2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
# -*- mode: python -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Gestion scolarite IUT
# Copyright (c) 1999 - 2021 Emmanuel Viennet. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Emmanuel Viennet emmanuel.viennet@viennet.net
""" Gestion des relations avec les entreprises
Note : Code très ancien , porté de Zope / DTML , peu utilisable
= > Voir si des départements utilisent encore ce module et envisager de le supprimer .
2021-07-09 13:21:34 +02:00
import six . moves . urllib . request , six . moves . urllib . parse , six . moves . urllib . error
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
import string
import re
import time
import calendar
2021-09-18 10:10:02 +02:00
from flask import request
2021-09-18 13:42:19 +02:00
from flask_login import current_user
2021-09-18 10:10:02 +02:00
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
# from sco_permissions import ScoEntrepriseView, ScoEntrepriseChange
2021-08-29 19:57:32 +02:00
# from app import log
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
# from scolog import logdb
# from sco_utils import SCO_ENCODING
2021-06-19 23:21:37 +02:00
# import app.scodoc.sco_utils as scu
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
# import html_sidebar
2021-06-19 23:21:37 +02:00
# from app.scodoc.gen_tables import GenTable
# from app.scodoc.TrivialFormulator import TrivialFormulator, TF
# import sco_etud
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
# import sco_entreprises
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
def entreprise_header ( page_title = " " ) :
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
" common header for all Entreprises pages "
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
return html_sco_header . sco_header ( page_title = page_title )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
def entreprise_footer ( ) :
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
" common entreprise footer "
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
return html_sco_header . sco_footer ( )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
security . declareProtected ( ScoEntrepriseView , " sidebar " )
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
def sidebar ( ) :
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
" barre gauche (overide std sco sidebar) "
# rewritten from legacy DTML code
# XXX rare cas restant d'utilisation de l'acquisition Zope2: à revoir
2021-06-21 12:13:25 +02:00
params = { " ScoURL " : scu . ScoURL ( ) }
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
H = [
""" <div id= " sidebar-container " >
< div class = " sidebar " > """ ,
2021-07-29 17:31:15 +03:00
html_sidebar . sidebar_common ( ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" <h2 class= " insidebar " ><a href= " %(ScoURL)s /Entreprises " class= " sidebar " >Entreprises</a></h2>
< ul class = " insidebar " > """
% params ,
2021-09-18 13:42:19 +02:00
if current_user . has_permission ( Permission . ScoEntrepriseChange ) :
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
H . append (
""" <li class= " insidebar " ><a href= " %(ScoURL)s /Entreprises/entreprise_create " class= " sidebar " >Nouvelle entreprise</a> </li> """
% params
H . append (
""" <li class= " insidebar " ><a href= " %(ScoURL)s /Entreprises/entreprise_contact_list " class= " sidebar " >Contacts</a> </li></ul> """
% params
# --- entreprise selectionnée:
2021-09-27 14:54:52 +02:00
vals = ( request . form if request . method == " POST " else request . args ) . copy ( )
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
if " entreprise_id " in vals :
entreprise_id = vals [ " entreprise_id " ]
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
E = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_list ( args = { " entreprise_id " : entreprise_id } )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
if E :
E = E [ 0 ]
params . update ( E )
H . append (
""" <div class= " entreprise-insidebar " >
< h3 class = " insidebar " > < a href = " %(ScoURL)s /Entreprises/entreprise_edit?entreprise_id= %(entreprise_id)s " class = " sidebar " > % ( nom ) s < / a > < / h2 >
< ul class = " insidebar " >
< li class = " insidebar " > < a href = " %(ScoURL)s /Entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_list?entreprise_id= %(entreprise_id)s " class = " sidebar " > Corresp . < / a > < / li > """
% params
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
2021-09-18 13:42:19 +02:00
if current_user . has_permission ( Permission . ScoEntrepriseChange ) :
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
H . append (
""" <li class= " insidebar " ><a href= " %(ScoURL)s /Entreprises/entreprise_correspondant_create?entreprise_id= %(entreprise_id)s " class= " sidebar " >Nouveau Corresp.</a></li> """
% params
H . append (
""" <li class= " insidebar " ><a href= " %(ScoURL)s /Entreprises/entreprise_contact_list?entreprise_id= %(entreprise_id)s " class= " sidebar " >Contacts</a></li> """
% params
2021-09-18 13:42:19 +02:00
if current_user . has_permission ( Permission . ScoEntrepriseChange ) :
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
H . append (
""" <li class= " insidebar " ><a href= " %(ScoURL)s /Entreprises/entreprise_contact_create?entreprise_id= %(entreprise_id)s " class= " sidebar " >Nouveau " contact " </a></li> """
% params
H . append ( " </ul></div> " )
H . append ( """ <br/><br/> %s """ % scu . icontag ( " entreprise_side_img " ) )
2021-09-18 13:42:19 +02:00
if not current_user . has_permission ( Permission . ScoEntrepriseChange ) :
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
H . append ( """ <br/><em>(Lecture seule)</em> """ )
H . append ( """ </div> </div> <!-- end of sidebar --> """ )
return " " . join ( H )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Entreprises : Vues
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
security . declareProtected ( ScoEntrepriseView , " index_html " )
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
def index_html ( etud_nom = None , limit = 50 , offset = " " , format = " html " ) :
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" Accueil module entreprises """
# Traduit du DTML - utilise table standard
if limit :
limit = int ( limit )
