1713 lines
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1713 lines
60 KiB
# -*- mode: python -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Gestion scolarite IUT
# Copyright (c) 1999 - 2022 Emmanuel Viennet. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Emmanuel Viennet emmanuel.viennet@gmail.com
"""Gestion des groupes, nouvelle mouture (juin/nov 2009)
Optimisation possible:
revoir do_evaluation_listeetuds_groups() pour extraire aussi les groupes (de chaque etudiant)
et éviter ainsi l'appel ulterieur à get_etud_groups() dans _make_table_notes
import collections
import operator
import time
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
import flask
from flask import g, request
from flask import url_for, make_response
from sqlalchemy.sql import text
from app import db
from app.comp import res_sem
from app.comp.res_compat import NotesTableCompat
from app.models import FormSemestre, Identite
from app.models import GROUPNAME_STR_LEN, SHORT_STR_LEN
from app.models.groups import GroupDescr, Partition
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
import app.scodoc.notesdb as ndb
from app import log, cache
from app.scodoc.scolog import logdb
from app.scodoc import html_sco_header
from app.scodoc import sco_codes_parcours
from app.scodoc import sco_cache
from app.scodoc import sco_etud
from app.scodoc import sco_permissions_check
from app.scodoc import sco_xml
from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoException, AccessDenied, ScoValueError
from app.scodoc.TrivialFormulator import TrivialFormulator
partitionEditor = ndb.EditableTable(
"bul_show_rank": bool,
"show_in_lists": bool,
groupEditor = ndb.EditableTable(
"group_descr", "group_id", ("group_id", "partition_id", "group_name")
group_list = groupEditor.list
def get_group(group_id: int):
"""Returns group object, with partition"""
r = ndb.SimpleDictFetch(
"""SELECT gd.id AS group_id, gd.*, p.id AS partition_id, p.*
FROM group_descr gd, partition p
WHERE gd.id=%(group_id)s
AND p.id = gd.partition_id
{"group_id": group_id},
if not r:
raise ValueError("invalid group_id (%s)" % group_id)
return r[0]
def group_delete(group, force=False):
"""Delete a group."""
# if not group['group_name'] and not force:
# raise ValueError('cannot suppress this group')
# remove memberships:
ndb.SimpleQuery("DELETE FROM group_membership WHERE group_id=%(group_id)s", group)
# delete group:
ndb.SimpleQuery("DELETE FROM group_descr WHERE id=%(group_id)s", group)
def get_partition(partition_id):
r = ndb.SimpleDictFetch(
"""SELECT p.id AS partition_id, p.*
FROM partition p
WHERE p.id = %(partition_id)s
{"partition_id": partition_id},
if not r:
raise ScoValueError(f"Partition inconnue (déjà supprimée ?) ({partition_id})")
return r[0]
def get_partitions_list(formsemestre_id, with_default=True):
"""Liste des partitions pour ce semestre (list of dicts)"""
partitions = ndb.SimpleDictFetch(
"""SELECT p.id AS partition_id, p.*
FROM partition p
WHERE formsemestre_id=%(formsemestre_id)s
ORDER BY numero""",
{"formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id},
# Move 'all' at end of list (for menus)
R = [p for p in partitions if p["partition_name"] != None]
if with_default:
R += [p for p in partitions if p["partition_name"] == None]
return R
def get_default_partition(formsemestre_id):
"""Get partition for 'all' students (this one always exists, with NULL name)"""
r = ndb.SimpleDictFetch(
"""SELECT p.id AS partition_id, p.* FROM partition p
WHERE formsemestre_id=%(formsemestre_id)s
AND partition_name is NULL
{"formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id},
if len(r) != 1:
raise ScoException(
"inconsistent partition: %d with NULL name for formsemestre_id=%s"
% (len(r), formsemestre_id)
return r[0]
def get_formsemestre_groups(formsemestre_id, with_default=False):
"""Returns ( partitions, { partition_id : { etudid : group } } )."""
partitions = get_partitions_list(formsemestre_id, with_default=with_default)
partitions_etud_groups = {} # { partition_id : { etudid : group } }
for partition in partitions:
pid = partition["partition_id"]
partitions_etud_groups[pid] = get_etud_groups_in_partition(pid)
return partitions, partitions_etud_groups
def get_partition_groups(partition):
"""List of groups in this partition (list of dicts).
Some groups may be empty."""
return ndb.SimpleDictFetch(
"""SELECT gd.id AS group_id, p.id AS partition_id, gd.*, p.*
FROM group_descr gd, partition p
WHERE gd.partition_id=%(partition_id)s
AND gd.partition_id=p.id
ORDER BY group_name
def get_default_group(formsemestre_id, fix_if_missing=False):
"""Returns group_id for default ('tous') group"""
r = ndb.SimpleDictFetch(
"""SELECT gd.id AS group_id
FROM group_descr gd, partition p
WHERE p.formsemestre_id=%(formsemestre_id)s
AND p.partition_name is NULL
AND p.id = gd.partition_id
{"formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id},
if len(r) == 0 and fix_if_missing:
# No default group (problem during sem creation)
# Try to create it
"*** Warning: get_default_group(formsemestre_id=%s): default group missing, recreating it"
% formsemestre_id
partition_id = get_default_partition(formsemestre_id)["partition_id"]
except ScoException:
log("creating default partition for %s" % formsemestre_id)
partition_id = partition_create(
formsemestre_id, default=True, redirect=False
group_id = create_group(partition_id, default=True)
return group_id
# debug check
if len(r) != 1:
raise ScoException("invalid group structure for %s" % formsemestre_id)
group_id = r[0]["group_id"]
return group_id
def get_sem_groups(formsemestre_id):
"""Returns groups for this sem (in all partitions)."""
return ndb.SimpleDictFetch(
"""SELECT gd.id AS group_id, p.id AS partition_id, gd.*, p.*
FROM group_descr gd, partition p
WHERE p.formsemestre_id=%(formsemestre_id)s
AND p.id = gd.partition_id
{"formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id},
def get_group_members(group_id, etat=None):
"""Liste des etudiants d'un groupe.
