Modifs pour SA 2.0 (à reporter en 9.5)
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
from flask_json import as_json
from app import db
from app.api import api_bp as bp, API_CLIENT_ERROR
from app.scodoc.sco_utils import json_error
from app.decorators import scodoc, permission_required
@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ def absences(etudid: int = None):
etud = Identite.query.get(etudid)
etud = db.session.get(Identite, etudid)
if etud is None:
return json_error(404, message="etudiant inexistant")
# Absences de l'étudiant
@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ def absences_just(etudid: int = None):
etud = Identite.query.get(etudid)
etud = db.session.get(Identite, etudid)
if etud is None:
return json_error(404, message="etudiant inexistant")
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ from app.scodoc.sco_utils import json_error
def decisions_jury(formsemestre_id: int):
"""Décisions du jury des étudiants du formsemestre."""
# APC, pair:
formsemestre: FormSemestre = FormSemestre.query.get(formsemestre_id)
formsemestre: FormSemestre = db.session.get(FormSemestre, formsemestre_id)
if formsemestre.formation.is_apc():
rows = jury_but_results.get_jury_but_results(formsemestre)
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def user_info(uid: int):
Info sur un compte utilisateur scodoc
user: User = User.query.get(uid)
user: User = db.session.get(User, uid)
if user is None:
return json_error(404, "user not found")
if g.scodoc_dept:
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from flask import current_app, g, redirect, request, url_for
from flask_httpauth import HTTPBasicAuth, HTTPTokenAuth
import flask_login
from app import login
from app import db, login
from app.auth.models import User
from app.models.config import ScoDocSiteConfig
from app.scodoc.sco_utils import json_error
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def basic_auth_error(status):
def load_user(uid: str) -> User:
"flask-login: accès à un utilisateur"
return User.query.get(int(uid))
return db.session.get(User, int(uid))
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ class User(UserMixin, db.Model):
return None
except (TypeError, KeyError):
return None
return User.query.get(user_id)
return db.session.get(User, user_id)
def to_dict(self, include_email=True):
"""l'utilisateur comme un dict, avec des champs supplémentaires"""
@ -376,7 +376,9 @@ class User(UserMixin, db.Model):
if not isinstance(role, Role):
raise ScoValueError("add_role: rôle invalide")
self.user_roles.append(UserRole(user=self, role=role, dept=dept))
user_role = UserRole(user=self, role=role, dept=dept)
def add_roles(self, roles: "list[Role]", dept: str):
"""Add roles to this user.
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import datetime
import numpy as np
from flask import g, has_request_context, url_for
from app import db
from app.comp.res_but import ResultatsSemestreBUT
from app.models import Evaluation, FormSemestre, Identite
from app.models.groups import GroupDescr
@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ class BulletinBUT:
if codes_cursus.code_ue_validant(ue_capitalisee.code):
ue = UniteEns.query.get(ue_capitalisee.ue_id) # XXX cacher ?
ue = db.session.get(UniteEns, ue_capitalisee.ue_id) # XXX cacher ?
# déjà capitalisé ? montre la meilleure
if ue.acronyme in d:
moy_cap = d[ue.acronyme]["moyenne_num"] or 0.0
@ -15,12 +15,10 @@ Classe raccordant avec ScoDoc 7:
import collections
from operator import attrgetter
from typing import Union
from flask import g, url_for
from app import db
from app import log
from app.comp.res_but import ResultatsSemestreBUT
from app.comp.res_compat import NotesTableCompat
@ -252,7 +250,9 @@ class FormSemestreCursusBUT:
parcour = None
if parcour_id not in self.parcours_by_id:
self.parcours_by_id[parcour_id] = ApcParcours.query.get(parcour_id)
self.parcours_by_id[parcour_id] = db.session.get(
ApcParcours, parcour_id
parcour = self.parcours_by_id[parcour_id]
return self.get_niveaux_parcours_by_annee(parcour)
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class ModuleImplResults:
manque des notes) ssi il y a des étudiants inscrits au semestre et au module
qui ont des notes ATT.
moduleimpl = ModuleImpl.query.get(self.moduleimpl_id)
moduleimpl = db.session.get(ModuleImpl, self.moduleimpl_id)
self.etudids = self._etudids()
# --- Calcul nombre d'inscrits pour déterminer les évaluations "completes":
@ -225,8 +225,8 @@ class ModuleImplResults:
return [
for inscr in ModuleImpl.query.get(
for inscr in db.session.get(
ModuleImpl, self.moduleimpl_id
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ class ModuleImplResultsAPC(ModuleImplResults):
ou NaN si les évaluations (dans lesquelles l'étudiant a des notes)
ne donnent pas de coef vers cette UE.
modimpl = ModuleImpl.query.get(self.moduleimpl_id)
modimpl = db.session.get(ModuleImpl, self.moduleimpl_id)
nb_etuds, nb_evals = self.evals_notes.shape
nb_ues = evals_poids_df.shape[1]
if evals_poids_df.shape[0] != nb_evals:
@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ def load_evaluations_poids(moduleimpl_id: int) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, list]:
Résultat: (evals_poids, liste de UEs du semestre sauf le sport)
modimpl: ModuleImpl = ModuleImpl.query.get(moduleimpl_id)
modimpl: ModuleImpl = db.session.get(ModuleImpl, moduleimpl_id)
evaluations = Evaluation.query.filter_by(moduleimpl_id=moduleimpl_id).all()
ues = modimpl.formsemestre.get_ues(with_sport=False)
ue_ids = [ for ue in ues]
@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ class ModuleImplResultsClassic(ModuleImplResults):
ou NaN si les évaluations (dans lesquelles l'étudiant a des notes)
ne donnent pas de coef.
modimpl = ModuleImpl.query.get(self.moduleimpl_id)
modimpl = db.session.get(ModuleImpl, self.moduleimpl_id)
nb_etuds, nb_evals = self.evals_notes.shape
if nb_etuds == 0:
return pd.Series()
@ -30,7 +30,10 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from flask import flash, g, Markup, url_for
from flask import flash, g, url_for
from markupsafe import Markup
from app import db
from app.models.formations import Formation
@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ def compute_sem_moys_apc_using_ects(
moy_gen = (etud_moy_ue_df * ects).sum(axis=1) / ects.sum(axis=1)
except TypeError:
if None in ects:
formation = Formation.query.get(formation_id)
formation = db.session.get(Formation, formation_id)
f"""Calcul moyenne générale impossible: ECTS des UE manquants !<br>
@ -92,7 +95,7 @@ def compute_sem_moys_apc_using_ects(
return moy_gen
def comp_ranks_series(notes: pd.Series) -> (pd.Series, pd.Series):
def comp_ranks_series(notes: pd.Series) -> tuple[pd.Series, pd.Series]:
"""Calcul rangs à partir d'une séries ("vecteur") de notes (index etudid, valeur
numérique) en tenant compte des ex-aequos.
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from app import db, log
from app.comp import moy_ue, moy_sem, inscr_mod
from app.comp.res_compat import NotesTableCompat
from app.comp.bonus_spo import BonusSport
from app.models import Formation, FormSemestreInscription, ScoDocSiteConfig
from app.models import FormSemestreInscription, ScoDocSiteConfig
from app.models.moduleimpls import ModuleImpl
from app.models.but_refcomp import ApcParcours, ApcNiveau
from app.models.ues import DispenseUE, UniteEns
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ class ResultatsSemestreBUT(NotesTableCompat):
if parcour_id is None:
ues_ids = { for ue in self.ues if ue.type != UE_SPORT}
parcour: ApcParcours = ApcParcours.query.get(parcour_id)
parcour: ApcParcours = db.session.get(ApcParcours, parcour_id)
annee = (self.formsemestre.semestre_id + 1) // 2
niveaux = ApcNiveau.niveaux_annee_de_parcours(parcour, annee, ref_comp)
# Les UEs du formsemestre associées à ces niveaux:
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import pandas as pd
from flask import g, url_for
from app import db
from app.comp import res_sem
from app.comp.res_cache import ResultatsCache
from app.comp.jury import ValidationsSemestre
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ from app.scodoc.codes_cursus import UE_SPORT
from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoValueError
from app.scodoc import sco_utils as scu
# Il faut bien distinguer
# - ce qui est caché de façon persistente (via redis):
# ce sont les attributs listés dans `_cached_attrs`
@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ class ResultatsSemestre(ResultatsCache):
def etud_ues(self, etudid: int) -> Generator[UniteEns]:
"""Liste des UE auxquelles l'étudiant est inscrit
(sans bonus, en BUT prend en compte le parcours de l'étudiant)."""
return (UniteEns.query.get(ue_id) for ue_id in self.etud_ues_ids(etudid))
return (db.session.get(UniteEns, ue_id) for ue_id in self.etud_ues_ids(etudid))
def etud_ects_tot_sem(self, etudid: int) -> float:
"""Le total des ECTS associées à ce semestre (que l'étudiant peut ou non valider)"""
@ -351,7 +353,7 @@ class ResultatsSemestre(ResultatsCache):
"""L'état de l'UE pour cet étudiant.