if offset :
offset = int ( offset or 0 )
2021-09-27 14:54:52 +02:00
vals = ( request . form if request . method == " POST " else request . args ) . copy ( )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
if etud_nom :
entreprises = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_list_by_etud (
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
args = vals , sort_on_contact = True
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
table_navigation = " "
else :
entreprises = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_list (
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
args = vals ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
test = " ~* " ,
sort_on_contact = True ,
limit = limit ,
offset = offset ,
# Liens navigation précédent/suivant
webparams = { " limit " : limit }
if offset :
webparams [ " offset " ] = max ( ( offset or 0 ) - limit , 0 )
prev_lnk = ' <a class= " stdlink " href= " %s " >précédentes</a> ' % (
2021-09-18 10:10:02 +02:00
request . base_url + " ? " + six . moves . urllib . parse . urlencode ( webparams )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
else :
prev_lnk = " "
if len ( entreprises ) > = limit :
webparams [ " offset " ] = ( offset or 0 ) + limit
next_lnk = ' <a class= " stdlink " href= " %s " >suivantes</a> ' % (
2021-09-18 10:10:02 +02:00
request . base_url + " ? " + six . moves . urllib . parse . urlencode ( webparams )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
else :
next_lnk = " "
table_navigation = (
' <div class= " table_nav " ><span class= " table_nav_prev " > '
+ prev_lnk
+ ' </span><span class= " table_nav_mid " ></span><span class= " table_nav_next " > '
+ next_lnk
+ " </span></div> "
# Ajout des liens sur la table:
for e in entreprises :
e [ " _nom_target " ] = " entreprise_edit?entreprise_id= %(entreprise_id)s " % e
e [ " correspondants " ] = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_correspondant_list (
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
args = { " entreprise_id " : e [ " entreprise_id " ] }
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
e [ " nbcorr " ] = " %d corr. " % len ( e [ " correspondants " ] )
e [ " _nbcorr_target " ] = (
" entreprise_correspondant_list?entreprise_id= %(entreprise_id)s " % e
e [ " contacts " ] = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_contact_list (
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
args = { " entreprise_id " : e [ " entreprise_id " ] }
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
e [ " nbcontact " ] = " %d contacts. " % len ( e [ " contacts " ] )
e [ " _nbcontact_target " ] = (
" entreprise_contact_list?entreprise_id= %(entreprise_id)s " % e
tab = GenTable (
rows = entreprises ,
columns_ids = ( " nom " , " ville " , " secteur " , " nbcorr " , " nbcontact " ) ,
titles = {
" nom " : " Entreprise " ,
" ville " : " Ville " ,
" secteur " : " Secteur " ,
" nbcorr " : " Corresp. " ,
" contacts " : " Contacts " ,
} ,
2021-08-21 17:07:44 +02:00
origin = " Généré par %s le " % sco_version . SCONAME + scu . timedate_human_repr ( ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
filename = scu . make_filename (
" entreprises_ %s " % context . get_preference ( " DeptName " )
) ,
caption = " Entreprises du département %s " % context . get_preference ( " DeptName " ) ,
html_sortable = True ,
html_class = " entreprise_list table_leftalign " ,
html_with_td_classes = True ,
html_next_section = table_navigation ,
2021-09-18 10:10:02 +02:00
base_url = request . base_url + " ? " ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
preferences = context . get_preferences ( ) ,
if format != " html " :
2021-09-16 00:15:10 +02:00
return tab . make_page ( format = format )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
else :
H = [
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
entreprise_header ( page_title = " Suivi entreprises " ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" <h2>Suivi relations entreprises</h2> """ ,
""" <div class= " entreprise_list_table " > """ ,
tab . html ( ) ,
""" </div> """ ,
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
entreprise_footer ( ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
return " \n " . join ( H )
security . declareProtected ( ScoEntrepriseView , " entreprise_contact_list " )
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
def entreprise_contact_list ( entreprise_id = None , format = " html " ) :
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" Liste des contacts de l ' entreprise """
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
H = [ entreprise_header ( page_title = " Suivi entreprises " ) ]
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
if entreprise_id :
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
E = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_list ( args = { " entreprise_id " : entreprise_id } ) [ 0 ]
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
C = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_contact_list (
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
args = { " entreprise_id " : entreprise_id }
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
H . append (
""" <h2 class= " entreprise_contact " >Listes des contacts avec l ' entreprise %(nom)s </h2>
% E
else :
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
C = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_contact_list ( args = { } )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
H . append (
""" <h2 class= " entreprise_contact " >Listes des contacts</h2>
for c in C :
c [ " _date_target " ] = " %s /entreprise_contact_edit?entreprise_contact_id= %s " % (
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
scu . EntreprisesURL ( ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
c [ " entreprise_contact_id " ] ,
c [ " entreprise " ] = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_list (
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
args = { " entreprise_id " : c [ " entreprise_id " ] }
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
) [ 0 ]
if c [ " etudid " ] :
c [ " etud " ] = context . getEtudInfo ( etudid = c [ " etudid " ] , filled = 1 ) [ 0 ]
c [ " etudnom " ] = c [ " etud " ] [ " nomprenom " ]