Si etat, filtre selon l'état de l'inscription
Trié par nom_usuel (ou nom) puis prénom
req = """SELECT i.id as etudid, i.*, a.*, gm.*, ins.etat
FROM identite i, adresse a, group_membership gm,
group_descr gd, partition p, notes_formsemestre_inscription ins
WHERE i.id = gm.etudid
and a.etudid = i.id
and ins.etudid = i.id
and ins.formsemestre_id = p.formsemestre_id
and p.id = gd.partition_id
and gd.id = gm.group_id
and gm.group_id=%(group_id)s
if etat is not None:
req += " and ins.etat = %(etat)s"
r = ndb.SimpleDictFetch(req, {"group_id": group_id, "etat": etat})
for etud in r:
r.sort(key=operator.itemgetter("nom_disp", "prenom")) # tri selon nom_usuel ou nom
for x in r:
x["prenom"] = x["prenom"] or ""
return r
# obsolete: sco_groups_view.DisplayedGroupsInfos
# def get_groups_members(group_ids, etat=None):
# """Liste les étudiants d'une liste de groupes
# chaque étudiant n'apparait qu'une seule fois dans le résultat.
# La liste est triée par nom / prenom
# """
# D = {} # { etudid : etud }
# for group_id in group_ids:
# members = get_group_members(group_id, etat=etat)
# for m in members:
# D[m['etudid']] = m
# r = D.values()
# r.sort(key=operator.itemgetter('nom_disp', 'prenom')) # tri selon nom_usuel ou nom
# return r
def get_group_infos(group_id, etat=None): # was _getlisteetud
"""legacy code: used by group_list and trombino"""
from app.scodoc import sco_formsemestre
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
group = get_group(group_id)
sem = sco_formsemestre.get_formsemestre(
group["formsemestre_id"], raise_soft_exc=True
members = get_group_members(group_id, etat=etat)
# add human readable description of state:
nbdem = 0
for t in members:
if t["etat"] == "I":
t["etath"] = "" # etudiant inscrit, ne l'indique pas dans la liste HTML
elif t["etat"] == "D":
events = sco_etud.scolar_events_list(
"etudid": t["etudid"],
"formsemestre_id": group["formsemestre_id"],
for event in events:
event_type = event["event_type"]
if event_type == "DEMISSION":
t["date_dem"] = event["event_date"]
if "date_dem" in t:
t["etath"] = "démission le %s" % t["date_dem"]
t["etath"] = "(dem.)"
nbdem += 1
elif t["etat"] == sco_codes_parcours.DEF:
t["etath"] = "Défaillant"
t["etath"] = t["etat"]
# Add membership for all partitions, 'partition_id' : group
for etud in members: # long: comment eviter ces boucles ?
etud_add_group_infos(etud, sem["formsemestre_id"])
if group["group_name"] != None:
group_tit = "%s %s" % (group["partition_name"], group["group_name"])
group_tit = "tous"
return members, group, group_tit, sem, nbdem
def get_group_other_partitions(group):
"""Liste des partitions du même semestre que ce groupe,
sans celle qui contient ce groupe.
other_partitions = [
for p in get_partitions_list(group["formsemestre_id"])
if p["partition_id"] != group["partition_id"] and p["partition_name"]
return other_partitions
def get_etud_groups(etudid: int, formsemestre_id: int, exclude_default=False):
"""Infos sur groupes de l'etudiant dans ce semestre
[ group + partition_name ]
req = """SELECT p.id AS partition_id, p.*, g.id AS group_id, g.*
FROM group_descr g, partition p, group_membership gm
WHERE gm.etudid=%(etudid)s
and gm.group_id = g.id
and g.partition_id = p.id
and p.formsemestre_id = %(formsemestre_id)s
if exclude_default:
req += " and p.partition_name is not NULL"
groups = ndb.SimpleDictFetch(
req + " ORDER BY p.numero",
{"etudid": etudid, "formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id},
return _sortgroups(groups)
def get_etud_main_group(etudid: int, formsemestre_id: int):
"""Return main group (the first one) for etud, or default one if no groups"""
groups = get_etud_groups(etudid, formsemestre_id, exclude_default=True)
if groups:
return groups[0]
return get_group(get_default_group(formsemestre_id))
def formsemestre_get_main_partition(formsemestre_id):
"""Return main partition (the first one) for sem, or default one if no groups
(rappel: default == tous, main == principale (groupes TD habituellement)
return get_partitions_list(formsemestre_id, with_default=True)[0]
def formsemestre_get_etud_groupnames(formsemestre_id, attr="group_name"):
"""Recupere les groupes de tous les etudiants d'un semestre
{ etudid : { partition_id : group_name }} (attr=group_name or group_id)
infos = ndb.SimpleDictFetch(
i.etudid AS etudid,
p.id AS partition_id,
gd.id AS group_id
notes_formsemestre_inscription i,
partition p,
group_descr gd,
group_membership gm
and i.formsemestre_id = p.formsemestre_id
and p.id = gd.partition_id
and gm.etudid = i.etudid
and gm.group_id = gd.id
and p.partition_name is not NULL
{"formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id},
R = {}
for info in infos:
if info["etudid"] in R:
R[info["etudid"]][info["partition_id"]] = info[attr]
R[info["etudid"]] = {info["partition_id"]: info[attr]}
return R
def get_etud_formsemestre_groups(
etud: Identite, formsemestre: FormSemestre, only_to_show=True
) -> list[GroupDescr]:
"""Liste les groupes auxquels est inscrit"""
# Note: je n'ai pas réussi à cosntruire une requete SQLAlechemy avec
# la Table d'association group_membership
cursor = db.session.execute(
FROM group_descr g, group_membership gm, partition p
WHERE gm.etudid = :etudid
AND gm.group_id = g.id
AND g.partition_id = p.id
AND p.formsemestre_id = :formsemestre_id
AND p.partition_name is not NULL
+ (" and (p.show_in_lists is True) " if only_to_show else "")
+ """
ORDER BY p.numero
{"etudid": etud.id, "formsemestre_id": formsemestre.id},
return [GroupDescr.query.get(group_id) for group_id in cursor]
# Ancienne fonction:
def etud_add_group_infos(etud, formsemestre_id, sep=" ", only_to_show=False):
"""Add informations on partitions and group memberships to etud
(a dict with an etudid)
If only_to_show, restrict to partions such that show_in_lists is True.
etud['partitions'] = { partition_id : group + partition_name }
etud['groupes'] = "TDB, Gr2, TPB1"
etud['partitionsgroupes'] = "Groupes TD:TDB, Groupes TP:Gr2 (...)"
