptions),
htmlutils.make_menu("Groupes", menu_groupes),
htmlutils.make_menu("Notes", menu_notes),
htmlutils.make_menu("Jury", menu_jury),
htmlutils.make_menu("Statistiques", menu_stats),
return "\n".join(H)
menus = {
"Semestre": menu_semestre,
"Inscriptions": menu_inscriptions,
"Groupes": menu_groupes,
"Notes": menu_notes,
"Jury": menu_jury,
"Statistiques": menu_stats,
"Liens": formsemestre_custommenu_html(formsemestre_id),
return render_template(
"formsemestre/menu.j2", menu=menus, formsemestre=formsemestre
# Element HTML decrivant un semestre (barre de menu et infos)
@ -739,9 +753,7 @@ def formsemestre_description_table(
html_class="table_leftalign formsemestre_description",
"Description du semestre", with_page_header=False
html_title="<h2>Description du semestre</h2>",
origin=f"Généré par {sco_version.SCONAME} le {scu.timedate_human_repr()}",
@ -826,7 +838,7 @@ def _make_listes_sem(formsemestre: FormSemestre) -> str:
<div class="sem-groups-list">
<a class="stdlink" href="{
@ -975,9 +987,6 @@ def formsemestre_status_head(formsemestre_id: int = None, page_title: str = None
page_title = page_title or "Modules de "
H = [
page_title, with_page_header=False, with_h2=False
f"""<table class="formsemestre_status_head">
<tr><td class="fichetitre2">Formation : </td><td>
<a href="{url_for('notes.ue_table',
@ -1124,6 +1133,18 @@ def formsemestre_status(formsemestre_id=None, check_parcours=True):
H += [
<details id="tableau-modules-details" open>
<!-- script pour fermer automatiquement si mobile -->
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {{
if (window.innerWidth < 769) {{
document.getElementById("tableau-modules-details").open = false;
<summary id="tableau-modules-summary">
<h3 title="cliquer pour afficher ou cacher le tableau">Tableau des Ressources et SAEs</h3>
<div class="tableau_modules">
<tr class="formsemestre_status_cat">
@ -1153,7 +1174,7 @@ def formsemestre_status(formsemestre_id=None, check_parcours=True):
autres, nt, formsemestre, can_edit=can_edit, show_ues=False
H += [_TABLEAU_MODULES_FOOT, "</div>"]
H += [_TABLEAU_MODULES_FOOT, "</div></details>"]
# formations classiques: groupe par UE
# élimine les modules BUT qui aurait pu se glisser là suite à un
@ -30,8 +30,7 @@
import time
import flask
from flask import url_for, flash, g, request
from flask.templating import render_template
from flask import flash, g, render_template, request, url_for
import sqlalchemy as sa
from app.models import Identite, Evaluation
@ -957,11 +956,13 @@ def form_decision_manuelle(Se, formsemestre_id, etudid, desturl="", sortcol=None
# -----------
def formsemestre_validation_auto(formsemestre_id):
"Formulaire saisie automatisee des decisions d'un semestre"
H = [
html_sco_header.html_sem_header("Saisie automatique des décisions du semestre"),
def formsemestre_validation_auto(formsemestre_id: int):
"Formulaire saisie automatisée des décisions d'un semestre"
return render_template(
title="Saisie automatique des décisions",
<h2>Saisie automatique des décisions du semestre</h2>
<li>Seuls les étudiants qui obtiennent le semestre seront affectés (code ADM, moyenne générale et
toutes les barres, semestre précédent validé);</li>
@ -978,9 +979,7 @@ def formsemestre_validation_auto(formsemestre_id):
<p><em>Le calcul prend quelques minutes, soyez patients !</em></p>
return "\n".join(H)
def do_formsemestre_validation_auto(formsemestre_id):
@ -30,12 +30,13 @@ sous forme: de liste html (table exportable), de trombinoscope (exportable en pd
# Re-ecriture en 2014 (re-organisation de l'interface, modernisation du code)
# Modif en 2024 (9.7/revamp, abandon des tabs bootstrap)
import datetime
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
from flask import url_for, g, request
from flask import url_for, g, render_template, request
from flask_login import current_user
from app import db
@ -56,16 +57,16 @@ from app.scodoc.gen_tables import GenTable
from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoValueError, ScoPermissionDenied
from app.scodoc.sco_permissions import Permission
JAVASCRIPTS = html_sco_header.BOOTSTRAP_JS + [
# view:
def groups_view(
# view
def groups_lists(
@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ def groups_view(
formsemestre_id est utilisé si aucun groupe selectionné pour construire la liste des groupes.
# version sans tabs: juste la liste des étudiants
# Informations sur les groupes à afficher:
groups_infos = DisplayedGroupsInfos(
@ -112,37 +114,10 @@ def groups_view(
# - charger tous les etudiants au debut, quels que soient les groupes selectionnés
# - ajouter du JS pour modifier les liens (arguments group_ids) quand le menu change
return f"""
{ html_sco_header.sco_header(
div.multiselect-container.dropdown-menu {{
min-width: 180px;
span.warning_unauthorized {{
color: pink;
font-style: italic;
margin-left: 12px;
<div id="group-tabs">
<!-- Menu choix groupe -->
{form_groups_choice(groups_infos, submit_on_change=True)}
<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
<li class="active"><a href="#tab-listes" data-toggle="tab">Listes</a></li>
<li><a href="#tab-photos" data-toggle="tab">Photos</a></li>
<li><a href="#tab-abs" data-toggle="tab">Absences et feuilles...</a></li>
<!-- Tab panes -->
<div class="tab-content">
<div class="tab-pane active" id="tab-listes">
return render_template(
form_groups_choice=form_groups_choice(groups_infos, submit_on_change=True),
@ -151,18 +126,46 @@ def groups_view(
<div class="tab-pane" id="tab-photos">
{ tab_photos_html(groups_infos, etat=etat) }
<div class="tab-pane" id="tab-abs">
{ tab_absences_html(groups_infos, etat=etat) }
{ html_sco_header.sco_footer() }
# view
def groups_photos(group_ids=(), etat=None, formsemestre_id=None):
"""Affichage des photos des étudiants (trombi) des groupes indiqués
group_ids: liste de group_id
formsemestre_id est utilisé si aucun groupe selectionné pour construire la liste des groupes.
groups_infos = DisplayedGroupsInfos(
return render_template(
form_groups_choice=form_groups_choice(groups_infos, submit_on_change=True),
tab_photos_html=tab_photos_html(groups_infos, etat=etat),
def groups_feuilles(group_ids=(), etat=None, formsemestre_id=None):
"""Affichage des feuilles d'appel des groupes indiqués
group_ids: liste de group_id
formsemestre_id est utilisé si aucun groupe selectionné pour construire la liste des groupes.
groups_infos = DisplayedGroupsInfos(
return render_template(
form_groups_choice=form_groups_choice(groups_infos, submit_on_change=True),
tab_absences_html=tab_absences_html(groups_infos, etat=etat),
def form_groups_choice(
@ -215,47 +218,70 @@ def form_groups_choice(
def menu_groups_choice(
groups_infos, submit_on_change=False, default_deselect_others=True
"""menu pour selection groupes
group_ids est la liste des groupes actuellement sélectionnés
et doit comporter au moins un élément, sauf si formsemestre_id est spécifié.
(utilisé pour retrouver le semestre et proposer la liste des autres groupes)
Si html_export :
selecteur.value = &group_ids=xxx&group_ids=yyy...
sinon :
selecteur.value = [xxx, yyy, ...]
Si change_event :
met à jour l'événement onchange du selecteur
(attend du js, plus d'informations sur scu.MultiSelect.change_event)
default_group_id = sco_groups.get_default_group(groups_infos.formsemestre_id)
n_members = len(sco_groups.get_group_members(default_group_id))
H = [
f"""<select name="group_ids" id="group_ids_sel"
{'submit_on_change' if submit_on_change else ''}
{'default_deselect_others' if default_deselect_others else ''}
<option class="default_group"
{'selected' if default_group_id in groups_infos.group_ids else ''}
>Tous ({n_members})</option>
values: dict = {
# Choix : Tous (tous les groupes)
"": [
"value": default_group_id,
"label": f"Tous ({n_members})",
"selected": default_group_id in groups_infos.group_ids,
"single": default_deselect_others,
for partition in groups_infos.partitions:
H.append('<optgroup label="%s">' % partition["partition_name"])
p_name: str = partition["partition_name"]
vals: list[tuple[str, str, bool]] = []
# Les groupes dans cette partition:
for g in sco_groups.get_partition_groups(partition):
if g["group_id"] in groups_infos.group_ids:
selected = "selected"
selected = ""
if g["group_name"]:
n_members = len(sco_groups.get_group_members(g["group_id"]))
'<option value="%s" %s>%s (%s)</option>'
% (g["group_id"], selected, g["group_name"], n_members)
for grp in sco_groups.get_partition_groups(partition):
selected: bool = grp["group_id"] in groups_infos.group_ids
if grp["group_name"]:
"value": grp["group_id"],
"label": f"{grp['group_name']} ({len(sco_groups.get_group_members(grp['group_id']))})",
"selected": selected,
H.append("</select> ")
return "\n".join(H)
values[p_name] = vals
multi_select: scu.MultiSelect = scu.MultiSelect(
values=values, name="group_ids", html_id="group_ids_sel"
if html_export:
multi_select.export_format('return "&group_ids="+values.join("&group_ids=")')
if submit_on_change:
return multi_select.html()
def menu_group_choice(group_id=None, formsemestre_id=None):
@ -586,8 +612,8 @@ def groups_table(
etud_info["_nom_disp_order"] = etud_sort_key(etud_info)
etud_info["_prenom_target"] = fiche_url
etud_info["_nom_disp_td_attrs"] = (
'id="%s" class="etudinfo"' % (etud_info["etudid"])
etud_info["_nom_disp_td_attrs"] = 'id="%s" class="etudinfo"' % (
etud_info["bourse_str"] = "oui" if etud_info["boursier"] else "non"
if etud_info["etat"] == "D":
@ -692,7 +718,6 @@ def groups_table(
if groups_infos.members:
menu_options = []
options = {
"with_codes": "Affiche codes",
@ -705,34 +730,33 @@ def groups_table(
"with_bourse": "Statut boursier",
valeurs: list[tuple[str, str]] = []
for option, label in options.items():
if locals().get(option, False):
selected = "selected"
selected = ""
f"""<option value="{option}" {selected}>{label}</option>"""
selected = locals().get(option, False)
"value": option,
"label": label,
"selected": selected,
multi_select: scu.MultiSelect = scu.MultiSelect(
values={"": valeurs},
# ;
"""<span style="margin-left: 2em;">
<select name="group_list_options" id="group_list_options" class="multiselect" multiple="multiple">""",
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
includeSelectAllOption: false,
onChange: function(element, checked){
<span style="margin-left: 2em;">
"""<span class="warning_unauthorized">accès aux données personnelles interdit</span>"""
@ -923,11 +947,14 @@ def tab_absences_html(groups_infos, etat=None):
url_feuille_appel: str = url_for(
url_feuille_appel: str = (
+ "&"
+ groups_infos.groups_query_args
@ -743,17 +743,21 @@ def scolars_import_admission(
# Type admission: traitement particulier
if not cur_adm["type_admission"] and not args.get("type_admission"):
args["type_admission"] = type_admission
sco_etud.etudident_edit(cnx, args, disable_notify=True)
sco_etud.etudident_edit( # TODO utiliser modèle
cnx, args, disable_notify=True
adr = sco_etud.adresse_list(cnx, args={"etudid": etud["etudid"]})
if adr:
args["adresse_id"] = adr[0]["adresse_id"]
sco_etud.adresse_edit( # TODO utiliser modèle
cnx, args, disable_notify=True
) # pas de notification ici
args["typeadresse"] = "domicile"
args["description"] = "(infos admission)"