Result: dict, ou None si l'UE n'est pas dans ce semestre.
ue: UniteEns = UniteEns.query.get(ue_id)
ue: UniteEns = db.session.get(UniteEns, ue_id)
ue_dict = ue.to_dict()
if ue.type == UE_SPORT:
@ -401,7 +403,7 @@ class ResultatsSemestre(ResultatsCache):
if (not coef_ue) and is_capitalized: # étudiant non inscrit dans l'UE courante
if self.is_apc:
# Coefs de l'UE capitalisée en formation APC: donné par ses ECTS
ue_capitalized = UniteEns.query.get(ue_cap["ue_id"])
ue_capitalized = db.session.get(UniteEns, ue_cap["ue_id"])
coef_ue = ue_capitalized.ects
if coef_ue is None:
orig_sem = FormSemestre.get_formsemestre(ue_cap["formsemestre_id"])
@ -9,9 +9,10 @@
from functools import cached_property
import pandas as pd
from flask import flash, g, Markup, url_for
from flask import flash, g, url_for
from markupsafe import Markup
from app import log
from app import db, log
from app.comp import moy_sem
from app.comp.aux_stats import StatsMoyenne
from app.comp.res_common import ResultatsSemestre
@ -393,7 +394,7 @@ class NotesTableCompat(ResultatsSemestre):
de ce module.
Évaluation "complete" ssi toutes notes saisies ou en attente.
modimpl = ModuleImpl.query.get(moduleimpl_id)
modimpl = db.session.get(ModuleImpl, moduleimpl_id)
modimpl_results = self.modimpls_results.get(moduleimpl_id)
if not modimpl_results:
return [] # safeguard
@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ from sqlalchemy import text
from wtforms import (
@ -56,6 +55,9 @@ from wtforms.validators import (
from wtforms.widgets import ListWidget, CheckboxInput
from app import db
from app.auth.models import User
from app.entreprises import SIRET_PROVISOIRE_START
from app.entreprises.models import (
@ -63,9 +65,6 @@ from app.entreprises.models import (
from app import db
from app.auth.models import User
from app.entreprises import SIRET_PROVISOIRE_START
from app.models import Identite, Departement
from app.scodoc import sco_utils as scu
@ -651,7 +650,7 @@ class StageApprentissageCreationForm(FlaskForm):
def validate_etudid(self, field):
"L'etudid doit avoit été placé par le JS"
etudid = int( if else None
etudiant = Identite.query.get(etudid) if etudid is not None else None
etudiant = db.session.get(Identite, etudid) if etudid is not None else None
if etudiant is None:
raise ValidationError("Étudiant introuvable (sélectionnez dans la liste)")
@ -190,8 +190,10 @@ class Evaluation(db.Model):
L = []
for ue_id, poids in ue_poids_dict.items():
ue = UniteEns.query.get(ue_id)
L.append(EvaluationUEPoids(evaluation=self, ue=ue, poids=poids))
ue = db.session.get(UniteEns, ue_id)
ue_poids = EvaluationUEPoids(evaluation=self, ue=ue, poids=poids)
self.ue_poids = L # backref # pylint:disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
self.moduleimpl.invalidate_evaluations_poids() # inval cache
@ -338,7 +340,7 @@ def check_evaluation_args(args):
jour = args.get("jour", None)
args["jour"] = jour
if jour:
modimpl = ModuleImpl.query.get(moduleimpl_id)
modimpl = db.session.get(ModuleImpl, moduleimpl_id)
formsemestre = modimpl.formsemestre
y, m, d = [int(x) for x in ndb.DateDMYtoISO(jour).split("-")]
jour =, m, d)
@ -187,14 +187,14 @@ class ScolarNews(db.Model):
elif self.type == self.NEWS_NOTE:
moduleimpl_id = self.object
if moduleimpl_id:
modimpl = ModuleImpl.query.get(moduleimpl_id)
modimpl = db.session.get(ModuleImpl, moduleimpl_id)
if modimpl is None:
return None # module does not exists anymore
formsemestre_id = modimpl.formsemestre_id
if not formsemestre_id:
return None
formsemestre = FormSemestre.query.get(formsemestre_id)
formsemestre = db.session.get(FormSemestre, formsemestre_id)
return formsemestre
def notify_by_mail(self):
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ class FormSemestre(db.Model):
{"formsemestre_id":, "parcours_id":},
return [ModuleImpl.query.get(modimpl_id) for modimpl_id in cursor]
return [db.session.get(ModuleImpl, modimpl_id) for modimpl_id in cursor]
def can_be_edited_by(self, user):
"""Vrai si user peut modifier ce semestre (est chef ou l'un des responsables)"""
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ class Partition(db.Model):
if == existing_group_id:
return False
# Fait le changement avec l'ORM sinon risque élevé de blocage
existing_group = GroupDescr.query.get(existing_group_id)
existing_group = db.session.get(GroupDescr, existing_group_id)
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ class Module(db.Model):
# crée nouveau coef:
if coef != 0.0:
ue = UniteEns.query.get(ue_id)
ue = db.session.get(UniteEns, ue_id)
ue_coef = ModuleUECoef(module=self, ue=ue, coef=coef)
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ class Module(db.Model):
"delete_ue_coef: locked formation, ignoring request"
raise ScoValueError("Formation verrouillée")
ue_coef = ModuleUECoef.query.get((,
ue_coef = db.session.get(ModuleUECoef, (,
if ue_coef:
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class NotesNotes(db.Model):
from app.models.evaluations import Evaluation
return f"""<{self.__class__.__name__} {} etudid={self.etudid} v={self.value} {
} {Evaluation.query.get(self.evaluation_id) if self.evaluation_id else "X" }>"""
} {db.session.get(Evaluation, self.evaluation_id) if self.evaluation_id else "X" }>"""
class NotesNotesLog(db.Model):
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Created on Fri Sep 9 09:15:05 2016
@author: barasc
from app import log
from app import db, log
from app.comp import res_sem
from app.comp.res_compat import NotesTableCompat
from app.models import FormSemestre
@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ def comp_coeff_pond(coeffs, ponderations):
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_moduleimpl(modimpl_id) -> dict:
"""Renvoie l'objet modimpl dont l'id est modimpl_id"""
modimpl = ModuleImpl.query.get(modimpl_id)
modimpl = db.session.get(ModuleImpl, modimpl_id)
if modimpl:
return modimpl
if SemestreTag.DEBUG:
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ from flask import flash, render_template, url_for
from flask_json import json_response
from flask_login import current_user
from app import email
from app import db, email
from app import log
from app.scodoc.sco_utils import json_error
from app.but import bulletin_but
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ def formsemestre_bulletinetud_dict(formsemestre_id, etudid, version="long"):
] = [] # modules de l'UE capitalisée (liste vide si pas capitalisée)
if ue_status["is_capitalized"] and ue_status["formsemestre_id"] is not None:
sem_origin = FormSemestre.query.get(ue_status["formsemestre_id"])
sem_origin = db.session.get(FormSemestre, ue_status["formsemestre_id"])
] = f'capitalisée le {ndb.DateISOtoDMY(ue_status["event_date"])}'
@ -369,7 +369,9 @@ def formsemestre_bulletinetud_dict(formsemestre_id, etudid, version="long"):
if ue_status["moy"] != "NA":
# détail des modules de l'UE capitalisée
formsemestre_cap = FormSemestre.query.get(ue_status["formsemestre_id"])
formsemestre_cap = db.session.get(
FormSemestre, ue_status["formsemestre_id"]
nt_cap: NotesTableCompat = res_sem.load_formsemestre_results(
@ -749,7 +751,7 @@ def etud_descr_situation_semestre(
res: ResultatsSemestreBUT = res_sem.load_formsemestre_results(formsemestre)
parcour_id = res.etuds_parcour_id[etudid]
parcour: ApcParcours = (
ApcParcours.query.get(parcour_id) if parcour_id is not None else None
db.session.get(ApcParcours, parcour_id) if parcour_id is not None else None
if parcour:
infos["parcours_titre"] = parcour.libelle or ""
@ -928,7 +930,7 @@ def formsemestre_bulletinetud(
format = format or "html"
formsemestre: FormSemestre = FormSemestre.query.get(formsemestre_id)
formsemestre: FormSemestre = db.session.get(FormSemestre, formsemestre_id)
if not formsemestre:
raise ScoValueError(f"semestre {formsemestre_id} inconnu !")