] = collections.OrderedDict() # partition_id : group + partition_name
if not formsemestre_id:
etud["groupes"] = ""
return etud
infos = ndb.SimpleDictFetch(
"""SELECT p.partition_name, p.show_in_lists, g.*, g.id AS group_id
FROM group_descr g, partition p, group_membership gm WHERE gm.etudid=%(etudid)s
and gm.group_id = g.id
and g.partition_id = p.id
and p.formsemestre_id = %(formsemestre_id)s
+ (" and (p.show_in_lists is True) " if only_to_show else "")
+ """
ORDER BY p.numero
{"etudid": etud["etudid"], "formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id},
for info in infos:
if info["partition_name"]:
etud["partitions"][info["partition_id"]] = info
# resume textuel des groupes:
etud["groupes"] = sep.join(
[gr["group_name"] for gr in infos if gr["group_name"] is not None]
etud["partitionsgroupes"] = sep.join(
(gr["partition_name"] or "") + ":" + gr["group_name"]
for gr in infos
if gr["group_name"] is not None
return etud
@cache.memoize(timeout=50) # seconds
def get_etud_groups_in_partition(partition_id):
"""Returns { etudid : group }, with all students in this partition"""
infos = ndb.SimpleDictFetch(
"""SELECT gd.id AS group_id, gd.*, etudid
FROM group_descr gd, group_membership gm
WHERE gd.partition_id = %(partition_id)s
AND gm.group_id = gd.id
{"partition_id": partition_id},
R = {}
for i in infos:
R[i["etudid"]] = i
return R
def formsemestre_partition_list(formsemestre_id, format="xml"):
"""Get partitions and groups in this semestre
Supported formats: xml, json
partitions = get_partitions_list(formsemestre_id, with_default=True)
# Ajoute les groupes
for p in partitions:
p["group"] = get_partition_groups(p)
return scu.sendResult(partitions, name="partition", format=format)
# Encore utilisé par groupmgr.js
def XMLgetGroupsInPartition(partition_id): # was XMLgetGroupesTD
Deprecated: use group_list
Liste des étudiants dans chaque groupe de cette partition.
<group partition_id="" partition_name="" group_id="" group_name="">
<etud etuid="" sexe="" nom="" prenom="" civilite="" origin=""/>
<group ...>
t0 = time.time()
partition = get_partition(partition_id)
formsemestre_id = partition["formsemestre_id"]
formsemestre = FormSemestre.query.get_or_404(formsemestre_id)
etuds_set = {ins.etudid for ins in formsemestre.inscriptions}
sem = formsemestre.get_infos_dict() # transition TODO
groups = get_partition_groups(partition)
# Build XML:
t1 = time.time()
doc = Element("ajax-response")
x_response = Element("response", type="object", id="MyUpdater")
for group in groups:
x_group = Element(
for e in get_group_members(group["group_id"]):
etud = sco_etud.get_etud_info(etudid=e["etudid"], filled=True)[0]
# etud = sco_etud.get_etud_info_filled_by_etudid(e["etudid"], cnx)
sexe=etud["civilite_str"], # compat
origin=comp_origin(etud, sem),
if e["etudid"] in etuds_set:
etuds_set.remove(e["etudid"]) # etudiant vu dans un groupe
# Ajoute les etudiants inscrits au semestre mais dans aucun groupe de cette partition:
if etuds_set:
x_group = Element(
for etudid in etuds_set:
etud = sco_etud.get_etud_info(etudid=etudid, filled=True)[0]
# etud = sco_etud.get_etud_info_filled_by_etudid(etudid, cnx)
origin=comp_origin(etud, sem),
t2 = time.time()
log(f"XMLgetGroupsInPartition: {t2-t0} seconds ({t1-t0}+{t2-t1})")
# XML response:
data = sco_xml.XML_HEADER + ElementTree.tostring(doc).decode(scu.SCO_ENCODING)
response = make_response(data)
response.headers["Content-Type"] = scu.XML_MIMETYPE
return response
def comp_origin(etud, cur_sem):
"""breve description de l'origine de l'étudiant (sem. precedent)
(n'indique l'origine que si ce n'est pas le semestre precedent normal)
# cherche le semestre suivant le sem. courant dans la liste
cur_sem_idx = None
for i in range(len(etud["sems"])):
if etud["sems"][i]["formsemestre_id"] == cur_sem["formsemestre_id"]:
cur_sem_idx = i
if cur_sem_idx is None or (cur_sem_idx + 1) >= (len(etud["sems"]) - 1):
return "" # on pourrait indiquer le bac mais en general on ne l'a pas en debut d'annee
prev_sem = etud["sems"][cur_sem_idx + 1]
if prev_sem["semestre_id"] != (cur_sem["semestre_id"] - 1):
return " (S%s)" % prev_sem["semestre_id"]
return "" # parcours normal, ne le signale pas
def set_group(etudid, group_id):
"""Inscrit l'étudiant au groupe.
Return True if ok, False si deja inscrit.
Warning: don't check if group_id exists (the caller should check).