adresse_id = sco_etud.adresse_create(cnx, args)
adresse_id = sco_etud.adresse_create( # TODO utiliser modèle
cnx, args
# log('import_adm: %s' % args )
# Change les groupes si nécessaire:
if "groupes" in args:
@ -36,8 +36,6 @@ from flask import url_for, g, request
import app.scodoc.notesdb as ndb
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
from app import db, log
from app.comp import res_sem
from app.comp.res_compat import NotesTableCompat
from app.models import Formation, FormSemestre, GroupDescr, Identite
from app.scodoc.gen_tables import GenTable
from app.scodoc import html_sco_header
@ -315,8 +313,6 @@ def formsemestre_inscr_passage(
H = [
page_title="Passage des étudiants",
footer = html_sco_header.sco_footer()
@ -488,10 +484,9 @@ def _build_page(
ignore_jury_checked = ""
H = [
"Passages dans le semestre", with_page_header=False
f"""<form name="f" method="post" action="{request.base_url}">
<h2 class="formsemestre">Passages dans le semestre</h2>
<form name="f" method="post" action="{request.base_url}">
<input type="hidden" name="formsemestre_id" value="{}"/>
@ -590,7 +585,7 @@ def formsemestre_inscr_passage_help(formsemestre: FormSemestre):
def etuds_select_boxes(
inscrits_ailleurs: dict = None,
@ -603,6 +598,7 @@ def etuds_select_boxes(
export_cat_xls =
inscrits_ailleurs = inscrits_ailleurs or {}
if export_cat_xls:
return etuds_select_box_xls(auth_etuds_by_cat[export_cat_xls])
@ -634,7 +630,7 @@ def etuds_select_boxes(
for src_cat in auth_etuds_by_cat.keys():
infos = auth_etuds_by_cat[src_cat]["infos"]
infos["comment"] = infos.get("comment", "") # commentaire dans sous-titre boite
help = infos.get("help", "")
help_txt = infos.get("help", "")
etuds = auth_etuds_by_cat[src_cat]["etuds"]
with_checkbox = (not read_only) and auth_etuds_by_cat[src_cat]["infos"].get(
@ -651,8 +647,8 @@ def etuds_select_boxes(
<div class="pas_sembox_title"><a href="%(title_target)s" """
% infos
if help: # bubble
H.append('title="%s"' % help)
if help_txt: # bubble
H.append('title="%s"' % help_txt)
<div class="pas_sembox_subtitle">(%(nbetuds)d étudiants%(comment)s)"""
@ -98,8 +98,7 @@ def scodoc_table_etuds_lycees(fmt="html"):
javascripts=["js/etud_info.js", "js/map_lycees.js"],
"""<h2 class="formsemestre">Lycées d'origine des %d étudiants (%d semestres)</h2>"""
% (len(etuds), len(semdepts)),
@ -219,10 +218,8 @@ def formsemestre_etuds_lycees(
+ ["js/etud_info.js", "js/map_lycees.js"],
javascripts=sco_groups_view.JAVASCRIPTS + ["js/map_lycees.js"],
"""<h2 class="formsemestre">Lycées d'origine des étudiants</h2>""",
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import collections
from operator import attrgetter
import flask
from flask import url_for, g, request
from flask import url_for, g, render_template, request
from flask_login import current_user
from app import db, log
@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ from app.models import (
from app.scodoc import html_sco_header
from app.scodoc import htmlutils
from app.scodoc import sco_cache
from app.scodoc import codes_cursus
@ -82,14 +81,8 @@ def moduleimpl_inscriptions_edit(
# -- check permission (and lock)
if not modimpl.can_change_inscriptions():
return # can_change_inscriptions raises exception
header = html_sco_header.sco_header(
page_title="Inscription au module",
footer = html_sco_header.sco_footer()
H = [
f"""<h2>Inscriptions au module <a class="stdlink" href="{
url_for("notes.moduleimpl_status", scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept,
@ -217,8 +210,9 @@ def moduleimpl_inscriptions_edit(
return "\n".join(H)
return render_template(
"sco_page.j2", title="Inscriptions au module", content="\n".join(H)
def _make_menu(partitions: list[dict], title="", check="true") -> str:
@ -302,15 +296,12 @@ def moduleimpl_inscriptions_stats(formsemestre_id):
# Page HTML:
H = [
"Inscriptions aux modules et UE du semestre",
javascripts=["js/etud_info.js", "js/moduleimpl_inscriptions_stats.js"],
<h2 class="formsemestre">Inscriptions aux modules et UE du semestre</h2>
<h3>Inscrits au semestre: {len(inscrits)} étudiants</h3>
H.append(f"<h3>Inscrits au semestre: {len(inscrits)} étudiants</h3>")
if options:
H.append("<h3>Modules auxquels tous les étudiants ne sont pas inscrits:</h3>")
@ -497,8 +488,12 @@ def moduleimpl_inscriptions_stats(formsemestre_id):
return "\n".join(H)
return render_template(
title="Inscriptions aux modules et UE du semestre",
def _list_but_ue_inscriptions(res: NotesTableCompat, read_only: bool = True) -> str:
@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ from app.models import (
from app.scodoc import (
@ -255,7 +254,7 @@ def fiche_etud(etudid=None):
f"""<a class="discretelink" href="{
scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept, group_ids=partition['group_id'])
}" title="Liste du groupe {gr_name}">{gr_name}</a>
@ -628,8 +627,10 @@ def fiche_etud(etudid=None):
header = html_sco_header.sco_header(
page_title=f"Fiche étudiant {etud.nomprenom}",
return render_template(
content=tmpl % info,
title=f"Fiche étudiant {etud.nomprenom}",
@ -644,7 +645,6 @@ def fiche_etud(etudid=None):
return header + tmpl % info + html_sco_header.sco_footer()
def _format_adresse(adresse: Adresse | None) -> dict:
@ -874,10 +874,6 @@ def etud_info_html(etudid, with_photo="1", debug=False):
H += "</div>"
if debug:
return (
+ H
+ html_sco_header.standard_html_footer()
return render_template("sco_page.j2", title="debug", content=H)
return H
@ -233,7 +233,6 @@ def formsemestre_poursuite_report(formsemestre_id, fmt="html"):
tab.base_url = "%s?formsemestre_id=%s" % (request.base_url, formsemestre_id)
return tab.make_page(
title="""<h2 class="formsemestre">Poursuite d'études</h2>""",
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ get_base_preferences(formsemestre_id)
import flask
from flask import current_app, flash, g, request, url_for
from flask import current_app, flash, g, render_template, request, url_for
from app import db, log
from app.models import Departement
@ -2256,14 +2256,8 @@ class BasePreferences:
def edit(self):
"""HTML dialog: edit global preferences"""
from app.scodoc import html_sco_header
H = [
page_title=f"Préférences {g.scodoc_dept}",
f"<h2>Préférences globales pour le département {g.scodoc_dept}</h2>",
# f"""<p><a href="{url_for("scodoc.configure_logos", scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept)
# }">modification des logos du département (pour documents pdf)</a></p>"""
@ -2290,7 +2284,12 @@ class BasePreferences:
dest_url = url_for("scolar.index_html", scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept)
if tf[0] == 0:
return "\n".join(H) + tf[1] + html_sco_header.sco_footer()
return render_template(
content="\n".join(H) + tf[1],
title=f"Préférences {g.scodoc_dept}",
if tf[0] == -1:
return flask.redirect(dest_url) # cancel
@ -2398,17 +2397,11 @@ class SemPreferences:
# The dialog
def edit(self, categories=[]):
"""Dialog to edit semestre preferences in given categories"""
from app.scodoc import html_sco_header
if not self.formsemestre_id:
raise ScoValueError(
"sem_preferences.edit doit etre appele sur un semestre !"
) # a bug !
H = [
"Préférences du semestre",
<p class="help">Les paramètres définis ici ne s'appliqueront qu'à ce semestre.</p>
<p class="msg">Attention: cliquez sur "Enregistrer les modifications" en bas de page pour appliquer vos changements !</p>
@ -2469,7 +2462,12 @@ function set_global_pref(el, pref_name) {
if tf[0] == 0:
return "\n".join(H) + tf[1] + html_sco_header.sco_footer()
return render_template(
content="\n".join(H) + tf[1],
title="Préférences du semestre",
elif tf[0] == -1:
return flask.redirect(dest_url)
@ -35,8 +35,7 @@ from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph
from reportlab.lib import styles
import flask
from flask import flash, redirect, url_for
from flask import g, request
from flask import flash, g, redirect, render_template, request, url_for
from app.models import FormSemestre, Identite
@ -223,15 +222,13 @@ def formsemestre_pvjury(formsemestre_id, fmt="html", publish=True):
footer = html_sco_header.sco_footer()
dpv = sco_pv_dict.dict_pvjury(formsemestre_id, with_prev=True)
if not dpv:
if fmt == "html":
return (
+ "<h2>Aucune information disponible !</h2>"
+ footer
return render_template(
title="PV Jury",
content="<h2>Aucune information disponible !</h2>",
return None
@ -262,12 +259,10 @@ def formsemestre_pvjury(formsemestre_id, fmt="html", publish=True):
tab.base_url = "%s?formsemestre_id=%s" % (request.base_url, formsemestre_id)
H = [
"Décisions du jury pour le semestre",
"""<p>(dernière modif le %s)</p>""" % dpv["date"],
<h2 class="formsemestre">Décisions du jury pour le semestre</h2>
<p>(dernière modif le {dpv["date"]})</p>
@ -334,7 +329,9 @@ def formsemestre_pvjury(formsemestre_id, fmt="html", publish=True):
H.append("</div>") # /codes
return "\n".join(H) + footer
return render_template(
"sco_page.j2", title="Décisions du jury pour le semestre", content="\n".join(H)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -352,9 +349,6 @@ def formsemestre_pvjury_pdf(formsemestre_id, group_ids: list[int] = None, etudid
if etudid:
# PV pour ce seul étudiant:
etud = Identite.get_etud(etudid)
etuddescr = f"""<a class="discretelink" href="{
url_for("scolar.fiche_etud", scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept, etudid=etudid)
etudids = [etudid]
etuddescr = ""
@ -368,12 +362,6 @@ def formsemestre_pvjury_pdf(formsemestre_id, group_ids: list[int] = None, etudid
etudids = [m["etudid"] for m in groups_infos.members]
H = [
f"Édition du PV de jury {etuddescr}",
f"""<div class="help">Utiliser cette page pour éditer des versions provisoires des PV.
<span class="fontred">Il est recommandé d'archiver les versions définitives:
<a class="stdlink" href="{url_for(
@ -386,7 +374,6 @@ def formsemestre_pvjury_pdf(formsemestre_id, group_ids: list[int] = None, etudid
"""<p><em>Voir aussi si besoin les réglages sur la page "Paramétrage"
(accessible à l'administrateur du département).</em>
descr = descrform_pvjury(formsemestre)
if etudid:
@ -411,7 +398,20 @@ def formsemestre_pvjury_pdf(formsemestre_id, group_ids: list[int] = None, etudid
if tf[0] == 0:
return "\n".join(H) + "\n" + tf[1] + "\n".join(F)
return render_template(
title=f"Édition du PV de jury de {etud.nom_prenom()}",
content=f"""<h2 class="formsemestre">Édition du PV de jury
de <a class="discretelink" href="{
url_for("scolar.fiche_etud", scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept, etudid=etudid)
+ "\n".join(H)
+ "\n"
+ tf[1]
+ "\n".join(F),
elif tf[0] == -1:
return flask.redirect(
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ def descrform_pvjury(formsemestre: FormSemestre):
def formsemestre_lettres_individuelles(formsemestre_id, group_ids=[]):
def formsemestre_lettres_individuelles(formsemestre_id, group_ids=()):
"Lettres avis jury en PDF"
formsemestre: FormSemestre = FormSemestre.query.get_or_404(formsemestre_id)
if not group_ids:
@ -555,13 +555,9 @@ def formsemestre_lettres_individuelles(formsemestre_id, group_ids=[]):
etudids = [m["etudid"] for m in groups_infos.members]
H = [
"Édition des lettres individuelles",
f"""<p class="help">Utiliser cette page pour éditer des versions provisoires des PV.