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import json
from flask import abort
from app import ScoDocJSONEncoder
from app import db, ScoDocJSONEncoder
from app.comp import res_sem
from app.comp.res_compat import NotesTableCompat
from app.models import but_validations
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ def formsemestre_bulletinetud_published_dict(
u["module"] = []
# Structure UE/Matière/Module
# Recodé en 2022
ue = UniteEns.query.get(ue_id)
ue = db.session.get(UniteEns, ue_id)
u["matiere"] = [
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ import traceback
from flask import g
import app
from app import log
from app import db, log
from app.scodoc import notesdb as ndb
from app.scodoc import sco_utils as scu
from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoException
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ def invalidate_formsemestre( # was inval_cache(formsemestre_id=None, pdfonly=Fa
# appel via API ou tests sans dept:
formsemestre = None
if formsemestre_id:
formsemestre = FormSemestre.query.get(formsemestre_id)
formsemestre = db.session.get(FormSemestre, formsemestre_id)
if formsemestre is None:
raise ScoException("invalidate_formsemestre: departement must be set")
app.set_sco_dept(formsemestre.departement.acronym, open_cnx=False)
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ def do_formation_delete(formation_id):
"""delete a formation (and all its UE, matieres, modules)
Warning: delete all ues, will ask if there are validations !
formation: Formation = Formation.query.get(formation_id)
formation: Formation = db.session.get(Formation, formation_id)
if formation is None:
acronyme = formation.acronyme
@ -30,14 +30,13 @@
import flask
from flask import g, url_for, request
from import ScolarNews
from app.models.formations import Matiere
from app.models.ues import UniteEns
from app import db, log
from app.models import Formation, Matiere, UniteEns, ScolarNews
import app.scodoc.notesdb as ndb
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
from app import log
from app.models import Formation
from app.scodoc.TrivialFormulator import TrivialFormulator, tf_error_message
from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import (
@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ def do_matiere_edit(*args, **kw):
# edit
_matiereEditor.edit(cnx, *args, **kw)
formation_id = sco_edit_ue.ue_list({"ue_id": mat["ue_id"]})[0]["formation_id"]
db.session.get(Formation, formation_id).invalidate_cached_sems()
def do_matiere_create(args):
@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ def do_matiere_create(args):
r = _matiereEditor.create(cnx, args)
# news
formation = Formation.query.get(ue["formation_id"])
formation = db.session.get(Formation, ue["formation_id"])
@ -201,7 +200,7 @@ def do_matiere_delete(oid):
_matiereEditor.delete(cnx, oid)
# news
formation = Formation.query.get(ue["formation_id"])
formation = db.session.get(Formation, ue["formation_id"])
@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ def module_list(*args, **kw):
def do_module_create(args) -> int:
"Create a module. Returns id of new object."
formation = Formation.query.get(args["formation_id"])
formation = db.session.get(Formation, args["formation_id"])
# refuse de créer un module APC avec semestres incohérents:
if formation.is_apc():
ue = UniteEns.query.get(args["ue_id"])
ue = db.session.get(UniteEns, args["ue_id"])
if int(args.get("semestre_id", 0)) != ue.semestre_idx:
raise ScoValueError("Formation incompatible: contacter le support ScoDoc")
# create
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ def do_module_edit(vals: dict) -> None:
# edit
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
_moduleEditor.edit(cnx, vals)
db.session.get(Formation, mod["formation_id"]).invalidate_cached_sems()
def check_module_code_unicity(code, field, formation_id, module_id=None):
@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ def module_edit(
if create:
if not matiere_id:
# formulaire avec choix UE de rattachement
ue = UniteEns.query.get(tf[2]["ue_id"])
ue = db.session.get(UniteEns, tf[2]["ue_id"])
if ue is None:
raise ValueError("UE invalide")
matiere = ue.matieres.first()
@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ def module_edit(
tf[2]["semestre_id"] = ue.semestre_idx
module_id = do_module_create(tf[2])
module = Module.query.get(module_id)
module = db.session.get(Module, module_id)
# l'UE de rattachement peut changer
tf[2]["ue_id"], tf[2]["matiere_id"] = tf[2]["ue_matiere_id"].split("!")
@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ def module_edit(
# En APC, force le semestre égal à celui de l'UE
if is_apc:
selected_ue = UniteEns.query.get(tf[2]["ue_id"])
selected_ue = db.session.get(UniteEns, tf[2]["ue_id"])
if selected_ue is None:
raise ValueError("UE invalide")
tf[2]["semestre_id"] = selected_ue.semestre_idx
@ -853,13 +853,13 @@ def module_edit(
module.parcours = formation.referentiel_competence.parcours.all()
module.parcours = [
db.session.get(ApcParcours, int(parcour_id_str))
for parcour_id_str in tf[2]["parcours"]
# Modifie les AC
if "app_critiques" in tf[2]:
module.app_critiques = [
db.session.get(ApcAppCritique, int(ac_id_str))
for ac_id_str in tf[2]["app_critiques"]
@ -36,8 +36,7 @@ from flask import flash, render_template, url_for
from flask import g, request
from flask_login import current_user
from app import db
from app import log
from app import db, log
from app.but import apc_edit_ue
from app.models import APO_CODE_STR_LEN, SHORT_STR_LEN
from app.models import (
@ -137,10 +136,10 @@ def do_ue_create(args):
ue_id = _ueEditor.create(cnx, args)
log(f"do_ue_create: created {ue_id} with {args}")
formation: Formation = Formation.query.get(args["formation_id"])
formation: Formation = db.session.get(Formation, args["formation_id"])
# news
formation = Formation.query.get(args["formation_id"])
formation = db.session.get(Formation, args["formation_id"])
@ -284,7 +283,7 @@ def ue_edit(ue_id=None, create=False, formation_id=None, default_semestre_idx=No
submitlabel = "Créer cette UE"
can_change_semestre_id = True
formation = Formation.query.get(formation_id)
formation = db.session.get(Formation, formation_id)
if not formation:
raise ScoValueError(f"Formation inexistante ! (id={formation_id})")
cursus = formation.get_cursus()
@ -543,7 +542,7 @@ def ue_edit(ue_id=None, create=False, formation_id=None, default_semestre_idx=No
"semestre_id": tf[2]["semestre_idx"],
ue = UniteEns.query.get(ue_id)
ue = db.session.get(UniteEns, ue_id)
flash(f"UE créée (code {ue.ue_code})")
if not tf[2]["numero"]:
@ -597,7 +596,7 @@ def next_ue_numero(formation_id, semestre_id=None):
"""Numero d'une nouvelle UE dans cette formation.
