# -*- mode: python -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Gestion scolarite IUT # # Copyright (c) 1999 - 2021 Emmanuel Viennet. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Emmanuel Viennet emmanuel.viennet@viennet.net # ############################################################################## """Génération des bulletins de notes en format PDF On peut installer plusieurs classes générant des bulletins de formats différents. La préférence (par semestre) 'bul_pdf_class_name' conserve le nom de la classe Python utilisée pour générer les bulletins en PDF. Elle doit être une sous-classe de PDFBulletinGenerator et définir les méthodes fabriquant les éléments PDF: gen_part_title gen_table gen_part_below gen_signatures Les éléments PDF sont des objets PLATYPUS de la bibliothèque Reportlab. Voir la documentation (Reportlab's User Guide), chapitre 5 et suivants. Pour définir un nouveau type de bulletin: - créer un fichier source sco_bulletins_pdf_xxxx.py où xxxx est le nom (court) de votre type; - dans ce fichier, sous-classer PDFBulletinGenerator ou PDFBulletinGeneratorDefault (s'inspirer de sco_bulletins_pdf_default); - en fin du fichier sco_bulletins_pdf.py, ajouter la ligne import sco_bulletins_pdf_xxxx - votre type sera alors (après redémarrage de ScoDoc) proposé dans le formulaire de paramètrage ScoDoc. Chaque semestre peut si nécessaire utiliser un type de bulletin différent. """ import htmlutils import time import pprint import traceback import re import cStringIO from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import PageTemplate, BaseDocTemplate import VERSION import sco_utils as scu from notes_log import log import sco_formsemestre import sco_bulletins import sco_pdf import os def pdfassemblebulletins( formsemestre_id, objects, bul_title, infos, pagesbookmarks, filigranne=None, server_name="", context=None, ): "generate PDF document from a list of PLATYPUS objects" if not objects: return "" # Paramètres de mise en page margins = ( sco_preferences.get_preference(context, "left_margin", formsemestre_id), sco_preferences.get_preference(context, "top_margin", formsemestre_id), sco_preferences.get_preference(context, "right_margin", formsemestre_id), sco_preferences.get_preference(context, "bottom_margin", formsemestre_id), ) report = cStringIO.StringIO() # in-memory document, no disk file document = BaseDocTemplate(report) document.addPageTemplates( sco_pdf.ScolarsPageTemplate( document, context=context, author="%s %s (E. Viennet)" % (VERSION.SCONAME, VERSION.SCOVERSION), title="Bulletin %s" % bul_title, subject="Bulletin de note", server_name=server_name, margins=margins, pagesbookmarks=pagesbookmarks, filigranne=filigranne, preferences=sco_preferences.SemPreferences(context, formsemestre_id), ) ) document.build(objects) data = report.getvalue() return data def process_field( context, field, cdict, style, suppress_empty_pars=False, format="pdf" ): """Process a field given in preferences, returns - if format = 'pdf': a list of Platypus objects - if format = 'html' : a string Substitutes all %()s markup Remove potentialy harmful tags Replaces by If format = 'html', replaces by

. HTML does not allow logos. """ try: text = (field or "") % scu.WrapDict( cdict ) # note that None values are mapped to empty strings except: log("process_field: invalid format=%s" % field) text = ( "format invalide !" + traceback.format_exc() + "" ) # remove unhandled or dangerous tags: text = re.sub(r"<\s*img", "", text) if format == "html": # convert text = re.sub(r"<\s*para(\s*)(.*?)>", r"

", text) return text # --- PDF format: # handle logos: image_dir = scu.SCODOC_LOGOS_DIR + "/logos_" + context.DeptId() + "/" if not os.path.exists(image_dir): image_dir = scu.SCODOC_LOGOS_DIR + "/" # use global logos text = re.sub( r"<(\s*)logo(.*?)src\s*=\s*(.*?)>", r"<\1logo\2\3>", text ) # remove forbidden src attribute text = re.sub( r'<\s*logo(.*?)name\s*=\s*"(\w*?)"(.*?)/?>', r'' % image_dir, text, ) # nota: le match sur \w*? donne le nom du logo et interdit les .. et autres # tentatives d'acceder à d'autres fichiers ! # log('field: %s' % (text)) return sco_pdf.makeParas(text, style, suppress_empty=suppress_empty_pars) def get_formsemestre_bulletins_pdf( context, formsemestre_id, REQUEST, version="selectedevals" ): "document pdf et filename" cached = context._getNotesCache().get_bulletins_pdf(formsemestre_id, version) if cached: return cached[1], cached[0] fragments = [] sem = sco_formsemestre.get_formsemestre(context, formsemestre_id) # Make each bulletin nt = context._getNotesCache().get_NotesTable( context, formsemestre_id ) # > get_etudids, get_sexnom bookmarks = {} filigrannes = {} i = 1 for etudid in nt.get_etudids(): frag, filigranne = sco_bulletins.do_formsemestre_bulletinetud( context, formsemestre_id, etudid, format="pdfpart", version=version, REQUEST=REQUEST, ) fragments += frag filigrannes[i] = filigranne bookmarks[i] = scu.suppress_accents(nt.get_sexnom(etudid)) i = i + 1 # infos = {"DeptName": sco_preferences.get_preference(context, "DeptName", formsemestre_id)} if REQUEST: server_name = REQUEST.BASE0 else: server_name = "" try: sco_pdf.PDFLOCK.acquire() pdfdoc = pdfassemblebulletins( formsemestre_id, fragments, sem["titremois"], infos, bookmarks, filigranne=filigrannes, server_name=server_name, context=context, ) finally: sco_pdf.PDFLOCK.release() # dt = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") filename = "bul-%s-%s.pdf" % (sem["titre_num"], dt) filename = scu.unescape_html(filename).replace(" ", "_").replace("&", "") # fill cache context._getNotesCache().store_bulletins_pdf( formsemestre_id, version, filename, pdfdoc ) return pdfdoc, filename def get_etud_bulletins_pdf(context, etudid, REQUEST, version="selectedevals"): "Bulletins pdf de tous les semestres de l'étudiant, et filename" etud = context.getEtudInfo(etudid=etudid, filled=1)[0] fragments = [] bookmarks = {} filigrannes = {} i = 1 for sem in etud["sems"]: frag, filigranne = sco_bulletins.do_formsemestre_bulletinetud( context, sem["formsemestre_id"], etudid, format="pdfpart", version=version, REQUEST=REQUEST, ) fragments += frag filigrannes[i] = filigranne bookmarks[i] = sem["session_id"] # eg RT-DUT-FI-S1-2015 i = i + 1 infos = {"DeptName": sco_preferences.get_preference(context, "DeptName")} if REQUEST: server_name = REQUEST.BASE0 else: server_name = "" try: sco_pdf.PDFLOCK.acquire() pdfdoc = pdfassemblebulletins( None, fragments, etud["nomprenom"], infos, bookmarks, filigranne=filigrannes, server_name=server_name, context=context, ) finally: sco_pdf.PDFLOCK.release() # filename = "bul-%s" % (etud["nomprenom"]) filename = ( scu.unescape_html(filename).replace(" ", "_").replace("&", "").replace(".", "") + ".pdf" ) return pdfdoc, filename