<h2 class="formsemestre">Édition des lettres individuelles</h2>
<p class="help">Utiliser cette page pour éditer des versions provisoires des PV.
<span class="fontred">Il est recommandé d'archiver les versions définitives: <a
@ -571,7 +567,6 @@ def formsemestre_lettres_individuelles(formsemestre_id, group_ids=[]):
>voir cette page</a></span></p>
F = html_sco_header.sco_footer()
descr = descrform_lettres_individuelles()
menu_choix_groupe = (
"""<div class="group_ids_sel_menu">Groupes d'étudiants à lister: """
@ -590,7 +585,13 @@ def formsemestre_lettres_individuelles(formsemestre_id, group_ids=[]):
if tf[0] == 0:
return "\n".join(H) + "\n" + tf[1] + F
return render_template(
title="Édition des lettres individuelles",
content="\n".join(H) + "\n" + tf[1],
elif tf[0] == -1:
return flask.redirect(
@ -122,9 +122,8 @@ def formsemestre_recapcomplet(
page_title=f"{formsemestre.sem_modalite()}: "
+ ("jury" if mode_jury else "moyennes"),
javascripts=["js/etud_info.js", "js/table_recap.js"],
@ -1367,8 +1367,6 @@ def formsemestre_suivi_cursus(
H = [
"""<h2 class="formsemestre">Cursus suivis par les étudiants de ce semestre</h2>""",
@ -1748,7 +1746,7 @@ def formsemestre_graph_cursus(
page_title="Graphe cursus de %(titreannee)s" % sem,
"""<h2 class="formsemestre">Cursus des étudiants de ce semestre</h2>""",
@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ def do_evaluations_upload_xls(
text=f"""Chargement notes dans <a href="{status_url}">{modules_str}</a>""",
text=f"""Notes dans <a href="{status_url}">{modules_str}</a>""",
max_frequency=10 * 60, # 10 minutes
@ -1001,7 +1001,6 @@ def saisie_notes_tableur(evaluation_id: int, group_ids=()):
"""<span class="eval_title">Saisie des notes par fichier</span>""",
@ -670,7 +670,6 @@ def saisie_notes(evaluation_id: int, group_ids: list = None):
javascripts=sco_groups_view.JAVASCRIPTS + ["js/saisie_notes.js"],
evaluation_id=evaluation_id, link_saisie=False
@ -1049,7 +1048,7 @@ def save_notes(
text=f"""Chargement notes dans <a href="{status_url}">{
text=f"""Notes dans <a href="{status_url}">{
evaluation.moduleimpl.module.titre or evaluation.moduleimpl.module.code}</a>""",
max_frequency=30 * 60, # 30 minutes
@ -519,7 +519,6 @@ def semset_page(fmt="html"):
H = [
"""<script>$(function() {
@ -168,13 +168,7 @@ def formsemestre_synchro_etuds(
H = [
page_title="Synchronisation étudiants",
H = [html_sco_header.sco_header(page_title="Synchronisation étudiants")]
if not submitted:
H += _build_page(
@ -208,8 +208,7 @@ def check_local_photos_availability(groups_infos, fmt=""):
>exporter seulement les photos existantes</a>""",
OK="Exporter seulement les photos existantes",
+ groups_infos.groups_query_args,
cancel_url="groups_photos?" + groups_infos.groups_query_args,
@ -249,7 +248,7 @@ def trombino_copy_photos(group_ids=None, dialog_confirmed=False):
"Copy photos from portal to ScoDoc (overwriting local copy)"
group_ids = [] if group_ids is None else group_ids
groups_infos = sco_groups_view.DisplayedGroupsInfos(group_ids)
back_url = "groups_view?%s&curtab=tab-photos" % groups_infos.groups_query_args
back_url = "groups_photos?" + str(groups_infos.groups_query_args)
portal_url = sco_portal_apogee.get_portal_url()
header = html_sco_header.sco_header(page_title="Chargement des photos")
@ -504,7 +503,7 @@ def photos_import_files_form(group_ids=()):
if not group_ids:
raise ScoValueError("paramètre manquant !")
groups_infos = sco_groups_view.DisplayedGroupsInfos(group_ids)
back_url = f"groups_view?{groups_infos.groups_query_args}&curtab=tab-photos"
back_url = f"groups_photos?{groups_infos.groups_query_args}"
H = [
html_sco_header.sco_header(page_title="Import des photos des étudiants"),
@ -567,10 +566,9 @@ def photos_import_files_form(group_ids=()):
@ -54,14 +54,13 @@ Solution proposée (nov 2014):
import flask
from flask import flash, g, request, url_for
from flask import flash, g, request, render_template, url_for
from flask_login import current_user
from app.models.formsemestre import FormSemestre
from app import db, log
from app.models import Evaluation, Identite, ModuleImpl, UniteEns
from app.scodoc import html_sco_header
from app.scodoc import codes_cursus
from app.scodoc import sco_edit_matiere
from app.scodoc import sco_edit_module
@ -240,11 +239,9 @@ def external_ue_create_form(formsemestre_id: int, etudid: int):
existing_external_ue = get_existing_external_ue(formation_id)
H = [
f"Ajout d'une UE externe pour {etud.nomprenom}",
"""<p class="help">Cette page permet d'indiquer que l'étudiant a suivi une UE
<h2 class="formsemestre">Ajout d'une UE externe pour {etud.nomprenom}</h2>
<p class="help">Cette page permet d'indiquer que l'étudiant a suivi une UE
dans un autre établissement et qu'elle doit être intégrée dans le semestre courant.<br>
La note (/20) obtenue par l'étudiant doit toujours être spécifiée.</br>
On peut choisir une UE externe existante (dans le menu), ou bien en créer une, qui sera
@ -252,7 +249,6 @@ def external_ue_create_form(formsemestre_id: int, etudid: int):
html_footer = html_sco_header.sco_footer()
parcours = formsemestre.formation.get_cursus()
ue_types = [
typ for typ in parcours.ALLOWED_UE_TYPES if typ != codes_cursus.UE_SPORT
@ -349,7 +345,12 @@ def external_ue_create_form(formsemestre_id: int, etudid: int):
if tf[0] == 0:
return "\n".join(H) + "\n" + tf[1] + html_footer
return render_template(
title=f"Ajout d'une UE externe pour {etud.nomprenom}",
content="\n".join(H) + "\n" + tf[1],
elif tf[0] == -1:
return flask.redirect(bull_url)
@ -358,12 +359,14 @@ def external_ue_create_form(formsemestre_id: int, etudid: int):
note, 20.0, etudid=etudid, absents=[], invalids=[]
if invalid:
return (
return render_template(
title=f"Ajout d'une UE externe pour {etud.nomprenom}",
+ "\n"
+ tf_error_message("valeur note invalide")
+ tf[1]
+ html_footer
+ tf[1],
if tf[2]["existing_ue"]:
ue_id = int(tf[2]["existing_ue"])
@ -371,12 +374,14 @@ def external_ue_create_form(formsemestre_id: int, etudid: int):
acronyme = tf[2]["acronyme"].strip()
if not acronyme:
return (
return render_template(
title=f"Ajout d'une UE externe pour {etud.nomprenom}",
+ "\n"
+ tf_error_message("spécifier acronyme d'UE")
+ tf[1]
+ html_footer
+ tf[1],
modimpl = external_ue_create(
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
# Anciennement, fonctions de gestion des données réécrites avec flask/SQLAlchemy
import re
from flask import url_for, g, request
from flask import url_for, g, render_template, request
from flask_login import current_user
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ def index_html(
all_depts = int(all_depts)
with_inactives = int(with_inactives)
H = [html_sco_header.html_sem_header("Gestion des utilisateurs")]
H = ["<h1>Gestion des utilisateurs</h1>"]
if current_user.has_permission(Permission.UsersAdmin, g.scodoc_dept):
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ def index_html(
raise ScoValueError("nom de rôle invalide")
having_role = None
content = list_users(
@ -122,10 +123,12 @@ def index_html(
if fmt != "html":
return content
F = html_sco_header.sco_footer()
return "\n".join(H) + F
return render_template(
"sco_page_dept.j2", content="\n".join(H), title="Gestion des utilisateurs"
def list_users(
@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
""" Common definitions
"""Common definitions"""
import base64
import bisect
import collections
@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ from werkzeug.http import HTTP_STATUS_CODES
from config import Config
from app import log, ScoDocJSONEncoder
from app.forms.multiselect import MultiSelect
from app.scodoc.codes_cursus import NOTES_TOLERANCE, CODES_EXPL
from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoValueError
from app.scodoc import sco_xml
@ -1056,6 +1058,15 @@ def flash_once(message: str):
def html_flash_message(message: str):
"""HTML for flashed messaged, for legacy codes"""
return f"""<div class="container flashes">
<div class="alert alert-info alert-message" role="alert">
def sendCSVFile(data, filename): # DEPRECATED utiliser send_file
"""publication fichier CSV."""