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
cursor = cnx.cursor(cursor_factory=ndb.ScoDocCursor)
args = {"etudid": etudid, "group_id": group_id}
# déjà inscrit ?
r = ndb.SimpleDictFetch(
"SELECT * FROM group_membership gm WHERE etudid=%(etudid)s and group_id=%(group_id)s",
if len(r):
return False
# inscrit
"INSERT INTO group_membership (etudid, group_id) VALUES (%(etudid)s, %(group_id)s)",
return True
def change_etud_group_in_partition(etudid, group_id, partition=None):
"""Inscrit etud au groupe de cette partition, et le desinscrit d'autres groupes de cette partition."""
log("change_etud_group_in_partition: etudid=%s group_id=%s" % (etudid, group_id))
# 0- La partition
group = get_group(group_id)
if partition:
# verifie que le groupe est bien dans cette partition:
if group["partition_id"] != partition["partition_id"]:
raise ValueError(
"inconsistent group/partition (group_id=%s, partition_id=%s)"
% (group_id, partition["partition_id"])
partition = get_partition(group["partition_id"])
# 1- Supprime membership dans cette partition
"""DELETE FROM group_membership gm
(SELECT 1 FROM group_descr gd
WHERE gm.etudid = %(etudid)s
AND gm.group_id = gd.id
AND gd.partition_id = %(partition_id)s)
{"etudid": etudid, "partition_id": partition["partition_id"]},
# 2- associe au nouveau groupe
set_group(etudid, group_id)
# 3- log
formsemestre_id = partition["formsemestre_id"]
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
msg="formsemestre_id=%s,partition_name=%s, group_name=%s"
% (formsemestre_id, partition["partition_name"], group["group_name"]),
# 4- invalidate cache
) # > change etud group
def setGroups(
groupsLists="", # members of each existing group
groupsToCreate="", # name and members of new groups
groupsToDelete="", # groups to delete
"""Affect groups (Ajax request)
groupsLists: lignes de la forme "group_id;etudid;...\n"
groupsToCreate: lignes "group_name;etudid;...\n"
groupsToDelete: group_id;group_id;...
from app.scodoc import sco_formsemestre
partition = get_partition(partition_id)
formsemestre_id = partition["formsemestre_id"]
if not sco_permissions_check.can_change_groups(formsemestre_id):
raise AccessDenied("Vous n'avez pas le droit d'effectuer cette opération !")
log("***setGroups: partition_id=%s" % partition_id)
log("groupsLists=%s" % groupsLists)
log("groupsToCreate=%s" % groupsToCreate)
log("groupsToDelete=%s" % groupsToDelete)
sem = sco_formsemestre.get_formsemestre(formsemestre_id)
if not sem["etat"]:
raise AccessDenied("Modification impossible: semestre verrouillé")
groupsToDelete = [g for g in groupsToDelete.split(";") if g]
etud_groups = formsemestre_get_etud_groupnames(formsemestre_id, attr="group_id")
for line in groupsLists.split("\n"): # for each group_id (one per line)
fs = line.split(";")
group_id = fs[0].strip()
if not group_id:
group_id = int(group_id)
except ValueError as exc:
log("setGroups: ignoring invalid group_id={group_id}")
group = get_group(group_id)
# Anciens membres du groupe:
old_members = get_group_members(group_id)
old_members_set = set([x["etudid"] for x in old_members])
# Place dans ce groupe les etudiants indiqués:
for etudid_str in fs[1:-1]:
etudid = int(etudid_str)
if etudid in old_members_set:
) # a nouveau dans ce groupe, pas besoin de l'enlever
if (etudid not in etud_groups) or (
group_id != etud_groups[etudid].get(partition_id, "")
): # pas le meme groupe qu'actuel
change_etud_group_in_partition(etudid, group_id, partition)
# Retire les anciens membres:
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
cursor = cnx.cursor(cursor_factory=ndb.ScoDocCursor)
for etudid in old_members_set:
log("removing %s from group %s" % (etudid, group_id))
"DELETE FROM group_membership WHERE etudid=%(etudid)s and group_id=%(group_id)s",
{"etudid": etudid, "group_id": group_id},
msg="formsemestre_id=%s,partition_name=%s, group_name=%s"
% (formsemestre_id, partition["partition_name"], group["group_name"]),
# Supprime les groupes indiqués comme supprimés:
for group_id in groupsToDelete:
delete_group(group_id, partition_id=partition_id)
# Crée les nouveaux groupes
for line in groupsToCreate.split("\n"): # for each group_name (one per line)
fs = line.split(";")
group_name = fs[0].strip()
if not group_name:
group_id = create_group(partition_id, group_name)
# Place dans ce groupe les etudiants indiqués:
for etudid in fs[1:-1]:
change_etud_group_in_partition(etudid, group_id, partition)
data = (
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><response>Groupes enregistrés</response>'
response = make_response(data)
response.headers["Content-Type"] = scu.XML_MIMETYPE
return response
def create_group(partition_id, group_name="", default=False) -> int:
"""Create a new group in this partition"""
partition = get_partition(partition_id)
formsemestre_id = partition["formsemestre_id"]
if not sco_permissions_check.can_change_groups(formsemestre_id):
raise AccessDenied("Vous n'avez pas le droit d'effectuer cette opération !")
if group_name:
group_name = group_name.strip()
if not group_name and not default:
raise ValueError("invalid group name: ()")
# checkGroupName(group_name)
if group_name in [g["group_name"] for g in get_partition_groups(partition)]:
raise ValueError(
"group_name %s already exists in partition" % group_name
) # XXX FIX: incorrect error handling (in AJAX)
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
group_id = groupEditor.create(
cnx, {"partition_id": partition_id, "group_name": group_name}
log("create_group: created group_id=%s" % group_id)
return group_id
def delete_group(group_id, partition_id=None):
"""form suppression d'un groupe.
(ne desinscrit pas les etudiants, change juste leur
affectation aux groupes)
partition_id est optionnel et ne sert que pour verifier que le groupe
est bien dans cette partition.
group = get_group(group_id)
if partition_id:
if partition_id != group["partition_id"]:
raise ValueError("inconsistent partition/group")
partition_id = group["partition_id"]
partition = get_partition(partition_id)
if not sco_permissions_check.can_change_groups(partition["formsemestre_id"]):
raise AccessDenied("Vous n'avez pas le droit d'effectuer cette opération !")