c [ " _etudnom_target " ] = " %s /ficheEtud?etudid= %s " % (
2021-06-21 12:13:25 +02:00
scu . ScoURL ( ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
c [ " etudid " ] ,
else :
c [ " etud " ] = None
c [ " etudnom " ] = " "
tab = GenTable (
rows = C ,
columns_ids = ( " date " , " type_contact " , " etudnom " , " description " ) ,
titles = {
" date " : " Date " ,
" type_contact " : " Object " ,
" etudnom " : " Étudiant " ,
" description " : " Description " ,
} ,
2021-08-21 17:07:44 +02:00
origin = " Généré par %s le " % sco_version . SCONAME + scu . timedate_human_repr ( ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
filename = scu . make_filename ( " contacts_ %s " % context . get_preference ( " DeptName " ) ) ,
caption = " " ,
html_sortable = True ,
html_class = " contact_list table_leftalign " ,
html_with_td_classes = True ,
2021-09-18 10:10:02 +02:00
base_url = request . base_url + " ? " ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
preferences = context . get_preferences ( ) ,
if format != " html " :
2021-09-16 00:15:10 +02:00
return tab . make_page ( format = format )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
H . append ( tab . html ( ) )
2021-09-18 13:42:19 +02:00
if current_user . has_permission ( Permission . ScoEntrepriseChange ) :
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
if entreprise_id :
H . append (
""" <p class= " entreprise_create " ><a class= " entreprise_create " href= " entreprise_contact_create?entreprise_id= %(entreprise_id)s " >nouveau " contact " </a></p>
% E
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
H . append ( entreprise_footer ( ) )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
return " \n " . join ( H )
security . declareProtected ( ScoEntrepriseView , " entreprise_correspondant_list " )
def entreprise_correspondant_list (
entreprise_id = None ,
format = " html " ,
) :
""" Liste des correspondants de l ' entreprise """
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
E = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_list ( args = { " entreprise_id " : entreprise_id } ) [ 0 ]
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
H = [
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
entreprise_header ( page_title = " Suivi entreprises " ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
< h2 > Listes des correspondants dans l ' entreprise %(nom)s </h2>
% E ,
correspondants = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_correspondant_list (
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
args = { " entreprise_id " : entreprise_id }
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
for c in correspondants :
c [ " nomprenom " ] = c [ " nom " ] . upper ( ) + " " + c [ " nom " ] . capitalize ( )
c [
" _nomprenom_target "
] = " %s /entreprise_correspondant_edit?entreprise_corresp_id= %s " % (
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
scu . EntreprisesURL ( ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
c [ " entreprise_corresp_id " ] ,
c [ " nom_entreprise " ] = E [ " nom " ]
l = [ ]
if c [ " phone1 " ] :
l . append ( c [ " phone1 " ] )
if c [ " phone2 " ] :
l . append ( c [ " phone2 " ] )
if c [ " mobile " ] :
l . append ( c [ " mobile " ] )
c [ " telephones " ] = " / " . join ( l )
c [ " mails " ] = " " . join (
' <a href= " mailto: %s " > %s </a> ' % ( c [ " mail1 " ] , c [ " mail1 " ] )
if c [ " mail1 " ]
else " " ,
' <a href= " mailto: %s " > %s </a> ' % ( c [ " mail2 " ] , c [ " mail2 " ] )
if c [ " mail2 " ]
else " " ,
c [ " modifier " ] = (
' <a class= " corr_delete " href= " entreprise_correspondant_edit?entreprise_corresp_id= %s " >modifier</a> '
% c [ " entreprise_corresp_id " ]
c [ " supprimer " ] = (
' <a class= " corr_delete " href= " entreprise_correspondant_delete?entreprise_corresp_id= %s " >supprimer</a> '
% c [ " entreprise_corresp_id " ]
tab = GenTable (
rows = correspondants ,
columns_ids = (
" nomprenom " ,
" nom_entreprise " ,
" fonction " ,
" telephones " ,
" mails " ,
" note " ,
" modifier " ,
" supprimer " ,
) ,
titles = {
" nomprenom " : " Nom " ,
" nom_entreprise " : " Entreprise " ,
" fonction " : " Fonction " ,
" telephones " : " Téléphone " ,
" mails " : " Mail " ,
" note " : " Note " ,
" modifier " : " " ,
" supprimer " : " " ,
} ,
2021-08-21 17:07:44 +02:00
origin = " Généré par %s le " % sco_version . SCONAME + scu . timedate_human_repr ( ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
filename = scu . make_filename (
" correspondants_ %s _ %s " % ( E [ " nom " ] , context . get_preference ( " DeptName " ) )
) ,
caption = " " ,
html_sortable = True ,
html_class = " contact_list table_leftalign " ,
html_with_td_classes = True ,
2021-09-18 10:10:02 +02:00
base_url = request . base_url + " ? " ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
preferences = context . get_preferences ( ) ,
if format != " html " :
2021-09-16 00:15:10 +02:00
return tab . make_page ( format = format )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
H . append ( tab . html ( ) )
2021-09-18 13:42:19 +02:00
if current_user . has_permission ( Permission . ScoEntrepriseChange ) :
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
H . append (
""" <p class= " entreprise_create " ><a class= " entreprise_create " href= " entreprise_correspondant_create?entreprise_id= %(entreprise_id)s " >Ajouter un correspondant dans l ' entreprise %(nom)s </a></p>
% E
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
H . append ( entreprise_footer ( ) )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
return " \n " . join ( H )
security . declareProtected ( ScoEntrepriseView , " entreprise_contact_edit " )
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
def entreprise_contact_edit ( entreprise_contact_id ) :
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" Form edit contact """
c = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_contact_list (
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
args = { " entreprise_contact_id " : entreprise_contact_id }
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
) [ 0 ]
link_create_corr = (
' <a href= " %s /entreprise_correspondant_create?entreprise_id= %s " >créer un nouveau correspondant</a> '
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