return send_file(data, filename=filename, mime=CSV_MIMETYPE, attached=True)
@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,631 +0,0 @@
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/* IE10 Consumer Preview */
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
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div.dt-button-collection.two-column > :last-child, div.dt-button-collection.three-column > :last-child, div.dt-button-collection.four-column > :last-child {
display: block !important;
-webkit-column-gap: 8px;
-moz-column-gap: 8px;
-ms-column-gap: 8px;
-o-column-gap: 8px;
column-gap: 8px;
div.dt-button-collection.two-column > :last-child > *, div.dt-button-collection.three-column > :last-child > *, div.dt-button-collection.four-column > :last-child > * {
-webkit-column-break-inside: avoid;
break-inside: avoid;
div.dt-button-collection.two-column {
width: 400px;
div.dt-button-collection.two-column > :last-child {
padding-bottom: 1px;
column-count: 2;
div.dt-button-collection.three-column {
width: 450px;
div.dt-button-collection.three-column > :last-child {
padding-bottom: 1px;
column-count: 3;
div.dt-button-collection.four-column {
width: 600px;
div.dt-button-collection.four-column > :last-child {
padding-bottom: 1px;
column-count: 4;
div.dt-button-collection .dt-button {
border-radius: 0;
div.dt-button-collection.columns {
width: auto;
div.dt-button-collection.columns > :last-child {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: flex-start;
align-items: center;
gap: 6px;
width: 818px;
padding-bottom: 1px;
div.dt-button-collection.columns > :last-child .dt-button {
min-width: 200px;
flex: 0 1;
margin: 0;
div.dt-button-collection.columns.dtb-b3 > :last-child, div.dt-button-collection.columns.dtb-b2 > :last-child, div.dt-button-collection.columns.dtb-b1 > :last-child {
justify-content: space-between;
div.dt-button-collection.columns.dtb-b3 .dt-button {
flex: 1 1 32%;
div.dt-button-collection.columns.dtb-b2 .dt-button {
flex: 1 1 48%;
div.dt-button-collection.columns.dtb-b1 .dt-button {
flex: 1 1 100%;
@media screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
div.dt-button-collection.columns > :last-child {
width: 612px;
@media screen and (max-width: 640px) {
div.dt-button-collection.columns > :last-child {
width: 406px;
div.dt-button-collection.columns.dtb-b3 .dt-button {
flex: 0 1 32%;
@media screen and (max-width: 460px) {
div.dt-button-collection.columns > :last-child {
width: 200px;
div.dt-button-collection div.dt-button-collection-title {
font-size: 1rem;
div.dt-button-collection:not(.columns) .ui.vertical.buttons {
width: 100%;
border: none;
div.dt-button-collection.columns .ui.vertical.buttons {
flex-direction: row;
border: none;
div.dt-button-collection button.dt-button {
border: 1px solid rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.15) !important;
div.dt-button-collection div.dt-btn-split-wrapper {
display: flex;
div.dt-button-collection div.dt-btn-split-wrapper button {
flex-grow: 1 !important;
flex-basis: auto !important;
width: auto !important;
border-top-right-radius: 0px !important;
div.dt-button-collection div.dt-btn-split-wrapper button.dt-btn-split-drop {
flex-grow: 0 !important;
flex-basis: auto !important;
border-bottom-left-radius: 0px !important;
border-bottom-right-radius: 0px !important;
border-top-right-radius: 4px !important;
button.buttons-collection.ui.button span:after {
display: inline-block;
content: "▾";
padding-left: 0.5em;
div.dt-button-background {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
z-index: 2001;
@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
div.dt-buttons {
float: none;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
div.dt-buttons a.btn {
float: none;
div.dt-buttons button.button.processing,
div.dt-buttons div.button.processing,
div.dt-buttons a.button.processing {
position: relative;
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
div.dt-buttons button.button.processing:after,
div.dt-buttons div.button.processing:after,
div.dt-buttons a.button.processing:after {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
margin: -8px 0 0 -8px;
box-sizing: border-box;
display: block;
content: " ";
border: 2px solid #282828;
border-radius: 50%;
border-left-color: transparent;
border-right-color: transparent;
animation: dtb-spinner 1500ms infinite linear;
-o-animation: dtb-spinner 1500ms infinite linear;
-ms-animation: dtb-spinner 1500ms infinite linear;
-webkit-animation: dtb-spinner 1500ms infinite linear;
-moz-animation: dtb-spinner 1500ms infinite linear;
div.dt-buttons.ui.buttons {
flex-wrap: wrap;
div.dt-buttons.ui.basic.buttons .ui.button {
border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.15);
margin-bottom: -1px;
div.dt-buttons.ui.basic.buttons .ui.button:hover {
background: transparent !important;
span.dt-down-arrow {
display: none;
span.dt-button-spacer {
cursor: inherit;
|||| {
padding-left: 1.5em;
|||| {
height: inherit;
div.dt-button-collection span.dt-button-spacer {
border-top: 1px solid rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.15);
div.dt-button-collection {
border-bottom: none;
padding-left: 1.5em;
div.dt-buttons.ui.basic.buttons .button.dt-button-spacer {
background: rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.05) !important;
box-shadow: none;
cursor: initial;
div.dt-buttons.ui.basic.buttons .button.dt-button-spacer:hover {
background-color: rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.05) !important;
div.dt-btn-split-wrapper:active:not(.disabled) button.button, button.button {
background-color: #f8f8f8 !important;
div.dt-btn-split-wrapper:active:not(.disabled) button.dt-btn-split-drop, button.dt-btn-split-drop {
box-shadow: none;
background-color: transparent !important;
div.dt-btn-split-wrapper:active:not(.disabled) button.button:hover, button.button:hover {
background-color: transparent !important;
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
div.dataTables_wrapper {
position: relative;
div.dt-buttons {
position: initial;
div.dt-button-info {
position: fixed;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
width: 400px;
margin-top: -100px;
margin-left: -200px;
background-color: white;
border: 2px solid #111;
box-shadow: 3px 4px 10px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
border-radius: 3px;
text-align: center;
z-index: 21;
h2 {
padding: 0.5em;
margin: 0;
font-weight: normal;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
background-color: #f3f3f3;
> div {
padding: 1em;
div.dtb-popover-close {
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
right: 10px;
width: 22px;
height: 22px;
border: 1px solid #eaeaea;
background-color: #f9f9f9;
text-align: center;
border-radius: 3px;
cursor: pointer;
z-index: 12;
button.dtb-hide-drop {
display: none !important;
div.dt-button-collection-title {
text-align: center;
padding: 0.3em 0 0.5em;
margin-left: 0.5em;
margin-right: 0.5em;
font-size: 0.9em;
div.dt-button-collection-title:empty {
display: none;
span.dt-button-spacer {
display: inline-block;
margin: 0.5em;
white-space: nowrap;
&.bar {
border-left: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
vertical-align: middle;
padding-left: 0.5em;
&:empty {
height: 1em;
width: 1px;
padding-left: 0;
div.dt-button-collection span.dt-button-spacer {
width: 100%;
font-size: 0.9em;
text-align: center;
margin: 0.5em 0;
&:empty {
height: 0;
width: 100%;
&.bar {
border-left: none;
border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
padding-left: 0;
@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
@function dtb-tint( $color, $percent ) {
@return mix(white, $color, $percent);
@function dtb-shade( $color, $percent ) {
@return mix(black, $color, $percent);
@mixin dtb-two-stop-gradient($fromColor, $toColor) {
background-color: $toColor; /* Fallback */
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, $fromColor 0%, $toColor 100%); /* Chrome 10+, Saf5.1+, iOS 5+ */
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, $fromColor 0%, $toColor 100%); /* FF3.6 */
background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, $fromColor 0%, $toColor 100%); /* IE10 */
background: -o-linear-gradient(top, $fromColor 0%, $toColor 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, $fromColor 0%, $toColor 100%);
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(GradientType=0,StartColorStr='#{nth( $fromColor, 1 )}', EndColorStr='#{nth( $toColor, 1 )}');
@mixin dtb-radial-gradient ($fromColor, $toColor ) {
background: $toColor; /* Fallback */
background: -ms-radial-gradient(center, ellipse farthest-corner, $fromColor 0%, $toColor 100%); /* IE10 Consumer Preview */
background: -moz-radial-gradient(center, ellipse farthest-corner, $fromColor 0%, $toColor 100%); /* Firefox */
background: -o-radial-gradient(center, ellipse farthest-corner, $fromColor 0%, $toColor 100%); /* Opera */
background: -webkit-gradient(radial, center center, 0, center center, 497, color-stop(0, $fromColor), color-stop(1, $toColor)); /* Webkit (Safari/Chrome 10) */
background: -webkit-radial-gradient(center, ellipse farthest-corner, $fromColor 0%, $toColor 100%); /* Webkit (Chrome 11+) */
background: radial-gradient(ellipse farthest-corner at center, $fromColor 0%, $toColor 100%); /* W3C Markup, IE10 Release Preview */
@mixin dtb-fixed-collection {
// Fixed positioning feature
&.fixed {
position: fixed;
display: block;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -75px;
border-radius: 5px;
background-color: white;
&.two-column {
margin-left: -200px;
&.three-column {
margin-left: -225px;
&.four-column {
margin-left: -300px;
&.columns {
// Four column
margin-left: -409px;
@media screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
margin-left: -308px;
@media screen and (max-width: 640px) {
margin-left: -203px;
@media screen and (max-width: 460px) {
margin-left: -100px;
> :last-child {
max-height: 100vh;
overflow: auto;
&.two-column > :last-child,
&.three-column > :last-child,
&.four-column > :last-child {
> * {
-webkit-column-break-inside: avoid;
break-inside: avoid;
// Multi-column layout feature
display: block !important;
-webkit-column-gap: 8px;
-moz-column-gap: 8px;
-ms-column-gap: 8px;
-o-column-gap: 8px;
column-gap: 8px;
&.two-column {
width: 400px;
> :last-child {
padding-bottom: 1px;
column-count: 2;
&.three-column {
width: 450px;
> :last-child {
padding-bottom: 1px;
column-count: 3;
&.four-column {
width: 600px;
> :last-child {
padding-bottom: 1px;
column-count: 4;
// Chrome fix - 531528
.dt-button {
border-radius: 0;
&.columns {
// Four column layout
width: auto;
> :last-child {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: flex-start;
align-items: center;
gap: 6px;
width: 818px;
padding-bottom: 1px;
.dt-button {
min-width: 200px;
flex: 0 1;
margin: 0;
&.dtb-b1 {
> :last-child {
justify-content: space-between;
&.dtb-b3 .dt-button {
flex: 1 1 32%;
&.dtb-b2 .dt-button {
flex: 1 1 48%;
&.dtb-b1 .dt-button {
flex: 1 1 100%;
@media screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
// Three column layout
> :last-child {
width: 612px;
@media screen and (max-width: 640px) {
// Two column layout
> :last-child {
width: 406px;
&.dtb-b3 .dt-button {
flex: 0 1 32%;
@media screen and (max-width: 460px) {
// Single column
> :last-child {
width: 200px;
@mixin dtb-processing {
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
&:after {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
margin: -8px 0 0 -8px;
box-sizing: border-box;
display: block;
content: ' ';
border: 2px solid rgb(40,40,40);
border-radius: 50%;
border-left-color: transparent;
border-right-color: transparent;
animation: dtb-spinner 1500ms infinite linear;
-o-animation: dtb-spinner 1500ms infinite linear;
-ms-animation: dtb-spinner 1500ms infinite linear;
-webkit-animation: dtb-spinner 1500ms infinite linear;
-moz-animation: dtb-spinner 1500ms infinite linear;
@keyframes dtb-spinner {
100%{ transform: rotate(360deg); }
@-o-keyframes dtb-spinner {
100%{ -o-transform: rotate(360deg); transform: rotate(360deg); }
@-ms-keyframes dtb-spinner {
100%{ -ms-transform: rotate(360deg); transform: rotate(360deg); }
@-webkit-keyframes dtb-spinner {
100%{ -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); transform: rotate(360deg); }
@-moz-keyframes dtb-spinner {
100%{ -moz-transform: rotate(360deg); transform: rotate(360deg); }
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
/*! Bootstrap integration for DataTables' Buttons
* ©2016 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function( factory ){
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define( ['jquery', '', ''], function ( $ ) {
return factory( $, window, document );
} );
else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
// CommonJS
module.exports = function (root, $) {
if ( ! root ) {
root = window;
if ( ! $ || ! $.fn.dataTable ) {
$ = require('')(root, $).$;
if ( ! $.fn.dataTable.Buttons ) {
require('')(root, $);
return factory( $, root, root.document );
else {
// Browser
factory( jQuery, window, document );
}(function( $, window, document, undefined ) {
'use strict';
var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable;
$.extend( true, DataTable.Buttons.defaults, {
dom: {
container: {
className: 'dt-buttons btn-group'
button: {
className: 'btn btn-default'
collection: {
tag: 'ul',
className: 'dropdown-menu',
closeButton: false,
button: {
tag: 'li',
className: 'dt-button',
active: 'active',
disabled: 'disabled'
buttonLiner: {
tag: 'a',
className: ''
splitWrapper: {
tag: 'div',
className: 'dt-btn-split-wrapper btn-group',
closeButton: false,
splitDropdown: {
tag: 'button',
text: '▼',
className: 'btn btn-default dt-btn-split-drop dropdown-toggle',
closeButton: false,
align: 'split-left',
splitAlignClass: 'dt-button-split-left'
splitDropdownButton: {
tag: 'button',
className: 'dt-btn-split-drop-button btn btn-default',
closeButton: false
} );
DataTable.ext.buttons.collection.text = function ( dt ) {
return dt.i18n('buttons.collection', 'Collection <span class="caret"/>');
return DataTable.Buttons;
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
Bootstrap integration for DataTables' Buttons
©2016 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function(c){"function"===typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery","",""],function(a){return c(a,window,document)}):"object"===typeof exports?module.exports=function(a,b){a||(a=window);b&&b.fn.dataTable||(b=require("")(a,b).$);b.fn.dataTable.Buttons||require("")(a,b);return c(b,a,a.document)}:c(jQuery,window,document)})(function(c,a,b,e){a=c.fn.dataTable;c.extend(!0,a.Buttons.defaults,{dom:{container:{className:"dt-buttons btn-group"},
button:{className:"btn btn-default"},collection:{tag:"ul",className:"dropdown-menu",closeButton:!1,button:{tag:"li",className:"dt-button",active:"active",disabled:"disabled"},buttonLiner:{tag:"a",className:""}},splitWrapper:{tag:"div",className:"dt-btn-split-wrapper btn-group",closeButton:!1},splitDropdown:{tag:"button",text:"▼",className:"btn btn-default dt-btn-split-drop dropdown-toggle",closeButton:!1,align:"split-left",splitAlignClass:"dt-button-split-left"},splitDropdownButton:{tag:"button",
className:"dt-btn-split-drop-button btn btn-default",closeButton:!1}}});a.ext.buttons.collection.text=function(d){return d.i18n("buttons.collection",'Collection <span class="caret"/>')};return a.Buttons});
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
/*! Bootstrap integration for DataTables' Buttons
* ©2016 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function( factory ){
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define( ['jquery', '', ''], function ( $ ) {
return factory( $, window, document );
} );
else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
// CommonJS
module.exports = function (root, $) {
if ( ! root ) {
root = window;
if ( ! $ || ! $.fn.dataTable ) {
$ = require('')(root, $).$;
if ( ! $.fn.dataTable.Buttons ) {
require('')(root, $);
return factory( $, root, root.document );
else {
// Browser
factory( jQuery, window, document );
}(function( $, window, document, undefined ) {
'use strict';
var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable;
$.extend( true, DataTable.Buttons.defaults, {
dom: {
container: {
className: 'dt-buttons btn-group flex-wrap'
button: {
className: 'btn btn-secondary'
collection: {
tag: 'div',
className: 'dropdown-menu',
closeButton: false,
button: {
tag: 'a',
className: 'dt-button dropdown-item',
active: 'active',
disabled: 'disabled'
splitWrapper: {
tag: 'div',
className: 'dt-btn-split-wrapper btn-group',
closeButton: false,
splitDropdown: {
tag: 'button',
text: '',
className: 'btn btn-secondary dt-btn-split-drop dropdown-toggle dropdown-toggle-split',
closeButton: false,
align: 'split-left',
splitAlignClass: 'dt-button-split-left'
splitDropdownButton: {
tag: 'button',
className: 'dt-btn-split-drop-button btn btn-secondary',
closeButton: false
buttonCreated: function ( config, button ) {
return config.buttons ?