Si le semestre est specifie, cherche les UE ayant des modules de ce semestre
formation = Formation.query.get(formation_id)
formation = db.session.get(Formation, formation_id)
ues = ue_list(args={"formation_id": formation_id})
if not ues:
return 0
@ -661,7 +660,7 @@ def ue_table(formation_id=None, semestre_idx=1, msg=""): # was ue_list
from app.scodoc import sco_formsemestre_validation
formation: Formation = Formation.query.get(formation_id)
formation: Formation = db.session.get(Formation, formation_id)
if not formation:
raise ScoValueError("invalid formation_id")
parcours = formation.get_cursus()
@ -1462,7 +1461,7 @@ def do_ue_edit(args, bypass_lock=False, dont_invalidate_cache=False):
cnx = ndb.GetDBConnexion()
_ueEditor.edit(cnx, args)
formation = Formation.query.get(ue["formation_id"])
formation = db.session.get(Formation, ue["formation_id"])
if not dont_invalidate_cache:
# Invalide les semestres utilisant cette formation
# ainsi que les poids et coefs
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ def identite_list(cnx, *a, **kw):
def identite_edit_nocheck(cnx, args):
"""Modifie les champs mentionnes dans args, sans verification ni notification."""
etud = Identite.query.get(args["etudid"])
etud = db.session.get(Identite, args["etudid"])
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ def do_evaluation_create(
args = locals()
log("do_evaluation_create: args=" + str(args))
modimpl: ModuleImpl = ModuleImpl.query.get(moduleimpl_id)
modimpl: ModuleImpl = db.session.get(ModuleImpl, moduleimpl_id)
if modimpl is None:
raise ValueError("module not found")
@ -37,11 +37,8 @@ from flask_login import current_user
from flask import request
from app import db
from app import log
from app import models
from app.models.evaluations import Evaluation
from app.models.formsemestre import FormSemestre
from app.models.moduleimpls import ModuleImpl
from app.models import Evaluation, FormSemestre, ModuleImpl
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
from app.scodoc.sco_utils import ModuleType
from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoValueError
@ -62,7 +59,7 @@ def evaluation_create_form(
"Formulaire création/édition d'une évaluation (pas de ses notes)"
if evaluation_id is not None:
evaluation: Evaluation = models.Evaluation.query.get(evaluation_id)
evaluation: Evaluation = db.session.get(Evaluation, evaluation_id)
if evaluation is None:
raise ScoValueError("Cette évaluation n'existe pas ou plus !")
moduleimpl_id = evaluation.moduleimpl_id
@ -363,7 +360,7 @@ def evaluation_create_form(
evaluation_id = sco_evaluation_db.do_evaluation_create(**tf[2])
if is_apc:
# Set poids
evaluation = models.Evaluation.query.get(evaluation_id)
evaluation = db.session.get(Evaluation, evaluation_id)
for ue in sem_ues:
evaluation.set_ue_poids(ue, tf[2][f"poids_{}"])
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Sur une idée de Pascal Bouron, de Lyon.
import time
from flask import g, url_for
from app import db
from app.models import Evaluation, FormSemestre
from app.comp import res_sem
from app.comp.res_compat import NotesTableCompat
@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ def evaluations_recap_table(formsemestre: FormSemestre) -> list[dict]:
line_idx += 1
for evaluation_id in modimpl_results.evals_notes:
e = Evaluation.query.get(evaluation_id)
e = db.session.get(Evaluation, evaluation_id)
eval_etat = modimpl_results.evaluations_etat[evaluation_id]
row = {
"type": "",
@ -35,8 +35,7 @@ from flask import send_file, url_for
from flask import g, request
from flask_login import current_user
from app.models import Formation, FormSemestre, UniteEns, Module
from app.models.formations import Matiere
from app.models import Formation, FormSemestre, Matiere, Module, UniteEns
from app.scodoc.gen_tables import GenTable
from app.scodoc.sco_permissions import Permission
@ -178,7 +177,7 @@ def export_recap_formations_annee_scolaire(annee_scolaire):
formation_ids = { for formsemestre in formsemestres}
for formation_id in formation_ids:
formation = Formation.query.get(formation_id)
formation = db.session.get(Formation, formation_id)
xls = formation_table_recap(formation_id, format="xlsx").data
filename = (
scu.sanitize_filename(formation.get_titre_version()) + scu.XLSX_SUFFIX
@ -206,14 +206,14 @@ def do_formsemestres_associate_new_version(
) = sco_formations.formation_create_new_version(formation_id, redirect=False)
# Log new ues:
for ue_id in ues_old2new:
ue = UniteEns.query.get(ue_id)
new_ue = UniteEns.query.get(ues_old2new[ue_id])
ue = db.session.get(UniteEns, ue_id)
new_ue = db.session.get(UniteEns, ues_old2new[ue_id])
assert ue.semestre_idx == new_ue.semestre_idx
log(f"{ue} -> {new_ue}")
# Log new modules
for module_id in modules_old2new:
mod = Module.query.get(module_id)
new_mod = Module.query.get(modules_old2new[module_id])
mod = db.session.get(Module, module_id)
new_mod = db.session.get(Module, modules_old2new[module_id])
assert mod.semestre_id == new_mod.semestre_id
log(f"{mod} -> {new_mod}")
# re-associate
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ def formation_export_dict(
if tags:
mod["tags"] = [{"name": x} for x in tags]
module: Module = Module.query.get(module_id)
module: Module = db.session.get(Module, module_id)
if module.is_apc():
# Exporte les coefficients
if ue_reference_style == "id":
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ def formation_import_xml(doc: str, import_tags=True, use_local_refcomp=False):
referentiel_competence_id, ue_info[1]
ue_id = sco_edit_ue.do_ue_create(ue_info[1])
ue: UniteEns = UniteEns.query.get(ue_id)
ue: UniteEns = db.session.get(UniteEns, ue_id)
assert ue
if xml_ue_id:
ues_old2new[xml_ue_id] = ue_id
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ def formation_import_xml(doc: str, import_tags=True, use_local_refcomp=False):
if xml_module_id:
modules_old2new[int(xml_module_id)] = mod_id
if len(mod_info) > 2:
module: Module = Module.query.get(mod_id)
module: Module = db.session.get(Module, mod_id)
tag_names = []
ue_coef_dict = {}
for child in mod_info[2]:
@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ def do_formsemestre_createwithmodules(edit=False, formsemestre: FormSemestre = N
formsemestre = FormSemestre.get_formsemestre(formsemestre_id)
if "parcours" in tf[2]:
formsemestre.parcours = [
db.session.get(ApcParcours, int(parcour_id_str))
for parcour_id_str in tf[2]["parcours"]
@ -1044,7 +1044,7 @@ def formsemestre_delete_moduleimpls(formsemestre_id, module_ids_to_del):
ok = True
msg = []
for module_id in module_ids_to_del:
module = Module.query.get(module_id)
module = db.session.get(Module, module_id)
if module is None:
continue # ignore invalid ids
modimpls = ModuleImpl.query.filter_by(
@ -1224,7 +1224,7 @@ def do_formsemestre_clone(
args["etat"] = 1 # non verrouillé
formsemestre_id = sco_formsemestre.do_formsemestre_create(args)
log(f"created formsemestre {formsemestre_id}")
formsemestre: FormSemestre = FormSemestre.query.get(formsemestre_id)
formsemestre: FormSemestre = db.session.get(FormSemestre, formsemestre_id)
# 2- create moduleimpls
mods_orig = sco_moduleimpl.moduleimpl_list(formsemestre_id=orig_formsemestre_id)
for mod_orig in mods_orig:
@ -36,14 +36,20 @@ from flask import request
from flask import flash, redirect, render_template, url_for
from flask_login import current_user
from app import log
from app import db, log
from app.but.cursus_but import formsemestre_warning_apc_setup
from app.comp import res_sem
from app.comp.res_common import ResultatsSemestre
from app.comp.res_compat import NotesTableCompat
from app.models import Evaluation, Formation, Module, ModuleImpl, NotesNotes
from app.models.etudiants import Identite
from app.models.formsemestre import FormSemestre
from app.models import (
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
from app.scodoc.sco_utils import ModuleType
from app.scodoc.sco_permissions import Permission
@ -753,7 +759,7 @@ def formsemestre_description_table(
e["publish_incomplete_str"] = "Non"
e["_publish_incomplete_str_td_attrs"] = 'style="color: red;"'
# Poids vers UEs (en APC)
evaluation: Evaluation = Evaluation.query.get(e["evaluation_id"])
evaluation: Evaluation = db.session.get(Evaluation, e["evaluation_id"])
for ue_id, poids in evaluation.get_ue_poids_dict().items():
e[f"ue_{ue_id}"] = poids or ""
e[f"_ue_{ue_id}_class"] = "poids"
@ -974,7 +980,7 @@ def html_expr_diagnostic(diagnostics):
def formsemestre_status_head(formsemestre_id: int = None, page_title: str = None):
"""En-tête HTML des pages "semestre" """
sem: FormSemestre = FormSemestre.query.get(formsemestre_id)
sem: FormSemestre = db.session.get(FormSemestre, formsemestre_id)
if not sem:
raise ScoValueError("Semestre inexistant (il a peut être été supprimé ?)")