% ( scu . EntreprisesURL ( ) , c [ " entreprise_id " ] )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
E = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_list ( args = { " entreprise_id " : c [ " entreprise_id " ] } ) [
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
correspondants = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_correspondant_listnames (
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
args = { " entreprise_id " : c [ " entreprise_id " ] }
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
) + [ ( " inconnu " , " " ) ]
H = [
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
entreprise_header ( page_title = " Suivi entreprises " ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" <h2 class= " entreprise_contact " >Suivi entreprises</h2>
< h3 > Contact avec entreprise % ( nom ) s < / h3 > """
% E ,
tf = TrivialFormulator (
2021-09-18 10:10:02 +02:00
request . base_url ,
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
request . form if request . method == " POST " else request . args ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
" entreprise_contact_id " ,
{ " default " : entreprise_contact_id , " input_type " : " hidden " } ,
) ,
" entreprise_id " ,
{ " input_type " : " hidden " , " default " : c [ " entreprise_id " ] } ,
) ,
" type_contact " ,
" input_type " : " menu " ,
" title " : " Objet " ,
" allowed_values " : (
" Prospection " ,
" Stage étudiant " ,
" Contrat Apprentissage " ,
" Projet " ,
" Autre " ,
) ,
} ,
) ,
" date " ,
" size " : 12 ,
" title " : " Date du contact (j/m/a) " ,
" allow_null " : False ,
} ,
) ,
" entreprise_corresp_id " ,
" input_type " : " menu " ,
" title " : " Correspondant entreprise " ,
" explanation " : link_create_corr ,
" allow_null " : True ,
" labels " : [ x [ 0 ] for x in correspondants ] ,
" allowed_values " : [ x [ 1 ] for x in correspondants ] ,
} ,
) ,
" etudiant " ,
" size " : 16 ,
" title " : " Etudiant concerné " ,
" allow_null " : True ,
" default " : c [ " etudid " ] ,
" explanation " : " nom (si pas ambigu) ou code " ,
} ,
) ,
" enseignant " ,
{ " size " : 16 , " title " : " Enseignant (tuteur) " , " allow_null " : True } ,
) ,
" description " ,
" input_type " : " textarea " ,
" rows " : 3 ,
" cols " : 40 ,
" title " : " Description " ,
} ,
) ,
) ,
cancelbutton = " Annuler " ,
initvalues = c ,
submitlabel = " Modifier les valeurs " ,
2021-09-18 13:42:19 +02:00
readonly = not current_user . has_permission ( Permission . ScoEntrepriseChange ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
if tf [ 0 ] == 0 :
H . append ( tf [ 1 ] )
2021-09-18 13:42:19 +02:00
if current_user . has_permission (
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
Permission . ScoEntrepriseChange ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
) :
H . append (
""" <p class= " entreprise_descr " ><a class= " entreprise_delete " href= " entreprise_contact_delete?entreprise_contact_id= %s " >Supprimer ce contact</a> </p> """
% entreprise_contact_id
elif tf [ 0 ] == - 1 :
2021-07-31 19:01:10 +03:00
return flask . redirect ( scu . EntreprisesURL ( context ) )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
else :
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
etudok = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_check_etudiant ( tf [ 2 ] [ " etudiant " ] )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
if etudok [ 0 ] == 0 :
H . append ( """ <p class= " entreprise_warning " > %s </p> """ % etudok [ 1 ] )
else :
tf [ 2 ] . update ( { " etudid " : etudok [ 1 ] } )
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_contact_edit ( tf [ 2 ] )
2021-07-31 19:01:10 +03:00
return flask . redirect (
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
scu . EntreprisesURL ( )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
+ " /entreprise_contact_list?entreprise_id= "
+ str ( c [ " entreprise_id " ] )
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
H . append ( entreprise_footer ( ) )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
return " \n " . join ( H )
security . declareProtected ( ScoEntrepriseView , " entreprise_correspondant_edit " )
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
def entreprise_correspondant_edit ( entreprise_corresp_id ) :
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" Form édition d ' un correspondant """
c = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_correspondant_list (
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
args = { " entreprise_corresp_id " : entreprise_corresp_id }
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
) [ 0 ]
H = [
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
entreprise_header ( page_title = " Suivi entreprises " ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" <h2 class= " entreprise_correspondant " >Édition contact entreprise</h2> """ ,
tf = TrivialFormulator (
2021-09-18 10:10:02 +02:00
request . base_url ,
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
request . form if request . method == " POST " else request . args ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
" entreprise_corresp_id " ,
{ " default " : entreprise_corresp_id , " input_type " : " hidden " } ,
) ,
" civilite " ,
" input_type " : " menu " ,
" labels " : [ " M. " , " Mme " ] ,
" allowed_values " : [ " M. " , " Mme " ] ,
} ,
) ,
( " nom " , { " size " : 25 , " title " : " Nom " , " allow_null " : False } ) ,
( " prenom " , { " size " : 25 , " title " : " Prénom " } ) ,
" fonction " ,
" input_type " : " menu " ,
" allowed_values " : (
" Directeur " ,
" RH " ,
" Resp. Administratif " ,
" Tuteur " ,
" Autre " ,
) ,
" explanation " : " fonction via à vis de l ' IUT " ,
} ,
) ,
" phone1 " ,
" size " : 14 ,
" title " : " Téléphone 1 " ,
} ,
) ,
" phone2 " ,
" size " : 14 ,
" title " : " Téléphone 2 " ,
} ,
) ,
" mobile " ,
" size " : 14 ,
" title " : " Tél. mobile " ,
} ,
) ,
" fax " ,
" size " : 14 ,
" title " : " Fax " ,
} ,
) ,
" mail1 " ,
" size " : 25 ,
" title " : " e-mail " ,
} ,
) ,
" mail2 " ,
" size " : 25 ,
" title " : " e-mail 2 " ,
} ,
) ,
" note " ,
{ " input_type " : " textarea " , " rows " : 3 , " cols " : 40 , " title " : " Note " } ,
) ,
) ,
cancelbutton = " Annuler " ,
initvalues = c ,
submitlabel = " Modifier les valeurs " ,
2021-09-18 13:42:19 +02:00