$('<div class="btn-group"/>').append(button) :
} );
DataTable.ext.buttons.collection.className += ' dropdown-toggle';
DataTable.ext.buttons.collection.rightAlignClassName = 'dropdown-menu-right';
return DataTable.Buttons;
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
Bootstrap integration for DataTables' Buttons
©2016 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function(c){"function"===typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery","",""],function(a){return c(a,window,document)}):"object"===typeof exports?module.exports=function(a,b){a||(a=window);b&&b.fn.dataTable||(b=require("")(a,b).$);b.fn.dataTable.Buttons||require("")(a,b);return c(b,a,a.document)}:c(jQuery,window,document)})(function(c,a,b,f){a=c.fn.dataTable;c.extend(!0,a.Buttons.defaults,{dom:{container:{className:"dt-buttons btn-group flex-wrap"},
button:{className:"btn btn-secondary"},collection:{tag:"div",className:"dropdown-menu",closeButton:!1,button:{tag:"a",className:"dt-button dropdown-item",active:"active",disabled:"disabled"}},splitWrapper:{tag:"div",className:"dt-btn-split-wrapper btn-group",closeButton:!1},splitDropdown:{tag:"button",text:"",className:"btn btn-secondary dt-btn-split-drop dropdown-toggle dropdown-toggle-split",closeButton:!1,align:"split-left",splitAlignClass:"dt-button-split-left"},splitDropdownButton:{tag:"button",
className:"dt-btn-split-drop-button btn btn-secondary",closeButton:!1}},buttonCreated:function(e,d){return e.buttons?c('<div class="btn-group"/>').append(d):d}});a.ext.buttons.collection.className+=" dropdown-toggle";a.ext.buttons.collection.rightAlignClassName="dropdown-menu-right";return a.Buttons});
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
/*! Bootstrap integration for DataTables' Buttons
* ©2016 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function( factory ){
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define( ['jquery', '', ''], function ( $ ) {
return factory( $, window, document );
} );
else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
// CommonJS
module.exports = function (root, $) {
if ( ! root ) {
root = window;
if ( ! $ || ! $.fn.dataTable ) {
$ = require('')(root, $).$;
if ( ! $.fn.dataTable.Buttons ) {
require('')(root, $);
return factory( $, root, root.document );
else {
// Browser
factory( jQuery, window, document );
}(function( $, window, document, undefined ) {
'use strict';
var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable;
$.extend( true, DataTable.Buttons.defaults, {
dom: {
container: {
className: 'dt-buttons btn-group flex-wrap'
button: {
className: 'btn btn-secondary'
collection: {
tag: 'div',
className: 'dropdown-menu',
closeButton: false,
button: {
tag: 'a',
className: 'dt-button dropdown-item',
active: 'active',
disabled: 'disabled'
splitWrapper: {
tag: 'div',
className: 'dt-btn-split-wrapper btn-group',
closeButton: false,
splitDropdown: {
tag: 'button',
text: '',
className: 'btn btn-secondary dt-btn-split-drop dropdown-toggle dropdown-toggle-split',
closeButton: false,
align: 'split-left',
splitAlignClass: 'dt-button-split-left'
splitDropdownButton: {
tag: 'button',
className: 'dt-btn-split-drop-button btn btn-secondary',
closeButton: false
buttonCreated: function ( config, button ) {
return config.buttons ?
$('<div class="btn-group"/>').append(button) :
} );
DataTable.ext.buttons.collection.className += ' dropdown-toggle';
DataTable.ext.buttons.collection.rightAlignClassName = 'dropdown-menu-right';
return DataTable.Buttons;
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
Bootstrap integration for DataTables' Buttons
©2016 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function(c){"function"===typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery","",""],function(a){return c(a,window,document)}):"object"===typeof exports?module.exports=function(a,b){a||(a=window);b&&b.fn.dataTable||(b=require("")(a,b).$);b.fn.dataTable.Buttons||require("")(a,b);return c(b,a,a.document)}:c(jQuery,window,document)})(function(c,a,b,f){a=c.fn.dataTable;c.extend(!0,a.Buttons.defaults,{dom:{container:{className:"dt-buttons btn-group flex-wrap"},
button:{className:"btn btn-secondary"},collection:{tag:"div",className:"dropdown-menu",closeButton:!1,button:{tag:"a",className:"dt-button dropdown-item",active:"active",disabled:"disabled"}},splitWrapper:{tag:"div",className:"dt-btn-split-wrapper btn-group",closeButton:!1},splitDropdown:{tag:"button",text:"",className:"btn btn-secondary dt-btn-split-drop dropdown-toggle dropdown-toggle-split",closeButton:!1,align:"split-left",splitAlignClass:"dt-button-split-left"},splitDropdownButton:{tag:"button",
className:"dt-btn-split-drop-button btn btn-secondary",closeButton:!1}},buttonCreated:function(e,d){return e.buttons?c('<div class="btn-group"/>').append(d):d}});a.ext.buttons.collection.className+=" dropdown-toggle";a.ext.buttons.collection.rightAlignClassName="dropdown-menu-right";return a.Buttons});
@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
/*! Bulma integration for DataTables' Buttons
* ©2021 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function( factory ){
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define( ['jquery', '', ''], function ( $ ) {
return factory( $, window, document );
} );
else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
// CommonJS
module.exports = function (root, $) {
if ( ! root ) {
root = window;
if ( ! $ || ! $.fn.dataTable ) {
$ = require('')(root, $).$;
if ( ! $.fn.dataTable.Buttons ) {
require('')(root, $);
return factory( $, root, root.document );
else {
// Browser
factory( jQuery, window, document );
}(function( $, window, document, undefined ) {
'use strict';
var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable;
$.extend( true, DataTable.Buttons.defaults, {
dom: {
container: {
className: 'dt-buttons field is-grouped'
button: {
className: 'button is-light',
active: 'is-active',
disabled: 'is-disabled'
collection: {
tag: 'div',
closeButton: false,
className: 'dropdown-content',
button: {
tag: 'a',
className: 'dt-button dropdown-item',
active: 'is-active',
disabled: 'is-disabled'
splitWrapper: {
tag: 'div',
className: 'dt-btn-split-wrapper dropdown-trigger buttons has-addons',
closeButton: false
splitDropdownButton: {
tag: 'button',
className: 'dt-btn-split-drop-button button is-light',
closeButton: false
splitDropdown: {
tag: 'button',
text: '▼',
className: 'button is-light',
closeButton: false,
align: 'split-left',
splitAlignClass: 'dt-button-split-left'
buttonCreated: function ( config, button ) {
// For collections
if (config.buttons) {
// Wrap the dropdown content in a menu element
config._collection = $('<div class="dropdown-menu"/>')
// And add the collection dropdown icon
'<span class="icon is-small">' +
'<i class="fa fa-angle-down" aria-hidden="true"></i>' +
return button;
} );
return DataTable.Buttons;
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
Bulma integration for DataTables' Buttons
©2021 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function(b){"function"===typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery","",""],function(a){return b(a,window,document)}):"object"===typeof exports?module.exports=function(a,c){a||(a=window);c&&c.fn.dataTable||(c=require("")(a,c).$);c.fn.dataTable.Buttons||require("")(a,c);return b(c,a,a.document)}:b(jQuery,window,document)})(function(b,a,c,f){a=b.fn.dataTable;b.extend(!0,a.Buttons.defaults,{dom:{container:{className:"dt-buttons field is-grouped"},
button:{className:"button is-light",active:"is-active",disabled:"is-disabled"},collection:{tag:"div",closeButton:!1,className:"dropdown-content",button:{tag:"a",className:"dt-button dropdown-item",active:"is-active",disabled:"is-disabled"}},splitWrapper:{tag:"div",className:"dt-btn-split-wrapper dropdown-trigger buttons has-addons",closeButton:!1},splitDropdownButton:{tag:"button",className:"dt-btn-split-drop-button button is-light",closeButton:!1},splitDropdown:{tag:"button",text:"▼",className:"button is-light",
closeButton:!1,align:"split-left",splitAlignClass:"dt-button-split-left"}},buttonCreated:function(d,e){d.buttons&&(d._collection=b('<div class="dropdown-menu"/>').append(d._collection),b(e).append('<span class="icon is-small"><i class="fa fa-angle-down" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>'));return e}});return a.Buttons});
@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
* Column visibility buttons for Buttons and DataTables.