formation: Formation = sem.formation
@ -1225,7 +1231,7 @@ def formsemestre_tableau_modules(
H = []
prev_ue_id = None
for modimpl in modimpls:
mod: Module = Module.query.get(modimpl["module_id"])
mod: Module = db.session.get(Module, modimpl["module_id"])
moduleimpl_status_url = url_for(
@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ from app.scodoc import sco_preferences
from app.scodoc import sco_pv_dict
from app.scodoc.sco_permissions import Permission
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def formsemestre_validation_etud_form(
formsemestre_id=None, # required
@ -575,7 +576,7 @@ def formsemestre_recap_parcours_table(
ass = ""
formsemestre = FormSemestre.query.get(sem["formsemestre_id"])
formsemestre = db.session.get(FormSemestre, sem["formsemestre_id"])
nt: NotesTableCompat = res_sem.load_formsemestre_results(formsemestre)
if is_cur:
type_sem = "*" # now unused
@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ def get_etud_formsemestre_groups(
{"etudid":, "formsemestre_id":},
return [GroupDescr.query.get(group_id) for group_id in cursor]
return [db.session.get(GroupDescr, group_id) for group_id in cursor]
# Ancienne fonction:
@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ def setGroups(
response.headers["Content-Type"] = scu.XML_MIMETYPE
return response
partition: Partition = Partition.query.get(partition_id)
partition: Partition = db.session.get(Partition, partition_id)
if not partition.groups_editable and (groupsToCreate or groupsToDelete):
msg = "setGroups: partition non editable"
@ -1484,7 +1484,7 @@ def _get_prev_moy(etudid, formsemestre_id):
etud = info[0]
Se = sco_cursus.get_situation_etud_cursus(etud, formsemestre_id)
if Se.prev:
prev_sem = FormSemestre.query.get(Se.prev["formsemestre_id"])
prev_sem = db.session.get(FormSemestre, Se.prev["formsemestre_id"])
nt: NotesTableCompat = res_sem.load_formsemestre_results(prev_sem)
return nt.get_etud_moy_gen(etudid)
@ -1521,7 +1521,7 @@ def create_etapes_partition(formsemestre_id, partition_name="apo_etapes"):
pid = partition_create(
formsemestre_id, partition_name=partition_name, redirect=False
partition: Partition = Partition.query.get(pid)
partition: Partition = db.session.get(Partition, pid)
groups = partition.groups
groups_by_names = {g["group_name"]: g for g in groups}
for etape in etapes:
@ -36,16 +36,12 @@ import time
from flask import g, url_for
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
import app.scodoc.notesdb as ndb
from app import log
from app import db, log
from app.models import ScolarNews, GroupDescr
from app.models.etudiants import input_civilite
from app.scodoc.sco_excel import COLORS
from app.scodoc.sco_formsemestre_inscriptions import (
from app.scodoc.gen_tables import GenTable
from app.scodoc.sco_excel import COLORS
from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import (
@ -55,7 +51,6 @@ from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import (
from app.scodoc import html_sco_header
from app.scodoc import sco_cache
from app.scodoc import sco_etud
@ -63,6 +58,11 @@ from app.scodoc import sco_groups
from app.scodoc import sco_excel
from app.scodoc import sco_groups_view
from app.scodoc import sco_preferences
import app.scodoc.notesdb as ndb
from app.scodoc.sco_formsemestre_inscriptions import (
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
# format description (in tools/)
FORMAT_FILE = "format_import_etudiants.txt"
@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ def scolars_import_admission(datafile, formsemestre_id=None, type_admission=None
for group_id in group_ids:
group = GroupDescr.query.get(group_id)
group = db.session.get(GroupDescr, group_id)
if group.partition.groups_editable:
args["etudid"], group
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ from flask import url_for, g, request
import app.scodoc.notesdb as ndb
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
from app import log
from app import db, log
from app.models import Formation, FormSemestre, GroupDescr
from app.scodoc.gen_tables import GenTable
from app.scodoc import html_sco_header
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ def do_inscrit(sem, etudids, inscrit_groupes=False):
En option: inscrit aux mêmes groupes que dans le semestre origine
# TODO à ré-écrire pour utiliser le smodèle, notamment GroupDescr
formsemestre: FormSemestre = FormSemestre.query.get(sem["formsemestre_id"])
formsemestre: FormSemestre = db.session.get(FormSemestre, sem["formsemestre_id"])
log(f"do_inscrit (inscrit_groupes={inscrit_groupes}): {etudids}")
for etudid in etudids:
@ -220,7 +220,9 @@ def do_inscrit(sem, etudids, inscrit_groupes=False):
# Inscrit aux groupes
for partition_group in partition_groups:
group: GroupDescr = GroupDescr.query.get(partition_group["group_id"])
group: GroupDescr = db.session.get(
GroupDescr, partition_group["group_id"]
sco_groups.change_etud_group_in_partition(etudid, group)
@ -433,7 +435,7 @@ def _build_page(
formsemestre: FormSemestre = FormSemestre.query.get(sem["formsemestre_id"])
formsemestre: FormSemestre = db.session.get(FormSemestre, sem["formsemestre_id"])
inscrit_groupes = int(inscrit_groupes)
ignore_jury = int(ignore_jury)
if inscrit_groupes:
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import numpy as np
import flask
from flask import url_for, g, request
from app import log
from app import db, log
from app import models
from app.comp import res_sem
from app.comp import moy_mod
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ def do_evaluation_listenotes(
return "<p>Aucune évaluation !</p>", "ScoDoc"
E = evals[0] # il y a au moins une evaluation
modimpl = ModuleImpl.query.get(E["moduleimpl_id"])
modimpl = db.session.get(ModuleImpl, E["moduleimpl_id"])
# description de l'evaluation
if mode == "eval":
H = [sco_evaluations.evaluation_describe(evaluation_id=evaluation_id)]
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ def _make_table_notes(
commentkeys = list(key_mgr.items()) # [ (comment, key), ... ]
commentkeys.sort(key=lambda x: int(x[1]))
for (comment, key) in commentkeys:
for comment, key in commentkeys:
'<span class="colcomment">(%s)</span> <em>%s</em><br>' % (key, comment)
@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ def _add_eval_columns(
sum_notes = 0
notes = [] # liste des notes numeriques, pour calcul histogramme uniquement
evaluation_id = e["evaluation_id"]
e_o = Evaluation.query.get(evaluation_id) # XXX en attendant ré-écriture
e_o = db.session.get(Evaluation, evaluation_id) # XXX en attendant ré-écriture
inscrits = e_o.moduleimpl.formsemestre.etudids_actifs # set d'etudids
notes_db = sco_evaluation_db.do_evaluation_get_all_notes(evaluation_id)
@ -31,15 +31,16 @@
from flask_login import current_user
import psycopg2
from app import db
from app.models import Formation
from app.scodoc import scolog
from app.scodoc import sco_formsemestre
from app.scodoc import sco_cache
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
import app.scodoc.notesdb as ndb
from app.scodoc.sco_permissions import Permission
from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoValueError, AccessDenied
from app import log
from app import models
from app.scodoc import scolog
from app.scodoc import sco_formsemestre
from app.scodoc import sco_cache
# --- Gestion des "Implémentations de Modules"
# Un "moduleimpl" correspond a la mise en oeuvre d'un module
@ -170,7 +171,7 @@ def moduleimpl_withmodule_list(
mi["matiere"] = matieres[matiere_id]
mod = modimpls[0]["module"]
formation = models.Formation.query.get(mod["formation_id"])
formation = db.session.get(Formation, mod["formation_id"])
if formation.is_apc():
# tri par numero_module
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import flask
from flask import url_for, g, request
from flask_login import current_user
from app import db, log
from app.comp import res_sem
from app.comp.res_compat import NotesTableCompat
from app.models import (
@ -43,9 +44,6 @@ from app.models import (
from app import log
from app.tables import list_etuds
from app.scodoc.scolog import logdb
from app.scodoc import html_sco_header
from app.scodoc import htmlutils
@ -62,6 +60,7 @@ import app.scodoc.notesdb as ndb
from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoValueError
from app.scodoc.sco_permissions import Permission
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
from app.tables import list_etuds
def moduleimpl_inscriptions_edit(moduleimpl_id, etuds=[], submitted=False):
@ -520,7 +519,7 @@ def _list_but_ue_inscriptions(res: NotesTableCompat, read_only: bool = True) ->
else set()
ues = sorted(
(UniteEns.query.get(ue_id) for ue_id in ue_ids),
(db.session.get(UniteEns, ue_id) for ue_id in ue_ids),
key=lambda u: (u.numero or 0, u.acronyme),
@ -690,7 +689,7 @@ def _fmt_etud_set(etudids, max_list_size=7) -> str:
return f"{len(etudids)} étudiants"
etuds = []
for etudid in etudids:
etud = Identite.query.get(etudid)
etud = db.session.get(Identite, etudid)
if etud:
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ def moduleimpl_status(moduleimpl_id=None, partition_id=None):
arrow_up, arrow_down, arrow_none = sco_groups.get_arrow_icons_tags()
module_resp = User.query.get(modimpl.responsable_id)
module_resp = db.session.get(User, modimpl.responsable_id)
mod_type_name = scu.MODULE_TYPE_NAMES[module.module_type]
H = [
@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ def _ligne_evaluation(
) -> str:
"""Ligne <tr> décrivant une évaluation dans le tableau de bord moduleimpl."""