readonly = not current_user . has_permission ( Permission . ScoEntrepriseChange ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
if tf [ 0 ] == 0 :
H . append ( tf [ 1 ] )
elif tf [ 0 ] == - 1 :
2021-07-31 19:01:10 +03:00
return flask . redirect (
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
" %s /entreprise_correspondant_list?entreprise_id= %s "
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
% ( scu . EntreprisesURL ( ) , c [ " entreprise_id " ] )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
else :
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_correspondant_edit ( tf [ 2 ] )
2021-07-31 19:01:10 +03:00
return flask . redirect (
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
" %s /entreprise_correspondant_list?entreprise_id= %s "
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
% ( scu . EntreprisesURL ( ) , c [ " entreprise_id " ] )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
H . append ( entreprise_footer ( ) )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
return " \n " . join ( H )
security . declareProtected ( ScoEntrepriseChange , " entreprise_contact_create " )
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
def entreprise_contact_create ( entreprise_id ) :
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" Form création contact """
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
E = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_list ( args = { " entreprise_id " : entreprise_id } ) [ 0 ]
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
correspondants = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_correspondant_listnames (
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
args = { " entreprise_id " : entreprise_id }
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
if not correspondants :
correspondants = [ ( " inconnu " , " " ) ]
curtime = time . strftime ( " %d / % m/ % Y " )
link_create_corr = (
' <a href= " %s /entreprise_correspondant_create?entreprise_id= %s " >créer un nouveau correspondant</a> '
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
% ( scu . EntreprisesURL ( ) , entreprise_id )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
H = [
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
entreprise_header ( page_title = " Suivi entreprises " ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" <h2 class= " entreprise_contact " >Nouveau " contact " avec l ' entreprise %(nom)s </h2> """
% E ,
tf = TrivialFormulator (
2021-09-18 10:10:02 +02:00
request . base_url ,
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
request . form if request . method == " POST " else request . args ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
( " entreprise_id " , { " input_type " : " hidden " , " default " : entreprise_id } ) ,
" type_contact " ,
" input_type " : " menu " ,
" title " : " Objet " ,
" allowed_values " : (
" Prospection " ,
" Stage étudiant " ,
" Contrat Apprentissage DUT GTR1 " ,
" Contrat Apprentissage DUT GTR2 " ,
" Contrat Apprentissage Licence SQRT " ,
" Projet " ,
" Autre " ,
) ,
" default " : " Stage étudiant " ,
} ,
) ,
" date " ,
" size " : 12 ,
" title " : " Date du contact (j/m/a) " ,
" allow_null " : False ,
" default " : curtime ,
} ,
) ,
" entreprise_corresp_id " ,
" input_type " : " menu " ,
" title " : " Correspondant entreprise " ,
" explanation " : link_create_corr ,
" allow_null " : True ,
" labels " : [ x [ 0 ] for x in correspondants ] ,
" allowed_values " : [ x [ 1 ] for x in correspondants ] ,
} ,
) ,
" etudiant " ,
" size " : 16 ,
" title " : " Etudiant concerné " ,
" allow_null " : True ,
" explanation " : " nom (si pas ambigu) ou code " ,
} ,
) ,
" enseignant " ,
{ " size " : 16 , " title " : " Enseignant (tuteur) " , " allow_null " : True } ,
) ,
" description " ,
" input_type " : " textarea " ,
" rows " : 3 ,
" cols " : 40 ,
" title " : " Description " ,
} ,
) ,
) ,
cancelbutton = " Annuler " ,
submitlabel = " Ajouter ce contact " ,
2021-09-18 13:42:19 +02:00
readonly = not current_user . has_permission ( Permission . ScoEntrepriseChange ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
if tf [ 0 ] == 0 :
H . append ( tf [ 1 ] )
elif tf [ 0 ] == - 1 :
2021-07-31 19:01:10 +03:00
return flask . redirect ( scu . EntreprisesURL ( context ) )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
else :
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
etudok = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_check_etudiant ( tf [ 2 ] [ " etudiant " ] )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
if etudok [ 0 ] == 0 :
H . append ( """ <p class= " entreprise_warning " > %s </p> """ % etudok [ 1 ] )
else :
tf [ 2 ] . update ( { " etudid " : etudok [ 1 ] } )
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_contact_create ( tf [ 2 ] )
return flask . redirect ( scu . EntreprisesURL ( ) )
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
H . append ( entreprise_footer ( ) )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
return " \n " . join ( H )
security . declareProtected ( ScoEntrepriseChange , " entreprise_contact_delete " )
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
def entreprise_contact_delete ( entreprise_contact_id ) :
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" Form delete contact """
c = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_contact_list (
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
args = { " entreprise_contact_id " : entreprise_contact_id }
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
) [ 0 ]
H = [
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
entreprise_header ( page_title = " Suivi entreprises " ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" <h2>Suppression du contact</h2> """ ,
tf = TrivialFormulator (
2021-09-18 10:10:02 +02:00
request . base_url ,
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
request . form if request . method == " POST " else request . args ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
( ( " entreprise_contact_id " , { " input_type " : " hidden " } ) , ) ,
initvalues = c ,
submitlabel = " Confirmer la suppression " ,
cancelbutton = " Annuler " ,
2021-09-18 13:42:19 +02:00
readonly = not current_user . has_permission ( ScoEntrepriseChange ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