* 2016 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function( factory ){
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define( ['jquery', '', ''], function ( $ ) {
return factory( $, window, document );
} );
else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
// CommonJS
module.exports = function (root, $) {
if ( ! root ) {
root = window;
if ( ! $ || ! $.fn.dataTable ) {
$ = require('')(root, $).$;
if ( ! $.fn.dataTable.Buttons ) {
require('')(root, $);
return factory( $, root, root.document );
else {
// Browser
factory( jQuery, window, document );
}(function( $, window, document, undefined ) {
'use strict';
var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable;
$.extend( DataTable.ext.buttons, {
// A collection of column visibility buttons
colvis: function ( dt, conf ) {
var node = null;
var buttonConf = {
extend: 'collection',
init: function ( dt, n ) {
node = n;
text: function ( dt ) {
return dt.i18n( 'buttons.colvis', 'Column visibility' );
className: 'buttons-colvis',
closeButton: false,
buttons: [ {
extend: 'columnsToggle',
columns: conf.columns,
columnText: conf.columnText
} ]
// Rebuild the collection with the new column structure if columns are reordered
dt.on( 'column-reorder.dt'+conf.namespace, function (e, settings, details) {
// console.log(node);
// console.log('node', dt.button(null, node).node());
dt.button(null, dt.button(null, node).node()).collectionRebuild([{
extend: 'columnsToggle',
columns: conf.columns,
columnText: conf.columnText
return buttonConf;
// Selected columns with individual buttons - toggle column visibility
columnsToggle: function ( dt, conf ) {
var columns = dt.columns( conf.columns ).indexes().map( function ( idx ) {
return {
extend: 'columnToggle',
columns: idx,
columnText: conf.columnText
} ).toArray();
return columns;
// Single button to toggle column visibility
columnToggle: function ( dt, conf ) {
return {
extend: 'columnVisibility',
columns: conf.columns,
columnText: conf.columnText
// Selected columns with individual buttons - set column visibility
columnsVisibility: function ( dt, conf ) {
var columns = dt.columns( conf.columns ).indexes().map( function ( idx ) {
return {
extend: 'columnVisibility',
columns: idx,
visibility: conf.visibility,
columnText: conf.columnText
} ).toArray();
return columns;
// Single button to set column visibility
columnVisibility: {
columns: undefined, // column selector
text: function ( dt, button, conf ) {
return conf._columnText( dt, conf );
className: 'buttons-columnVisibility',
action: function ( e, dt, button, conf ) {
var col = dt.columns( conf.columns );
var curr = col.visible();
col.visible( conf.visibility !== undefined ?
conf.visibility :
! (curr.length ? curr[0] : false )
init: function ( dt, button, conf ) {
var that = this;
button.attr( 'data-cv-idx', conf.columns );
.on( 'column-visibility.dt'+conf.namespace, function (e, settings) {
if ( ! settings.bDestroying && settings.nTable == dt.settings()[0].nTable ) {
|||| dt.column( conf.columns ).visible() );
} )
.on( 'column-reorder.dt'+conf.namespace, function (e, settings, details) {
// Button has been removed from the DOM
if ( conf.destroying ) {
if ( dt.columns( conf.columns ).count() !== 1 ) {
// This button controls the same column index but the text for the column has
// changed
that.text( conf._columnText( dt, conf ) );
// Since its a different column, we need to check its visibility
|||| dt.column( conf.columns ).visible() );
} );
|||| dt.column( conf.columns ).visible() );
destroy: function ( dt, button, conf ) {
.off( 'column-visibility.dt'+conf.namespace )
.off( 'column-reorder.dt'+conf.namespace );
_columnText: function ( dt, conf ) {
// Use DataTables' internal data structure until this is presented
// is a public API. The other option is to use
// `$( column(col).node() ).text()` but the node might not have been
// populated when Buttons is constructed.
var idx = dt.column( conf.columns ).index();
var title = dt.settings()[0].aoColumns[ idx ].sTitle;
if (! title) {
title = dt.column(idx).header().innerHTML;
title = title
.replace(/\n/g," ") // remove new lines
.replace(/<br\s*\/?>/gi, " ") // replace line breaks with spaces
.replace(/<select(.*?)<\/select>/g, "") // remove select tags, including options text
.replace(/<!\-\-.*?\-\->/g, "") // strip HTML comments
.replace(/<.*?>/g, "") // strip HTML
.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); // trim
return conf.columnText ?
conf.columnText( dt, idx, title ) :
colvisRestore: {
className: 'buttons-colvisRestore',
text: function ( dt ) {
return dt.i18n( 'buttons.colvisRestore', 'Restore visibility' );
init: function ( dt, button, conf ) {
conf._visOriginal = dt.columns().indexes().map( function ( idx ) {
return dt.column( idx ).visible();
} ).toArray();
action: function ( e, dt, button, conf ) {
dt.columns().every( function ( i ) {
// Take into account that ColReorder might have disrupted our
// indexes
var idx = dt.colReorder && dt.colReorder.transpose ?
dt.colReorder.transpose( i, 'toOriginal' ) :
this.visible( conf._visOriginal[ idx ] );
} );
colvisGroup: {
className: 'buttons-colvisGroup',
action: function ( e, dt, button, conf ) {
dt.columns( ).visible( true, false );
dt.columns( conf.hide ).visible( false, false );
show: [],
hide: []
} );
return DataTable.Buttons;
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
Column visibility buttons for Buttons and DataTables.
2016 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function(h){"function"===typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery","",""],function(e){return h(e,window,document)}):"object"===typeof exports?module.exports=function(e,g){e||(e=window);g&&g.fn.dataTable||(g=require("")(e,g).$);g.fn.dataTable.Buttons||require("")(e,g);return h(g,e,e.document)}:h(jQuery,window,document)})(function(h,e,g,l){e=h.fn.dataTable;h.extend(e.ext.buttons,{colvis:function(b,a){var c=null,d={extend:"collection",
init:function(f,k){c=k},text:function(f){return f.i18n("buttons.colvis","Column visibility")},className:"buttons-colvis",closeButton:!1,buttons:[{extend:"columnsToggle",columns:a.columns,columnText:a.columnText}]};b.on("column-reorder.dt"+a.namespace,function(f,k,m){b.button(null,b.button(null,c).node()).collectionRebuild([{extend:"columnsToggle",columns:a.columns,columnText:a.columnText}])});return d},columnsToggle:function(b,a){return b.columns(a.columns).indexes().map(function(c){return{extend:"columnToggle",
columns:c,columnText:a.columnText}}).toArray()},columnToggle:function(b,a){return{extend:"columnVisibility",columns:a.columns,columnText:a.columnText}},columnsVisibility:function(b,a){return b.columns(a.columns).indexes().map(function(c){return{extend:"columnVisibility",columns:c,visibility:a.visibility,columnText:a.columnText}}).toArray()},columnVisibility:{columns:l,text:function(b,a,c){return c._columnText(b,c)},className:"buttons-columnVisibility",action:function(b,a,c,d){b=a.columns(d.columns);
a=b.visible();b.visible(d.visibility!==l?d.visibility:!(a.length&&a[0]))},init:function(b,a,c){var d=this;a.attr("data-cv-idx",c.columns);b.on("column-visibility.dt"+c.namespace,function(f,k){k.bDestroying||k.nTable!=b.settings()[0].nTable||}).on("column-reorder.dt"+c.namespace,function(f,k,m){c.destroying||1!==b.columns(c.columns).count()||(d.text(c._columnText(b,c)),});},destroy:function(b,
a,c){"column-visibility.dt"+c.namespace).off("column-reorder.dt"+c.namespace)},_columnText:function(b,a){var c=b.column(a.columns).index(),d=b.settings()[0].aoColumns[c].sTitle;d||(d=b.column(c).header().innerHTML);d=d.replace(/\n/g," ").replace(/<br\s*\/?>/gi," ").replace(/<select(.*?)<\/select>/g,"").replace(/<!\-\-.*?\-\->/g,"").replace(/<.*?>/g,"").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");return a.columnText?a.columnText(b,c,d):d}},colvisRestore:{className:"buttons-colvisRestore",text:function(b){return b.i18n("buttons.colvisRestore",
"Restore visibility")},init:function(b,a,c){c._visOriginal=b.columns().indexes().map(function(d){return b.column(d).visible()}).toArray()},action:function(b,a,c,d){a.columns().every(function(f){f=a.colReorder&&a.colReorder.transpose?a.colReorder.transpose(f,"toOriginal"):f;this.visible(d._visOriginal[f])})}},colvisGroup:{className:"buttons-colvisGroup",action:function(b,a,c,d){a.columns(!0,!1);a.columns(d.hide).visible(!1,!1);a.columns.adjust()},show:[],hide:[]}});return e.Buttons});
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
/*! DataTables styling wrapper for Buttons
* ©2018 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function( factory ){
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define( ['jquery', '', ''], function ( $ ) {
return factory( $, window, document );
} );
else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
// CommonJS
module.exports = function (root, $) {
if ( ! root ) {
root = window;
if ( ! $ || ! $.fn.dataTable ) {
$ = require('')(root, $).$;
if ( ! $.fn.dataTable.Buttons ) {
require('')(root, $);
return factory( $, root, root.document );
else {
// Browser
factory( jQuery, window, document );
}(function( $, window, document, undefined ) {
return $.fn.dataTable;
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
DataTables styling wrapper for Buttons
©2018 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function(c){"function"===typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery","",""],function(a){return c(a,window,document)}):"object"===typeof exports?module.exports=function(a,b){a||(a=window);b&&b.fn.dataTable||(b=require("")(a,b).$);b.fn.dataTable.Buttons||require("")(a,b);return c(b,a,a.document)}:c(jQuery,window,document)})(function(c,a,b,d){return c.fn.dataTable});
@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
/*! Foundation integration for DataTables' Buttons
* ©2016 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function( factory ){
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define( ['jquery', '', ''], function ( $ ) {
return factory( $, window, document );
} );
else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
// CommonJS
module.exports = function (root, $) {
if ( ! root ) {
root = window;
if ( ! $ || ! $.fn.dataTable ) {
$ = require('')(root, $).$;
if ( ! $.fn.dataTable.Buttons ) {
require('')(root, $);
return factory( $, root, root.document );
else {
// Browser
factory( jQuery, window, document );
}(function( $, window, document, undefined ) {
'use strict';
var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable;
// F6 has different requirements for the dropdown button set. We can use the
// Foundation version found by DataTables in order to support both F5 and F6 in
// the same file, but not that this requires DataTables 1.10.11+ for F6 support.
var collection = DataTable.ext.foundationVersion === 6 ?