H = []
# evaluation: Evaluation = Evaluation.query.get(eval_dict["evaluation_id"])
# evaluation: Evaluation = db.session.get(Evaluation, eval_dict["evaluation_id"])
etat = sco_evaluations.do_evaluation_etat(
@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ def _evaluation_poids_html(evaluation: Evaluation, max_poids: float = 0.0) -> st
for ue, poids in (
(UniteEns.query.get(ue_id), poids)
(db.session.get(UniteEns, ue_id), poids)
for ue_id, poids in ue_poids.items()
@ -33,9 +33,7 @@
from flask import abort, url_for, g, render_template, request
from flask_login import current_user
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
import app.scodoc.notesdb as ndb
from app import log
from app import db, log
from app.but import cursus_but
from app.models.etudiants import Identite, make_etud_args
from app.models.formsemestre import FormSemestre
@ -57,6 +55,8 @@ from app.scodoc.sco_bulletins import etud_descr_situation_semestre
from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoValueError
from app.scodoc.sco_formsemestre_validation import formsemestre_recap_parcours_table
from app.scodoc.sco_permissions import Permission
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
import app.scodoc.notesdb as ndb
def _menu_scolarite(
@ -258,7 +258,9 @@ def ficheEtud(etudid=None):
info["last_formsemestre_id"] = ""
sem_info = {}
for sem in info["sems"]:
formsemestre: FormSemestre = FormSemestre.query.get(sem["formsemestre_id"])
formsemestre: FormSemestre = db.session.get(
FormSemestre, sem["formsemestre_id"]
if sem["ins"]["etat"] != scu.INSCRIT:
descr, _ = etud_descr_situation_semestre(
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
from flask import g
from flask_login import current_user
from app import db
from app.auth.models import User
from app.models import FormSemestre
import app.scodoc.notesdb as ndb
@ -131,7 +132,10 @@ def check_access_diretud(formsemestre_id, required_permission=Permission.ScoImpl
"<h2>Opération non autorisée pour %s</h2>" % current_user,
"<p>Responsable de ce semestre : <b>%s</b></p>"
% ", ".join(
[User.query.get(i).get_prenomnom() for i in sem["responsables"]]
db.session.get(User, i).get_prenomnom()
for i in sem["responsables"]
@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ get_base_preferences(formsemestre_id)
import flask
from flask import current_app, flash, g, request, url_for
from app import db, log
from app.models import Departement
from app.scodoc import sco_cache
from app import log
from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoValueError, ScoException
from app.scodoc.TrivialFormulator import TrivialFormulator
import app.scodoc.notesdb as ndb
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ class BasePreferences(object):
def __init__(self, dept_id: int):
dept = Departement.query.get(dept_id)
dept = db.session.get(Departement, dept_id)
if not dept:
raise ScoValueError(f"BasePreferences: Invalid departement: {dept_id}")
self.dept_id =
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
from operator import itemgetter
from app import log
from app import db
from app.comp import res_sem
from app.comp.res_compat import NotesTableCompat
from app.models import (
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ def _comp_ects_by_ue_code(nt, decisions_ue):
ects_by_ue_code = {}
for ue_id in decisions_ue:
d = decisions_ue[ue_id]
ue = UniteEns.query.get(ue_id)
ue = db.session.get(UniteEns, ue_id)
ects_by_ue_code[ue.ue_code] = d["ects"]
return ects_by_ue_code
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ from reportlab.platypus import PageBreak, Table, Image
from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import BaseDocTemplate
from reportlab.lib import styles
from app import db
from app.models import FormSemestre, Identite
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ def pdf_lettres_individuelles(
if not dpv:
return ""
formsemestre: FormSemestre = FormSemestre.query.get(formsemestre_id)
formsemestre: FormSemestre = db.session.get(FormSemestre, formsemestre_id)
prefs = sco_preferences.SemPreferences(formsemestre_id)
params = {
"date_jury": date_jury,
@ -33,11 +33,9 @@ from collections import defaultdict
from flask import request
from app import db
from app.but import jury_but
from app.comp import res_sem
from app.comp.res_compat import NotesTableCompat
from app.models import FormSemestre
from app.models.etudiants import Identite
from app.models.formsemestre import FormSemestreInscription
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
@ -170,7 +168,7 @@ def but_indicateurs_by_bac(formsemestre: FormSemestre) -> dict[str:dict]:
if deca and deca.formsemestre_impair
for formsemestre_id_precedent in formsemestre_id_precedents:
formsemestre_impair = FormSemestre.query.get(formsemestre_id_precedent)
formsemestre_impair = db.session.get(FormSemestre, formsemestre_id_precedent)
suffix = (
if len(formsemestre_id_precedents) == 1
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import flask
from flask import g, url_for, request
from flask_login import current_user
from app import log
from app import db, log
from app.auth.models import User
from app.comp import res_sem
from app.comp.res_compat import NotesTableCompat
@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ def saisie_notes_tableur(evaluation_id, group_ids=()):
def feuille_saisie_notes(evaluation_id, group_ids=[]):
"""Document Excel pour saisie notes dans l'évaluation et les groupes indiqués"""
evaluation: Evaluation = Evaluation.query.get(evaluation_id)
evaluation: Evaluation = db.session.get(Evaluation, evaluation_id)
if not evaluation:
raise ScoValueError("invalid evaluation_id")
modimpl = evaluation.moduleimpl
@ -958,7 +958,7 @@ def saisie_notes(evaluation_id: int, group_ids: list = None):
if not isinstance(evaluation_id, int):
raise ScoInvalidParamError()
group_ids = [int(group_id) for group_id in (group_ids or [])]
evaluation: Evaluation = Evaluation.query.get(evaluation_id)
evaluation: Evaluation = db.session.get(Evaluation, evaluation_id)
if evaluation is None:
raise ScoValueError("évaluation inexistante")
modimpl = evaluation.moduleimpl
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ sem_set_list()
import flask
from flask import g, url_for
from app import log
from app import db, log
from app.comp import res_sem
from app.comp.res_compat import NotesTableCompat
from app.models import FormSemestre
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class SemSet(dict):
self.sems = []
self.formsemestres = []
for formsemestre_id in self.formsemestre_ids:
formsemestre: FormSemestre = FormSemestre.query.get(formsemestre_id)
formsemestre: FormSemestre = db.session.get(FormSemestre, formsemestre_id)
sem = sco_formsemestre.get_formsemestre(formsemestre_id)
@ -58,9 +58,8 @@ from flask import flash, g, request, url_for
from flask_login import current_user
from app.models.formsemestre import FormSemestre
import app.scodoc.notesdb as ndb
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
from app import log
from app import db, log
from app.models import UniteEns
from app.scodoc import html_sco_header
from app.scodoc import codes_cursus
@ -74,6 +73,8 @@ from app.scodoc import sco_etud
from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import AccessDenied, ScoValueError
from app.scodoc.sco_permissions import Permission
from app.scodoc.TrivialFormulator import TrivialFormulator, tf_error_message
import app.scodoc.notesdb as ndb
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
def external_ue_create(
@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ def external_ue_create(
"is_external": True,
ue = UniteEns.query.get(ue_id)
ue = db.session.get(UniteEns, ue_id)
flash(f"UE créée (code {ue.ue_code})")
matiere_id = sco_edit_matiere.do_matiere_create(
{"ue_id": ue_id, "titre": titre or acronyme, "numero": 1}
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
from flask import g, url_for
import numpy as np
from app import db
from app.auth.models import User
from app.comp.res_common import ResultatsSemestre
from app.models import Identite, FormSemestre, UniteEns
@ -802,7 +803,7 @@ class RowRecap(tb.Row):
nom_resp = table.cache_nomcomplet.get(modimpl.responsable_id)
if nom_resp is None:
user = User.query.get(modimpl.responsable_id)
user = db.session.get(User, modimpl.responsable_id)
nom_resp = user.get_nomcomplet() if user else ""
table.cache_nomcomplet[modimpl.responsable_id] = nom_resp
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ def ue_infos(ue_id):
def ue_set_internal(ue_id):
ue = models.UniteEns.query.get(ue_id)
ue = db.session.get(UniteEns, ue_id)
if not ue:
raise ScoValueError("invalid ue_id")
ue.is_external = False
@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ def edit_enseignants_form(moduleimpl_id):
% uid2display.get(M["responsable_id"], M["responsable_id"])
for ens in M["ens"]:
u = User.query.get(ens["ens_id"])
u = db.session.get(User, ens["ens_id"])
if u:
nom = u.get_nomcomplet()
@ -1823,7 +1823,7 @@ def evaluation_edit(evaluation_id):
def evaluation_create(moduleimpl_id):
"form create evaluation"
modimpl = ModuleImpl.query.get(moduleimpl_id)
modimpl = db.session.get(ModuleImpl, moduleimpl_id)
if modimpl is None:
raise ScoValueError("Ce module n'existe pas ou plus !")