if tf [ 0 ] == 0 :
H . append ( tf [ 1 ] )
elif tf [ 0 ] == - 1 :
2021-07-31 19:01:10 +03:00
return flask . redirect ( scu . EntreprisesURL ( context ) )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
else :
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_contact_delete ( c [ " entreprise_contact_id " ] )
2021-07-31 19:01:10 +03:00
return flask . redirect ( scu . EntreprisesURL ( context ) )
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
H . append ( entreprise_footer ( ) )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
return " \n " . join ( H )
security . declareProtected ( ScoEntrepriseChange , " entreprise_correspondant_create " )
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
def entreprise_correspondant_create ( entreprise_id ) :
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" Form création correspondant """
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
E = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_list ( args = { " entreprise_id " : entreprise_id } ) [ 0 ]
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
H = [
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
entreprise_header ( page_title = " Suivi entreprises " ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" <h2 class= " entreprise_contact " >Nouveau correspondant l ' entreprise %(nom)s </h2> """
% E ,
tf = TrivialFormulator (
2021-09-18 10:10:02 +02:00
request . base_url ,
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
request . form if request . method == " POST " else request . args ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
( " entreprise_id " , { " input_type " : " hidden " , " default " : entreprise_id } ) ,
" civilite " ,
" input_type " : " menu " ,
" labels " : [ " M. " , " Mme " ] ,
" allowed_values " : [ " M. " , " Mme " ] ,
} ,
) ,
( " nom " , { " size " : 25 , " title " : " Nom " , " allow_null " : False } ) ,
( " prenom " , { " size " : 25 , " title " : " Prénom " } ) ,
" fonction " ,
" input_type " : " menu " ,
" allowed_values " : (
" Directeur " ,
" RH " ,
" Resp. Administratif " ,
" Tuteur " ,
" Autre " ,
) ,
" default " : " Tuteur " ,
" explanation " : " fonction via à vis de l ' IUT " ,
} ,
) ,
" phone1 " ,
" size " : 14 ,
" title " : " Téléphone 1 " ,
} ,
) ,
" phone2 " ,
" size " : 14 ,
" title " : " Téléphone 2 " ,
} ,
) ,
" mobile " ,
" size " : 14 ,
" title " : " Tél. mobile " ,
} ,
) ,
" fax " ,
" size " : 14 ,
" title " : " Fax " ,
} ,
) ,
" mail1 " ,
" size " : 25 ,
" title " : " e-mail " ,
} ,
) ,
" mail2 " ,
" size " : 25 ,
" title " : " e-mail 2 " ,
} ,
) ,
" note " ,
{ " input_type " : " textarea " , " rows " : 3 , " cols " : 40 , " title " : " Note " } ,
) ,
) ,
cancelbutton = " Annuler " ,
submitlabel = " Ajouter ce correspondant " ,
2021-09-18 13:42:19 +02:00
readonly = not current_user . has_permission ( Permission . ScoEntrepriseChange ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
if tf [ 0 ] == 0 :
H . append ( tf [ 1 ] )
elif tf [ 0 ] == - 1 :
2021-07-31 19:01:10 +03:00
return flask . redirect ( scu . EntreprisesURL ( context ) )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
else :
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_correspondant_create ( tf [ 2 ] )
2021-07-31 19:01:10 +03:00
return flask . redirect ( scu . EntreprisesURL ( context ) )
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
H . append ( entreprise_footer ( ) )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
return " \n " . join ( H )
security . declareProtected ( ScoEntrepriseChange , " entreprise_correspondant_delete " )
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
def entreprise_correspondant_delete ( entreprise_corresp_id ) :
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" Form delete correspondant """
c = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_correspondant_list (
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
args = { " entreprise_corresp_id " : entreprise_corresp_id }
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
) [ 0 ]
H = [
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
entreprise_header ( page_title = " Suivi entreprises " ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" <h2>Suppression du correspondant %(nom)s %(prenom)s </h2> """ % c ,
tf = TrivialFormulator (
2021-09-18 10:10:02 +02:00
request . base_url ,
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
request . form if request . method == " POST " else request . args ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
( ( " entreprise_corresp_id " , { " input_type " : " hidden " } ) , ) ,
initvalues = c ,
submitlabel = " Confirmer la suppression " ,
cancelbutton = " Annuler " ,
2021-09-18 13:42:19 +02:00
readonly = not current_user . has_permission ( Permission . ScoEntrepriseChange ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
if tf [ 0 ] == 0 :
H . append ( tf [ 1 ] )
elif tf [ 0 ] == - 1 :
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
return flask . redirect ( scu . EntreprisesURL ( ) )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
else :
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_correspondant_delete ( c [ " entreprise_corresp_id " ] )
return flask . redirect ( scu . EntreprisesURL ( ) )
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
H . append ( entreprise_footer ( ) )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
return " \n " . join ( H )
security . declareProtected ( ScoEntrepriseChange , " entreprise_delete " )
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
def entreprise_delete ( entreprise_id ) :
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" Form delete entreprise """
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
E = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_list ( args = { " entreprise_id " : entreprise_id } ) [ 0 ]
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
H = [
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
entreprise_header ( page_title = " Suivi entreprises " ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" <h2>Suppression de l ' entreprise %(nom)s </h2>
< p class = " entreprise_warning " > Attention : supression définitive de l ' entreprise, de ses correspondants et contacts.