tag: 'div',
className: 'dropdown-pane is-open button-group stacked'
} :
tag: 'ul',
className: 'f-dropdown open dropdown-pane is-open',
closeButton: false,
button: {
tag: 'li',
className: 'small',
active: 'active',
disabled: 'disabled'
buttonLiner: {
tag: 'a'
$.extend( true, DataTable.Buttons.defaults, {
dom: {
container: {
tag: 'div',
className: 'dt-buttons button-group'
buttonContainer: {
tag: null,
className: ''
button: {
tag: 'a',
className: 'dt-button button small',
active: 'secondary'
buttonLiner: {
tag: null
collection: collection,
splitWrapper: {
tag: 'div',
className: 'dt-btn-split-wrapper button-group',
closeButton: false,
splitDropdown: {
tag: 'button',
text: '',
className: 'button dt-btn-split-drop dropdown arrow-only',
closeButton: false,
splitDropdownButton: {
tag: 'button',
className: 'dt-btn-split-drop-button button small',
closeButton: false
} );
DataTable.ext.buttons.collection.className = 'dropdown';
$(document).on('buttons-popover.dt', function () {
var notButton = false;
$('.dtsp-panesContainer').each(function() {
notButton = true;
$('.dtsp-panesContainer').removeClass('button-group stacked')
return DataTable.Buttons;
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
Foundation integration for DataTables' Buttons
©2016 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function(b){"function"===typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery","",""],function(a){return b(a,window,document)}):"object"===typeof exports?module.exports=function(a,c){a||(a=window);c&&c.fn.dataTable||(c=require("")(a,c).$);c.fn.dataTable.Buttons||require("")(a,c);return b(c,a,a.document)}:b(jQuery,window,document)})(function(b,a,c,e){a=b.fn.dataTable;b.extend(!0,a.Buttons.defaults,{dom:{container:{tag:"div",className:"dt-buttons button-group"},
buttonContainer:{tag:null,className:""},button:{tag:"a",className:"dt-button button small",active:"secondary"},buttonLiner:{tag:null},collection:6===a.ext.foundationVersion?{tag:"div",className:"dropdown-pane is-open button-group stacked"}:{tag:"ul",className:"f-dropdown open dropdown-pane is-open",closeButton:!1,button:{tag:"li",className:"small",active:"active",disabled:"disabled"},buttonLiner:{tag:"a"}},splitWrapper:{tag:"div",className:"dt-btn-split-wrapper button-group",closeButton:!1},splitDropdown:{tag:"button",
text:"",className:"button dt-btn-split-drop dropdown arrow-only",closeButton:!1},splitDropdownButton:{tag:"button",className:"dt-btn-split-drop-button button small",closeButton:!1}}});a.ext.buttons.collection.className="dropdown";b(c).on("buttons-popover.dt",function(){var d=!1;b(".dtsp-panesContainer").each(function(){b(this).is("button")||(d=!0)});d&&b(".dtsp-panesContainer").removeClass("button-group stacked")});return a.Buttons});
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
/*! jQuery UI integration for DataTables' Buttons
* ©2016 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function( factory ){
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define( ['jquery', '', ''], function ( $ ) {
return factory( $, window, document );
} );
else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
// CommonJS
module.exports = function (root, $) {
if ( ! root ) {
root = window;
if ( ! $ || ! $.fn.dataTable ) {
$ = require('')(root, $).$;
if ( ! $.fn.dataTable.Buttons ) {
require('')(root, $);
return factory( $, root, root.document );
else {
// Browser
factory( jQuery, window, document );
}(function( $, window, document, undefined ) {
'use strict';
var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable;
$.extend( true, DataTable.Buttons.defaults, {
dom: {
container: {
className: 'dt-buttons ui-buttonset'
button: {
className: 'dt-button ui-button ui-state-default ui-button-text-only',
disabled: 'ui-state-disabled',
active: 'ui-state-active'
buttonLiner: {
tag: 'span',
className: 'ui-button-text'
splitWrapper: {
tag: 'div',
className: 'dt-btn-split-wrapper dt-btn-split-wrapper ui-widget ui-controlgroup-item ui-corner-left',
splitDropdown: {
tag: 'button',
text: '▼',
className: 'dt-btn-split-drop ui-selectmenu-button demo-splitbutton-select ui-button ui-widget ui-controlgroup-item ui-selectmenu-button-closed ui-corner-right',
splitDropdownButton: {
tag: 'button',
className: 'dt-btn-split-drop-button ui-button'
} );
DataTable.ext.buttons.collection.text = function ( dt ) {
return dt.i18n('buttons.collection', 'Collection <span class="ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s"/>');
return DataTable.Buttons;
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
jQuery UI integration for DataTables' Buttons
©2016 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function(c){"function"===typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery","",""],function(a){return c(a,window,document)}):"object"===typeof exports?module.exports=function(a,b){a||(a=window);b&&b.fn.dataTable||(b=require("")(a,b).$);b.fn.dataTable.Buttons||require("")(a,b);return c(b,a,a.document)}:c(jQuery,window,document)})(function(c,a,b,e){a=c.fn.dataTable;c.extend(!0,a.Buttons.defaults,{dom:{container:{className:"dt-buttons ui-buttonset"},
button:{className:"dt-button ui-button ui-state-default ui-button-text-only",disabled:"ui-state-disabled",active:"ui-state-active"},buttonLiner:{tag:"span",className:"ui-button-text"},splitWrapper:{tag:"div",className:"dt-btn-split-wrapper dt-btn-split-wrapper ui-widget ui-controlgroup-item ui-corner-left"},splitDropdown:{tag:"button",text:"▼",className:"dt-btn-split-drop ui-selectmenu-button demo-splitbutton-select ui-button ui-widget ui-controlgroup-item ui-selectmenu-button-closed ui-corner-right"},
splitDropdownButton:{tag:"button",className:"dt-btn-split-drop-button ui-button"}}});a.ext.buttons.collection.text=function(d){return d.i18n("buttons.collection",'Collection <span class="ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s"/>')};return a.Buttons});
@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
* Print button for Buttons and DataTables.
* 2016 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function( factory ){
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define( ['jquery', '', ''], function ( $ ) {
return factory( $, window, document );
} );
else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
// CommonJS
module.exports = function (root, $) {
if ( ! root ) {
root = window;
if ( ! $ || ! $.fn.dataTable ) {
$ = require('')(root, $).$;
if ( ! $.fn.dataTable.Buttons ) {
require('')(root, $);
return factory( $, root, root.document );
else {
// Browser
factory( jQuery, window, document );
}(function( $, window, document, undefined ) {
'use strict';
var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable;
var _link = document.createElement( 'a' );
* Clone link and style tags, taking into account the need to change the source
* path.
* @param {node} el Element to convert
var _styleToAbs = function( el ) {
var url;
var clone = $(el).clone()[0];
var linkHost;
if ( clone.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'link' ) {
clone.href = _relToAbs( clone.href );
return clone.outerHTML;
* Convert a URL from a relative to an absolute address so it will work
* correctly in the popup window which has no base URL.
* @param {string} href URL
var _relToAbs = function( href ) {
// Assign to a link on the original page so the browser will do all the
// hard work of figuring out where the file actually is
_link.href = href;
var linkHost =;
// IE doesn't have a trailing slash on the host
// Chrome has it on the pathname
if ( linkHost.indexOf('/') === -1 && _link.pathname.indexOf('/') !== 0) {
linkHost += '/';
return _link.protocol+"//";
DataTable.ext.buttons.print = {
className: 'buttons-print',
text: function ( dt ) {
return dt.i18n( 'buttons.print', 'Print' );
action: function ( e, dt, button, config ) {
var data = dt.buttons.exportData(
$.extend( {decodeEntities: false}, config.exportOptions ) // XSS protection
var exportInfo = dt.buttons.exportInfo( config );
var columnClasses = dt
.columns( config.exportOptions.columns )
.map( function (idx) {
return dt.settings()[0].aoColumns[dt.column(idx).index()].sClass;
} )
var addRow = function ( d, tag ) {
var str = '<tr>';
for ( var i=0, ien=d.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
// null and undefined aren't useful in the print output
var dataOut = d[i] === null || d[i] === undefined ?
'' :
var classAttr = columnClasses[i] ?
'class="'+columnClasses[i]+'"' :
str += '<'+tag+' '+classAttr+'>'+dataOut+'</'+tag+'>';
return str + '</tr>';
// Construct a table for printing
var html = '<table class="'+dt.table().node().className+'">';
if ( config.header ) {
html += '<thead>'+ addRow( data.header, 'th' ) +'</thead>';
html += '<tbody>';
for ( var i=0, ien=data.body.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
html += addRow( data.body[i], 'td' );
html += '</tbody>';
if ( config.footer && data.footer ) {
html += '<tfoot>'+ addRow( data.footer, 'th' ) +'</tfoot>';
html += '</table>';
// Open a new window for the printable table
var win = '', '' );
if (! win) {
dt.i18n( 'buttons.printErrorTitle', 'Unable to open print view' ),
dt.i18n( 'buttons.printErrorMsg', 'Please allow popups in your browser for this site to be able to view the print view.' ),
// Inject the title and also a copy of the style and link tags from this
// document so the table can retain its base styling. Note that we have
// to use string manipulation as IE won't allow elements to be created
// in the host document and then appended to the new window.
var head = '<title>'+exportInfo.title+'</title>';
$('style, link').each( function () {
head += _styleToAbs( this );
} );
try {
win.document.head.innerHTML = head; // Work around for Edge
catch (e) {
$(win.document.head).html( head ); // Old IE
// Inject the table and other surrounding information
win.document.body.innerHTML =
'<div>'+(exportInfo.messageTop || '')+'</div>'+
'<div>'+(exportInfo.messageBottom || '')+'</div>';
$('img', win.document.body).each( function ( i, img ) {
img.setAttribute( 'src', _relToAbs( img.getAttribute('src') ) );
} );
if ( config.customize ) {
config.customize( win, config, dt );
// Allow stylesheets time to load
var autoPrint = function () {
if ( config.autoPrint ) {
win.print(); // blocking - so close will not
win.close(); // execute until this is done
if ( navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident\/\d.\d/) ) { // IE needs to call this without a setTimeout
else {
win.setTimeout( autoPrint, 1000 );
title: '*',
messageTop: '*',
messageBottom: '*',
exportOptions: {},
header: true,
footer: false,
autoPrint: true,
customize: null
return DataTable.Buttons;
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
Print button for Buttons and DataTables.
2016 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function(b){"function"===typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery","",""],function(d){return b(d,window,document)}):"object"===typeof exports?module.exports=function(d,h){d||(d=window);h&&h.fn.dataTable||(h=require("")(d,h).$);h.fn.dataTable.Buttons||require("")(d,h);return b(h,d,d.document)}:b(jQuery,window,document)})(function(b,d,h,y){var u=b.fn.dataTable,n=h.createElement("a"),v=function(a){n.href=a;;-1===a.indexOf("/")&&
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"<"+g+" "+(w[l]?'class="'+w[l]+'"':"")+">"+(null===f[l]||f[l]===y?"":f[l])+"</"+g+">";return x+"</tr>"},m='<table class="'+e.table().node().className+'">';k.header&&(m+="<thead>"+r(a.header,"th")+"</thead>");m+="<tbody>";for(var t=0,A=a.body.length;t<A;t++)m+=r(a.body[t],"td");m+="</tbody>";k.footer&&a.footer&&(m+="<tfoot>"+r(a.footer,"th")+"</tfoot>");m+="</table>";var"","");if(c){c.document.close();var q="<title>"+p.title+"</title>";b("style, link").each(function(){var f=q,g=b(this).clone()[0];
a():c.setTimeout(a,1E3)}else"buttons.printErrorTitle","Unable to open print view"),e.i18n("buttons.printErrorMsg","Please allow popups in your browser for this site to be able to view the print view."),5E3)},title:"*",messageTop:"*",messageBottom:"*",exportOptions:{},header:!0,footer:!1,autoPrint:!0,customize:null};return u.Buttons});