"delete_group: group_id=%s group_name=%s partition_name=%s"
% (group_id, group["group_name"], partition["partition_name"])
def partition_create(
"""Create a new partition"""
if not sco_permissions_check.can_change_groups(formsemestre_id):
raise AccessDenied("Vous n'avez pas le droit d'effectuer cette opération !")
if partition_name:
partition_name = str(partition_name).strip()
if default:
partition_name = None
if not partition_name and not default:
raise ScoValueError("Nom de partition invalide (vide)")
redirect = int(redirect)
# checkGroupName(partition_name)
if partition_name in [
p["partition_name"] for p in get_partitions_list(formsemestre_id)
raise ScoValueError(
"Il existe déjà une partition %s dans ce semestre" % partition_name
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
if numero is None:
numero = (
"SELECT MAX(id) FROM partition WHERE formsemestre_id=%(formsemestre_id)s",
{"formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id},
or 0
partition_id = partitionEditor.create(
"formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id,
"partition_name": partition_name,
"numero": numero,
log("createPartition: created partition_id=%s" % partition_id)
if redirect:
return flask.redirect(
return partition_id
def get_arrow_icons_tags():
"""returns html tags for arrows"""
arrow_up = scu.icontag("arrow_up", title="remonter")
arrow_down = scu.icontag("arrow_down", title="descendre")
arrow_none = scu.icontag("arrow_none", title="")
return arrow_up, arrow_down, arrow_none
def edit_partition_form(formsemestre_id=None):
"""Form to create/suppress partitions"""
# ad-hoc form
if not sco_permissions_check.can_change_groups(formsemestre_id):
raise AccessDenied("Vous n'avez pas le droit d'effectuer cette opération !")
formsemestre = FormSemestre.query.get_or_404(formsemestre_id)
partitions = get_partitions_list(formsemestre_id)
arrow_up, arrow_down, arrow_none = get_arrow_icons_tags()
suppricon = scu.icontag(
"delete_small_img", border="0", alt="supprimer", title="Supprimer"
H = [
# limite à SHORT_STR_LEN
r"""<script type="text/javascript">
function checkname() {
var val = document.editpart.partition_name.value.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "");
if ((val.length > 0)&&(val.length < 32)) {
document.editpart.ok.disabled = false;
} else {
document.editpart.ok.disabled = true;
r"""<h2>Partitions du semestre</h2>
<form name="editpart" id="editpart" method="POST" action="partition_create">
<div id="epmsg"></div>
<table><tr class="eptit"><th></th><th></th><th></th><th>Partition</th><th>Groupes</th><th></th><th></th><th></th></tr>
i = 0
for p in partitions:
if p["partition_name"] is not None:
'<tr><td class="epnav"><a class="stdlink" href="partition_delete?partition_id=%s">%s</a> </td><td class="epnav">'
% (p["partition_id"], suppricon)
if i != 0:
'<a href="partition_move?partition_id=%s&after=0">%s</a>'
% (p["partition_id"], arrow_up)
H.append('</td><td class="epnav">')
if i < len(partitions) - 2:
'<a href="partition_move?partition_id=%s&after=1">%s</a>'
% (p["partition_id"], arrow_down)
i += 1
pname = p["partition_name"] or ""
H.append("<td>%s</td>" % pname)
lg = [
"%s (%d)"
% (
for group in get_partition_groups(p)
H.append(", ".join(lg))
f"""</td><td><a class="stdlink" href="{
'<td><a class="stdlink" href="partition_rename?partition_id=%s">renommer</a></td>'
% p["partition_id"]
# classement:
H.append('<td width="250px">')
if p["bul_show_rank"]:
checked = 'checked="1"'
checked = ""
'<div><input type="checkbox" class="rkbox" data-partition_id="%s" %s onchange="update_rk(this);"/>afficher rang sur bulletins</div>'
% (p["partition_id"], checked)
if p["show_in_lists"]:
checked = 'checked="1"'
checked = ""
'<div><input type="checkbox" class="rkbox" data-partition_id="%s" %s onchange="update_show_in_list(this);"/>afficher sur noms groupes</div>'
% (p["partition_id"], checked)
f"""<div class="form_rename_partition">
<input type="hidden" name="formsemestre_id" value="{formsemestre_id}"/>
<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="1"/>
<input type="text" name="partition_name" size="12" onkeyup="checkname();"/>
<input type="submit" name="ok" disabled="1" value="Nouvelle partition"/>
if formsemestre.formation.is_apc() and "Parcours" not in (
p["partition_name"] for p in partitions
# propose création partition "Parcours"
<div style="margin-top: 10px"><a class="stdlink" href="{
url_for("scolar.create_partition_parcours", scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept, formsemestre_id=formsemestre_id)
}">Créer une partition avec un groupe par parcours (BUT)</a>
"""<div class="help">
<p>Les partitions sont des découpages de l'ensemble des étudiants.
Par exemple, les "groupes de TD" sont une partition.
On peut créer autant de partitions que nécessaire.
<li>Dans chaque partition, un nombre de groupes quelconque peuvent
être créés (suivre le lien "répartir").
<li>On peut faire afficher le classement de l'étudiant dans son
groupe d'une partition en cochant "afficher rang sur bulletins"
(ainsi, on peut afficher le classement en groupes de TD mais pas en
groupe de TP, si ce sont deux partitions).
<li>Décocher "afficher sur noms groupes" pour ne pas que cette partition
apparaisse dans les noms de groupes
return "\n".join(H) + html_sco_header.sco_footer()
def partition_set_attr(partition_id, attr, value):
"""Set partition attribute: bul_show_rank or show_in_lists"""
if attr not in {"bul_show_rank", "show_in_lists"}:
raise ValueError("invalid partition attribute: %s" % attr)
partition = get_partition(partition_id)
formsemestre_id = partition["formsemestre_id"]
if not sco_permissions_check.can_change_groups(formsemestre_id):
raise AccessDenied("Vous n'avez pas le droit d'effectuer cette opération !")
log("partition_set_attr(%s, %s, %s)" % (partition_id, attr, value))
value = int(value)
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
partition[attr] = value
partitionEditor.edit(cnx, partition)
# invalid bulletin cache
pdfonly=True, formsemestre_id=partition["formsemestre_id"]
return "enregistré"
def partition_delete(partition_id, force=False, redirect=1, dialog_confirmed=False):
"""Suppress a partition (and all groups within).
default partition cannot be suppressed (unless force)"""
partition = get_partition(partition_id)
formsemestre_id = partition["formsemestre_id"]
if not sco_permissions_check.can_change_groups(formsemestre_id):
raise AccessDenied("Vous n'avez pas le droit d'effectuer cette opération !")