return sco_evaluation_edit.evaluation_create_form(
@ -164,10 +164,10 @@ def set_module_ue_coef():
coef = float(request.form["coef"].replace(",", "."))
except ValueError:
return scu.json_error(404, "invalid coef")
module: Module = models.Module.query.get(module_id)
module: Module = db.session.get(Module, module_id)
if module is None:
return scu.json_error(404, f"module not found ({module_id})")
ue = models.UniteEns.query.get(ue_id)
ue = db.session.get(models.UniteEns, ue_id)
if not ue:
return scu.json_error(404, f"UE not found ({ue_id})")
module.set_ue_coef(ue, coef)
@ -7,17 +7,15 @@ from pathlib import Path
import re
from flask import flash, url_for
from flask import Markup
from flask import current_app, g, request
from flask.templating import render_template
from flask_json import as_json
from flask_login import current_user
from markupsafe import Markup
from werkzeug.utils import redirect
from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename
from app import db
from app import log
from app import db, log
from app.decorators import scodoc, permission_required
from app.models import Formation
from app.models.but_refcomp import ApcReferentielCompetences
@ -148,7 +146,8 @@ def refcomp_assoc_formation(formation_id: int):
if form.validate_on_submit():
referentiel_competence_id =
assert (
ApcReferentielCompetences.query.get(referentiel_competence_id) is not None
db.session.get(ApcReferentielCompetences, referentiel_competence_id)
is not None
formation.referentiel_competence_id = referentiel_competence_id
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ def get_etud_dept():
for etud in etuds:
inscriptions = FormSemestreInscription.query.filter_by(
for ins in inscriptions:
date_fin = FormSemestre.query.get(ins.formsemestre_id).date_fin
date_fin = db.session.get(FormSemestre, ins.formsemestre_id).date_fin
if (last_date is None) or date_fin > last_date:
last_date = date_fin
last_etud = etud
@ -1744,7 +1744,7 @@ def _etudident_create_or_edit_form(edit):
etudid = etud["etudid"]
# modif d'un etudiant
etud_o = Identite.query.get(tf[2]["etudid"])
etud_o = db.session.get(Identite, tf[2]["etudid"])
admission = etud_o.admission.first()
@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ def photos_import_files(formsemestre_id: int, xlsfile: str, zipfile: str):
from app.scodoc import sco_trombino, sco_photos
from app.auth.models import get_super_admin
formsemestre = FormSemestre.query.get(formsemestre_id)
formsemestre = db.session.get(FormSemestre, formsemestre_id)
if not formsemestre:
sys.stderr.write("photos-import-files: formsemestre_id invalide\n")
return 2
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ class ScoFake(object):
) -> int:
matiere = Matiere.query.get(matiere_id)
matiere = db.session.get(Matiere, matiere_id)
ue_id =
formation_id =
oid = sco_edit_module.do_module_create(locals())
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Quelques fonctions d'initialisation pour tests unitaires
from app import models
from app import db, models
import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
from app.scodoc import codes_cursus
@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ def build_modules_with_evaluations(
G, formation_id, (ue1_id, ue2_id, ue3_id), module_ids = build_formation_test(
ue1 = models.UniteEns.query.get(ue1_id)
ue2 = models.UniteEns.query.get(ue2_id)
ue3 = models.UniteEns.query.get(ue3_id)
ue1 = db.session.get(models.UniteEns, ue1_id)
ue2 = db.session.get(models.UniteEns, ue2_id)
ue3 = db.session.get(models.UniteEns, ue3_id)
for module_id in module_ids:
mod = models.Module.query.get(module_id)
mod = db.session.get(models.Module, module_id)
# Coef du module vers les UE
c1, c2, c3 = ue_coefs
coefs_mod = { c1, c2, c3}
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ def build_modules_with_evaluations(
modimpl = models.ModuleImpl.query.get(moduleimpl_id)
modimpl = db.session.get(models.ModuleImpl, moduleimpl_id)
assert modimpl.formsemestre.formation.get_cursus().APC_SAE # BUT
# Check ModuleImpl
ues = modimpl.formsemestre.get_ues()
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Créer et justifier des absences en utilisant le parametre demijournee
import json
from tests.unit import sco_fake_gen
from app import db
from app.models import Module
from app.scodoc import sco_abs
from app.scodoc import sco_abs_views
@ -258,7 +259,7 @@ def test_abs_basic(test_client):
assert len(load_liste_abs) == 2
assert load_liste_abs2[0]["ampm"] == 1
assert load_liste_abs2[0]["datedmy"] == "22/01/2021"
mod = Module.query.get(module_id)
mod = db.session.get(Module, module_id)
assert load_liste_abs2[0]["exams"] == mod.code
# absjust_only -> seulement les abs justifiés
@ -4,15 +4,12 @@ et calcul moyennes modules
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from app.models.modules import Module
from app.models.moduleimpls import ModuleImpl
from tests.unit import setup
from app import db
from app import models
from app.models import Evaluation, EvaluationUEPoids, Module, ModuleImpl, UniteEns
from app.comp import moy_mod
from app.comp import moy_ue
from app.models import Evaluation
from app.scodoc import sco_saisie_notes
from app.scodoc.sco_utils import (
@ -57,18 +54,16 @@ def test_evaluation_poids(test_client):
# ue1_id=1684
# formation_id=199
e1 = models.Evaluation.query.get(evaluation_id)
ue1 = models.UniteEns.query.get(ue1_id)
e1 = db.session.get(Evaluation, evaluation_id)
ue1 = db.session.get(UniteEns, ue1_id)
assert e1.ue_poids == []
p1 = 3.14
e1.set_ue_poids(ue1, p1)
assert e1.get_ue_poids_dict()[ue1_id] == p1
ues = models.UniteEns.query.filter_by(
formation_id=formation_id, semestre_idx=2
ues = UniteEns.query.filter_by(formation_id=formation_id, semestre_idx=2).all()
poids = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
for (ue, p) in zip(ues, poids):
for ue, p in zip(ues, poids):
e1.set_ue_poids(ue, p)
assert len(e1.ue_poids) == len(ues)
assert e1.get_ue_poids_dict()[ues[1].id] == poids[1]
@ -85,15 +80,15 @@ def test_evaluation_poids(test_client):
# Delete eval
assert len(models.EvaluationUEPoids.query.all()) == 0
assert len(EvaluationUEPoids.query.all()) == 0
def test_modules_coefs(test_client):
"""Coefs vers les UE (BUT)"""
G, formation_id, (ue1_id, ue2_id, ue3_id), module_ids = setup.build_formation_test()
ue1 = models.UniteEns.query.get(ue1_id)
ue2 = models.UniteEns.query.get(ue2_id)
mod = models.Module.query.get(module_ids[0])
ue1 = db.session.get(UniteEns, ue1_id)
ue2 = db.session.get(UniteEns, ue2_id)
mod = db.session.get(Module, module_ids[0])
coef = 2.5
mod.set_ue_coef(ue1, coef)
@ -127,7 +122,7 @@ def test_module_conformity(test_client):
nb_mods = 1 # 1 seul module
nb_evals = 1 # 1 seule evaluation pour l'instant
p1, p2, p3 = 1.0, 2.0, 0.0 # poids de l'éval vers les UE 1, 2 et 3
evaluation = models.Evaluation.query.get(evaluation_ids[0])
evaluation = db.session.get(Evaluation, evaluation_ids[0])
evaluation.set_ue_poids_dict({ p1, p2, p3})
assert evaluation.get_ue_poids_dict() == { p1, p2, p3}