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
/*! Bootstrap integration for DataTables' Buttons
* ©2016 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function( factory ){
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define( ['jquery', '', ''], function ( $ ) {
return factory( $, window, document );
} );
else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
// CommonJS
module.exports = function (root, $) {
if ( ! root ) {
root = window;
if ( ! $ || ! $.fn.dataTable ) {
$ = require('')(root, $).$;
if ( ! $.fn.dataTable.Buttons ) {
require('')(root, $);
return factory( $, root, root.document );
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// Browser
factory( jQuery, window, document );
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'use strict';
var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable;
$.extend( true, DataTable.Buttons.defaults, {
dom: {
container: {
className: 'dt-buttons ui basic buttons'
button: {
tag: 'button',
className: 'dt-button ui button',
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collection: {
tag: 'div',
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splitWrapper: {
tag: 'div',
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splitDropdown: {
tag: 'button',
text: '▼',
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tag: 'button',
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closeButton: false
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$(document).on('buttons-popover.dt', function () {
var notButton = false;
$('.dtsp-panesContainer').each(function() {
notButton = true;
$('.dtsp-panesContainer').removeClass('vertical buttons')
return DataTable.Buttons;
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
Bootstrap integration for DataTables' Buttons
©2016 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function(b){"function"===typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery","",""],function(a){return b(a,window,document)}):"object"===typeof exports?module.exports=function(a,c){a||(a=window);c&&c.fn.dataTable||(c=require("")(a,c).$);c.fn.dataTable.Buttons||require("")(a,c);return b(c,a,a.document)}:b(jQuery,window,document)})(function(b,a,c,e){a=b.fn.dataTable;b.extend(!0,a.Buttons.defaults,{dom:{container:{className:"dt-buttons ui basic buttons"},
button:{tag:"button",className:"dt-button ui button",spacerClass:"dt-button ui button"},collection:{tag:"div",className:"ui basic vertical buttons",closeButton:!1},splitWrapper:{tag:"div",className:"dt-btn-split-wrapper buttons",closeButton:!1},splitDropdown:{tag:"button",text:"▼",className:"ui floating button dt-btn-split-drop dropdown icon",closeButton:!1},splitDropdownButton:{tag:"button",className:"dt-btn-split-drop-button ui button",closeButton:!1}}});b(c).on("buttons-popover.dt",function(){var d=
!1;b(".dtsp-panesContainer").each(function(){b(this).is("button")||(d=!0)});d&&b(".dtsp-panesContainer").removeClass("vertical buttons")});return a.Buttons});
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
Buttons for DataTables 2.2.2
©2016-2022 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function(d){"function"===typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery",""],function(z){return d(z,window,document)}):"object"===typeof exports?module.exports=function(z,B){z||(z=window);B&&B.fn.dataTable||(B=require("")(z,B).$);return d(B,z,z.document)}:d(jQuery,window,document)})(function(d,z,B,p){function I(a,b,c){d.fn.animate?a.stop().fadeIn(b,c):(a.css("display","block"),c&&}function J(a,b,c){d.fn.animate?a.stop().fadeOut(b,c):(a.css("display","none"),c&&}
function L(a,b){a=new u.Api(a);b=b?b:a.init().buttons||u.defaults.buttons;return(new x(a,b)).container()}var u=d.fn.dataTable,O=0,P=0,C=u.ext.buttons,x=function(a,b){if(!(this instanceof x))return function(c){return(new x(c,a)).container()};"undefined"===typeof b&&(b={});!0===b&&(b={});Array.isArray(b)&&(b={buttons:b});this.c=d.extend(!0,{},x.defaults,b);b.buttons&&(this.c.buttons=b.buttons);this.s={dt:new u.Api(a),buttons:[],listenKeys:"",namespace:"dtb"+O++};this.dom={container:d("<"+this.c.dom.container.tag+
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c);c.splice(a,1);return this},text:function(a,b){var c=this._nodeToButton(a);a=this.c.dom.collection.buttonLiner;a=c.inCollection&&a&&a.tag?a.tag:this.c.dom.buttonLiner.tag;var e=this.s.dt,h=d(c.node),f=function(g){return"function"===typeof g?g(e,h,c.conf):g};if(b===p)return f(c.conf.text);c.conf.text=b;a?h.children(a).eq(0).filter(":not(.dt-down-arrow)").html(f(b)):h.html(f(b));return this},_constructor:function(){var a=this,b=this.s.dt,c=b.settings()[0],e=this.c.buttons;c._buttons||(c._buttons=
[]);c._buttons.push({inst:this,});for(var h=0,f=e.length;h<f;h++)this.add(e[h]);b.on("destroy",function(g,l){l===c&&a.destroy()});d("body").on("keyup."+this.s.namespace,function(g){if(!B.activeElement||B.activeElement===B.body){var l=String.fromCharCode(g.keyCode).toLowerCase();-1!==a.s.listenKeys.toLowerCase().indexOf(l)&&a._keypress(l,g)}})},_addKey:function(a){a.key&&(this.s.listenKeys+=d.isPlainObject(a.key)?a.key.key:a.key)},_draw:function(a,b){a||(a=this.dom.container,b=this.s.buttons);
a.children().detach();for(var c=0,e=b.length;c<e;c++)a.append(b[c].inserter),a.append(" "),b[c].buttons&&b[c].buttons.length&&this._draw(b[c].collection,b[c].buttons)},_expandButton:function(a,b,c,e,h,f,g){var l=this.s.dt,m=0,r=Array.isArray(b)?b:[b];b===p&&(r=Array.isArray(c)?c:[c]);c=0;for(var q=r.length;c<q;c++){var n=this._resolveExtends(r[c]);if(n)if(b=n.config!==p&&n.config.split?!0:!1,Array.isArray(n))this._expandButton(a,n,k!==p&&k.conf!==p?k.conf.split:p,e,g!==p&&g.split!==p,f,g);else{var k=
this._buildButton(n,e,n.split!==p||n.config!==p&&n.config.split!==p,h);if(k){f!==p&&null!==f?(a.splice(f,0,k),f++):a.push(k);if(k.conf.buttons||k.conf.split){k.collection=d("<"+(b?this.c.dom.splitCollection.tag:this.c.dom.collection.tag)+"/>");k.conf._collection=k.collection;if(k.conf.split)for(var t=0;t<k.conf.split.length;t++)"object"===typeof k.conf.split[t]&&(k.conf.split[t].parent=g,k.conf.split[t].collectionLayout===p&&(k.conf.split[t].collectionLayout=k.conf.collectionLayout),k.conf.split[t].dropup===
p&&(k.conf.split[t].dropup=k.conf.dropup),k.conf.split[t].fade===p&&(k.conf.split[t].fade=k.conf.fade));else d(k.node).append(d('<span class="dt-down-arrow">'+this.c.dom.splitDropdown.text+"</span>"));this._expandButton(k.buttons,k.conf.buttons,k.conf.split,!b,b,f,k.conf)}k.conf.parent=g;n.init&&,l,d(k.node),n);m++}}}},_buildButton:function(a,b,c,e){var h=this.c.dom.button,f=this.c.dom.buttonLiner,g=this.c.dom.collection,l=this.c.dom.splitCollection,m=this.c.dom.splitDropdownButton,
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else{var t=function(w,D,F,G){,w,D,F,G);d(D.table().node()).triggerHandler("buttons-action.dt",[D.button(F),D,F,G])};g=a.tag||h.tag;var y=a.clickBlurs===p?!0:a.clickBlurs;k=d("<"+g+"/>").addClass(h.className).addClass(e?this.c.dom.splitDropdownButton.className:"").attr("tabindex",this.s.dt.settings()[0].iTabIndex).attr("aria-controls",this.s.dt.table().node().id).on("click.dtb",function(w){w.preventDefault();!k.hasClass(h.disabled)&&a.action&&t(w,r,k,a);y&&k.trigger("blur")}).on("keypress.dtb",
".dt-button-"+P++);a.config!==p&&a.config.split&&(a.split=a.config.split)}f=(f=this.c.dom.buttonContainer)&&f.tag?d("<"+f.tag+"/>").addClass(f.className).append(k):k;this._addKey(a);this.c.buttonCreated&&(f=this.c.buttonCreated(a,f));if(c){n=d("<div/>").addClass(this.c.dom.splitWrapper.className);n.append(k);var v=d.extend(a,{text:this.c.dom.splitDropdown.text,className:this.c.dom.splitDropdown.className,closeButton:!1,attr:{"aria-haspopup":!0,"aria-expanded":!1},align:this.c.dom.splitDropdown.align,
splitAlignClass:this.c.dom.splitDropdown.splitAlignClass});this._addKey(v);var E=function(w,D,F,G){"div.dt-btn-split-wrapper")[0]),w,D,F,G);d(D.table().node()).triggerHandler("buttons-action.dt",[D.button(F),D,F,G]);F.attr("aria-expanded",!0)},A=d('<button class="'+this.c.dom.splitDropdown.className+' dt-button"><span class="dt-btn-split-drop-arrow">'+this.c.dom.splitDropdown.text+"</span></button>").on("click.dtb",function(w){w.preventDefault();w.stopPropagation();
A.hasClass(h.disabled)||E(w,r,A,v);y&&A.trigger("blur")}).on("keypress.dtb",function(w){13===w.keyCode&&(w.preventDefault(),A.hasClass(h.disabled)||E(w,r,A,v))});0===a.split.length&&A.addClass("dtb-hide-drop");n.append(A).attr(v.attr)}return{conf:a,node:c?n.get(0):k.get(0),inserter:c?n:f,buttons:[],inCollection:b,isSplit:c,inSplit:e,collection:null}},_nodeToButton:function(a,b){b||(b=this.s.buttons);for(var c=0,e=b.length;c<e;c++){if(b[c].node===a)return b[c];if(b[c].buttons.length){var h=this._nodeToButton(a,
b[c].buttons);if(h)return h}}},_nodeToHost:function(a,b){b||(b=this.s.buttons);for(var c=0,e=b.length;c<e;c++){if(b[c].node===a)return b;if(b[c].buttons.length){var h=this._nodeToHost(a,b[c].buttons);if(h)return h}}},_keypress:function(a,b){if(!b._buttonsHandled){var c=function(e){for(var h=0,f=e.length;h<f;h++){var g=e[h].conf,l=e[h].node;g.key&&(g.key===a?(b._buttonsHandled=!0,d(l).click()):!d.isPlainObject(g.key)||g.key.key!==a||g.key.shiftKey&&!b.shiftKey||g.key.altKey&&!b.altKey||g.key.ctrlKey&&
!b.ctrlKey||g.key.metaKey&&!b.metaKey||(b._buttonsHandled=!0,d(l).click()));e[h].buttons.length&&c(e[h].buttons)}};c(this.s.buttons)}},_removeKey:function(a){if(a.key){var b=d.isPlainObject(a.key)?a.key.key:a.key;a=this.s.listenKeys.split("");b=d.inArray(b,a);a.splice(b,1);this.s.listenKeys=a.join("")}},_resolveExtends:function(a){var b=this,c=this.s.dt,e,h=function(m){for(var r=0;!d.isPlainObject(m)&&!Array.isArray(m);){if(m===p)return;if("function"===typeof m){if(,c,a),!m)return!1}else if("string"===
typeof m){if(!C[m])return{html:m};m=C[m]}r++;if(30<r)throw"Buttons: Too many iterations";}return Array.isArray(m)?m:d.extend({},m)};for(a=h(a);a&&a.extend;){if(!C[a.extend])throw"Cannot extend unknown button type: "+a.extend;var f=h(C[a.extend]);if(Array.isArray(f))return f;if(!f)return!1;var g=f.className;a.config!==p&&f.config!==p&&(a.config=d.extend({},f.config,a.config));a=d.extend({},f,a);g&&a.className!==g&&(a.className=g+" "+a.className);var l=a.postfixButtons;if(l){a.buttons||(a.buttons=[]);
g=0;for(e=l.length;g<e;g++)a.buttons.push(l[g]);a.postfixButtons=null}if(l=a.prefixButtons){a.buttons||(a.buttons=[]);g=0;for(e=l.length;g<e;g++)a.buttons.splice(g,0,l[g]);a.prefixButtons=null}a.extend=f.extend}return a},_popover:function(a,b,c,e){e=this.c;var h=!1,f=d.extend({align:"button-left",autoClose:!1,background:!0,backgroundClassName:"dt-button-background",closeButton:!0,contentClassName:e.dom.collection.className,collectionLayout:"",collectionTitle:"",dropup:!1,fade:400,popoverTitle:"",
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function(E){if(!h){var A=d.fn.addBack?"addBack":"andSelf",w=d([0];(!d([A]().filter(a).length&&!d(w).hasClass("dt-buttons")||d("dt-button-background"))&&l()}}).on("keyup.dtb-collection",function(E){27===E.keyCode&&l()})},0)}}});x.background=function(a,b,c,e){c===p&&(c=400);e||(e=B.body);a?I(d("<div/>").addClass(b).css("display","none").insertAfter(e),c):J(d("div."+b),c,function(){d(this).removeClass(b).remove()})};x.instanceSelector=function(a,
b){if(a===p||null===a)return,function(f){return f.inst});var c=[],,function(f){return}),h=function(f){if(Array.isArray(f))for(var g=0,l=f.length;g<l;g++)h(f[g]);else"string"===typeof f?-1!==f.indexOf(",")?h(f.split(",")):(f=d.inArray(f.trim(),e),-1!==f&&c.push(b[f].inst)):"number"===typeof f?c.push(b[f].inst):"object"===typeof f&&c.push(f)};h(a);return c};x.buttonSelector=function(a,b){for(var c=[],e=function(l,m,r){for(var q,n,k=0,t=m.length;k<t;k++)if(q=m[k])n=r!==p?r+k:
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