if not partition["partition_name"] and not force:
raise ValueError("cannot suppress this partition")
redirect = int(redirect)
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
groups = get_partition_groups(partition)
if not dialog_confirmed:
if groups:
grnames = "(" + ", ".join([g["group_name"] or "" for g in groups]) + ")"
grnames = ""
return scu.confirm_dialog(
"""<h2>Supprimer la partition "%s" ?</h2>
<p>Les groupes %s de cette partition seront supprimés</p>
% (partition["partition_name"], grnames),
cancel_url="edit_partition_form?formsemestre_id=%s" % formsemestre_id,
parameters={"redirect": redirect, "partition_id": partition_id},
log("partition_delete: partition_id=%s" % partition_id)
# 1- groups
for group in groups:
group_delete(group, force=force)
# 2- partition
partitionEditor.delete(cnx, partition_id)
# redirect to partition edit page:
if redirect:
return flask.redirect(
"edit_partition_form?formsemestre_id=" + str(formsemestre_id)
def partition_move(partition_id, after=0, redirect=1):
"""Move before/after previous one (decrement/increment numero)"""
partition = get_partition(partition_id)
formsemestre_id = partition["formsemestre_id"]
if not sco_permissions_check.can_change_groups(formsemestre_id):
raise AccessDenied("Vous n'avez pas le droit d'effectuer cette opération !")
redirect = int(redirect)
after = int(after) # 0: deplace avant, 1 deplace apres
if after not in (0, 1):
raise ValueError('invalid value for "after"')
others = get_partitions_list(formsemestre_id)
objs = (
.order_by(Partition.numero, Partition.partition_name)
if len({o.numero for o in objs}) != len(objs):
# il y a des numeros identiques !
scu.objects_renumber(db, objs)
if len(others) > 1:
pidx = [p["partition_id"] for p in others].index(partition_id)
# log("partition_move: after=%s pidx=%s" % (after, pidx))
neigh = None # partition to swap with
if after == 0 and pidx > 0:
neigh = others[pidx - 1]
elif after == 1 and pidx < len(others) - 1:
neigh = others[pidx + 1]
if neigh: #
# swap numero between partition and its neighbor
# log("moving partition %s" % partition_id)
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
# Si aucun numéro n'a été affecté, le met au minimum
min_numero = (
"SELECT MIN(numero) FROM partition WHERE formsemestre_id=%(formsemestre_id)s",
{"formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id},
or 0
if neigh["numero"] is None:
neigh["numero"] = min_numero - 1
if partition["numero"] is None:
partition["numero"] = min_numero - 1 - after
partition["numero"], neigh["numero"] = neigh["numero"], partition["numero"]
partitionEditor.edit(cnx, partition)
partitionEditor.edit(cnx, neigh)
# redirect to partition edit page:
if redirect:
return flask.redirect(
"edit_partition_form?formsemestre_id=" + str(formsemestre_id)
def partition_rename(partition_id):
"""Form to rename a partition"""
partition = get_partition(partition_id)
formsemestre_id = partition["formsemestre_id"]
if not sco_permissions_check.can_change_groups(formsemestre_id):
raise AccessDenied("Vous n'avez pas le droit d'effectuer cette opération !")
H = ["<h2>Renommer une partition</h2>"]
tf = TrivialFormulator(
("partition_id", {"default": partition_id, "input_type": "hidden"}),
"title": "Nouveau nom",
"default": partition["partition_name"],
"allow_null": False,
"size": 12,
"validator": lambda val, _: len(val) < SHORT_STR_LEN,
if tf[0] == 0:
return (
+ "\n".join(H)
+ "\n"
+ tf[1]
+ html_sco_header.sco_footer()
elif tf[0] == -1:
return flask.redirect(
"edit_partition_form?formsemestre_id=" + str(formsemestre_id)
# form submission
return partition_set_name(partition_id, tf[2]["partition_name"])
def partition_set_name(partition_id, partition_name, redirect=1):
"""Set partition name"""
partition_name = str(partition_name).strip()
if not partition_name:
raise ValueError("partition name must be non empty")
partition = get_partition(partition_id)
if partition["partition_name"] is None:
raise ValueError("can't set a name to default partition")
formsemestre_id = partition["formsemestre_id"]
# check unicity
r = ndb.SimpleDictFetch(
"""SELECT p.* FROM partition p
WHERE p.partition_name = %(partition_name)s
AND formsemestre_id = %(formsemestre_id)s
{"partition_name": partition_name, "formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id},
if len(r) > 1 or (len(r) == 1 and r[0]["id"] != partition_id):
raise ScoValueError(
"Partition %s déjà existante dans ce semestre !" % partition_name
if not sco_permissions_check.can_change_groups(formsemestre_id):
raise AccessDenied("Vous n'avez pas le droit d'effectuer cette opération !")
redirect = int(redirect)
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
cnx, {"partition_id": partition_id, "partition_name": partition_name}
# redirect to partition edit page:
if redirect:
return flask.redirect(
"edit_partition_form?formsemestre_id=" + str(formsemestre_id)
def group_set_name(group_id, group_name, redirect=True):
"""Set group name"""
if group_name:
group_name = group_name.strip()
if not group_name:
raise ScoValueError("nom de groupe vide !")
group = get_group(group_id)
if group["group_name"] is None:
raise ValueError("can't set a name to default group")
formsemestre_id = group["formsemestre_id"]
if not sco_permissions_check.can_change_groups(formsemestre_id):
raise AccessDenied("Vous n'avez pas le droit d'effectuer cette opération !")
redirect = int(redirect)
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
groupEditor.edit(cnx, {"group_id": group_id, "group_name": group_name})
# redirect to partition edit page:
if redirect:
return flask.redirect(
def group_rename(group_id):
"""Form to rename a group"""
group = get_group(group_id)
formsemestre_id = group["formsemestre_id"]
if not sco_permissions_check.can_change_groups(formsemestre_id):
raise AccessDenied("Vous n'avez pas le droit d'effectuer cette opération !")