< / p > """
% E ,
Cl = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_correspondant_list (
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
args = { " entreprise_id " : entreprise_id }
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
if Cl :
H . append (
""" <h3>Correspondants dans l ' entreprise qui seront <em>supprimés</em>:</h3><ul> """
for c in Cl :
H . append ( """ <li> %(nom)s %(prenom)s ( %(fonction)s )</li> """ % c )
H . append ( """ </ul> """ )
Cts = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_contact_list (
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
args = { " entreprise_id " : entreprise_id }
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
if Cts :
H . append (
""" <h3>Contacts avec l ' entreprise qui seront <em>supprimés</em>:</h3><ul> """
for c in Cts :
H . append ( """ <li> %(date)s %(description)s </li> """ % c )
H . append ( """ </ul> """ )
2021-06-21 12:13:25 +02:00
tf = TrivialFormulator (
2021-09-18 10:10:02 +02:00
request . base_url ,
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
request . form if request . method == " POST " else request . args ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
( ( " entreprise_id " , { " input_type " : " hidden " } ) , ) ,
initvalues = E ,
submitlabel = " Confirmer la suppression " ,
cancelbutton = " Annuler " ,
2021-09-18 13:42:19 +02:00
readonly = not current_user . has_permission ( Permission . ScoEntrepriseChange ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
if tf [ 0 ] == 0 :
H . append ( tf [ 1 ] )
elif tf [ 0 ] == - 1 :
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
return flask . redirect ( scu . EntreprisesURL ( ) )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
else :
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_delete ( E [ " entreprise_id " ] )
return flask . redirect ( scu . EntreprisesURL ( ) )
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
H . append ( entreprise_footer ( ) )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
return " \n " . join ( H )
# -------- Formulaires: traductions du DTML
security . declareProtected ( ScoEntrepriseChange , " entreprise_create " )
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
def entreprise_create ( ) :
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" Form. création entreprise """
H = [
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
entreprise_header ( page_title = " Création d ' une entreprise " ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" <h2 class= " entreprise_new " >Création d ' une entreprise</h2> """ ,
tf = TrivialFormulator (
2021-09-18 10:10:02 +02:00
request . base_url ,
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
request . form if request . method == " POST " else request . args ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
( " nom " , { " size " : 25 , " title " : " Nom de l ' entreprise " } ) ,
" adresse " ,
{ " size " : 30 , " title " : " Adresse " , " explanation " : " (numéro, rue) " } ,
) ,
( " codepostal " , { " size " : 8 , " title " : " Code Postal " } ) ,
( " ville " , { " size " : 30 , " title " : " Ville " } ) ,
( " pays " , { " size " : 30 , " title " : " Pays " , " default " : " France " } ) ,
" localisation " ,
" input_type " : " menu " ,
" labels " : [ " Ile de France " , " Province " , " Etranger " ] ,
" allowed_values " : [ " IDF " , " Province " , " Etranger " ] ,
} ,
) ,
( " secteur " , { " size " : 30 , " title " : " Secteur d ' activités " } ) ,
" privee " ,
" input_type " : " menu " ,
" title " : " Statut " ,
" labels " : [
" Entreprise privee " ,
" Entreprise Publique " ,
" Association " ,
] ,
" allowed_values " : [ " privee " , " publique " , " association " ] ,
} ,
) ,
" plus10salaries " ,
" title " : " Masse salariale " ,
" type " : " integer " ,
" input_type " : " menu " ,
" labels " : [
" 10 salariés ou plus " ,
" Moins de 10 salariés " ,
" Inconnue " ,
] ,
" allowed_values " : [ 1 , 0 , - 1 ] ,
} ,
) ,
" qualite_relation " ,
" title " : " Qualité relation IUT/Entreprise " ,
" input_type " : " menu " ,
" default " : " -1 " ,
" labels " : [
" Très bonne " ,
" Bonne " ,
" Moyenne " ,
" Mauvaise " ,
" Inconnue " ,
] ,
" allowed_values " : [ " 100 " , " 75 " , " 50 " , " 25 " , " -1 " ] ,
} ,
) ,
( " contact_origine " , { " size " : 30 , " title " : " Origine du contact " } ) ,
" note " ,
{ " input_type " : " textarea " , " rows " : 3 , " cols " : 40 , " title " : " Note " } ,
) ,
) ,
cancelbutton = " Annuler " ,
submitlabel = " Ajouter cette entreprise " ,
2021-09-18 13:42:19 +02:00
readonly = not current_user . has_permission ( Permission . ScoEntrepriseChange ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
if tf [ 0 ] == 0 :
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
return " \n " . join ( H ) + tf [ 1 ] + entreprise_footer ( )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
elif tf [ 0 ] == - 1 :
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
return flask . redirect ( scu . EntreprisesURL ( ) )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
else :
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_create ( tf [ 2 ] )
return flask . redirect ( scu . EntreprisesURL ( ) )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
security . declareProtected ( ScoEntrepriseView , " entreprise_edit " )
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
def entreprise_edit ( entreprise_id , start = 1 ) :
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" Form. edit entreprise """
2021-09-18 13:42:19 +02:00
authuser = current_user
2021-06-19 23:21:37 +02:00
readonly = not authuser . has_permission ( Permission . ScoEntrepriseChange )