# On n'est pas conforme car p3 est nul alors que c3 est non nul
@ -219,7 +214,7 @@ def test_module_moy(test_client):
etud = G.create_etud(nom="test")
G.inscrit_etudiant(formsemestre_id, etud)
etudid = etud["etudid"]
evaluation1 = models.Evaluation.query.get(evaluation1_ids[0])
evaluation1 = db.session.get(Evaluation, evaluation1_ids[0])
# Crée une deuxième évaluation dans le même moduleimpl:
evaluation2_id = G.create_evaluation(
@ -227,7 +222,7 @@ def test_module_moy(test_client):
description="evaluation 2",
evaluation2 = models.Evaluation.query.get(evaluation2_id)
evaluation2 = db.session.get(Evaluation, evaluation2_id)
# Coefficients de l'eval 1
evaluation1.coefficient = coef_e1
# Poids des évaluations:
@ -237,10 +232,11 @@ def test_module_moy(test_client):
evaluation2.set_ue_poids_dict({ e2p1, e2p2, e2p3})
# Vérifications
moduleimpl_id = evaluation1.moduleimpl_id
nb_evals = models.Evaluation.query.filter_by(moduleimpl_id=moduleimpl_id).count()
nb_evals = Evaluation.query.filter_by(moduleimpl_id=moduleimpl_id).count()
assert nb_evals == 2
nb_ues = 3
modimpl = ModuleImpl.query.get(moduleimpl_id)
modimpl = db.session.get(ModuleImpl, moduleimpl_id)
# --- Change les notes et recalcule les moyennes du module
# (rappel: on a deux évaluations: evaluation1, evaluation2, et un seul étudiant)
def change_notes(n1, n2):
@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ def test_ue_moy(test_client):
) = setup.build_modules_with_evaluations(ue_coefs=ue_coefs, nb_mods=nb_mods)
assert len(evaluation_ids) == nb_mods
formsemestre = FormSemestre.get_formsemestre(formsemestre_id)
evaluation1 = Evaluation.query.get(evaluation_ids[0])
evaluation2 = Evaluation.query.get(evaluation_ids[1])
evaluation1 = db.session.get(Evaluation, evaluation_ids[0])
evaluation2 = db.session.get(Evaluation, evaluation_ids[1])
etud = G.create_etud(nom="test")
G.inscrit_etudiant(formsemestre_id, etud)
etudid = etud["etudid"]
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ import os
import pytest
from app import db
from app.models import Formation, ModuleImpl
from app.scodoc import sco_edit_formation, sco_formsemestre
from app.scodoc import sco_edit_matiere
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ def test_formations(test_client):
acronyme="F1", titre="Formation 1", titre_officiel="Titre officiel 1"
# --- Objet Formation
formation = Formation.query.get(formation_id)
formation = db.session.get(Formation, formation_id)
assert isinstance(formation, Formation)
assert formation.acronyme == "F1"
assert formation.titre == "Formation 1"
@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ def test_formations(test_client):
formation_id2 = G.create_formation(acronyme="", titre="Formation test")
assert Formation.query.get(formation_id2)
assert db.session.get(Formation, formation_id2)
ue3 = G.create_ue(formation_id=formation_id2, acronyme="TST3", titre="ue test3")
matiere_id4 = G.create_matiere(ue_id=ue3, titre="matière test3")
module_id3 = G.create_module(
@ -291,7 +292,7 @@ def test_formations(test_client):
li_module = sco_edit_module.module_list()
assert len(li_module) == 4
# Suppression impossible car utilisé dans le semestre formsemestre_idt:
module3 = ModuleImpl.query.get(mi3).module
module3 = db.session.get(ModuleImpl, mi3).module
with pytest.raises(sco_exceptions.ScoNonEmptyFormationObject):
@ -328,7 +329,7 @@ def test_formations(test_client):
# --- Suppression d'une formation
formation = Formation.query.get(formation_id2)
formation = db.session.get(Formation, formation_id2)
assert formation is None
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import app
from app import db
from app.comp import res_sem
from app.comp.res_but import ResultatsSemestreBUT
from app.models import FormSemestre, ModuleImpl
@ -75,10 +75,10 @@ def test_notes_rattrapage(test_client):
_, _, _ = G.create_note(evaluation_id=e_rat["id"], etudid=etud["etudid"], note=11.0)
# --- Vérifications internes structures ScoDoc
formsemestre = FormSemestre.query.get(formsemestre_id)
formsemestre = db.session.get(FormSemestre, formsemestre_id)
res: ResultatsSemestreBUT = res_sem.load_formsemestre_results(formsemestre)
mod_res = res.modimpls_results[moduleimpl_id]
moduleimpl = ModuleImpl.query.get(moduleimpl_id)
moduleimpl = db.session.get(ModuleImpl, moduleimpl_id)
# retrouve l'éval. de rattrapage:
eval_rat = mod_res.get_evaluation_rattrapage(moduleimpl)
assert == e_rat["id"]
@ -42,8 +42,9 @@ def test_but_refcomp(test_client):
assert ref_comp.competences.count() == 13
assert ref_comp.competences[0].situations.count() == 3
assert ref_comp.competences[0].situations[0].libelle.startswith("Conception ")
competences = ref_comp.competences.all()
assert (
== "Administration des services multimédia"
# test cascades on delete
@ -58,13 +59,13 @@ def test_but_assoc_ue_parcours(test_client):
dept_id = models.Departement.query.first().id
G, formation_id, (ue1_id, ue2_id, ue3_id), module_ids = setup.build_formation_test()
ref_comp: ApcReferentielCompetences = orebut_import_refcomp(REF_RT_XML, dept_id)
ue = UniteEns.query.get(ue1_id)
ue = db.session.get(UniteEns, ue1_id)
assert ue.niveau_competence is None
niveau = ApcNiveau.query.first()
ue.niveau_competence = niveau
ue = UniteEns.query.get(ue1_id)
ue = db.session.get(UniteEns, ue1_id)
assert ue.niveau_competence == niveau
assert len(niveau.ues) == 1
assert niveau.ues[0] == ue
@ -74,13 +75,13 @@ def test_but_assoc_refcomp(test_client):
"""Association formation / référentiel de compétences"""
dept_id = models.Departement.query.first().id
G, formation_id, (ue1_id, ue2_id, ue3_id), module_ids = setup.build_formation_test()
formation: Formation = Formation.query.get(formation_id)
formation: Formation = db.session.get(Formation, formation_id)
assert formation is not None
ref_comp: ApcReferentielCompetences = orebut_import_refcomp(REF_RT_XML, dept_id)
formation.referentiel_competence_id =
ue = UniteEns.query.get(ue1_id)
ue = db.session.get(UniteEns, ue1_id)
niveau = (
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ def setup_formation(formation_infos: dict) -> Formation:
# --- Création de la formation
formation_id, _, _ = sco_formations.formation_import_xml(doc)
formation: Formation = Formation.query.get(formation_id)
formation: Formation = db.session.get(Formation, formation_id)
assert formation
return formation
@ -116,11 +116,11 @@ def create_formsemestre(
# set responsable (list)
a_user = User.query.first()
formsemestre.responsables = [a_user]
# Ajoute tous les modules du semestre sans parcours OU avec l'un des parcours indiqués
sem_parcours_ids = { for p in parcours}
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ def import_formation(dept_id: int) -> Formation:
doc =
# --- Création de la formation (import programme)
f = sco_formations.formation_import_xml(doc)
formation = Formation.query.get(f[0])
formation = db.session.get(Formation, f[0])
# --- Association ref. comp.
with open(REFCOMP_FILENAME, encoding="utf-8") as f:
xml_data =
Reference in New Issue
Block a user