H = ["<h2>Renommer un groupe de %s</h2>" % group["partition_name"]]
tf = TrivialFormulator(
("group_id", {"default": group_id, "input_type": "hidden"}),
"title": "Nouveau nom",
"default": group["group_name"],
"size": 12,
"allow_null": False,
"validator": lambda val, _: len(val) < GROUPNAME_STR_LEN,
if tf[0] == 0:
return (
+ "\n".join(H)
+ "\n"
+ tf[1]
+ html_sco_header.sco_footer()
elif tf[0] == -1:
return flask.redirect(
# form submission
return group_set_name(group_id, tf[2]["group_name"])
def groups_auto_repartition(partition_id=None):
"""Reparti les etudiants dans des groupes dans une partition, en respectant le niveau
et la mixité.
from app.scodoc import sco_formsemestre
partition = get_partition(partition_id)
formsemestre_id = partition["formsemestre_id"]
formsemestre = FormSemestre.query.get(formsemestre_id)
# renvoie sur page édition groupes
dest_url = url_for(
"scolar.affect_groups", scodoc_dept=g.scodoc_dept, partition_id=partition_id
if not sco_permissions_check.can_change_groups(formsemestre_id):
raise AccessDenied("Vous n'avez pas le droit d'effectuer cette opération !")
descr = [
("partition_id", {"input_type": "hidden"}),
"size": 40,
"title": "Groupes à créer",
"allow_null": False,
"explanation": "noms des groupes à former, séparés par des virgules (les groupes existants seront effacés)",
H = [
html_sco_header.sco_header(page_title="Répartition des groupes"),
"<h2>Répartition des groupes de %s</h2>" % partition["partition_name"],
f"<p>Semestre {formsemestre.titre_annee()}</p>",
"""<p class="help">Les groupes existants seront <b>effacés</b> et remplacés par
ceux créés ici. La répartition aléatoire tente d'uniformiser le niveau
des groupes (en utilisant la dernière moyenne générale disponible pour
chaque étudiant) et de maximiser la mixité de chaque groupe.</p>""",
tf = TrivialFormulator(
submitlabel="Créer et peupler les groupes",
if tf[0] == 0:
return "\n".join(H) + "\n" + tf[1] + html_sco_header.sco_footer()
elif tf[0] == -1:
return flask.redirect(dest_url)
# form submission
"groups_auto_repartition( partition_id=%s partition_name=%s"
% (partition_id, partition["partition_name"])
groupNames = tf[2]["groupNames"]
group_names = sorted(set([x.strip() for x in groupNames.split(",")]))
# Détruit les groupes existant de cette partition
for old_group in get_partition_groups(partition):
# Crée les nouveaux groupes
group_ids = []
for group_name in group_names:
# try:
# checkGroupName(group_name)
# except:
# H.append('<p class="warning">Nom de groupe invalide: %s</p>'%group_name)
# return '\n'.join(H) + tf[1] + html_sco_header.sco_footer()
group_ids.append(create_group(partition_id, group_name))
nt: NotesTableCompat = res_sem.load_formsemestre_results(formsemestre)
identdict = nt.identdict
# build: { civilite : liste etudids trie par niveau croissant }
civilites = set([x["civilite"] for x in identdict.values()])
listes = {}
for civilite in civilites:
listes[civilite] = [
(_get_prev_moy(x["etudid"], formsemestre_id), x["etudid"])
for x in identdict.values()
if x["civilite"] == civilite
log("listes[%s] = %s" % (civilite, listes[civilite]))
# affect aux groupes:
n = len(identdict)
igroup = 0
nbgroups = len(group_ids)
while n > 0:
for civilite in civilites:
if len(listes[civilite]):
n -= 1
etudid = listes[civilite].pop()[1]
group_id = group_ids[igroup]
igroup = (igroup + 1) % nbgroups
change_etud_group_in_partition(etudid, group_id, partition)
log("%s in group %s" % (etudid, group_id))
return flask.redirect(dest_url)
def _get_prev_moy(etudid, formsemestre_id):
"""Donne la derniere moyenne generale calculee pour cette étudiant,
ou 0 si on n'en trouve pas (nouvel inscrit,...).
from app.scodoc import sco_parcours_dut
info = sco_etud.get_etud_info(etudid=etudid, filled=True)
if not info:
raise ScoValueError("etudiant invalide: etudid=%s" % etudid)
etud = info[0]
Se = sco_parcours_dut.SituationEtudParcours(etud, formsemestre_id)
if Se.prev:
prev_sem = FormSemestre.query.get(Se.prev["formsemestre_id"])
nt: NotesTableCompat = res_sem.load_formsemestre_results(prev_sem)
return nt.get_etud_moy_gen(etudid)
return 0.0
def create_etapes_partition(formsemestre_id, partition_name="apo_etapes"):
"""Crée une partition "apo_etapes" avec un groupe par étape Apogée.
Cette partition n'est crée que si plusieurs étapes différentes existent dans ce
Si la partition existe déjà, ses groupes sont mis à jour (les groupes devenant
vides ne sont pas supprimés).
from app.scodoc import sco_formsemestre_inscriptions
partition_name = str(partition_name)
log("create_etapes_partition(%s)" % formsemestre_id)
ins = sco_formsemestre_inscriptions.do_formsemestre_inscription_list(
args={"formsemestre_id": formsemestre_id}
etapes = {i["etape"] for i in ins if i["etape"]}
partitions = get_partitions_list(formsemestre_id, with_default=False)
partition = None
for p in partitions:
if p["partition_name"] == partition_name:
partition = p
if len(etapes) < 2 and not partition:
return # moins de deux étapes, pas de création
if partition:
pid = partition["partition_id"]
pid = partition_create(
formsemestre_id, partition_name=partition_name, redirect=False
partition = get_partition(pid)
groups = get_partition_groups(partition)
groups_by_names = {g["group_name"]: g for g in groups}
for etape in etapes:
if not (etape in groups_by_names):
gid = create_group(pid, etape)
g = get_group(gid)
groups_by_names[etape] = g
# Place les etudiants dans les groupes
for i in ins:
if i["etape"]:
i["etudid"], groups_by_names[i["etape"]]["group_id"], partition
def do_evaluation_listeetuds_groups(
evaluation_id, groups=None, getallstudents=False, include_demdef=False
"""Donne la liste des etudids inscrits a cette evaluation dans les
groupes indiqués.
