# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*

Manage departments, databases.

Each departement `X` has its own database, `SCOX` 
and a small configuration file `.../config/depts/X.cfg`
containing the database URI
Old ScoDoc7 installs config files contained `dbname=SCOX`
which translates as
<user> being given by `SCODOC7_SQL_USER` env variable.
import os
import re
import glob
import logging

from flask import g

from config import Config

from app.scodoc.sco_exceptions import ScoConfigurationError

class ScoDeptDescription(object):
    """Description d'un département
    .dept_id : eg "RT"
    .db_uri : dept database URI

    def __init__(self, filename):
        """Read dept description from dept file"""
        if os.path.split(filename)[1][-4:] != ".cfg":
            raise ScoConfigurationError("Invalid dept config filename: %s" % filename)
        self.dept_id = os.path.split(filename)[1][:-4]
        if not self.dept_id:
            raise ScoConfigurationError("Invalid dept config filename: %s" % filename)
            db_uri = open(filename).read().strip()
            raise ScoConfigurationError("Department config file missing: %s" % filename)
        m = re.match(r"dbname=SCO([a-zA-Z0-9]+$)", db_uri)
        if m:
            # ScoDoc7 backward compat
            dept = m.group(1)  # unused in ScoDoc7
            db_name = "SCO" + self.dept_id.upper()
            db_uri = "postgresql://%(db_user)s@localhost:%(db_port)s/%(db_name)s" % {
                "db_user": Config.SCODOC7_SQL_USER,
                "db_name": db_name,
                "db_port": Config.DEFAULT_SQL_PORT,
        self.db_uri = db_uri

class ScoDocManager(object):
    """Gestion de la liste des départements
    En ScoDoc8, c'est très simple: on intègre tous les départements pour
    lesquels un fichier de config est présent.

    def __init__(self):
        _ = self.get_dept_descriptions()

    def get_dept_descriptions(self):
        filenames = glob.glob(Config.SCODOC_VAR_DIR + "/config/depts/*.cfg")
        descr_list = [ScoDeptDescription(f) for f in filenames]
        self._dept_descriptions = {d.dept_id: d for d in descr_list}
        return self._dept_descriptions

    def get_dept_db_uri(self, dept_id):
        "DB URI for this dept id"
        return self._dept_descriptions[dept_id].db_uri

    def get_dept_ids(self):
        "get (sorted) dept ids"
        return sorted(self.get_dept_descriptions().keys())

    def get_db_uri(self):
        Returns DB URI for the "current" departement.
        Replaces ScoDoc7 GetDBConnexionString()
        return self.get_dept_db_uri(g.scodoc_dept)

sco_mgr = ScoDocManager()

class FakeUsers(object):
    """Temporary for ScoDoc8 devs"""

    def __init__(self):
        logging.getLogger(__name__).info("Warning: creating a FakeUser instance !")

    def user_info(self, user_name="test8", REQUEST=None):
        return {
            "user_name": user_name,
            "nom": user_name,
            "prenom": "",
            "email": "",
            "dept": "",
            "nomprenom": user_name,
            "prenomnom": user_name,
            "prenom_fmt": "",
            "nom_fmt": user_name,
            "nomcomplet": user_name,
            "nomplogin": user_name,
            "passwd_temp": 0,
            "status": "",
            "date_expiration": None,

    def get_user_list(self, dept=None, with_inactives=False):
        return [self.user_info()]