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
F = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_list ( args = { " entreprise_id " : entreprise_id } ) [ 0 ]
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
H = [
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
entreprise_header ( page_title = " Entreprise " ) ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
""" <h2 class= " entreprise " > %(nom)s </h2> """ % F ,
tf = TrivialFormulator (
2021-09-18 10:10:02 +02:00
request . base_url ,
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
request . form if request . method == " POST " else request . args ,
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
( " entreprise_id " , { " default " : entreprise_id , " input_type " : " hidden " } ) ,
( " start " , { " default " : 1 , " input_type " : " hidden " } ) ,
" date_creation " ,
{ " default " : time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d " ) , " input_type " : " hidden " } ,
) ,
( " nom " , { " size " : 25 , " title " : " Nom de l ' entreprise " } ) ,
" adresse " ,
{ " size " : 30 , " title " : " Adresse " , " explanation " : " (numéro, rue) " } ,
) ,
( " codepostal " , { " size " : 8 , " title " : " Code Postal " } ) ,
( " ville " , { " size " : 30 , " title " : " Ville " } ) ,
( " pays " , { " size " : 30 , " title " : " Pays " , " default " : " France " } ) ,
" localisation " ,
" input_type " : " menu " ,
" labels " : [ " Ile de France " , " Province " , " Etranger " ] ,
" allowed_values " : [ " IDF " , " Province " , " Etranger " ] ,
} ,
) ,
( " secteur " , { " size " : 30 , " title " : " Secteur d ' activités " } ) ,
" privee " ,
" input_type " : " menu " ,
" title " : " Statut " ,
" labels " : [
" Entreprise privee " ,
" Entreprise Publique " ,
" Association " ,
] ,
" allowed_values " : [ " privee " , " publique " , " association " ] ,
} ,
) ,
" plus10salaries " ,
" title " : " Masse salariale " ,
" input_type " : " menu " ,
" labels " : [
" 10 salariés ou plus " ,
" Moins de 10 salariés " ,
" Inconnue " ,
] ,
" allowed_values " : [ " 1 " , " 0 " , " -1 " ] ,
} ,
) ,
" qualite_relation " ,
" title " : " Qualité relation IUT/Entreprise " ,
" input_type " : " menu " ,
" labels " : [
" Très bonne " ,
" Bonne " ,
" Moyenne " ,
" Mauvaise " ,
" Inconnue " ,
] ,
" allowed_values " : [ " 100 " , " 75 " , " 50 " , " 25 " , " -1 " ] ,
} ,
) ,
( " contact_origine " , { " size " : 30 , " title " : " Origine du contact " } ) ,
" note " ,
{ " input_type " : " textarea " , " rows " : 3 , " cols " : 40 , " title " : " Note " } ,
) ,
) ,
cancelbutton = " Annuler " ,
initvalues = F ,
submitlabel = " Modifier les valeurs " ,
readonly = readonly ,
if tf [ 0 ] == 0 :
H . append ( tf [ 1 ] )
Cl = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_correspondant_list (
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
args = { " entreprise_id " : F [ " entreprise_id " ] }
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
Cts = sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_contact_list (
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
args = { " entreprise_id " : F [ " entreprise_id " ] }
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
if not readonly :
H . append (
""" <p> %s <a class= " entreprise_delete " href= " entreprise_delete?entreprise_id= %s " >Supprimer cette entreprise</a> </p> """
% (
scu . icontag ( " delete_img " , title = " delete " , border = " 0 " ) ,
F [ " entreprise_id " ] ,
if len ( Cl ) :
H . append (
""" <h3> %d correspondants dans l ' entreprise %s (<a href= " entreprise_correspondant_list?entreprise_id= %s " >liste complète</a>) :</h3>
< ul > """
% ( len ( Cl ) , F [ " nom " ] , F [ " entreprise_id " ] )
for c in Cl :
H . append (
""" <li><a href= " entreprise_correspondant_edit?entreprise_corresp_id= %s " > """
% c [ " entreprise_corresp_id " ]
if c [ " nom " ] :
nom = (
c [ " nom " ]
. decode ( SCO_ENCODING )
. lower ( )
. capitalize ( )
. encode ( SCO_ENCODING )
else :
nom = " "
if c [ " prenom " ] :
prenom = (
c [ " prenom " ]
. decode ( SCO_ENCODING )
. lower ( )
. capitalize ( )
. encode ( SCO_ENCODING )
else :
prenom = " "
H . append ( """ %s %s </a> ( %s )</li> """ % ( nom , prenom , c [ " fonction " ] ) )
H . append ( " </ul> " )
if len ( Cts ) :
H . append (
""" <h3> %d contacts avec l ' entreprise %s (<a href= " entreprise_contact_list?entreprise_id= %s " >liste complète</a>) :</h3><ul> """
% ( len ( Cts ) , F [ " nom " ] , F [ " entreprise_id " ] )
for c in Cts :
H . append (
""" <li><a href= " entreprise_contact_edit?entreprise_contact_id= %s " > %s </a> """
% ( c [ " entreprise_contact_id " ] , c [ " date " ] )
if c [ " type_contact " ] :
H . append ( c [ " type_contact " ] )
if c [ " etudid " ] :
etud = context . getEtudInfo ( etudid = c [ " etudid " ] , filled = 1 )
if etud :
etud = etud [ 0 ]
H . append (
""" <a href= " %s /ficheEtud?etudid= %s " > %s </a> """
2021-06-21 12:13:25 +02:00
% ( scu . ScoURL ( ) , c [ " etudid " ] , etud [ " nomprenom " ] )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
if c [ " description " ] :
H . append ( " ( %s ) " % c [ " description " ] )
H . append ( " </li> " )
H . append ( " </ul> " )
2021-09-27 10:20:10 +02:00
return " \n " . join ( H ) + entreprise_footer ( )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
elif tf [ 0 ] == - 1 :
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
return flask . redirect ( scu . EntreprisesURL ( ) + " ?start= " + start )
2021-06-15 12:34:33 +02:00
else :
2021-08-21 00:24:51 +02:00
sco_entreprises . do_entreprise_edit ( tf [ 2 ] )
return flask . redirect ( scu . EntreprisesURL ( ) + " ?start= " + start )