Si getallstudents==True, donne tous les etudiants inscrits a cette
Si include_demdef, compte aussi les etudiants démissionnaires et défaillants
(sinon, par défaut, seulement les 'I')
Résultat: [ (etudid, etat) ], où etat='I', 'D', 'DEF'
# nb: pour notes_table / do_evaluation_etat, getallstudents est vrai et
# include_demdef faux
fromtables = [
"notes_moduleimpl_inscription Im",
"notes_formsemestre_inscription Isem",
"notes_moduleimpl M",
"notes_evaluation E",
# construit condition sur les groupes
if not getallstudents:
if not groups:
return [] # no groups, so no students
rg = ["gm.group_id = '%(group_id)s'" % g for g in groups]
rq = """and Isem.etudid = gm.etudid
and gd.partition_id = p.id
and p.formsemestre_id = Isem.formsemestre_id
r = rq + " AND (" + " or ".join(rg) + " )"
fromtables += ["group_membership gm", "group_descr gd", "partition p"]
r = ""
# requete complete
req = (
"SELECT distinct Im.etudid, Isem.etat FROM "
+ ", ".join(fromtables)
+ """ WHERE Isem.etudid = Im.etudid
and Im.moduleimpl_id = M.id
and Isem.formsemestre_id = M.formsemestre_id
and E.moduleimpl_id = M.id
and E.id = %(evaluation_id)s
if not include_demdef:
req += " and Isem.etat='I'"
req += r
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
cursor = cnx.cursor()
cursor.execute(req, {"evaluation_id": evaluation_id})
return cursor.fetchall()
def do_evaluation_listegroupes(evaluation_id, include_default=False):
"""Donne la liste des groupes dans lesquels figurent des etudiants inscrits
au module/semestre auquel appartient cette evaluation.
Si include_default, inclue aussi le groupe par defaut ('tous')
[ group ]
if include_default:
c = ""
c = " AND p.partition_name is not NULL"
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
cursor = cnx.cursor()
"""SELECT DISTINCT gd.id AS group_id
FROM group_descr gd, group_membership gm, partition p,
notes_moduleimpl m, notes_evaluation e
WHERE gm.group_id = gd.id
and gd.partition_id = p.id
and p.formsemestre_id = m.formsemestre_id
and m.id = e.moduleimpl_id
and e.id = %(evaluation_id)s
+ c,
{"evaluation_id": evaluation_id},
group_ids = [x[0] for x in cursor]
return listgroups(group_ids)
def listgroups(group_ids):
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
cursor = cnx.cursor(cursor_factory=ndb.ScoDocCursor)
groups = []
for group_id in group_ids:
"""SELECT gd.id AS group_id, gd.*, p.id AS partition_id, p.*
FROM group_descr gd, partition p
WHERE p.id = gd.partition_id
AND gd.id = %(group_id)s
{"group_id": group_id},
r = cursor.dictfetchall()
if r:
return _sortgroups(groups)
def _sortgroups(groups):
# Tri: place 'all' en tête, puis groupe par partition / nom de groupe
R = [g for g in groups if g["partition_name"] is None]
o = [g for g in groups if g["partition_name"] != None]
o.sort(key=lambda x: (x["numero"] or 0, x["group_name"]))
return R + o
def listgroups_filename(groups):
"""Build a filename representing groups"""
return "gr" + "+".join([g["group_name"] or "tous" for g in groups])
def listgroups_abbrev(groups):
"""Human readable abbreviation descring groups (eg "A / AB / B3")
Ne retient que les partitions avec show_in_lists
return " / ".join(
[g["group_name"] for g in groups if g["group_name"] and g["show_in_lists"]]
# form_group_choice replaces formChoixGroupe
def form_group_choice(
allow_none=True, # offre un choix vide dans chaque partition
select_default=True, # Le groupe par defaut est mentionné (hidden).
"""Partie de formulaire pour le choix d'un ou plusieurs groupes.
Variable : group_ids
from app.scodoc import sco_formsemestre
sem = sco_formsemestre.get_formsemestre(formsemestre_id)
if display_sem_title:
sem_title = "%s: " % sem["titremois"]
sem_title = ""
H = ["""<table>"""]
for p in get_partitions_list(formsemestre_id):
if p["partition_name"] is None:
if select_default:
'<input type="hidden" name="group_ids:list" value="%s"/>'
% get_partition_groups(p)[0]["group_id"]
H.append("<tr><td>Groupe de %(partition_name)s</td><td>" % p)
H.append('<select name="group_ids:list">')
if allow_none:
H.append('<option value="">aucun</option>')
for group in get_partition_groups(p):
'<option value="%s">%s %s</option>'
% (group["group_id"], sem_title, group["group_name"])
return "\n".join(H)
def make_query_groups(group_ids):
if group_ids:
return "&".join(["group_ids%3Alist=" + str(group_id) for group_id in group_ids])
return ""
class GroupIdInferer(object):
"""Sert à retrouver l'id d'un groupe dans un semestre donné
à partir de son nom.
Attention: il peut y avoir plusieurs groupes de même nom
dans des partitions différentes. Dans ce cas, prend le dernier listé.
On peut indiquer la partition en écrivant
def __init__(self, formsemestre_id):
groups = get_sem_groups(formsemestre_id)
self.name2group_id = {}
self.partitionname2group_id = {}
for group in groups:
self.name2group_id[group["group_name"]] = group["group_id"]
(group["partition_name"], group["group_name"])
] = group["group_id"]
def __getitem__(self, name):
"""Get group_id from group_name, or None is nonexistent.
The group name can be prefixed by the partition's name, using
syntax partition_name:group_name
l = name.split(":", 1)
if len(l) > 1:
partition_name, group_name = l
partition_name = None
group_name = name
if partition_name is None:
group_id = self.name2group_id.get(group_name, None)
if group_id is None and name[-2:] == ".0":
# si nom groupe numerique, excel ajoute parfois ".0" !
group_name = group_name[:-2]
group_id = self.name2group_id.get(group_name, None)
group_id = self.partitionname2group_id.get(
(partition_name, group_name), None
return group_id